MX Simulator - Decker Training Complex - Race

Overall Lap Records
1 1:58.093fc450(2018)21630371Jake Spease | District Designs
2 2:02.195fc450(2017)9918588Seth Garrett | Nexus
3 2:02.632fc450(2018)31715155Cody B
4 2:02.945fc450(2018)91921188Chicken Jo | CNVS
5 2:03.843250sxf(2018)61884squiddy | dd
6 2:04.101250sxf(2018)25031297eyvan sylvestre
7 2:04.304250sxf(2018)26032446seboraah
8 2:05.445fc450(2017)22742211Lane Gunning|BBR Decals
9 2:05.460fc450(2018)17137650Clement Carpentier | Ambara
10 2:06.328crf450(2018)61510163Brady White | ENK Racing
11 2:06.992fc450(2018)33028002Dirty30|Vulkan Worldwide
12 2:07.187250sxf(2018)1158033Jed Ottaway
13 2:07.539rm12590848249Devon Lineman | RACEGFX
14 2:07.710fc450(2018)14154857Caden
15 2:08.164250sxf(2018)94330702Ethan Curran | Friese for President
16 2:08.632250sxf(2018)13232017jake kazarian | district
17 2:09.046250sxf(2018)91139284Johnny LAW | LAPD
18 2:09.078rm12581425849The Greek God Bophades
19 2:09.437250sxf(2018)57128535Blake Cox | Privateer
20 2:09.453fc450(2018)14738037Luke Smith | LS DESIGNS TRIUMPH RACING
21 2:09.601250sxf(2018)15021633Dustin Chrest | EXC
22 2:09.984fc450(2017)11838966Leonardo Alves | TDMX
23 2:10.250250sxf(2018)52344769Joseph Bravo | Eikon
24 2:10.359250sxf(2018)23844870Cash LeClere
25 2:10.421fc450(2017)13643227Ashton Moore | Privateer
26 2:10.656250sxf(2018)94457777Karl Robitaille | Yogi
27 2:10.726250sxf(2018)76317710Ezra | NMR
28 2:11.078rm12525228556 ROMAIN COCHEZ
29 2:11.109rm12524933895Reed Borgfield |
30 2:11.156250sxf(2018)1947246Tjohn | Active
31 2:11.156250sxf(2018)23517953Jax Lindsay
32 2:11.335250sxf(2018)3527940 DT | Vulkan Worldwide
33 2:11.562250sxf(2018)44423778Derek Jones | OCMX
34 2:11.718250sxf(2018)99127750Antony Maso l AZDesignGFX
35 2:12.007250sxf(2018)51950486Manuel | RACEGFX
36 2:12.195fc450(2018)23222715Tristo | Upper Decky
37 2:12.656fc450(2018)137741Bleach x The Spot
38 2:12.726fc450(2018)71230333Josh Howard \Looking For A Team
39 2:12.734250sxf(2018)72923228Trent Lyons | BBR Decal CO
40 2:12.953250sxf(2018)19141109cozzie
41 2:13.710250sxf(2018)18859503D.Alves | TDMX
42 2:14.578rm12570746188Aden Shaffer | RACEGFX
43 2:14.796250sxf(2018)34129075Junior Beeso s
44 2:15.382250sxf(2018)10626724Troy Jones
45 2:15.445250sxf(2018)42757485WG | Shasta #broken wrist
46 2:15.507250sxf(2018)99143236mc | 207 films
47 2:15.515250sxf(2018)77565208 beer beeso
48 2:16.023250sxf(2018)93447521Bobby
49 2:16.101250sxf(2018)37227755Leandro Murray | SM Design
50 2:16.640fc450(2018)51542486Juan Ignacio Piermarini | UGR X Rolling Desings
51 2:16.851250sxf(2018)41138909Steven Short | Vulkan Worldwide
52 2:17.093250sxf(2018)11544526Ben Moore |
53 2:17.203rm12529337092Luke Powell | Glizzy Racing
54 2:17.546250sxf(2018)4549137Rosa Parks
55 2:17.578rm1251447240Big Cuntry | BBR
56 2:17.703rm12599936409christian|darc sport
57 2:18.031rm1258234999Arico | EVP
58 2:18.039350sxf(2017)17218559Liqurdz | Ex Crew
59 2:18.203fc450(2018)42539141Quentin Debono
60 2:18.414rm12540527630Jack Garfoot || Epsteins U13's VolleyBall Team
61 2:18.445rm12522228046Matthew Rowse
62 2:18.976250sxf(2018)57656521nate alden | frosty racing co
