MX Simulator
TrackMintop MX
Format 15 minutes, 1 laps
Date9/24/2018, 1:41:10 AM (2362 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
117Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. fc450(2018)9 17:33.2269 1:49.2655078
24Jeremy Smith | TBR crf450(2018)9 17:43.4143 1:51.6012528
329rc fc450(2018)9 17:48.5708 1:49.84314794
4317Zach Fischer | Underground RC fc450(2018)9 18:06.2658 1:55.50715392
554Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman fc450(2017)9 18:18.3353 1:55.3122535
61Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader crf450(2018)9 18:18.3512 1:51.4456767
713Indii G. fc450(2018)9 18:35.2574 1:53.39812235
8189Khamar Glover | Looking for Team 250sxf(2018)9 18:55.0624 1:55.51516708
9726cs fc450(2018)9 19:07.6877 1:56.50018668
10313Ricky Hardman | Underground RC fc450(2018)9 19:20.2655 1:57.83513567
11273Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT fc450(2018)9 19:34.2268 1:57.64810244
12908Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx 450sxf(2018)9 19:47.1407 1:58.1328479
13198Ryan Kelly fc450(2018)9 19:58.5396 2:01.07829789
14323Trent Adams | EBR | 250sxf(2018)8 17:42.0314 2:00.11720274
15738Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT fc450(2018)8 18:00.5467 2:03.02317003
1655Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing 250sxf(2018)8 18:06.9605 2:04.47625168
17160Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | fc450(2018)8 18:44.3354 2:01.34325569
18772Mac Holmes | Mx Formula crf450(2018)8 18:53.9848 2:15.48425743
19246Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. 250sxf(2018)8 18:55.7506 2:05.20329786
20228Travis Cummings fc450(2018)8 19:10.1256 2:11.39029045
214Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails 250sxf(2017)8 19:20.9532 2:11.18719230
2216Faded. | AUS #16 250sxf(2018)8 19:21.8590 0:00.0009841
23768Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 fc450(2018)8 19:32.5937 2:18.96825122
24715Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx fc450(2018)8 19:42.4768 2:21.07017809
25194Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ fc450(2018)8 19:55.6172 2:44.24222919
26116Maddax Spatafore fc450(2018)8 20:00.6256 2:26.58518274
27720Noah Napoli fc450(2018)7 17:46.6483 2:13.84314996
28290Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto fc250(2018)7 17:51.4065 2:13.50724381
29122Ari Vowles 250sxf(2018)7 18:50.7183 2:29.70327678
30360Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT fc450(2018)4 9:36.2422 2:08.23425877
31HEYHEY 450sxf(2017)4 9:40.0782 2:04.83523985
32800Erin Rockafellow | rm1254 10:33.5932 2:17.24225349
33522eric rmz450(2017)3 7:43.9450 0:00.0008694
349Jessica crf450(2018)2 4:45.8822 2:12.0704898
3540Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing fc450(2018)2 5:39.0232 2:41.03120525
36133Blake Hartley| Psychotic Racing 250sxf(2017)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00028875
37110Doug Oakley fc450(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0005723
3899Hxnt3r crf450(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004140
39112Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals 250sxf(2018)0 0:03.3120 0:00.00010808

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9
P1 4 17 4 4 29 4 4 29 17
P2 17 4 17 17 4 29 29 4 4
P3 317 29 29 29 17 17 17 17 29
P4 194 317 1 54 54 54 317 317 317
P5 908 908 317 908 317 317 1 1 54
P6 29 1 908 1 908 1 54 54 1
P7 54 54 54 317 13 13 13 13 13
P8 1 13 13 13 1 189 189 189 189
P9 55 198 189 189 189 908 908 313 726
P10 9 323 198 313 313 313 313 726 313
P11 160 189 313 198 726 726 726 908 273
P12 323 9 273 726 198 198 198 198 908
P13 198 738 726 323 160 323 273 273 198
P14 246 273 323 273 273 273 323 323
P15 738 360 160 160 323 160 738 738
P16 273 160 772 772 55 55 55 55
P17 189 313 55 55 738 246 160 160
P18 360 772 116 246 246 738 246 772
P19 13 194 738 738 228 228 772 16
P20 720 246 16 720 16 16 16 246
P21 313 55 720 194 772 772 228 228
P22 16 726 360 360 116 4 4 4
P23 800 16 246 16 715 116 194 768
P24 772 720 228 HEY 194 194 116 715
P25 726 800 194 228 720 715 768 116
P26 116 116 715 4 4 768 715 194
P27 715 HEY 4 116 768 290 720
P28 522 228 HEY 768 290 122 290
P29 122 4 522 715 122 720 122
P30 228 768 768 290
P31 290 715 800 800
P32 40 522 290 122
P33 768 122 122
P34 4 290
P35 HEY 40

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:49.265 9 17 Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc.
1:49.843 8 29 rc
1:50.562 2 29 rc
1:51.085 5 29 rc
1:51.445 2 1 Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader
1:51.601 3 4 Jeremy Smith | TBR
1:52.546 7 4 Jeremy Smith | TBR
1:52.742 7 1 Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader
1:52.984 8 17 Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc.
1:53.000 7 29 rc
1:53.156 7 17 Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc.
1:53.273 4 4 Jeremy Smith | TBR
1:53.398 4 13 Indii G.
1:53.468 3 1 Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader
1:53.843 3 13 Indii G.
1:53.906 2 13 Indii G.
1:54.835 2 17 Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc.
1:55.289 8 1 Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader
1:55.312 3 54 Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman
1:55.507 8 317 Zach Fischer | Underground RC
1:55.515 4 189 Khamar Glover | Looking for Team
1:56.140 7 189 Khamar Glover | Looking for Team
1:56.453 6 1 Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader
1:56.500 7 726 cs
1:56.523 6 54 Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman
1:56.601 3 17 Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc.
1:56.781 4 726 cs
1:57.531 5 317 Zach Fischer | Underground RC
1:57.531 6 317 Zach Fischer | Underground RC
1:57.648 8 273 Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT
1:57.742 9 317 Zach Fischer | Underground RC
1:57.835 5 313 Ricky Hardman | Underground RC
1:58.007 7 317 Zach Fischer | Underground RC
1:58.132 7 908 Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx
1:58.375 4 313 Ricky Hardman | Underground RC
1:58.398 7 313 Ricky Hardman | Underground RC
1:59.453 9 54 Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman
1:59.781 8 189 Khamar Glover | Looking for Team
1:59.804 2 317 Zach Fischer | Underground RC
2:00.117 4 323 Trent Adams | EBR |
2:00.132 6 313 Ricky Hardman | Underground RC
2:00.523 3 313 Ricky Hardman | Underground RC
2:00.820 8 4 Jeremy Smith | TBR
2:01.015 4 908 Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx
2:01.078 6 198 Ryan Kelly
2:01.179 6 726 cs
2:01.257 5 13 Indii G.
2:01.343 4 160 Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps |
2:01.429 6 13 Indii G.
2:01.781 2 4 Jeremy Smith | TBR
2:01.789 8 726 cs
2:01.796 5 17 Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc.
2:01.820 8 13 Indii G.
2:01.937 9 13 Indii G.
2:02.000 3 726 cs
2:02.414 9 273 Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT
2:03.023 7 738 Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT
2:03.078 2 198 Ryan Kelly
2:03.125 7 13 Indii G.
2:03.148 5 738 Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT
2:03.171 2 54 Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman
2:03.632 6 323 Trent Adams | EBR |
2:03.796 8 738 Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT
2:04.031 2 323 Trent Adams | EBR |
2:04.109 6 189 Khamar Glover | Looking for Team
2:04.156 9 726 cs
2:04.476 5 55 Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing
2:04.835 2 HEY HEY
2:04.890 4 HEY HEY
2:05.101 4 273 Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT
2:05.125 7 273 Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT
2:05.203 6 246 Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co.
2:05.421 8 55 Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing
2:05.437 5 908 Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx
2:05.734 3 317 Zach Fischer | Underground RC
2:05.789 6 4 Jeremy Smith | TBR
2:06.234 3 908 Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx
2:06.437 9 1 Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader
2:06.929 5 1 Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader
2:07.843 2 726 cs
2:07.937 2 273 Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT
2:08.234 2 360 Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT
2:08.921 5 726 cs
2:09.851 7 55 Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing
2:10.679 3 273 Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT
2:10.953 7 323 Trent Adams | EBR |
2:11.187 2 4 Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails
2:11.390 6 228 Travis Cummings
2:12.070 2 9 Jessica
2:12.187 3 198 Ryan Kelly
2:12.835 3 160 Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps |
2:13.218 3 55 Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing
2:13.507 5 290 Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto
2:13.632 4 246 Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co.
