MX Simulator
TrackCheckerz Sky Ranch - Top SX
Format 8 laps
Date8/30/2023, 3:24:38 AM (492 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
154John Hileman | Dinoco crf450(2018)8 9:58.7423 1:08.46031403
2688Branden Walther | Dinoco 250sxf(2018)7 10:51.1795 1:16.53916931
380Sonny Spicer | Dinoco 250sxf(2018)7 10:59.6956 1:23.61723831
4521Cody David | Dinoco 250sxf(2018)6 10:06.1715 1:30.65645782
588Jeremy Estrella | Dinoco 250sxf(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00033135

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54
P2 521 521 688 80 688 688 688
P3 688 80 521 688 80 80 80
P4 80 688 80 521 521 521

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:08.460 3 54 John Hileman | Dinoco
1:09.109 2 54 John Hileman | Dinoco
1:09.140 8 54 John Hileman | Dinoco
1:09.523 4 54 John Hileman | Dinoco
1:15.742 7 54 John Hileman | Dinoco
1:16.140 5 54 John Hileman | Dinoco
1:16.539 5 688 Branden Walther | Dinoco
1:17.570 7 688 Branden Walther | Dinoco
1:23.617 6 80 Sonny Spicer | Dinoco
1:23.781 4 80 Sonny Spicer | Dinoco
1:25.140 6 54 John Hileman | Dinoco
1:30.656 5 521 Cody David | Dinoco
1:32.671 3 688 Branden Walther | Dinoco
1:36.515 6 521 Cody David | Dinoco
1:36.648 4 688 Branden Walther | Dinoco
1:39.125 3 521 Cody David | Dinoco
1:40.015 4 521 Cody David | Dinoco
1:44.492 2 80 Sonny Spicer | Dinoco
1:45.789 3 80 Sonny Spicer | Dinoco
1:47.078 2 521 Cody David | Dinoco

Individual Worst Laps

1:25.140 6 54 John Hileman | Dinoco
1:45.789 3 80 Sonny Spicer | Dinoco
1:47.078 2 521 Cody David | Dinoco
1:47.750 2 688 Branden Walther | Dinoco


Std. Dev.NumberName
5.321 521 Cody David | Dinoco
5.692 54 John Hileman | Dinoco
10.606 80 Sonny Spicer | Dinoco
11.075 688 Branden Walther | Dinoco
- 88 Jeremy Estrella | Dinoco

Play by Play

Branden Walther | Dinoco takes the holeshot followed by Sonny Spicer | Dinoco, John Hileman | Dinoco and Cody David | Dinoco

