MX Simulator - Kael Compound MX

Overall Lap Records
1 2:20.132fc450(2018)4037765Yo Daddy
2 2:21.539rm12515520656Nick Niles | Cyber Dezigns
3 2:25.296rm12512340967Connor Austin | Stapo
4 2:28.375250sxf(2018)13849945grady spangle
5 2:30.750250sxf(2018)3122700Dalton Scharnagl | @Moto.Fails
6 2:31.945250sxf(2018)18433056Christian Landry | Team Toys
7 2:32.859fc450(2018)16310570mxpyro
8 2:33.421fc450(2018)3749752Coob | Gorrilla Dicks and Phat Whips
9 2:33.515crf450(2018)3148995mark fiesler | Milf Patrol
10 2:34.617250sxf(2016)71436719Lance Geis
11 2:34.984250sxf(2018)83146004Aiden Hornback | RedLine #1 Fan BOY
12 2:39.007rm12549218915Alex Helms | Proline Designs
13 2:39.500fc450(2018)80924763Lou Sassole
14 2:41.671250sxf(2018)31715155cody b
15 2:41.914rm12517220776Titus Sassole
16 2:43.742fc450(2018)91921188Chicken Jo
17 2:44.914fc450(2018)8419120Clean Out Curtis | Professional Goon
18 2:45.218fc450(2018)14746468Matthew Cruz | Clutch
19 2:47.671fc450(2018)9746614MG #97
20 2:52.937250sxf(2018)56728659Jason Felkey
21 3:02.367250sxf(2018)2238935evan kelm
22 3:02.882rm12513232017Jake Kazarian
23 3:04.679fc450(2018)30540829Raph
24 3:06.101rm12571139412711
25 3:19.671fc450(2018)24236524R Schep
26 3:33.781crf450(2018)2957980luc perrot
27 3:50.875250sxf(2018)13729947Kristofer Gardipee
125 Lap Records
1 2:21.539rm12515520656Nick Niles | Cyber Dezigns
2 2:25.296rm12512340967Connor Austin | Stapo
3 2:39.007rm12549218915Alex Helms | Proline Designs
4 2:41.914rm12517220776Titus Sassole
5 2:57.164rm12580924763Lou Sassole
6 3:02.882rm12513232017Jake Kazarian
7 3:06.101rm12571139412711
8 3:27.632rm1252238935evan kelm
250f Lap Records
1 2:26.921250sxf(2018)12340967Connor Austin | Stapo
2 2:28.375250sxf(2018)13849945grady spangle
3 2:30.750250sxf(2018)3122700Dalton Scharnagl | @Moto.Fails
4 2:31.945250sxf(2018)18433056Christian Landry | Team Toys
5 2:34.617250sxf(2016)71436719Lance Geis
6 2:34.984250sxf(2018)83146004Aiden Hornback | RedLine #1 Fan BOY
7 2:41.343fc250(2018)80924763Lou Sassole
8 2:41.671250sxf(2018)31715155cody b
9 2:52.937250sxf(2018)56728659Jason Felkey
10 3:02.367250sxf(2018)2238935evan kelm
11 3:14.773250sxf(2018)17220776Titus Sassole
12 3:50.875250sxf(2018)13729947Kristofer Gardipee
250 Lap Records
450f Lap Records
1 2:20.132fc450(2018)4037765Yo Daddy
2 2:32.859fc450(2018)16310570mxpyro
3 2:33.421fc450(2018)3749752Coob | Gorrilla Dicks and Phat Whips
4 2:33.515crf450(2018)3148995mark fiesler | Milf Patrol
5 2:39.500fc450(2018)80924763Lou Sassole
6 2:43.742fc450(2018)91921188Chicken Jo
7 2:44.914fc450(2018)8419120Clean Out Curtis | Professional Goon
8 2:45.218fc450(2018)14746468Matthew Cruz | Clutch
9 2:47.671fc450(2018)9746614MG #97
10 2:55.671450sxf(2016)31715155cody b
11 3:01.742450sxf(2016)56728659Jason Felkey
12 3:04.679fc450(2018)30540829Raph
13 3:19.671fc450(2018)24236524R Schep
14 3:33.781crf450(2018)2957980luc perrot