63 2:19.265rm12548257524Tyler Tulloss | Twisted | Critical
64 2:19.382250sxf(2018)79856895Michael Motorcycle | LHLmotrsprts/FXR/Honda
65 2:19.468crf450(2018)13727753Sampaio [SKIP] | SM Design
66 2:19.570250sxf(2018)43822787Caleb Anderson
67 2:19.632rm12511543204Felipe Piermarini | UGR X Rolling Desings
68 2:19.734250sxf(2018)76455131Brandon Atwell | PAK X EMH Racing
69 2:19.828rm1252342490Justus Garrett | Squid Apprentice
70 2:20.296crf450(2018)1942048Eduardo Simoes | SM Design
71 2:20.984250sxf(2018)45836012Mack M. | MF Designs
72 2:21.367250sxf(2018)2843770Cooper Mullins/ Tiradee Motorsports
73 2:21.492rm12522116743pruss / keyboard warrior
74 2:22.179250sxf(2018)11153878Kade Garrett
75 2:22.453250sxf(2018)33137269zuco331 ttv | SOE
76 2:22.523fc450(2017)75753817VanDunlop | RACEGFX
77 2:22.539250sxf(2018)10048386Mason
78 2:22.546250sxf(2018)ket18834Brad Robinson | K-HOLE
79 2:22.656250sxf(2018)1753723Garcia RAPOSO | GAMBAzao race
80 2:22.757250sxf(2018)10542868Max Wilczek
81 2:22.945crf450(2018)41715997Richard Lorran
82 2:23.265rm12512921209Bean
83 2:23.640250sxf(2018)1824707Rafael Moreno | TDMX
84 2:23.726fc450(2018)41333634Romain Monceyron
85 2:23.734250sxf(2018)11121625Kade Garrett | Please be patient, I have Autism
86 2:23.781fc450(2017)638477dimfknsim
87 2:23.820rm12517117724Luke Scheffler | Nexus
88 2:24.109250sxf(2018)99950743Joe Motocross
89 2:24.429250sxf(2018)12457995Austn | RACEGFX
90 2:24.820fc450(2017)15318416Bryce Foley | BPC
91 2:25.250250sxf(2018)5846845Marco Ricci
92 2:25.507crf450(2018)9273449Andrade | Try Hard
93 2:26.085250sxf(2018)70010414Aleksander Silva | AZDesignGFX
94 2:26.640250sxf(2018)10955212Fizzy
95 2:27.195250sxf(2018)14840856Tucker Zimmerman | Allied
96 2:27.718250sxf(2018)2656511Jon26 / soe
97 2:27.960fc450(2018)20515549AJ Fisher | Washed Up
98 2:30.671250sxf(2018)41658440jkurre416 |
99 2:34.265250sxf(2018)4856442Travy / Active Powersports
100 2:36.093250sxf(2018)9756538Randy Prolong
101 2:36.132rm12571759829Floetenmann
102 2:36.195fc450(2018)3555489Ryder yecoshenko | Ajax Racing
103 2:37.671250sxf(2018)4349045Maddixx Perque | Fast designs
104 2:39.242250sxf(2018)7340236harry daly73
105 2:40.437rm12528815895cody akers | Privateer
106 2:46.312250sxf(2018)12156830BlueNote
107 2:46.859250sxf(2018)46447441Doc Smith | Phil's
108 2:46.898250sxf(2018)77155922R.Velasco / SM Design
109 2:47.414250sxf(2016)2257747Al Weezy
110 2:52.445250sxf(2018)2945482Evan BRUA 29
111 2:54.078450sxf(2018)6953657larquesie buckingham the 3
112 2:55.726rm12516650629bapt
113 2:55.781250sxf(2018)32819357Colin Moore
114 2:56.820rm1252658245cole
115 2:58.304fc450(2018)8148321Cash | Salty simmers
116 3:01.273rm12545134615ryder
117 3:02.882fc450(2018)42840411cs
118 3:03.500rm250(2008)45257518Revin
119 3:03.890250sxf(2018)16227051Critter | Critter Creations
120 3:13.117250sxf(2018)80159160Blake|privateer
121 3:15.718250sxf(2018)12350686Coombs
122 3:20.250350sxf(2017)1146630Fxwnz
123 3:31.562250sxf(2018)21159847shane | salty simmers
124 3:37.445rm250(2008)66158036Lootus \ High-Velocity
125 5:25.539350sxf(2017)38333267DONNIE SIMS/THE SPOT
