MX Simulator - 2024 MXSEMF WMS - Round 1 Foxhill (GBR)

Overall Lap Records
1 2:09.656fc450(2017)3749544Kyliam Ortiz | RBT Visuals
2 2:10.734fc450(2018)430293Jett "White Drizzle" Holyhead | MSG
3 2:14.156fc450(2017)22838127Theo Tesseron | RBT
4 2:14.203fc450(2017)81244785Nolane Leveille | RBT
5 2:14.289rm1252326349Brayden Tharp | Panini Motorsports
6 2:15.289250sxf(2018)1249207jack mark | tcoup racing with a honey packet #jerkmate
7 2:15.867fc450(2017)11034467Zane Dorrell | MSG
8 2:16.023250sxf(2018)3411337Jack Gatland | UNITY
9 2:16.195fc450(2017)53819747Jacob Arnbrister | Fupa Racing x Mud $ippa
10 2:16.218250sxf(2018)6037330Magnus Gregersen | Romis
11 2:16.570fc450(2017)1730141Daniel Pedrosa | RBT
12 2:16.695fc450(2018)523127riley hughan | galaxy
13 2:17.078250sxf(2018)43549805Tyler Perez | Vulkan Worldwide
14 2:17.710250sxf(2018)21024800Declan Hutchison | galaxy
15 2:17.937450sxf(2018)78243197Sebastian Skopal
16 2:18.421fc450(2018)27838908Arnaud Evrard | W1cked Racing
17 2:19.218250sxf(2018)2719189taj dixon
18 2:19.546450sxf(2018)12437360ARTURS SEMBELIS | Privateer
19 2:19.632250sxf(2018)3037993Juan Gomez | RBT
20 2:19.750250sxf(2018)38937929Tristan Coup | Fupa racing | muhh sippa
21 2:20.125rm250(2008)3115496Dale Mullins
22 2:20.617fc450(2018)5538722Jono Hewitt | MotoOnline
23 2:21.226250sxf(2018)6635668Romain Cornette | PRIVATEER
24 2:21.281250sxf(2018)9934010Guillem Farres
25 2:21.398fc450(2018)106521Logan Heagney | Galaxy
26 2:21.882250sxf(2018)11116652Adam Robson
27 2:22.007250sxf(2018)27430957Ben Paterson/Vulkan Worldwide
28 2:22.109250sxf(2018)2940266Jose Famador | My dick bends to the left
29 2:22.960rm250(2008)4838037Luke Smith | Cascade MX
30 2:23.742250sxf(2018)76916478Vivian Dabert | ZION
31 2:25.039250sxf(2018)71640018Kristian SKOPAL
32 2:26.593250sxf(2018)57844077Rui Rocha | looking for team
33 2:26.640fc450(2017)9040355Fletcher Kilpatrick | chaturbate.cum
34 2:26.710250sxf(2018)56042031Vojta Gregor
35 2:27.609250sxf(2018)70159651Tomas | TQZY Racing Team
36 2:28.171250sxf(2018)35542242kodie thompson
37 2:28.640250sxf(2018)9742801Luis Leal
38 2:32.148250sxf(2018)29337092Luke Powell | Glizzy Racing
39 2:32.828250sxf(2018)43340275Jett OLeary
40 2:34.789250sxf(2018)18838909Steven Short | Vulkan Worldwide
41 2:40.179250sxf(2018)48445021millarimrie / ROUGHTRACKRACING
42 3:09.492250sxf(2018)16858535Chili Rutherford | Galaxy
125 Lap Records
1 2:14.289rm1252326349Brayden Tharp | Panini Motorsports
250f Lap Records
1 2:15.289250sxf(2018)1249207jack mark | tcoup racing with a honey packet #jerkmate
2 2:16.023250sxf(2018)3411337Jack Gatland | UNITY
3 2:16.218250sxf(2018)6037330Magnus Gregersen | Romis
4 2:17.078250sxf(2018)43549805Tyler Perez | Vulkan Worldwide
5 2:17.710250sxf(2018)21024800Declan Hutchison | galaxy
6 2:19.218250sxf(2018)2719189taj dixon
7 2:19.632250sxf(2018)3037993Juan Gomez | RBT
8 2:19.750250sxf(2018)38937929Tristan Coup | Fupa racing | muhh sippa
9 2:21.226250sxf(2018)6635668Romain Cornette | PRIVATEER
10 2:21.281250sxf(2018)9934010Guillem Farres
11 2:21.882250sxf(2018)11116652Adam Robson
12 2:22.007250sxf(2018)27430957Ben Paterson/Vulkan Worldwide
13 2:22.109250sxf(2018)2940266Jose Famador | My dick bends to the left
14 2:23.742250sxf(2018)76916478Vivian Dabert | ZION
15 2:25.039250sxf(2018)71640018Kristian SKOPAL
16 2:26.593250sxf(2018)57844077Rui Rocha | looking for team
17 2:26.710250sxf(2018)56042031Vojta Gregor
18 2:27.609250sxf(2018)70159651Tomas | TQZY Racing Team
19 2:28.171250sxf(2018)35542242kodie thompson
20 2:28.640250sxf(2018)9742801Luis Leal
21 2:32.148250sxf(2018)29337092Luke Powell | Glizzy Racing
22 2:32.828250sxf(2018)43340275Jett OLeary
23 2:34.789250sxf(2018)18838909Steven Short | Vulkan Worldwide
24 2:40.179250sxf(2018)48445021millarimrie / ROUGHTRACKRACING
25 3:09.492250sxf(2018)16858535Chili Rutherford | Galaxy
250 Lap Records
1 2:20.125rm250(2008)3115496Dale Mullins
2 2:22.960rm250(2008)4838037Luke Smith | Cascade MX
450f Lap Records
1 2:09.656fc450(2017)3749544Kyliam Ortiz | RBT Visuals
2 2:10.734fc450(2018)430293Jett "White Drizzle" Holyhead | MSG
3 2:14.156fc450(2017)22838127Theo Tesseron | RBT
4 2:14.203fc450(2017)81244785Nolane Leveille | RBT
5 2:15.867fc450(2017)11034467Zane Dorrell | MSG
6 2:16.195fc450(2017)53819747Jacob Arnbrister | Fupa Racing x Mud $ippa
7 2:16.570fc450(2017)1730141Daniel Pedrosa | RBT
8 2:16.695fc450(2018)523127riley hughan | galaxy
9 2:17.937450sxf(2018)78243197Sebastian Skopal
10 2:18.421fc450(2018)27838908Arnaud Evrard | W1cked Racing
11 2:19.546450sxf(2018)12437360ARTURS SEMBELIS | Privateer
12 2:20.617fc450(2018)5538722Jono Hewitt | MotoOnline
13 2:21.398fc450(2018)106521Logan Heagney | Galaxy
14 2:26.640fc450(2017)9040355Fletcher Kilpatrick | chaturbate.cum