MX Simulator - 2022 Finca Motosports AX RD 4 | Amarillo, TX

Overall Lap Records
1 0:26.773250sxf(2018)918235BC
2 0:26.890250sxf(2018)7823971long nuts
3 0:26.976250sxf(2018)9718588Seth Garrett | Finca
4 0:27.109250sxf(2018)1333662Seth Carr
5 0:27.132250sxf(2018)48642576carson west | eyespec
6 0:27.679250sxf(2018)9523831Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
7 0:27.882250sxf(2018)86327902Ryan Flemming
8 0:27.929250sxf(2018)16436618Jordan Miller | VSR
9 0:27.945250sxf(2018)7338230Brandon Larsen | WBB #cc153
10 0:28.070250sxf(2018)7237458JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports
11 0:28.070250sxf(2018)1631403John Hileman | Finca Law Consultations
12 0:28.109250sxf(2018)SEX18709My Favorite Color is White (No Reason BTW)
13 0:28.132250sxf(2018)33712946Bryan Hedge | VSR
14 0:28.148250sxf(2018)21630371Jake Spease | District Designs
15 0:28.242250sxf(2018)13243144Coby Gilsdorf | VSR
16 0:28.312250sxf(2018)2573950Alex Carlo
17 0:28.343fc450(2018)9519791Noah Karassy | NCK Decals
18 0:28.398250sxf(2018)48115121Jared Gumeson
19 0:28.406250sxf(2018)35233135Jeremy Estrella | Finca Motorsports
20 0:28.437250sxf(2018)031221Trevor Spencer | FINCA
21 0:28.460250sxf(2018)3317892JoJo Dashosh | ZYN
22 0:28.578250sxf(2018)4743203jace williams | fortnite
23 0:28.640250sxf(2018)9440856Tucker Zimmerman \ Peap.Co
24 0:28.648250sxf(2018)5526987Lliam Rowella | District Designs
25 0:28.664250sxf(2018)56718452Jason Felkey | CANVAS
26 0:28.679250sxf(2018)40332889Jett Wisdom | impact
27 0:28.695250sxf(2018)9940900Kason Little | privateer
28 0:28.757250sxf(2018)6816931Branden Walther
29 0:28.773250sxf(2018)99147842Kason Little | SLR X SGB
30 0:28.781250sxf(2018)2849143Kai Adams | Luna
31 0:28.804250sxf(2018)32796Hurricane Ian
32 0:28.804250sxf(2018)41949261Robbie Good | Bar X ecstar
33 0:28.820250sxf(2018)54158515Jackson Vick | wbb
34 0:28.843250sxf(2018)1946492Gauge Brown | Wonder Bread Boys
35 0:28.867250sxf(2018)16036523Murph
36 0:28.898250sxf(2018)1239167Christopher Harris
37 0:28.914250sxf(2018)71147539Long Neck | DBD
38 0:29.070250sxf(2018)51745719Billy Kwiecinski
39 0:29.132250sxf(2018)981683Brent Heintzelman
40 0:29.421250sxf(2018)41946476Deacon Denno
41 0:29.453fc250(2018)31715155Cody B
42 0:29.476250sxf(2018)5444326Finn Markland | Active
43 0:29.500rm12515128741Trevin Thompson
44 0:29.648250sxf(2018)70036624Jadon Cooper
45 0:29.742250sxf(2018)11939478Mkbillion
46 0:29.804250sxf(2018)60530494Jack Hurst
47 0:29.820crf450(2018)5611545Jessie Calaway
48 0:29.851250sxf(2018)5444601Ethan McMorris | UG x MC
49 0:29.984250sxf(2018)78344213Braden Hashman| @DrDewRacing
50 0:29.992250sxf(2018)4944025Cody Wells | Luna
51 0:30.273250sxf(2018)2647245curt wilkins | cttf
52 0:30.320250sxf(2018)4444564benny bloss
53 0:30.320250sxf(2018)16929178Darnell Caramel | #4Zack
54 0:30.414250sxf(2018)36025877Chandler Bloxom | DaBaum Designs
55 0:30.820250sxf(2018)11848107brycen | WBB Truck Driver
56 0:31.335250sxf(2018)5238094Stoney Hudman|Luna
57 0:31.429250sxf(2018)50425253Wesley Carbaugh | OTB
58 0:32.000250sxf(2018)4449329hayden boyd
59 0:32.000250sxf(2018)15537276Cy alvarado/Privateer
60 0:32.609rm1258248938Clayton Stockstill
61 0:33.140250sxf(2018)36157741Austin Schafer | Ddavisgaming 4L / CPR Skatepark
62 0:37.250250sxf(2018)99957287Joe Motocross
63 0:39.945250sxf(2018)11121625Kade Garrett | Please be patient, I have Autism
64 0:43.476250sxf(2018)32819357Colin Moore
125 Lap Records
1 0:27.148rm125918235BC
2 0:28.132rm1257237458JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports
3 0:28.296rm12548642576carson west | eyespec
4 0:28.562rm12533712946Bryan Hedge | VSR
5 0:28.867rm12548115121Jared Gumeson
6 0:28.890rm1259440856Tucker Zimmerman \ Peap.Co
7 0:28.906rm1253317892JoJo Dashosh | ZYN
8 0:28.953rm1259523831Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