126 5:46.687fc450(2018)78437558Kaspar Uibu | TimberSports
127 5:48.085crf450(2018)18847890Marco Larsen
125 Lap Records
1 2:06.132rm1259918588Seth Garrett | Nexus
2 2:06.359rm12526032446seboraah
3 2:07.046rm12525031297eyvan sylvestre | #1district fan ily $pease
4 2:07.539rm12590848249Devon Lineman | RACEGFX
5 2:09.078rm12581425849The Greek God Bophades
6 2:09.796rm12522742211Lane Gunning|BBR Decals
7 2:10.265rm12517137650Clement Carpentier | Ambara
8 2:11.078rm12525228556 ROMAIN COCHEZ
9 2:11.109rm12524933895Reed Borgfield |
10 2:11.773rm12594330702Ethan Curran | Friese for President
11 2:11.890rm12552344769Joseph Bravo | Eikon
12 2:13.203rm12533028002Dirty30|Vulkan Worldwide
13 2:14.132rm12599127750Antony Maso l AZDesignGFX
14 2:14.578rm12570746188Aden Shaffer | RACEGFX
15 2:15.140rm12523222715Tristo | @Moto.Fails
16 2:15.171rm12571230333Josh Howard \Looking For A Team
17 2:15.546rm12576317710Ezra | NMR
18 2:16.898rm12537227755Leandro Murray | SM Design
19 2:17.203rm12529337092Luke Powell | Glizzy Racing
20 2:17.390rm12541138909Steven Short | Vulkan Worldwide
21 2:17.578rm1251447240Big Cuntry | BBR
22 2:17.703rm12599936409christian|darc sport
23 2:18.031rm1258234999Arico | EVP
24 2:18.414rm12540527630Jack Garfoot || Epsteins U13's VolleyBall Team
25 2:18.445rm12522228046Matthew Rowse
26 2:19.265rm12548257524Tyler Tulloss | Twisted | Critical
27 2:19.632rm12511543204Felipe Piermarini | UGR X Rolling Desings
28 2:19.828rm1252342490Justus Garrett | Squid Apprentice
29 2:21.492rm12522116743pruss / keyboard warrior
30 2:21.632rm12513643227Ashton Moore | Privateer
31 2:23.062rm12576455131Brandon Atwell | PAK X EMH Racing
32 2:23.265rm12512921209Bean
33 2:23.500rm12545836012Mack M. | MF Designs
34 2:23.820rm12517117724Luke Scheffler | Nexus
35 2:25.687rm12551542486Juan Ignacio Piermarini | UGR X Rolling Desings
36 2:35.304rm12533137269zuco331 ttv | SOE
37 2:35.906125sx11153878Kade Garrett | Please be patient, I have Autism
38 2:36.132rm12571759829Floetenmann
39 2:38.273rm1252656511Jon26 / soe
40 2:40.437rm12528815895cody akers | Privateer
41 2:41.171rm12523517953Jax lindsay
42 2:48.718rm12599950743Joe Motocross
43 2:55.726rm12516650629bapt
44 2:56.820rm1252658245cole
45 3:01.273rm12545134615ryder
250f Lap Records
1 2:03.843250sxf(2018)61884squiddy | dd
2 2:04.101250sxf(2018)25031297eyvan sylvestre
3 2:04.304250sxf(2018)26032446seboraah
4 2:04.398250sxf(2018)9918588Seth Garrett | Nexus
5 2:04.648250sxf(2018)31715155Cody B | w w w . C A N V A S M X . c o m
6 2:05.195fc25021630371Jake Spease | District Designs
7 2:07.187250sxf(2018)1158033Jed Ottaway
8 2:08.164250sxf(2018)94330702Ethan Curran | Friese for President
9 2:08.632250sxf(2018)13232017jake kazarian | district
10 2:09.046250sxf(2018)91139284Johnny LAW | LAPD
11 2:09.148250sxf(2018)22742211Lane Gunning|BBR Decals
12 2:09.351250sxf(2018)81425849The Greek God Bophades
13 2:09.437250sxf(2018)57128535Blake Cox | Privateer
14 2:09.601250sxf(2018)15021633Dustin Chrest | EXC
15 2:09.859fc25017137650Clement Carpentier | Ambara
16 2:10.250250sxf(2018)52344769Joseph Bravo | Eikon
17 2:10.359250sxf(2018)23844870Cash LeClere