2:13.843 3 720 Noah Napoli
2:14.570 5 246 Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co.
2:14.750 8 313 Ricky Hardman | Underground RC
2:15.484 8 772 Mac Holmes | Mx Formula
2:16.046 9 313 Ricky Hardman | Underground RC
2:16.828 6 738 Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT
2:17.203 3 290 Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto
2:17.242 2 800 Erin Rockafellow |
2:18.273 8 908 Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx
2:18.296 2 720 Noah Napoli
2:18.367 4 772 Mac Holmes | Mx Formula
2:18.968 7 768 Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18
2:19.453 4 360 Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT
2:19.648 2 246 Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co.
2:21.070 8 715 Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx
2:21.164 3 768 Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18
2:22.710 4 228 Travis Cummings
2:23.554 4 768 Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18
2:24.085 3 246 Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co.
2:25.414 6 160 Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps |
2:26.578 3 HEY HEY
2:26.585 6 116 Maddax Spatafore
2:29.046 6 290 Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto
2:29.343 6 715 Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx
2:29.703 3 360 Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT
2:29.703 3 122 Ari Vowles
2:37.242 4 715 Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx
2:39.289 2 290 Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto
2:39.687 4 800 Erin Rockafellow |
2:40.539 7 290 Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto
2:41.031 2 40 Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing
2:44.242 2 194 Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+
2:51.398 3 800 Erin Rockafellow |
3:01.359 6 720 Noah Napoli

Individual Worst Laps

2:03.125 7 13 Indii G.
2:05.789 6 4 Jeremy Smith | TBR
2:06.437 4 317 Zach Fischer | Underground RC
2:06.882 6 17 Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc.
2:06.929 5 1 Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader
2:08.921 5 726 cs
2:10.171 9 189 Khamar Glover | Looking for Team
2:11.718 7 54 Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman
2:12.070 2 9 Jessica
2:14.445 9 29 rc
2:15.765 9 198 Ryan Kelly
2:16.046 9 313 Ricky Hardman | Underground RC
2:17.632 5 273 Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT
2:22.281 3 323 Trent Adams | EBR |
2:26.578 3 HEY HEY
2:27.468 2 55 Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing
2:27.843 3 738 Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT
2:27.929 5 16 Faded. | AUS #16
2:29.703 3 360 Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT
2:32.382 5 4 Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails
2:34.218 7 228 Travis Cummings
2:34.812 2 522 eric
2:34.968 8 246 Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co.
2:35.796 6 768 Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18
2:36.789 7 160 Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps |
2:37.242 4 715 Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx
2:37.929 9 908 Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx
2:39.195 5 772 Mac Holmes | Mx Formula
2:40.539 7 290 Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto
2:41.031 2 40 Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing
2:44.242 2 194 Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+
2:46.664 4 116 Maddax Spatafore
2:51.398 3 800 Erin Rockafellow |
3:01.359 6 720 Noah Napoli
3:26.093 7 122 Ari Vowles


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.799 317 Zach Fischer | Underground RC
4.005 13 Indii G.
4.238 726 cs
4.774 4 Jeremy Smith | TBR
4.847 189 Khamar Glover | Looking for Team
5.017 198 Ryan Kelly
5.418 17 Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc.
5.503 273 Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT
5.816 54 Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman
6.176 1 Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader
6.314 4 Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails
6.593 768 Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18
6.620 16 Faded. | AUS #16
7.137 313 Ricky Hardman | Underground RC
7.593 55 Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing
7.760 228 Travis Cummings
8.076 323 Trent Adams | EBR |
8.768 360 Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT
9.033 29 rc
9.250 246 Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co.
9.488 738 Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT
10.075 772 Mac Holmes | Mx Formula
10.193 160 Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps |
10.236 HEY HEY
10.254 290 Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto
10.606 194 Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+
10.803 715 Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx
11.375 522 eric
13.477 116 Maddax Spatafore
14.005 908 Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx
14.172 800 Erin Rockafellow |
16.845 720 Noah Napoli
23.541 122 Ari Vowles
- 133 Blake Hartley| Psychotic Racing
- 112 Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals
- 40 Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing
- 110 Doug Oakley
- 99 Hxnt3r
- 9 Jessica

Play by Play

Noah Napoli takes the holeshot followed by Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc., Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+, Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman, Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader, Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing, Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT, Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. , rc, Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails, Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto, Zach Fischer | Underground RC, Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing, Ari Vowles, Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps |, Trent Adams | EBR |, Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT, Ryan Kelly, Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals, Ricky Hardman | Underground RC, Faded. | AUS #16, Erin Rockafellow |, Hxnt3r, Maddax Spatafore, HEY, Mac Holmes | Mx Formula, Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx, Travis Cummings and Doug Oakley

0:07.601 - 0:09.328: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 4th
0:07.687 - 0:09.625: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 6th
0:08.101 - 0:09.867: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 8th
0:08.195 - 0:10.179: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 9th
0:08.289 - 0:10.195: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 10th
0:09.171 - 0:11.304: Zach Fischer | Underground RC passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 14th
0:09.382 - 0:11.312: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 15th
0:09.695 - 0:11.687: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 16th
0:08.921 - 0:12.773: Jeremy Smith | TBR passed Noah Napoli for the lead
0:09.625 - 0:13.648: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Jessica for 5th
0:09.867 - 0:14.070: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 7th
0:10.179 - 0:14.414: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 8th
0:10.195 - 0:14.421: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 9th
0:10.359 - 0:14.437: rc passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team and Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 10th
0:13.234 - 0:15.093: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 24th
0:10.492 - 0:15.281: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 12th
0:13.273 - 0:15.609: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. for 3rd
0:11.312 - 0:15.695: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Zach Fischer | Underground RC for 14th
0:13.851 - 0:16.437: Jessica passed Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. and Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 4th
0:13.648 - 0:16.476: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. for 5th
0:12.265 - 0:16.484: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Indii G. and Trent Adams | EBR | for 18th
0:14.421 - 0:16.992: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing, Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT and Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. for 6th
0:13.078 - 0:17.164: Ryan Kelly passed Indii G., Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx and Trent Adams | EBR | for 19th
0:14.414 - 0:17.656: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 8th
0:12.953 - 0:18.125: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Indii G. and Trent Adams | EBR | for 20th
0:15.281 - 0:18.515: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed rc, Khamar Glover | Looking for Team and Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 9th
0:15.304 - 0:18.843: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed rc, Khamar Glover | Looking for Team and Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 10th
0:14.070 - 0:19.117: Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals passed Indii G. and Trent Adams | EBR | for 21st
0:16.304 - 0:19.164: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed rc, Khamar Glover | Looking for Team, Zach Fischer | Underground RC, Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing, Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 11th
0:16.476 - 0:19.265: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Noah Napoli, Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman and Jessica for 2nd
0:15.609 - 0:19.281: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Noah Napoli for 3rd
0:15.195 - 0:19.296: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Indii G., Faded. | AUS #16 and Trent Adams | EBR | for 22nd
0:15.093 - 0:19.304: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Indii G. and Trent Adams | EBR | for 23rd
0:15.812 - 0:19.328: Zach Fischer | Underground RC passed rc, Khamar Glover | Looking for Team, Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 12th
0:16.437 - 0:19.890: Jessica passed Noah Napoli for 4th
0:15.710 - 0:20.039: Erin Rockafellow | passed Indii G. and Trent Adams | EBR | for 24th
0:16.992 - 0:20.156: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Noah Napoli for 5th
0:17.234 - 0:20.367: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. passed Noah Napoli for 6th
0:16.726 - 0:20.578: Hxnt3r passed Indii G. and Trent Adams | EBR | for 25th
0:14.437 - 0:20.703: rc passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 13th
0:17.164 - 0:20.734: Ryan Kelly passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team, Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT, Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing, Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 14th
0:15.585 - 0:21.164: Maddax Spatafore went off the track
0:17.656 - 0:21.328: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Noah Napoli for 7th
0:16.484 - 0:21.359: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team, Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing, Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 15th
0:18.125 - 0:21.882: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team, Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing, Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 16th
0:18.843 - 0:22.171: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails and Noah Napoli for 8th
0:20.242 - 0:22.265: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 30th
