MX Simulator F.A.Q. Screenshots Download Order Servers Links Forum - UID #23124

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Name:Alex FLANDIN | AMProd Factory
Total Races:40
Rating:25.30% (defeated 106 out of 419 opponents)


First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot.
Participant - Awarded for just showing up.

* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.

Overall Lap Records
0:50.210fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross de Paris
1:11.554crf450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd01 - Anaheim 1
1:23.531crf450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd02 - Glendale
1:02.742fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd04 - Oakland
0:55.890fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd05 - San Diego
1:05.039fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd06 - Minneapolis
1:24.601fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd10 - Daytona
1:00.382fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd11 - Indianapolis
1:04.328fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd12 - Seattle
1:01.914fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd13 - Houston
0:54.226fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd14 - Nashville
1:21.187fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd15 - Denver
1:15.203fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd16 - East Rutherford
125 Lap Records
1:08.890rm1252019 MxGR Supercross de Paris
450f Lap Records
0:50.210fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross de Paris
1:11.554crf450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd01 - Anaheim 1
1:23.531crf450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd02 - Glendale
1:02.742fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd04 - Oakland
0:55.890fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd05 - San Diego
1:05.039fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd06 - Minneapolis
1:24.601fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd10 - Daytona
1:00.382fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd11 - Indianapolis
1:04.328fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd12 - Seattle
1:01.914fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd13 - Houston
0:54.226fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd14 - Nashville
1:21.187fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd15 - Denver
1:15.203fc450(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd16 - East Rutherford