18 2:10.656250sxf(2018)94457777Karl Robitaille | Yogi
19 2:10.726250sxf(2018)76317710Ezra | NMR
20 2:11.156250sxf(2018)23517953Jax Lindsay
21 2:11.156250sxf(2018)1947246Tjohn | Active
22 2:11.335250sxf(2018)3527940 DT | Vulkan Worldwide
23 2:11.562250sxf(2018)44423778Derek Jones | OCMX
24 2:11.718250sxf(2018)99127750Antony Maso l AZDesignGFX
25 2:12.007250sxf(2018)51950486Manuel | RACEGFX
26 2:12.734250sxf(2018)72923228Trent Lyons | BBR Decal CO
27 2:12.953250sxf(2018)19141109cozzie
28 2:13.710250sxf(2018)18859503D.Alves | TDMX
29 2:14.796250sxf(2018)34129075Junior Beeso s
30 2:14.914250sxf(2018)11838966Leonardo Alves | TDMX
31 2:15.382250sxf(2018)10626724Troy Jones
32 2:15.445250sxf(2018)42757485WG | Shasta #broken wrist
33 2:15.507250sxf(2018)99143236mc | 207 films
34 2:15.515250sxf(2018)77565208 beer beeso
35 2:16.023250sxf(2018)93447521Bobby
36 2:16.101250sxf(2018)37227755Leandro Murray | SM Design
37 2:16.851250sxf(2018)41138909Steven Short | Vulkan Worldwide
38 2:17.093250sxf(2018)11544526Ben Moore |
39 2:17.273250sxf(2018)71230333Josh Howard \Looking For A Team
40 2:17.546250sxf(2018)4549137Rosa Parks
41 2:18.304250sxf(2018)1447240Big Cuntry | BBR
42 2:18.976250sxf(2018)57656521nate alden | frosty racing co
43 2:19.382250sxf(2018)79856895Michael Motorcycle | LHLmotrsprts/FXR/Honda
44 2:19.570250sxf(2018)43822787Caleb Anderson
45 2:19.734250sxf(2018)76455131Brandon Atwell | PAK X EMH Racing
46 2:20.984250sxf(2018)45836012Mack M. | MF Designs
47 2:21.367250sxf(2018)2843770Cooper Mullins/ Tiradee Motorsports
48 2:22.179250sxf(2018)11153878Kade Garrett
49 2:22.453250sxf(2018)33137269zuco331 ttv | SOE
50 2:22.539250sxf(2018)10048386Mason
51 2:22.546250sxf(2018)ket18834Brad Robinson | K-HOLE
52 2:22.656250sxf(2018)1753723Garcia RAPOSO | GAMBAzao race
53 2:22.757250sxf(2018)10542868Max Wilczek
54 2:23.640250sxf(2018)1824707Rafael Moreno | TDMX
55 2:23.734250sxf(2018)11121625Kade Garrett | Please be patient, I have Autism
56 2:24.039250sxf(2018)48257524Tyler Tulloss | Twisted | Critical
57 2:24.109250sxf(2018)99950743Joe Motocross
58 2:24.429250sxf(2018)12457995Austn | RACEGFX
59 2:24.914250sxf(2018)70746188Aden Shaffer | RACEGFX
60 2:25.250250sxf(2018)5846845Marco Ricci
61 2:26.085250sxf(2018)70010414Aleksander Silva | AZDesignGFX
62 2:26.640250sxf(2018)10955212Fizzy
63 2:27.195250sxf(2018)14840856Tucker Zimmerman | Allied
64 2:27.718250sxf(2018)2656511Jon26 / soe
65 2:28.945250sxf(2018)75753817VanDunlop | RACEGFX
66 2:30.671250sxf(2018)41658440jkurre416 |
67 2:34.265250sxf(2018)4856442Travy / Active Powersports
68 2:36.093250sxf(2018)9756538Randy Prolong
69 2:36.328250sxf(2018)2342490bug
70 2:37.671250sxf(2018)4349045Maddixx Perque | Fast designs
71 2:39.242250sxf(2018)7340236harry daly73
72 2:44.578250sxf(2017)24933895Reed Borgfield |
73 2:46.312250sxf(2018)12156830BlueNote
74 2:46.859250sxf(2018)46447441Doc Smith | Phil's
75 2:46.898250sxf(2018)77155922R.Velasco / SM Design
76 2:47.414250sxf(2016)2257747Al Weezy
77 2:52.445250sxf(2018)2945482Evan BRUA 29
78 2:55.781250sxf(2018)32819357Colin Moore
79 3:03.890250sxf(2018)16227051Critter | Critter Creations