0:19.328 - 0:22.367: Zach Fischer | Underground RC passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails, Noah Napoli and Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 9th
0:19.296 - 0:22.734: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team, Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals, Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing, Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 17th
0:16.000 - 0:23.046: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team, Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 18th
0:09.398 - 0:23.218: Ari Vowles went off the track
0:20.039 - 0:23.539: Erin Rockafellow | passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team, Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals, Faded. | AUS #16, Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 19th
0:22.109 - 0:23.835: Travis Cummings passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 34th
0:20.578 - 0:23.992: Hxnt3r passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team, Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals, Faded. | AUS #16, Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 20th
0:21.164 - 0:24.210: Maddax Spatafore passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team, Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals, Faded. | AUS #16, Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 21st
0:19.164 - 0:24.343: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails and Noah Napoli for 10th
0:20.703 - 0:24.718: rc passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails and Noah Napoli for 11th
0:21.359 - 0:25.078: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails and Noah Napoli for 12th
0:20.742 - 0:25.101: HEY passed cs for 30th
0:21.882 - 0:25.343: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails and Noah Napoli for 13th
0:19.117 - 0:25.539: Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 23rd
0:22.265 - 0:25.750: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed cs for 31st
0:23.031 - 0:26.453: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed cs and eric for 32nd
0:23.585 - 0:26.460: Indii G. passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team, Ari Vowles, Faded. | AUS #16 and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 24th
0:22.734 - 0:26.460: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 15th
0:23.046 - 0:26.968: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 16th
0:22.929 - 0:27.382: eric passed cs for 33rd
0:23.992 - 0:27.515: Hxnt3r passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails and Erin Rockafellow | for 17th
0:20.734 - 0:27.929: Ryan Kelly went off the track
0:23.835 - 0:27.968: Travis Cummings passed cs and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 34th
0:25.101 - 0:28.046: HEY passed Ari Vowles and Trent Adams | EBR | for 28th
0:24.859 - 0:28.320: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 2nd
0:25.343 - 0:29.031: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 13th
0:25.539 - 0:29.250: Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails, Erin Rockafellow |, Maddax Spatafore and Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 18th
0:25.750 - 0:29.601: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Ari Vowles and Trent Adams | EBR | for 29th
0:27.382 - 0:30.257: eric passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT, Ari Vowles and Trent Adams | EBR | for 30th
0:26.460 - 0:30.414: Indii G. passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails, Erin Rockafellow |, Maddax Spatafore and Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 19th
0:26.789 - 0:30.460: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails, Erin Rockafellow |, Maddax Spatafore and Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 20th
0:25.507 - 0:30.828: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails, Erin Rockafellow | and Maddax Spatafore for 21st
0:29.031 - 0:30.976: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed rc for 12th
0:23.539 - 0:30.976: Erin Rockafellow | passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 22nd
0:28.585 - 0:31.234: cs passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT, Travis Cummings, Ari Vowles and Trent Adams | EBR | for 31st
0:27.289 - 0:31.867: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails and Maddax Spatafore for 23rd
0:27.828 - 0:33.007: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails and Maddax Spatafore for 24th
0:31.250 - 0:33.359: Hxnt3r passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 16th
0:30.992 - 0:33.492: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 17th
0:29.601 - 0:33.578: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails, HEY and Maddax Spatafore for 25th
0:30.898 - 0:33.703: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 5th
0:30.257 - 0:34.328: eric passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails, HEY and Maddax Spatafore for 26th
0:24.210 - 0:34.734: Maddax Spatafore passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 27th
0:31.398 - 0:34.750: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 2nd
0:31.234 - 0:34.843: cs passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails and HEY for 28th
0:28.703 - 0:35.171: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT and Travis Cummings for 34th
0:30.976 - 0:35.296: Erin Rockafellow | passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 22nd
0:29.000 - 0:36.132: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula went off the track
0:31.867 - 0:36.171: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 23rd
0:33.007 - 0:36.828: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 24th
0:28.046 - 0:37.140: HEY passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 30th
0:33.578 - 0:37.195: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 25th
0:35.296 - 0:37.328: Erin Rockafellow | passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 21st
0:35.171 - 0:38.085: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails and Trent Adams | EBR | for 31st
0:36.171 - 0:38.242: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 22nd
0:34.960 - 0:38.250: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 32nd
0:34.328 - 0:38.429: eric passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 26th
0:35.101 - 0:38.585: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 7th
0:34.734 - 0:38.757: Maddax Spatafore passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 27th
0:35.812 - 0:38.804: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed rc for 12th
0:37.195 - 0:39.328: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team and Faded. | AUS #16 for 23rd
0:36.828 - 0:39.476: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 24th
0:36.132 - 0:39.812: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed cs and Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 28th
0:36.085 - 0:39.906: Indii G. passed Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals for 18th
0:36.273 - 0:40.476: Jessica passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 3rd
0:34.046 - 0:40.734: Ari Vowles went off the track
0:38.429 - 0:40.742: eric passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 25th
0:37.140 - 0:41.132: HEY passed cs and Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 30th
0:38.757 - 0:41.179: Maddax Spatafore passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 26th
0:38.132 - 0:41.539: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 33rd
0:37.445 - 0:41.656: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 4th
0:39.812 - 0:41.789: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 27th
0:38.085 - 0:41.828: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed cs and Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 31st
0:38.250 - 0:42.234: Trent Adams | EBR | passed cs for 33rd
0:37.679 - 0:42.296: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 5th
0:40.734 - 0:42.750: Ari Vowles passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 28th
0:38.585 - 0:43.117: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 6th
0:36.000 - 0:43.507: Noah Napoli went off the track
0:38.726 - 0:43.546: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 7th
0:40.171 - 0:43.921: Hxnt3r passed rc and Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 13th
0:39.679 - 0:44.140: Zach Fischer | Underground RC passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 8th
0:42.234 - 0:44.570: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 32nd
0:40.656 - 0:44.976: Ryan Kelly passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 9th
0:41.539 - 0:45.179: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed cs for 34th
0:41.390 - 0:45.828: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 10th
0:42.375 - 0:46.351: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed rc, Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 14th
0:42.804 - 0:46.421: Indii G. passed rc, Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 15th
0:43.070 - 0:46.804: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed eric, Mac Holmes | Mx Formula and Maddax Spatafore for 24th
0:30.773 - 0:46.882: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto went off the track
0:43.343 - 0:47.195: Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals passed rc, Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 16th
0:43.460 - 0:47.226: Travis Cummings passed cs for 35th
0:43.921 - 0:48.109: Hxnt3r passed Noah Napoli for 12th
0:45.242 - 0:48.867: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed rc, Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT, Erin Rockafellow | and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 17th
0:41.789 - 0:49.429: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed eric and Maddax Spatafore for 25th
0:45.921 - 0:49.468: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed rc, Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT, Erin Rockafellow | and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 18th
0:44.570 - 0:49.515: Trent Adams | EBR | passed eric, HEY, Maddax Spatafore and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 26th
0:41.179 - 0:49.820: Maddax Spatafore passed eric for 27th
0:43.757 - 0:50.132: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
0:42.921 - 0:50.507: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails went off the track
0:47.039 - 0:51.359: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed HEY and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 29th
0:46.882 - 0:51.765: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed rc, Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT, Erin Rockafellow | and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 20th
0:47.195 - 0:51.992: Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC and Noah Napoli for 13th
0:39.156 - 0:52.375: rc passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 21st
0:40.703 - 0:52.679: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 22nd
0:49.140 - 0:52.742: Travis Cummings passed HEY and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 30th
0:49.515 - 0:52.796: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 24th
0:48.132 - 0:52.984: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Ryan Kelly for 9th
0:49.640 - 0:53.398: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT and Erin Rockafellow | for 23rd
0:48.867 - 0:53.828: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC and Noah Napoli for 14th
0:50.132 - 0:54.781: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Ryan Kelly for 10th
0:50.265 - 0:55.023: Hxnt3r passed Ryan Kelly for 11th
0:43.765 - 0:55.546: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed HEY for 31st