0:07.507 - 0:10.171: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for the lead
0:10.640 - 0:12.046: John Hileman | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for the lead
0:12.507 - 0:14.703: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
0:17.234 - 0:19.476: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 2nd
0:25.132 - 0:28.617: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
0:31.281 - 0:34.078: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed John Hileman | Dinoco for the lead
0:31.703 - 0:34.531: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed John Hileman | Dinoco for 2nd
0:38.640 - 0:40.804: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for the lead
0:50.078 - 0:52.039: John Hileman | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for the lead
0:49.210 - 0:54.312: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
0:59.203 - 1:00.835: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 2nd
1:04.929 - 1:09.781: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:25.484: John Hileman | Dinoco finished lap 1 ( 1:25.484)
1:35.882 - 1:48.218: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:52.781: Cody David | Dinoco finished lap 1 ( 1:52.781)
1:50.171 - 1:52.781: Cody David | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:53.343: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 1 ( 1:53.343)
1:48.281 - 1:53.343: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:56.062: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco finished lap 1 ( 1:56.062)
2:01.789 - 2:07.046: Branden Walther | Dinoco went off the track
2:06.531 - 2:08.796: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Cody David | Dinoco for 3rd
2:21.500 - 2:23.578: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 2nd
2:30.492 - 2:32.625: Cody David | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 3rd
1:25.484 - 2:34.593: John Hileman | Dinoco finished lap 2 ( 1:09.109)
2:32.625 - 2:35.296: Cody David | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
2:35.789 - 2:41.195: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 3rd
2:41.195 - 2:45.257: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Cody David | Dinoco for 2nd
2:45.765 - 2:47.867: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Cody David | Dinoco for 3rd
2:48.593 - 2:52.289: Cody David | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
2:47.867 - 2:54.515: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 3rd
3:00.921 - 3:03.984: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 3rd
3:21.960 - 3:25.773: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 3rd
3:26.476 - 3:28.656: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 3rd
3:28.757 - 3:31.078: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 3rd
3:34.429 - 3:38.085: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 3rd
1:52.781 - 3:39.859: Cody David | Dinoco finished lap 2 ( 1:47.078)
1:56.062 - 3:40.554: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco finished lap 2 ( 1:44.492)
3:38.093 - 3:40.554: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 3rd
1:53.343 - 3:41.093: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 2 ( 1:47.750)
2:34.593 - 3:43.054: John Hileman | Dinoco finished lap 3 ( 1:08.460)
3:41.093 - 3:45.281: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 3rd
3:45.835 - 3:47.250: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Cody David | Dinoco for 2nd
3:53.687 - 3:55.898: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Cody David | Dinoco for 3rd
3:58.976 - 4:01.250: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
4:13.054 - 4:23.835: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 2nd
4:31.531 - 4:33.015: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
4:42.054 - 4:48.312: Cody David | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 3rd
4:48.703 - 4:50.953: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Cody David | Dinoco for 3rd
3:43.054 - 4:52.578: John Hileman | Dinoco finished lap 4 ( 1:09.523)
3:41.093 - 5:13.765: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 3 ( 1:32.671)
5:13.109 - 5:16.671: Cody David | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 3rd
3:39.859 - 5:18.984: Cody David | Dinoco finished lap 3 ( 1:39.125)
3:40.554 - 5:26.343: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco finished lap 3 ( 1:45.789)
5:49.570 - 5:51.828: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Cody David | Dinoco for 3rd
4:52.578 - 6:08.718: John Hileman | Dinoco finished lap 5 ( 1:16.140)
6:36.515 - 6:47.671: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 2nd
5:26.343 - 6:50.125: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco finished lap 4 ( 1:23.781)
5:13.765 - 6:50.414: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 4 ( 1:36.648)
6:50.414 - 6:54.781: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
6:54.914 - 6:56.328: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 2nd
6:56.617 - 6:58.953: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
5:18.984 - 6:59.000: Cody David | Dinoco finished lap 4 ( 1:40.015)
7:11.875 - 7:14.578: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 2nd
7:21.398 - 7:23.601: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
6:08.718 - 7:33.859: John Hileman | Dinoco finished lap 6 ( 1:25.140)
7:47.914 - 7:55.031: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco went off the track
6:50.414 - 8:06.953: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 5 ( 1:16.539)
6:50.125 - 8:10.234: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco finished lap 5 ( 1:20.109)
8:19.695 - 8:21.859: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 2nd
6:59.000 - 8:29.656: Cody David | Dinoco finished lap 5 ( 1:30.656)
8:37.757 - 8:42.117: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
8:42.859 - 8:45.093: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 2nd
7:33.859 - 8:49.601: John Hileman | Dinoco finished lap 7 ( 1:15.742)
8:48.734 - 8:53.562: Branden Walther | Dinoco went off the track
8:54.593 - 8:58.171: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 2nd
9:08.335 - 9:10.500: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
9:10.539 - 9:12.585: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 2nd
9:15.351 - 9:18.250: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Sonny Spicer | Dinoco for 2nd
8:06.953 - 9:30.796: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 6 ( 1:23.843)
8:10.234 - 9:33.851: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco finished lap 6 ( 1:23.617)
9:48.398 - 9:54.875: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco went off the track
8:49.601 - 9:58.742: John Hileman | Dinoco finished lap 8 ( 1:09.140)
8:29.656 - 10:06.171: Cody David | Dinoco finished lap 6 ( 1:36.515)
10:37.945 - 10:44.070: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco went off the track
9:30.796 - 10:48.367: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 7 ( 1:17.570)
9:33.851 - 10:57.625: Sonny Spicer | Dinoco finished lap 7 ( 1:23.773)