DrDewRacing.flowtechmxs.com:20007 - UID #34042
These stats are for DrDewRacing.flowtechmxs.com:20007. For stats from all servers go here
Name: | Jaron Nugent | FGR |
Number: | 15 |
Total Races: | 273 |
Wins: | 2 |
DNF's: | 46 |
Holeshots: | 1 |
Rating: | 43.92% (defeated 3532 out of 8042 opponents) |
First Win - Awarded for winning a race. | |
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot. | |
Participant - Awarded for just showing up. |
* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.
Overall Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
2:11.953 | 250sxf(2018) | 2014 Dirt Bike Track |
1:00.976 | rm250(2008) | 2019 Red Bull Straight Rhythm Replica - Quali (Seth Garrett) |
1:09.015 | 250sxf(2018) | 2020 Mini O's Supercross | Seth Garrett |
3:33.960 | 250sxf(2018) | 2020 Rival Decal Compound MX |
2:17.351 | 250sxf(2018) | Herrick's Compound |
1:32.507 | rm125 | JCMX2021FunTrack |
3:48.312 | 250sxf(2018) | JGMX: Dr. Dew Racing Christmas Compound |
2:57.515 | 250sxf(2018) | JGMX: Ride365.com-pound |
2:40.992 | 250sxf(2018) | JMX-Sandtop |
2:08.781 | 250sxf(2018) | Sim Bros Steeze Facility |
125 Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
1:14.195 | rm125 | 2019 Red Bull Straight Rhythm Replica - Quali (Seth Garrett) |
1:32.507 | rm125 | JCMX2021FunTrack |
4:20.179 | rm125 | JGMX: Dr. Dew Racing Christmas Compound |
250f Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
2:11.953 | 250sxf(2018) | 2014 Dirt Bike Track |
1:09.015 | 250sxf(2018) | 2020 Mini O's Supercross | Seth Garrett |
3:33.960 | 250sxf(2018) | 2020 Rival Decal Compound MX |
2:17.351 | 250sxf(2018) | Herrick's Compound |
2:05.937 | 250sxf(2018) | JCMX2021FunTrack |
3:48.312 | 250sxf(2018) | JGMX: Dr. Dew Racing Christmas Compound |
2:57.515 | 250sxf(2018) | JGMX: Ride365.com-pound |
2:40.992 | 250sxf(2018) | JMX-Sandtop |
2:08.781 | 250sxf(2018) | Sim Bros Steeze Facility |
250 Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
1:00.976 | rm250(2008) | 2019 Red Bull Straight Rhythm Replica - Quali (Seth Garrett) |