0:53.062 - 0:55.968: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. passed Jessica and Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 2nd
0:52.375 - 0:56.421: rc passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC, Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx, Faded. | AUS #16, Noah Napoli and Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 15th
0:52.796 - 0:56.546: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Erin Rockafellow | for 25th
0:52.679 - 0:57.078: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC, Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx, Faded. | AUS #16 and Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 17th
0:53.492 - 0:57.281: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Erin Rockafellow | for 26th
0:53.398 - 0:57.820: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC, Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx, Faded. | AUS #16 and Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 18th
0:55.429 - 0:58.210: Zach Fischer | Underground RC passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. , Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+, Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT, Jessica and Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 3rd
0:55.078 - 0:58.640: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. , Jessica and Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 4th
0:42.750 - 0:58.914: Ari Vowles went off the track
0:55.171 - 0:59.328: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed eric for 29th
0:54.796 - 1:00.148: Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals passed Ryan Kelly for 12th
0:55.921 - 1:00.164: Travis Cummings passed eric for 30th
0:57.437 - 1:00.531: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. , Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT and Jessica for 6th
0:56.546 - 1:00.906: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT, Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx, Faded. | AUS #16 and Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 20th
0:58.812 - 1:01.343: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. , Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT and Jessica for 7th
0:50.648 - 1:01.640: cs passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 33rd
0:57.546 - 1:01.867: Erin Rockafellow | passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT, Mac Holmes | Mx Formula, Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx, Faded. | AUS #16 and Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 21st
0:59.546 - 1:02.179: Hxnt3r passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. , Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT and Jessica for 8th
0:57.648 - 1:02.257: Maddax Spatafore passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT, Mac Holmes | Mx Formula, Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx, Faded. | AUS #16 and Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 22nd
0:50.132 - 1:02.726: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 23rd
0:59.328 - 1:03.500: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT, Mac Holmes | Mx Formula, Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx and Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 24th
1:00.906 - 1:03.601: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 19th
0:59.539 - 1:03.765: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed eric and Ari Vowles for 31st
1:01.867 - 1:04.710: Erin Rockafellow | passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 20th
1:00.164 - 1:04.890: Travis Cummings passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT, Mac Holmes | Mx Formula, Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx and Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 25th
1:02.726 - 1:05.304: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC and Maddax Spatafore for 21st
1:02.257 - 1:05.398: Maddax Spatafore passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 22nd
1:03.500 - 1:06.187: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 23rd
0:45.593 - 1:06.296: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing went off the track
1:02.375 - 1:07.070: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Ryan Kelly for 13th
1:04.742 - 1:07.601: Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 11th
1:03.765 - 1:08.382: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT, Mac Holmes | Mx Formula and Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 27th
1:04.835 - 1:08.773: cs passed eric, Ari Vowles and HEY for 33rd
1:05.164 - 1:09.367: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Noah Napoli for 16th
0:54.304 - 1:09.648: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 28th
1:05.398 - 1:10.046: Maddax Spatafore passed Erin Rockafellow | and Faded. | AUS #16 for 20th
1:06.468 - 1:10.242: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx and Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 5th
1:05.304 - 1:10.468: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Erin Rockafellow | for 21st
1:06.296 - 1:10.554: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 30th
1:06.187 - 1:11.234: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Erin Rockafellow | for 22nd
1:06.304 - 1:11.484: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 6th
1:08.109 - 1:12.296: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed HEY for 36th
1:07.312 - 1:12.531: Travis Cummings passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC and Erin Rockafellow | for 23rd
1:07.914 - 1:12.703: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC and Erin Rockafellow | for 24th
1:09.609 - 1:12.960: Noah Napoli passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 16th
1:07.601 - 1:12.984: Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. and Jessica for 9th
1:07.835 - 1:13.609: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. and Jessica for 10th
1:08.773 - 1:13.656: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 18th
1:10.953 - 1:13.828: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 30th
1:10.046 - 1:14.500: Maddax Spatafore passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 19th
1:07.375 - 1:14.718: Hxnt3r passed Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 7th
1:09.601 - 1:15.250: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. and Jessica for 11th
1:13.179 - 1:15.476: cs passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 31st
1:11.234 - 1:15.531: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team and Faded. | AUS #16 for 20th
1:06.125 - 1:15.570: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Jessica for 12th
1:11.132 - 1:15.789: Ari Vowles passed eric for 33rd
1:10.421 - 1:16.000: rc passed Ryan Kelly for 14th
1:12.984 - 1:16.921: Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals passed Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 8th
1:12.296 - 1:17.039: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed eric for 34th
1:13.609 - 1:17.750: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 9th
1:12.703 - 1:18.234: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Travis Cummings, Khamar Glover | Looking for Team and Faded. | AUS #16 for 21st
1:15.789 - 1:18.437: Ari Vowles passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 32nd
1:13.828 - 1:18.523: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 29th
1:12.531 - 1:19.281: Travis Cummings passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 23rd
1:16.000 - 1:19.578: rc passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 12th
1:15.492 - 1:20.031: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC, Erin Rockafellow | and Faded. | AUS #16 for 24th
1:15.367 - 1:20.210: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Erin Rockafellow | and Faded. | AUS #16 for 25th
1:17.039 - 1:20.445: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 33rd
1:14.695 - 1:21.226: Erin Rockafellow | passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 26th
1:18.656 - 1:21.390: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 21st
1:18.890 - 1:21.929: eric passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 34th
1:17.445 - 1:22.125: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 27th
0:46.421 - 1:22.851: Indii G. went off the track
1:20.210 - 1:22.882: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 24th
1:18.523 - 1:23.367: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 28th
1:18.734 - 1:23.804: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 29th
1:21.226 - 1:23.906: Erin Rockafellow | passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 25th
1:20.156 - 1:24.046: Ryan Kelly passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 12th
1:20.046 - 1:24.109: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Zach Fischer | Underground RC for 3rd
1:20.179 - 1:24.398: cs passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 30th
1:22.125 - 1:24.710: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 26th
1:21.914 - 1:25.929: Noah Napoli passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 13th
1:23.367 - 1:26.070: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 27th
1:24.398 - 1:27.070: cs passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 28th
1:25.085 - 1:27.867: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 29th
1:24.140 - 1:28.851: Zach Fischer | Underground RC passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 3rd
1:15.687 - 1:29.046: Jessica went off the track
1:26.953 - 1:29.421: Indii G. passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 30th
1:17.750 - 1:31.414: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT went off the track
1:29.609 - 1:32.390: rc passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 10th
1:30.812 - 1:32.609: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Noah Napoli for 13th
1:28.890 - 1:32.867: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 16th
1:29.046 - 1:33.046: Jessica passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 17th
1:31.414 - 1:33.093: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Noah Napoli for 14th
1:29.585 - 1:34.195: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Indii G. for 30th
1:23.804 - 1:34.390: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto went off the track
1:18.437 - 1:34.632: Ari Vowles went off the track
1:33.265 - 1:37.710: Erin Rockafellow | passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 23rd
1:33.812 - 1:37.796: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 24th
1:35.085 - 1:39.070: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 25th
1:35.906 - 1:40.085: cs passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 26th
1:36.187 - 1:40.632: rc passed Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals and Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 8th
1:36.476 - 1:40.937: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 13th
1:35.101 - 1:41.093: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals for 9th
1:37.351 - 1:41.351: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 27th
1:37.593 - 1:41.609: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 28th
1:38.109 - 1:41.882: Indii G. passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 29th
1:37.359 - 1:42.640: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals for 10th
1:38.046 - 1:42.953: Ryan Kelly passed Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals for 11th
1:33.195 - 1:43.070: Noah Napoli went off the track
1:38.601 - 1:43.125: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Jessica for 17th
1:39.695 - 1:43.898: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Maddax Spatafore and Jessica for 18th
