- UID #30827
These stats are for For stats from all servers go here
Name: | Haagen | Krizzy Kranked |
Number: | 96 |
Total Races: | 8 |
Wins: | 6 |
DNF's: | 1 |
Holeshots: | 3 |
Rating: | 87.50% (defeated 21 out of 24 opponents) |
Hard Charger - Awarded for going from last to first. | |
First Win - Awarded for winning a race. | |
Participant - Awarded for just showing up. |
* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.
Overall Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
0:39.351 | 350sxf(2013) | JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Donny Malone's AX |
0:32.765 | 350sxf(2013) | JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Endurocross |
0:47.507 | 350sxf(2013) | JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Gas Station SX |
0:48.031 | 350sxf(2013) | JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Localcross |
1:01.765 | 350sxf(2013) | JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Pete's Place SX |
1:01.687 | 350sxf(2013) | JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Smirky's Sand SX |
450f Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
0:39.351 | 350sxf(2013) | JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Donny Malone's AX |
0:32.765 | 350sxf(2013) | JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Endurocross |
0:47.507 | 350sxf(2013) | JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Gas Station SX |
0:48.031 | 350sxf(2013) | JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Localcross |
1:01.765 | 350sxf(2013) | JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Pete's Place SX |
1:01.687 | 350sxf(2013) | JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Smirky's Sand SX |