DrDewRacing.flowtechmxs.com:20007 - UID #43203
These stats are for DrDewRacing.flowtechmxs.com:20007. For stats from all servers go here
Name: | jace williams | #71 to go jett |
Number: | 147 |
Total Races: | 260 |
Wins: | 13 |
DNF's: | 45 |
Holeshots: | 9 |
Rating: | 52.74% (defeated 5549 out of 10522 opponents) |
Checked Out - Awarded for maintaining a 20 second lead for the last half of a race. | |
Hard Charger - Awarded for going from last to first. | |
Lawyer Win - Awarded for winning a race by penalty. | |
First Win - Awarded for winning a race. | |
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot. | |
Participant - Awarded for just showing up. |
* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.
Overall Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
1:39.484 | 250sxf(2018) | 2015 FAMmx Fall Cup - Round 1 - Eden Valley Supercross |
2:59.234 | 250sxf(2018) | BCMX: El Chuba Cabra |
1:55.304 | 250sxf(2018) | Herrick's Compound |
2:45.023 | fc450(2017) | JGMX: Dr. Dew Racing Compound |
2:32.703 | fc450(2018) | JGMX: Ride365.com-pound In Reverse |
1:13.593 | 250sxf(2018) | JGMX: Skooty's Elim Track |
2:12.578 | crf450(2017) | JMX-Sandtop |
2:12.546 | 250sxf(2018) | Look Alive Racing Compound | Motocross |
2:12.375 | 250sxf(2018) | MS_Designs-ElimTrack |
1:58.367 | crf450(2017) | Steezed Forest |
1:56.093 | 250sxf(2018) | WCTD: 2019 Underground MX |
1:04.585 | 250sxf(2018) | World SX Rd 1 - MatRob Designs |
250f Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
1:39.484 | 250sxf(2018) | 2015 FAMmx Fall Cup - Round 1 - Eden Valley Supercross |
2:59.234 | 250sxf(2018) | BCMX: El Chuba Cabra |
1:55.304 | 250sxf(2018) | Herrick's Compound |
2:50.828 | 250sxf(2018) | JGMX: Dr. Dew Racing Compound |
1:13.593 | 250sxf(2018) | JGMX: Skooty's Elim Track |
2:12.546 | 250sxf(2018) | Look Alive Racing Compound | Motocross |
2:12.375 | 250sxf(2018) | MS_Designs-ElimTrack |
1:56.093 | 250sxf(2018) | WCTD: 2019 Underground MX |
1:04.585 | 250sxf(2018) | World SX Rd 1 - MatRob Designs |
450f Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
2:45.023 | fc450(2017) | JGMX: Dr. Dew Racing Compound |
2:32.703 | fc450(2018) | JGMX: Ride365.com-pound In Reverse |
2:12.578 | crf450(2017) | JMX-Sandtop |
1:58.367 | crf450(2017) | Steezed Forest |