1:38.343 - 1:43.992: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team went off the track
1:41.609 - 1:45.703: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 28th
1:41.882 - 1:45.828: Indii G. passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 29th
1:40.976 - 1:46.109: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 13th
1:39.632 - 1:46.273: Travis Cummings went off the track
1:43.726 - 1:46.664: rc passed Hxnt3r for 7th
1:42.734 - 1:46.765: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 31st
1:42.062 - 1:46.812: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 14th
1:43.125 - 1:47.859: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Noah Napoli and Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 15th
1:44.875 - 1:47.929: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Hxnt3r for 8th
1:43.070 - 1:48.257: Noah Napoli passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 16th
1:46.453 - 1:48.398: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 4th
1:44.375 - 1:48.664: eric passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 32nd
1:46.601 - 1:49.656: Ryan Kelly passed Hxnt3r and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 9th
1:46.554 - 1:49.703: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Hxnt3r for 10th
1:43.898 - 1:50.007: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 17th
1:46.289 - 1:50.289: Ari Vowles passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 33rd
1:46.070 - 1:51.015: Jessica passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 18th
1:47.195 - 1:51.734: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Travis Cummings and Erin Rockafellow | for 23rd
1:46.546 - 1:52.109: Maddax Spatafore passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 19th
1:48.093 - 1:52.656: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Travis Cummings and Erin Rockafellow | for 24th
1:48.062 - 1:52.726: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 20th
1:47.062 - 1:53.000: Erin Rockafellow | passed Travis Cummings for 25th
1:49.968 - 1:53.226: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Hxnt3r for 11th
1:48.937 - 1:53.414: cs passed Travis Cummings for 26th
1:50.156 - 1:54.242: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Travis Cummings for 27th
1:52.132 - 1:54.953: Noah Napoli passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 14th
1:47.515 - 1:55.031: Indii G. went off the track
1:51.343 - 1:56.546: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Travis Cummings for 29th
1:54.179 - 1:57.265: Jessica passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 16th
1:53.382 - 1:57.382: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Travis Cummings for 30th
0:00.000 - 1:57.632: Jeremy Smith | TBR finished lap 1 ( 1:57.632)
1:48.421 - 1:57.781: Kieran Hildebrand | EZDecals went off the track
1:54.187 - 1:57.953: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 4th
1:55.281 - 1:58.664: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 20th
1:54.242 - 1:58.945: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed cs and Erin Rockafellow | for 25th
1:55.937 - 2:00.234: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Ryan Kelly for 9th
1:56.664 - 2:00.382: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 5th
1:56.125 - 2:01.703: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Travis Cummings for 31st
0:00.000 - 2:02.054: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. finished lap 1 ( 2:02.054)
1:58.765 - 2:02.109: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx and Maddax Spatafore for 18th
1:59.750 - 2:02.804: Indii G. passed cs and Erin Rockafellow | for 25th
1:57.265 - 2:03.132: Jessica passed Noah Napoli and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 15th
1:57.343 - 2:03.906: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Noah Napoli and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 16th
1:55.226 - 2:04.046: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Noah Napoli for 17th
2:00.656 - 2:04.234: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx and Maddax Spatafore for 19th
2:01.445 - 2:04.429: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx and Maddax Spatafore for 20th
1:56.726 - 2:04.507: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto went off the track
1:52.726 - 2:04.750: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team went off the track
2:02.804 - 2:05.742: Indii G. passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx, Maddax Spatafore and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 22nd
2:02.125 - 2:05.804: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed cs and Faded. | AUS #16 for 27th
2:01.843 - 2:06.093: Faded. | AUS #16 passed cs for 28th
2:03.132 - 2:07.187: Jessica passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. and Trent Adams | EBR | for 11th
2:03.343 - 2:07.312: Erin Rockafellow | passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx, Maddax Spatafore and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 23rd
2:02.625 - 2:07.453: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx and Maddax Spatafore for 24th
2:01.984 - 2:07.585: Travis Cummings passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 31st
2:02.640 - 2:07.718: eric passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 32nd
2:00.148 - 2:07.718: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 12th
2:04.046 - 2:07.882: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT and Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 13th
0:00.000 - 2:07.968: Zach Fischer | Underground RC finished lap 1 ( 2:07.968)
2:03.906 - 2:08.085: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 14th
2:02.109 - 2:08.226: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Noah Napoli for 18th
2:05.929 - 2:08.273: rc passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 6th
2:03.875 - 2:09.226: Ari Vowles passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 33rd
0:00.000 - 2:09.890: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ finished lap 1 ( 2:09.890)
2:07.882 - 2:10.000: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Trent Adams | EBR | for 12th
2:08.085 - 2:10.117: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Trent Adams | EBR | for 13th
2:06.789 - 2:10.125: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. passed Jeremy Smith | TBR for the lead
0:00.000 - 2:12.078: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx finished lap 1 ( 2:12.078)
2:08.921 - 2:14.023: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 34th
2:08.250 - 2:14.546: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Erin Rockafellow |, Maddax Spatafore and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 24th
2:08.914 - 2:14.867: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Erin Rockafellow |, Maddax Spatafore and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 25th
2:10.125 - 2:15.484: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 35th
2:09.289 - 2:16.007: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Erin Rockafellow |, Maddax Spatafore and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 26th
0:00.000 - 2:16.179: rc finished lap 1 ( 2:16.179)
2:13.015 - 2:16.281: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT and Trent Adams | EBR | for 13th
2:12.726 - 2:16.523: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 14th
2:14.312 - 2:17.546: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 15th
2:15.257 - 2:18.421: Noah Napoli passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 16th
2:12.976 - 2:18.968: cs passed Maddax Spatafore and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 28th
2:16.250 - 2:19.804: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 17th
2:16.898 - 2:19.937: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 18th
2:15.406 - 2:21.929: eric passed Travis Cummings, Maddax Spatafore and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 29th
0:00.000 - 2:22.210: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman finished lap 1 ( 2:22.210)
2:13.062 - 2:22.625: Ari Vowles went off the track
2:07.570 - 2:23.757: Maddax Spatafore passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 31st
2:15.265 - 2:26.414: Travis Cummings passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 32nd
2:23.171 - 2:26.835: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 18th
2:23.734 - 2:27.476: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 19th
0:00.000 - 2:27.804: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader finished lap 1 ( 2:27.804)
0:00.000 - 2:28.148: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:28.148)
2:25.023 - 2:28.453: Indii G. passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 20th
0:00.000 - 2:29.070: Jessica finished lap 1 ( 2:29.070)
2:25.382 - 2:29.070: Jessica passed Ryan Kelly for 10th
2:22.726 - 2:29.226: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 33rd
2:26.328 - 2:29.390: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Noah Napoli for 16th
2:26.835 - 2:29.632: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Noah Napoli for 17th
2:27.476 - 2:29.992: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Noah Napoli for 18th
2:21.054 - 2:29.992: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 34th
2:25.585 - 2:30.195: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 13th
2:28.453 - 2:31.226: Indii G. passed Noah Napoli for 19th
2:27.945 - 2:31.640: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC, Mac Holmes | Mx Formula and Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 21st
0:00.000 - 2:31.710: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | finished lap 1 ( 2:31.710)
2:27.937 - 2:31.710: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Ryan Kelly for 11th
2:25.789 - 2:32.078: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 35th
2:27.023 - 2:32.875: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula and Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 22nd
2:29.070 - 2:33.140: Erin Rockafellow | passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula and Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 23rd
0:00.000 - 2:33.859: Trent Adams | EBR | finished lap 1 ( 2:33.859)
2:30.195 - 2:33.859: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Ryan Kelly for 12th
0:00.000 - 2:33.960: Ryan Kelly finished lap 1 ( 2:33.960)
2:29.992 - 2:34.085: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 31st
2:29.632 - 2:34.257: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 16th
2:29.992 - 2:34.531: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 17th
0:00.000 - 2:34.828: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. finished lap 1 ( 2:34.828)
0:00.000 - 2:35.492: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT finished lap 1 ( 2:35.492)
2:33.187 - 2:36.632: cs passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 25th
2:34.007 - 2:37.421: Jessica passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 9th
0:00.000 - 2:37.898: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT finished lap 1 ( 2:37.898)
0:00.000 - 2:38.382: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team finished lap 1 ( 2:38.382)
0:00.000 - 2:38.851: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT finished lap 1 ( 2:38.851)
2:34.734 - 2:38.875: Ari Vowles passed eric and Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 26th
0:00.000 - 2:39.164: Indii G. finished lap 1 ( 2:39.164)
2:35.695 - 2:39.804: Maddax Spatafore passed eric for 28th
0:00.000 - 2:40.726: Noah Napoli finished lap 1 ( 2:40.726)
2:38.328 - 2:41.976: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 4th