9 0:29.437rm12551745719Billy Kwiecinski
10 0:29.500rm12515128741Trevin Thompson
11 0:29.539rm12541946476Deacon Denno
12 0:29.554rm12541949261Robbie Good | Bar X ecstar
13 0:29.859rm1252573950Alex Carlo
14 0:30.281cr12571147539Long Neck | DBD
15 0:30.445rm1252647245curt wilkins | cttf
16 0:31.734rm1251333662Seth Carr
17 0:32.609rm1258248938Clayton Stockstill
18 0:52.625rm1255444601Ethan McMorris | UG x MC
250f Lap Records
1 0:26.773250sxf(2018)918235BC
2 0:26.890250sxf(2018)7823971long nuts
3 0:26.976250sxf(2018)9718588Seth Garrett | Finca
4 0:27.109250sxf(2018)1333662Seth Carr
5 0:27.132250sxf(2018)48642576carson west | eyespec
6 0:27.679250sxf(2018)9523831Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
7 0:27.882250sxf(2018)86327902Ryan Flemming
8 0:27.929250sxf(2018)16436618Jordan Miller | VSR
9 0:27.945250sxf(2018)7338230Brandon Larsen | WBB #cc153
10 0:28.070250sxf(2018)1631403John Hileman | Finca Law Consultations
11 0:28.070250sxf(2018)7237458JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports
12 0:28.109250sxf(2018)SEX18709My Favorite Color is White (No Reason BTW)
13 0:28.132250sxf(2018)33712946Bryan Hedge | VSR
14 0:28.148250sxf(2018)21630371Jake Spease | District Designs
15 0:28.242250sxf(2018)13243144Coby Gilsdorf | VSR
16 0:28.312250sxf(2018)2573950Alex Carlo
17 0:28.398250sxf(2018)48115121Jared Gumeson
18 0:28.406250sxf(2018)35233135Jeremy Estrella | Finca Motorsports
19 0:28.437250sxf(2018)031221Trevor Spencer | FINCA
20 0:28.460250sxf(2018)3317892JoJo Dashosh | ZYN
21 0:28.578250sxf(2018)4743203jace williams | fortnite
22 0:28.640250sxf(2018)9440856Tucker Zimmerman \ Peap.Co
23 0:28.648250sxf(2018)5526987Lliam Rowella | District Designs
24 0:28.664250sxf(2018)56718452Jason Felkey | CANVAS
25 0:28.679250sxf(2018)40332889Jett Wisdom | impact
26 0:28.695250sxf(2018)9940900Kason Little | privateer
27 0:28.757250sxf(2018)6816931Branden Walther
28 0:28.773250sxf(2018)99147842Kason Little | SLR X SGB
29 0:28.781250sxf(2018)2849143Kai Adams | Luna
30 0:28.804250sxf(2018)41949261Robbie Good | Bar X ecstar
31 0:28.804250sxf(2018)32796Hurricane Ian
32 0:28.820250sxf(2018)54158515Jackson Vick | wbb
33 0:28.843250sxf(2018)1946492Gauge Brown | Wonder Bread Boys
34 0:28.867250sxf(2018)16036523Murph
35 0:28.898250sxf(2018)1239167Christopher Harris
36 0:28.914250sxf(2018)71147539Long Neck | DBD
37 0:29.070250sxf(2018)51745719Billy Kwiecinski
38 0:29.132250sxf(2018)981683Brent Heintzelman
39 0:29.421250sxf(2018)41946476Deacon Denno
40 0:29.453fc250(2018)31715155Cody B
41 0:29.476250sxf(2018)5444326Finn Markland | Active
42 0:29.648250sxf(2018)70036624Jadon Cooper
43 0:29.742250sxf(2018)11939478Mkbillion
44 0:29.804250sxf(2018)60530494Jack Hurst
45 0:29.851250sxf(2018)5444601Ethan McMorris | UG x MC
46 0:29.984250sxf(2018)78344213Braden Hashman| @DrDewRacing
47 0:29.992250sxf(2018)4944025Cody Wells | Luna
48 0:30.273250sxf(2018)2647245curt wilkins | cttf
49 0:30.320250sxf(2018)4444564benny bloss
50 0:30.320250sxf(2018)16929178Darnell Caramel | #4Zack
51 0:30.414250sxf(2018)36025877Chandler Bloxom | DaBaum Designs
52 0:30.820250sxf(2018)11848107brycen | WBB Truck Driver
53 0:31.335250sxf(2018)5238094Stoney Hudman|Luna
54 0:31.429250sxf(2018)50425253Wesley Carbaugh | OTB
55 0:32.000250sxf(2018)4449329hayden boyd
56 0:32.000250sxf(2018)15537276Cy alvarado/Privateer
57 0:33.140250sxf(2018)36157741Austin Schafer | Ddavisgaming 4L / CPR Skatepark
58 0:37.250250sxf(2018)99957287Joe Motocross
59 0:39.945250sxf(2018)11121625Kade Garrett | Please be patient, I have Autism
60 0:43.476250sxf(2018)32819357Colin Moore
250 Lap Records
450f Lap Records
1 0:28.343fc450(2018)9519791Noah Karassy | NCK Decals
2 0:29.820crf450(2018)5611545Jessie Calaway
3 0:53.015crf450(2018)80012946Bryan Hedge | FBG