DrDewRacing.flowtechmxs.com:20007 - UID #15753
These stats are for DrDewRacing.flowtechmxs.com:20007. For stats from all servers go here
Name: | Ryan "Roy" Furlotte | @DrDewRacing |
Number: | 112 |
Total Races: | 1964 |
Wins: | 34 |
DNF's: | 373 |
Holeshots: | 78 |
Rating: | 33.82% (defeated 19267 out of 56968 opponents) |
Lawyer Win - Awarded for winning a race by penalty. | |
First Win - Awarded for winning a race. | |
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot. | |
Participant - Awarded for just showing up. |
* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.
Overall Lap Records
125 Lap Records
250f Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
2:33.710 | 250sxf(2018) | 2017 Offseason Supercross Hosted by DeCal Works Rd 4: Baetona |
2:12.054 | 250sxf(2018) | 2023 RFWSX RD1 - Assen |
3:35.015 | 250sxf(2018) | ButterySmoothMX |
1:30.804 | 250sxf(2017) | ButterySmoothSX |
2:31.281 | 250sxf(2018) | Interstate Moto v2 |
1:39.976 | 250sxf(2018) | JCMX2021FunTrack |
3:52.593 | 250sxf(2018) | JGMX: Not Another Erode Raceway |
3:27.101 | 250sxf(2018) | JGMX: Owens Valley MX |
3:04.601 | 250sxf(2018) | JGMX: Ride365.com-pound |
2:57.398 | 250sxf(2018) | JS7 Compound MX - MatRob Designs |
2:33.054 | 250sxf(2018) | MS_Designs-ElimTrack |
2:01.562 | 250sxf(2018) | MX vs ATV Reflex FortDodge Rd2 - MatRob Designs |
0:49.898 | 250sxf(2018) | Warehoused 3 |