2:39.804 - 2:42.406: Maddax Spatafore passed Ari Vowles and Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 26th
2:42.257 - 2:43.601: Indii G. passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 18th
0:00.000 - 2:43.882: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC finished lap 1 ( 2:43.882)
2:40.156 - 2:43.882: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 21st
0:00.000 - 2:44.351: Faded. | AUS #16 finished lap 1 ( 2:44.351)
2:40.984 - 2:44.492: rc passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 5th
2:41.687 - 2:44.867: eric passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 28th
2:42.359 - 2:45.070: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 10th
0:00.000 - 2:45.265: Erin Rockafellow | finished lap 1 ( 2:45.265)
0:00.000 - 2:45.867: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula finished lap 1 ( 2:45.867)
2:42.898 - 2:45.960: Ryan Kelly passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 11th
2:41.632 - 2:46.945: HEY went off the track
2:44.406 - 2:46.953: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 12th
2:44.804 - 2:48.015: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 13th
2:41.773 - 2:48.085: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:48.515: cs finished lap 1 ( 2:48.515)
2:47.367 - 2:49.468: Indii G. passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 17th
2:44.984 - 2:49.906: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed eric for 28th
2:48.968 - 2:50.648: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Erin Rockafellow | for 23rd
0:00.000 - 2:50.890: Maddax Spatafore finished lap 1 ( 2:50.890)
2:48.578 - 2:51.703: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 14th
2:49.007 - 2:51.820: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 15th
2:49.500 - 2:52.429: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Indii G. for 17th
0:00.000 - 2:53.406: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx finished lap 1 ( 2:53.406)
2:49.906 - 2:53.406: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Ari Vowles for 27th
0:00.000 - 2:54.593: eric finished lap 1 ( 2:54.593)
2:50.539 - 2:54.593: eric passed Ari Vowles for 28th
0:00.000 - 2:55.062: Ari Vowles finished lap 1 ( 2:55.062)
2:51.820 - 2:55.484: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 14th
2:52.617 - 2:56.179: Indii G. passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 17th
0:00.000 - 2:56.265: Travis Cummings finished lap 1 ( 2:56.265)
2:52.992 - 2:56.539: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 7th
0:00.000 - 2:57.960: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto finished lap 1 ( 2:57.960)
2:53.953 - 2:57.960: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 31st
0:00.000 - 2:57.992: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:57.992)
2:56.179 - 2:58.031: Indii G. passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing and Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 15th
2:55.703 - 2:59.429: Jessica passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 8th
2:57.992 - 3:01.210: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 31st
0:00.000 - 3:01.632: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 finished lap 1 ( 3:01.632)
2:57.757 - 3:01.632: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 33rd
2:58.031 - 3:01.679: Indii G. passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 14th
0:00.000 - 3:01.921: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails finished lap 1 ( 3:01.921)
0:00.000 - 3:02.187: HEY finished lap 1 ( 3:02.187)
3:01.632 - 3:04.875: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 32nd
3:02.187 - 3:05.429: HEY passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails and Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 33rd
3:01.921 - 3:05.460: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 34th
3:02.492 - 3:07.156: Noah Napoli passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 19th
3:06.437 - 3:10.265: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 31st
3:07.335 - 3:11.179: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Maddax Spatafore for 26th
3:07.523 - 3:11.343: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed HEY and Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 32nd
3:07.218 - 3:11.343: HEY passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 32nd
3:08.375 - 3:12.523: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Indii G. for 14th
3:05.578 - 3:13.218: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
3:08.125 - 3:14.710: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC went off the track
3:12.585 - 3:14.867: Indii G. passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT and Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 13th
3:13.382 - 3:15.914: eric passed Maddax Spatafore for 27th
3:10.156 - 3:16.492: Ari Vowles went off the track
3:09.093 - 3:17.140: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx went off the track
3:13.164 - 3:17.562: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed cs for 24th
3:15.390 - 3:18.546: Travis Cummings passed Maddax Spatafore for 29th
3:13.929 - 3:18.828: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 6th
3:14.867 - 3:19.796: Indii G. passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 12th
3:15.914 - 3:19.859: eric passed cs for 25th
3:17.125 - 3:22.328: Jessica passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 7th
3:17.687 - 3:22.921: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 8th
3:14.835 - 3:23.585: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing went off the track
3:21.765 - 3:24.507: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 20th
3:08.562 - 3:24.796: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | went off the track
3:19.859 - 3:26.015: eric went off the track
3:24.398 - 3:27.367: Erin Rockafellow | passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 22nd
3:22.437 - 3:28.695: Travis Cummings went off the track
3:27.468 - 3:29.968: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 15th
3:25.226 - 3:30.937: Maddax Spatafore went off the track
3:28.453 - 3:31.484: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 23rd
3:28.390 - 3:32.585: cs passed eric for 25th
3:28.695 - 3:33.570: Travis Cummings passed eric for 26th
3:29.406 - 3:33.828: Ari Vowles passed eric for 27th
3:19.414 - 3:33.960: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 went off the track
3:30.937 - 3:35.234: Maddax Spatafore passed eric for 28th
3:33.875 - 3:36.773: rc passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 4th
3:35.703 - 3:38.585: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Jessica for 7th
3:34.562 - 3:38.921: HEY passed eric for 29th
3:42.875 - 3:46.093: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 9th
3:44.632 - 3:47.406: Indii G. passed Ryan Kelly and Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 10th
3:44.367 - 3:47.710: Ryan Kelly passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 11th
3:47.601 - 3:51.921: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 19th
3:47.625 - 3:52.695: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 33rd
3:48.484 - 3:53.546: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx went off the track
3:49.648 - 3:53.570: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 20th
3:51.921 - 3:53.898: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Noah Napoli for 18th
3:49.828 - 3:53.953: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 21st
3:50.179 - 3:54.851: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. and Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 12th
3:50.039 - 3:55.343: Maddax Spatafore passed Ari Vowles for 28th
3:51.281 - 3:55.664: Indii G. passed Trent Adams | EBR | and Jessica for 8th
3:51.554 - 3:55.812: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team, Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. and Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 13th
3:51.343 - 3:55.835: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. and Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 14th
3:53.015 - 3:56.398: rc passed Zach Fischer | Underground RC for 3rd
2:02.054 - 3:56.890: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. finished lap 2 ( 1:54.835)
3:51.929 - 3:57.468: Ryan Kelly passed Trent Adams | EBR | and Jessica for 9th
3:54.859 - 3:57.656: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed eric for 31st
3:49.789 - 3:58.367: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 15th
3:53.453 - 3:58.710: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 16th
3:50.398 - 3:58.835: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Jessica for 10th
1:57.632 - 3:59.414: Jeremy Smith | TBR finished lap 2 ( 2:01.781)
3:57.664 - 4:00.632: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed eric for 32nd
3:57.125 - 4:01.765: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 17th
3:55.835 - 4:02.171: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT, Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT and Jessica for 11th
3:54.851 - 4:02.195: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Jessica for 12th
3:58.609 - 4:02.437: HEY passed Ari Vowles for 29th
4:00.906 - 4:02.500: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 24th
3:58.367 - 4:03.695: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 14th
4:01.406 - 4:03.976: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing passed eric for 33rd
4:04.234 - 4:05.882: cs passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 25th
4:04.898 - 4:06.453: Travis Cummings passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 26th
2:16.179 - 4:06.742: rc finished lap 2 ( 1:50.562)
2:07.968 - 4:07.773: Zach Fischer | Underground RC finished lap 2 ( 1:59.804)
2:12.078 - 4:08.453: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx finished lap 2 ( 1:56.375)
4:05.328 - 4:09.609: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Erin Rockafellow | for 23rd
4:07.914 - 4:11.085: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 15th
4:10.046 - 4:15.789: Jessica passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 12th
4:12.250 - 4:16.000: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Noah Napoli for 19th
4:12.945 - 4:16.109: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Noah Napoli for 20th
4:09.203 - 4:16.835: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx went off the track
4:11.406 - 4:18.078: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 14th
4:12.789 - 4:18.117: cs passed Erin Rockafellow | for 24th
4:15.015 - 4:19.148: eric passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 32nd
2:27.804 - 4:19.250: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader finished lap 2 ( 1:51.445)
4:16.750 - 4:19.906: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Noah Napoli for 21st
4:14.039 - 4:20.250: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 15th
4:14.492 - 4:20.593: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 16th
4:18.156 - 4:21.132: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Noah Napoli for 22nd
4:16.109 - 4:22.085: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. , Faded. | AUS #16 and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 17th
4:16.000 - 4:22.929: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 18th
4:19.531 - 4:23.906: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 33rd
4:19.765 - 4:25.367: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Ari Vowles for 30th
2:22.210 - 4:25.382: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman finished lap 2 ( 2:03.171)
4:19.906 - 4:26.062: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 19th
