MX Simulator - UID #48956

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Name:Darquavious Hammercock
Total Races:71
Rating:52.01% (defeated 194 out of 373 opponents)


Lawyer Win - Awarded for winning a race by penalty.
First Win - Awarded for winning a race.
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot.
Participant - Awarded for just showing up.

* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.

Overall Lap Records
1:03.968fc450(2018)2019 Honda Test Track
1:19.523fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 06 - Anaheim 3
1:11.609fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 07 - Minneapolis
1:43.445fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 09 - Daytona
0:58.476fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 11 - Indianapolis
1:05.984fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 12 - Seattle
1:14.820fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 13 - St Louis
1:08.992fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 15 - Foxborough
1:04.992fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 17 - Salt Lake City
2:28.773fc450(2018)2022 The Brewery MX
1:22.812250sxf(2018)BCTW: SX 1
1:20.921250sxf(2018)BCTW: SX 2
0:56.484crf450(2018)BSXP 2019 - Sx4
1:54.617crf450(2018)CarnegeNSteeze 23 Sx
2:00.304250sxf(2018)DL's Supercross at Charlies Joint
1:55.093crf450(2018)FARMLAND SX Round 6 - MatRob Designs
1:42.117rm250(2008)JGMX: Inspiration MX
3:02.156rm250(2008)JGMX: Not Another Erode Raceway
1:28.351rm250(2008)JGSX: 1990 SX RD2
1:16.937rm250(2008)JGSX: 2016 Mountain Side HYBRID
1:53.710rm250(2008)Kittery Lake Motocross
0:54.476fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Denver
1:05.843fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Detroit
1:07.460fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' East Rutherford
1:10.562fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Glendale
1:08.164fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Houston
1:11.812250sxf(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Indianapolis
1:14.351fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Oakland
0:55.523fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Salt Lake City
1:03.968fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Seattle
4:03.882250sxf(2018)MatRob Designs - Sandy Hill Sand Track
1:18.820crf450(2018)MatRob Designs - Sandy Hill SX 1
0:58.609fc450(2018)STANCE Compound Top SX - MatRob Designs
1:37.687rm250(2008)Tortilla Flats Linus
1:31.828crf450(2018)Tortilla Flats Linus x2
1:59.281250sxf(2018)ZION Motocross Training DAY 2022
1:26.742250sxf(2018)ZION SUPERCROSS MADNESS 2
250f Lap Records
1:30.289250sxf(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 15 - Foxborough
1:22.812250sxf(2018)BCTW: SX 1
1:20.921250sxf(2018)BCTW: SX 2
2:00.304250sxf(2018)DL's Supercross at Charlies Joint
1:11.812250sxf(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Indianapolis
1:14.656250sxf(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Seattle
4:03.882250sxf(2018)MatRob Designs - Sandy Hill Sand Track
1:59.281250sxf(2018)ZION Motocross Training DAY 2022
1:26.742250sxf(2018)ZION SUPERCROSS MADNESS 2
250 Lap Records
1:42.117rm250(2008)JGMX: Inspiration MX
3:02.156rm250(2008)JGMX: Not Another Erode Raceway
1:28.351rm250(2008)JGSX: 1990 SX RD2
1:16.937rm250(2008)JGSX: 2016 Mountain Side HYBRID
1:53.710rm250(2008)Kittery Lake Motocross
1:37.687rm250(2008)Tortilla Flats Linus
450f Lap Records
1:03.968fc450(2018)2019 Honda Test Track
1:19.523fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 06 - Anaheim 3
1:11.609fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 07 - Minneapolis
1:43.445fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 09 - Daytona
0:58.476fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 11 - Indianapolis
1:05.984fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 12 - Seattle
1:14.820fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 13 - St Louis
1:08.992fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 15 - Foxborough
1:04.992fc450(2018)2022 Supercross Rd 17 - Salt Lake City
2:28.773fc450(2018)2022 The Brewery MX
0:56.484crf450(2018)BSXP 2019 - Sx4
1:54.617crf450(2018)CarnegeNSteeze 23 Sx
1:55.093crf450(2018)FARMLAND SX Round 6 - MatRob Designs
0:54.476fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Denver
1:05.843fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Detroit
1:07.460fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' East Rutherford
1:10.562fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Glendale
1:08.164fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Houston
1:14.351fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Oakland
0:55.523fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Salt Lake City
1:03.968fc450(2018)MatRob's Abandoned Quarry SX - 23' Seattle
1:18.820crf450(2018)MatRob Designs - Sandy Hill SX 1
0:58.609fc450(2018)STANCE Compound Top SX - MatRob Designs
1:31.828crf450(2018)Tortilla Flats Linus x2