MX Simulator - UID #33278

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Name:Gavin Wilson|Privateer
Total Races:27
Rating:63.51% (defeated 47 out of 74 opponents)


Participant - Awarded for just showing up.

* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.

Overall Lap Records
1:33.750250sxf(2018)2024 Team Hawkey Supercross Test Track
1:51.218250sxf(2018)Kittery Lake Motocross
3:41.195250sxf(2018)ZION 2024 Frosty Race MX
2:25.710350sxf(2017)ZION 2024 Frosty Race SX Daytona
1:30.757250sxf(2018)ZION 2024 Frosty Race SX Junior
1:25.312250sxf(2018)ZION 2024 Frosty Race SX Tyler
1:35.570250sxf(2018)ZION Substance SM
2:13.085250sxf(2018)ZION Substance SX PRO
1:05.335250sxf(2018)ZION Supermoto CUP 2022 ROUND 1
1:24.937250sxf(2018)ZION Supermoto CUP 2022 ROUND 3
1:05.054250sxf(2018)ZION Supermoto CUP 2022 ROUND 5
1:26.554250sxf(2018)ZION Supermoto CUP 2022 ROUND 8
1:10.546250sxf(2018)ZION Supermoto CUP 2022 ROUND 9
250f Lap Records
1:33.750250sxf(2018)2024 Team Hawkey Supercross Test Track
1:51.218250sxf(2018)Kittery Lake Motocross
3:41.195250sxf(2018)ZION 2024 Frosty Race MX
2:41.062250sxf(2018)ZION 2024 Frosty Race SX Daytona
1:30.757250sxf(2018)ZION 2024 Frosty Race SX Junior
1:25.312250sxf(2018)ZION 2024 Frosty Race SX Tyler
1:35.570250sxf(2018)ZION Substance SM
2:13.085250sxf(2018)ZION Substance SX PRO
1:05.335250sxf(2018)ZION Supermoto CUP 2022 ROUND 1
1:24.937250sxf(2018)ZION Supermoto CUP 2022 ROUND 3
1:05.054250sxf(2018)ZION Supermoto CUP 2022 ROUND 5
1:26.554250sxf(2018)ZION Supermoto CUP 2022 ROUND 8
1:10.546250sxf(2018)ZION Supermoto CUP 2022 ROUND 9
450f Lap Records
2:25.710350sxf(2017)ZION 2024 Frosty Race SX Daytona