4:22.085 - 4:26.062: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 16th
4:22.109 - 4:26.109: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Ari Vowles for 31st
4:20.898 - 4:26.257: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team went off the track
4:23.507 - 4:26.679: Travis Cummings passed Erin Rockafellow | for 25th
4:21.132 - 4:27.054: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 21st
4:21.921 - 4:27.335: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT went off the track
4:22.929 - 4:27.539: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 17th
4:24.031 - 4:30.421: cs passed Noah Napoli for 23rd
4:28.992 - 4:30.898: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 17th
4:29.828 - 4:31.765: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 18th
4:30.921 - 4:33.031: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 19th
2:39.164 - 4:33.070: Indii G. finished lap 2 ( 1:53.906)
4:29.335 - 4:34.046: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 34th
2:33.960 - 4:37.039: Ryan Kelly finished lap 2 ( 2:03.078)
4:32.500 - 4:37.320: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing went off the track
2:33.859 - 4:37.890: Trent Adams | EBR | finished lap 2 ( 2:04.031)
4:33.414 - 4:38.773: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula went off the track
4:36.640 - 4:40.375: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Zach Fischer | Underground RC for 4th
2:38.382 - 4:40.617: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team finished lap 2 ( 2:02.234)
2:29.070 - 4:41.140: Jessica finished lap 2 ( 2:12.070)
2:35.492 - 4:42.289: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT finished lap 2 ( 2:06.796)
4:33.109 - 4:42.304: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
4:40.664 - 4:42.843: Maddax Spatafore passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 26th
4:38.414 - 4:44.109: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 30th
2:37.898 - 4:45.835: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT finished lap 2 ( 2:07.937)
4:43.671 - 4:45.867: HEY passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 27th
4:43.773 - 4:46.375: Erin Rockafellow | passed Travis Cummings for 25th
4:42.664 - 4:46.773: eric passed Ari Vowles for 32nd
2:38.851 - 4:47.085: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT finished lap 2 ( 2:08.234)
2:31.710 - 4:48.515: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | finished lap 2 ( 2:16.804)
4:46.171 - 4:48.656: Maddax Spatafore passed Travis Cummings for 26th
4:49.359 - 4:51.937: HEY passed Travis Cummings for 27th
2:43.882 - 4:52.304: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC finished lap 2 ( 2:08.421)
4:48.289 - 4:52.304: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 17th
2:45.867 - 4:53.945: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula finished lap 2 ( 2:08.078)
4:50.328 - 4:53.945: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. and Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 18th
2:09.890 - 4:54.132: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ finished lap 2 ( 2:44.242)
2:34.828 - 4:54.476: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. finished lap 2 ( 2:19.648)
2:28.148 - 4:55.617: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing finished lap 2 ( 2:27.468)
2:48.515 - 4:56.359: cs finished lap 2 ( 2:07.843)
2:44.351 - 4:57.976: Faded. | AUS #16 finished lap 2 ( 2:13.625)
2:40.726 - 4:59.023: Noah Napoli finished lap 2 ( 2:18.296)
4:57.726 - 4:59.578: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 19th
4:57.906 - 4:59.812: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Trent Adams | EBR | for 10th
4:56.578 - 5:00.414: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 30th
4:58.890 - 5:00.539: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 20th
4:59.562 - 5:01.437: cs passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 21st
2:45.265 - 5:02.507: Erin Rockafellow | finished lap 2 ( 2:17.242)
5:01.421 - 5:03.054: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 22nd
4:59.820 - 5:03.640: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 10th
5:02.179 - 5:04.085: Noah Napoli passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 23rd
2:50.890 - 5:04.093: Maddax Spatafore finished lap 2 ( 2:13.203)
5:00.539 - 5:04.359: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 19th
5:01.437 - 5:05.390: cs passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 20th
5:04.039 - 5:06.898: Jessica passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 11th
3:02.187 - 5:07.023: HEY finished lap 2 ( 2:04.835)
5:03.054 - 5:07.773: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 21st
2:56.265 - 5:08.195: Travis Cummings finished lap 2 ( 2:11.929)
5:04.085 - 5:08.429: Noah Napoli passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 22nd
5:04.820 - 5:09.062: eric passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 31st
5:06.406 - 5:09.390: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 12th
5:07.796 - 5:11.984: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 34th
3:01.921 - 5:13.109: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails finished lap 2 ( 2:11.187)
5:08.984 - 5:13.109: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 29th
5:11.421 - 5:13.140: Travis Cummings passed HEY for 27th
5:08.945 - 5:13.312: Maddax Spatafore passed Erin Rockafellow | for 24th
5:09.390 - 5:13.375: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Trent Adams | EBR | and Jessica for 10th
5:09.515 - 5:13.812: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT and Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 14th
5:09.609 - 5:14.179: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Trent Adams | EBR | and Jessica for 11th
5:10.773 - 5:14.500: cs passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 19th
5:13.140 - 5:16.812: Travis Cummings passed Erin Rockafellow | for 25th
5:11.835 - 5:17.617: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT and Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 15th
5:13.593 - 5:17.828: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 20th
5:07.570 - 5:17.914: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ went off the track
5:16.390 - 5:18.132: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed HEY for 28th
5:14.625 - 5:18.476: Noah Napoli passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 21st
5:15.820 - 5:19.609: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 22nd
5:17.484 - 5:20.375: Jeremy Smith | TBR passed Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. for the lead
5:18.085 - 5:20.492: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Ryan Kelly for 9th
3:01.632 - 5:20.843: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 finished lap 2 ( 2:19.210)
5:16.515 - 5:20.843: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed eric and Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 30th
2:53.406 - 5:21.164: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx finished lap 2 ( 2:27.757)
5:18.679 - 5:21.218: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Ryan Kelly for 10th
5:17.984 - 5:21.992: cs passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 17th
5:13.984 - 5:22.179: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula went off the track
5:16.109 - 5:22.843: Maddax Spatafore went off the track
2:54.593 - 5:29.406: eric finished lap 2 ( 2:34.812)
2:55.062 - 5:30.414: Ari Vowles finished lap 2 ( 2:35.351)
5:24.492 - 5:30.523: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
5:30.171 - 5:32.609: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 9th
5:29.617 - 5:35.414: Maddax Spatafore went off the track
2:57.960 - 5:37.250: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto finished lap 2 ( 2:39.289)
2:57.992 - 5:39.023: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing finished lap 2 ( 2:41.031)
5:39.062 - 5:40.750: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 30th
5:38.117 - 5:42.132: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Khamar Glover | Looking for Team for 9th
5:37.859 - 5:42.882: rc went off the track
5:40.304 - 5:43.281: Maddax Spatafore passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 22nd
5:42.093 - 5:44.968: Ari Vowles passed eric for 31st
5:35.234 - 5:45.023: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
5:35.945 - 5:45.195: Travis Cummings went off the track
5:43.828 - 5:47.867: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 33rd
5:44.726 - 5:49.843: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 16th
3:59.414 - 5:51.015: Jeremy Smith | TBR finished lap 3 ( 1:51.601)
5:47.234 - 5:51.250: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed HEY for 28th
5:47.945 - 5:52.257: Maddax Spatafore passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 22nd
5:50.554 - 5:52.343: Zach Fischer | Underground RC passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 4th
5:48.320 - 5:52.734: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed HEY for 29th
5:49.859 - 5:53.265: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 16th
5:51.601 - 5:53.273: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 5th
5:48.695 - 5:53.382: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 23rd
3:56.890 - 5:53.492: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. finished lap 3 ( 1:56.601)
5:51.039 - 5:55.421: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 24th
4:06.742 - 5:56.335: rc finished lap 3 ( 1:49.593)
5:52.328 - 5:56.789: Travis Cummings passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 25th
5:55.656 - 6:00.460: Jessica went off the track
5:53.265 - 6:02.125: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula went off the track
6:00.539 - 6:05.210: HEY passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 30th
5:57.500 - 6:05.492: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
6:04.726 - 6:08.671: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 14th
6:04.304 - 6:09.312: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Ryan Kelly for 11th
6:04.789 - 6:09.328: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Zach Fischer | Underground RC for 4th
6:06.328 - 6:10.640: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 15th
6:06.953 - 6:12.335: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 16th
6:09.507 - 6:12.710: Noah Napoli passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 19th
4:19.250 - 6:12.718: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader finished lap 3 ( 1:53.468)
6:09.656 - 6:12.796: Jessica passed Ryan Kelly and Trent Adams | EBR | for 11th
6:08.945 - 6:13.226: cs passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 17th
4:07.773 - 6:13.507: Zach Fischer | Underground RC finished lap 3 ( 2:05.734)
4:08.453 - 6:14.687: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx finished lap 3 ( 2:06.234)
6:13.171 - 6:16.242: Ryan Kelly passed Trent Adams | EBR |, Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT and Jessica for 9th
6:13.570 - 6:17.500: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Erin Rockafellow | for 26th
6:14.867 - 6:18.617: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Erin Rockafellow | for 27th
6:09.476 - 6:18.843: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team went off the track
6:14.578 - 6:19.023: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT and Noah Napoli for 19th
6:17.281 - 6:20.351: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Trent Adams | EBR | and Jessica for 11th
6:15.796 - 6:20.476: Maddax Spatafore passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT and Noah Napoli for 20th
4:25.382 - 6:20.695: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman finished lap 3 ( 1:55.312)