80 3:06.671fc250(2018)12921209Bean
81 3:13.117250sxf(2018)80159160Blake|privateer
82 3:15.718250sxf(2018)12350686Coombs
83 3:31.562250sxf(2018)21159847shane | salty simmers
250 Lap Records
1 2:11.687rm250(2008)3527940 DT | DTFILMZ
2 2:17.960250sx(2012)18859503D.Alves | TDMX
3 2:29.992cr250(2007)56895Michael Motorcycle | LHLmotrsprts/FXR/Honda
4 2:46.273rm250(2008)52344769Joseph Bravo | Eikon
5 2:57.992rm250(2008)70746188Aden Shaffer | RACEGFX
6 3:03.500rm250(2008)45257518Revin
7 3:37.445rm250(2008)66158036Lootus \ High-Velocity
450f Lap Records
1 1:58.093fc450(2018)21630371Jake Spease | District Designs
2 2:02.195fc450(2017)9918588Seth Garrett | Nexus
3 2:02.632fc450(2018)31715155Cody B
4 2:02.945fc450(2018)91921188Chicken Jo | CNVS
5 2:05.445fc450(2017)22742211Lane Gunning|BBR Decals
6 2:05.460fc450(2018)17137650Clement Carpentier | Ambara
7 2:05.867fc450(2018)25031297eyvan
8 2:06.328crf450(2018)61510163Brady White | ENK Racing
9 2:06.992fc450(2018)33028002Dirty30|Vulkan Worldwide
10 2:07.710fc450(2018)14154857Caden
11 2:09.453fc450(2018)14738037Luke Smith | LS DESIGNS TRIUMPH RACING
12 2:09.773fc450(2018)33932446seboraah | Rocket Racing
13 2:09.984fc450(2017)11838966Leonardo Alves | TDMX
14 2:10.421fc450(2017)13643227Ashton Moore | Privateer
15 2:12.195fc450(2018)23222715Tristo | Upper Decky
16 2:12.656fc450(2018)137741Bleach x The Spot
17 2:12.726fc450(2018)71230333Josh Howard \Looking For A Team
18 2:13.953crf450(2017)72923228Trent Lyons | BBR Decal CO
19 2:16.640fc450(2018)51542486Juan Ignacio Piermarini | UGR X Rolling Desings
20 2:18.039350sxf(2017)17218559Liqurdz | Ex Crew
21 2:18.203fc450(2018)42539141Quentin Debono
22 2:18.679fc450(2017)1447240Big Cuntry | BBR
23 2:19.468crf450(2018)13727753Sampaio [SKIP] | SM Design
24 2:20.296crf450(2018)1942048Eduardo Simoes | SM Design
25 2:20.640crf450(2018)99127750Antony Maso l AZDesignGFX
26 2:21.234fc450(2018)11543204Felipe Piermarini | UGR X Rolling Desings
27 2:22.523fc450(2017)75753817VanDunlop | RACEGFX
28 2:22.945crf450(2018)41715997Richard Lorran
29 2:23.726fc450(2018)41333634Romain Monceyron
30 2:23.781fc450(2017)638477dimfknsim
31 2:24.820fc450(2017)15318416Bryce Foley | BPC
32 2:25.507crf450(2018)9273449Andrade | Try Hard
33 2:27.218crf450(2018)37227755Leandro Murray | SM Design
34 2:27.546crf450(2018)70010414Aleksander Silva | AZDesignGFX
35 2:27.960fc450(2018)20515549AJ Fisher | Washed Up
36 2:31.882fc450(2018)1753723Garcia RAPOSO | GAMBAzao race
37 2:33.460fc45010048386Mason Hubbard | @PureRacing
38 2:36.195fc450(2018)3555489Ryder yecoshenko | Ajax Racing
39 2:44.968crf450(2018)79856895Michael Motorcycle | LHLmotrsprts/FXR/Honda
40 2:49.140fc450(2018)99936409christian|darc sport
41 2:54.078450sxf(2018)6953657larquesie buckingham the 3
42 2:58.304fc450(2018)8148321Cash | Salty simmers
43 3:02.882fc450(2018)42840411cs
44 3:20.250350sxf(2017)1146630Fxwnz
45 5:11.398fc450(2018)48257524Tyler Tulloss | Twisted | Critical
46 5:25.539350sxf(2017)38333267DONNIE SIMS/THE SPOT
47 5:46.687fc450(2018)78437558Kaspar Uibu | TimberSports
48 5:48.085crf450(2018)18847890Marco Larsen