MX Simulator - UID #24468

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Name:Steny Lambert | Evolution
Total Races:159
Rating:52.78% (defeated 1234 out of 2338 opponents)


First Win - Awarded for winning a race.
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot.
Participant - Awarded for just showing up.

* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.

Overall Lap Records
1:04.578fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd01 - Anaheim 1
1:15.546fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd02 - Glendale
1:06.562fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd03 - Anaheim
0:57.476fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd04 - Oakland
0:51.609fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd05 - San Diego
0:56.054fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd06 - Minneapolis
0:59.984fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd12 - Seattle
0:56.085fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd13 - Houston
1:44.046crf450(2018)2020 Russian Championship Rd.03 - Kovrov
1:32.945crf450(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd13 Atlanta 1
1:30.867crf450(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd14 Atlanta 2
1:33.921crf450(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd15 Atlanta 3
0:52.023crf450(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd16 Salt Lake City 1
0:44.726350sxf(2017)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd17 Salt Lake City 2
1:46.289crf450(2018)2022 SMK Kristianstad Ripa
2:40.570250sxf(2018)2023 Dog Nationals Rd 10: Danilovgrad
2:21.156crf450(2018)BCMX: El Chuba Cabra
2:11.273crf450(2018)Cahuilla Mx
2:28.007crf450(2018)Decker Training Complex - Race
250f Lap Records
1:04.578fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd01 - Anaheim 1
1:15.546fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd02 - Glendale
1:06.562fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd03 - Anaheim
0:57.476fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd04 - Oakland
0:51.609fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd05 - San Diego
0:56.054fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd06 - Minneapolis
0:59.984fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd12 - Seattle
0:56.085fc250(2018)2019 MxGR Supercross Rd13 - Houston
0:53.335250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd16 Salt Lake City 1
2:40.570250sxf(2018)2023 Dog Nationals Rd 10: Danilovgrad
450f Lap Records
1:44.046crf450(2018)2020 Russian Championship Rd.03 - Kovrov
1:32.945crf450(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd13 Atlanta 1
1:30.867crf450(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd14 Atlanta 2
1:33.921crf450(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd15 Atlanta 3
0:52.023crf450(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd16 Salt Lake City 1
0:44.726350sxf(2017)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd17 Salt Lake City 2
1:46.289crf450(2018)2022 SMK Kristianstad Ripa
2:21.156crf450(2018)BCMX: El Chuba Cabra
2:11.273crf450(2018)Cahuilla Mx
2:28.007crf450(2018)Decker Training Complex - Race