6:16.976 - 6:20.859: HEY passed Erin Rockafellow | for 28th
6:17.796 - 6:22.210: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT and Noah Napoli for 21st
6:12.726 - 6:24.078: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Noah Napoli for 22nd
6:19.039 - 6:24.085: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Trent Adams | EBR | and Jessica for 12th
6:20.859 - 6:24.679: HEY passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 26th
6:21.070 - 6:24.726: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Erin Rockafellow | for 29th
6:12.968 - 6:25.421: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Jessica for 13th
6:21.617 - 6:26.140: cs passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula and Jessica for 14th
6:18.351 - 6:26.171: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. went off the track
4:33.070 - 6:26.914: Indii G. finished lap 3 ( 1:53.843)
6:07.242 - 6:26.937: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ went off the track
6:20.945 - 6:27.906: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Jessica for 15th
6:26.390 - 6:30.234: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 11th
6:25.164 - 6:30.515: Noah Napoli passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 22nd
6:28.421 - 6:31.218: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 26th
6:27.023 - 6:31.734: Travis Cummings passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 23rd
6:27.914 - 6:32.968: Jessica passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 16th
6:28.218 - 6:33.664: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 24th
6:31.671 - 6:34.421: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 34th
6:30.320 - 6:34.429: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 12th
6:30.945 - 6:34.929: eric passed Ari Vowles for 30th
6:31.687 - 6:35.437: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 13th
6:33.132 - 6:36.898: Zach Fischer | Underground RC passed Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 4th
6:28.976 - 6:37.843: Maddax Spatafore went off the track
6:34.046 - 6:38.218: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 5th
6:36.539 - 6:38.328: cs passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 14th
6:40.828 - 6:42.375: eric passed Erin Rockafellow | for 30th
6:39.468 - 6:43.062: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 6th
6:40.640 - 6:43.945: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 14th
4:40.617 - 6:44.054: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team finished lap 3 ( 2:03.437)
6:44.085 - 6:47.250: Maddax Spatafore passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 15th
6:44.632 - 6:48.242: Travis Cummings passed Noah Napoli for 21st
4:37.039 - 6:49.226: Ryan Kelly finished lap 3 ( 2:12.187)
6:40.125 - 6:50.085: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ went off the track
6:45.578 - 6:50.117: eric passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 30th
6:42.757 - 6:51.773: Trent Adams | EBR | went off the track
4:52.304 - 6:52.828: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC finished lap 3 ( 2:00.523)
6:42.429 - 6:53.742: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
6:50.859 - 6:54.656: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 23rd
6:39.101 - 6:55.078: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT went off the track
6:51.093 - 6:55.585: Erin Rockafellow | passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 31st
6:45.859 - 6:56.156: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails went off the track
6:52.570 - 6:56.406: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Maddax Spatafore for 15th
4:45.835 - 6:56.515: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT finished lap 3 ( 2:10.679)
6:53.546 - 6:57.265: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Maddax Spatafore for 16th
4:56.359 - 6:58.359: cs finished lap 3 ( 2:02.000)
6:55.078 - 6:58.992: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 18th
4:37.890 - 7:00.171: Trent Adams | EBR | finished lap 3 ( 2:22.281)
6:56.710 - 7:00.937: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 25th
6:57.343 - 7:01.312: Noah Napoli passed Travis Cummings for 20th
4:48.515 - 7:01.351: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | finished lap 3 ( 2:12.835)
6:57.359 - 7:01.781: HEY passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 26th
6:58.265 - 7:04.476: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Ari Vowles for 33rd
7:00.429 - 7:04.992: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing passed Ari Vowles for 34th
7:02.148 - 7:05.914: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Travis Cummings for 21st
7:02.531 - 7:06.742: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Travis Cummings for 22nd
7:02.859 - 7:08.351: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ went off the track
4:53.945 - 7:08.625: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula finished lap 3 ( 2:14.679)
4:55.617 - 7:08.835: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing finished lap 3 ( 2:13.218)
5:04.093 - 7:09.343: Maddax Spatafore finished lap 3 ( 2:05.250)
4:42.289 - 7:10.132: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT finished lap 3 ( 2:27.843)
4:57.976 - 7:12.000: Faded. | AUS #16 finished lap 3 ( 2:14.023)
7:09.343 - 7:12.476: Maddax Spatafore passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 16th
4:59.023 - 7:12.867: Noah Napoli finished lap 3 ( 2:13.843)
7:10.265 - 7:13.531: Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 32nd
7:08.835 - 7:13.804: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing went off the track
7:08.937 - 7:14.257: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx went off the track
7:12.671 - 7:14.679: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Maddax Spatafore for 17th
7:13.273 - 7:15.109: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Maddax Spatafore for 18th
7:09.375 - 7:15.406: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Erin Rockafellow | for 31st
7:12.992 - 7:16.781: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed HEY for 25th
4:47.085 - 7:16.789: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT finished lap 3 ( 2:29.703)
7:15.312 - 7:16.882: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Maddax Spatafore for 19th
7:14.492 - 7:17.859: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 30th
7:14.257 - 7:17.929: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed HEY for 26th
7:16.046 - 7:17.984: Noah Napoli passed Maddax Spatafore for 20th
4:54.476 - 7:18.562: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. finished lap 3 ( 2:24.085)
5:08.195 - 7:19.421: Travis Cummings finished lap 3 ( 2:11.226)
7:16.398 - 7:19.750: Ari Vowles passed Logan Boettcher | HMB Racing for 31st
7:17.929 - 7:20.414: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 26th
4:54.132 - 7:22.914: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ finished lap 3 ( 2:28.781)
7:17.859 - 7:23.835: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Erin Rockafellow | for 32nd
7:17.218 - 7:24.976: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader went off the track
7:18.882 - 7:25.640: eric went off the track
7:22.757 - 7:26.335: Maddax Spatafore passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula, Faded. | AUS #16, Noah Napoli, Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 16th
5:21.164 - 7:29.179: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx finished lap 3 ( 2:08.015)
7:24.945 - 7:29.343: Erin Rockafellow | passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 31st
7:27.812 - 7:30.484: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT, Mac Holmes | Mx Formula, Faded. | AUS #16, Noah Napoli and Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 18th
7:26.203 - 7:30.578: Ari Vowles passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 32nd
5:13.109 - 7:31.093: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails finished lap 3 ( 2:17.984)
7:21.804 - 7:31.234: Noah Napoli passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula, Faded. | AUS #16 and Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 19th
7:27.718 - 7:32.914: rc went off the track
7:25.593 - 7:33.125: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula, Faded. | AUS #16 and Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 20th
7:30.812 - 7:33.218: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Ari Vowles for 31st
5:07.023 - 7:33.601: HEY finished lap 3 ( 2:26.578)
7:31.695 - 7:34.351: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Travis Cummings and Faded. | AUS #16 for 23rd
7:33.242 - 7:36.195: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 20th
7:35.593 - 7:37.765: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Maddax Spatafore for 16th
7:36.734 - 7:40.062: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 4th
7:37.976 - 7:40.398: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Maddax Spatafore for 17th
7:38.578 - 7:41.046: Noah Napoli passed Maddax Spatafore for 18th
7:37.703 - 7:41.328: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 22nd
5:29.406 - 7:41.468: eric finished lap 3 ( 2:12.062)
7:34.585 - 7:41.804: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
7:39.843 - 7:41.992: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Maddax Spatafore for 19th
5:20.843 - 7:42.007: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 finished lap 3 ( 2:21.164)
7:40.015 - 7:42.179: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Maddax Spatafore for 20th
7:32.398 - 7:43.625: Zach Fischer | Underground RC went off the track
7:41.328 - 7:43.992: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Maddax Spatafore for 21st
5:51.015 - 7:44.289: Jeremy Smith | TBR finished lap 4 ( 1:53.273)
5:53.492 - 7:45.179: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. finished lap 4 ( 1:51.687)
7:42.179 - 7:46.085: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 19th
5:56.335 - 7:46.429: rc finished lap 4 ( 1:50.093)
7:44.382 - 7:47.101: cs passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 11th
7:37.687 - 7:47.867: Ryan Kelly went off the track
7:44.648 - 7:49.453: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Maddax Spatafore for 21st
7:40.062 - 7:49.828: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman went off the track
7:41.335 - 7:49.890: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT went off the track
7:45.945 - 7:50.031: Travis Cummings passed Maddax Spatafore for 23rd
7:44.531 - 7:50.328: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Zach Fischer | Underground RC for 5th
7:47.625 - 7:50.398: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 12th
7:43.992 - 7:50.968: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ went off the track
7:46.726 - 7:51.140: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed eric for 29th
7:48.914 - 7:51.953: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 13th
5:02.507 - 7:53.906: Erin Rockafellow | finished lap 3 ( 2:51.398)
5:37.250 - 7:54.453: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto finished lap 3 ( 2:17.203)
7:53.359 - 7:55.507: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. passed Jeremy Smith | TBR for the lead
7:49.453 - 7:56.117: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
7:51.078 - 7:56.984: Maddax Spatafore went off the track
7:57.265 - 7:59.085: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Zach Fischer | Underground RC for 6th
5:30.414 - 8:00.117: Ari Vowles finished lap 3 ( 2:29.703)
7:56.484 - 8:00.765: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 22nd
7:56.984 - 8:01.625: Maddax Spatafore passed Travis Cummings for 24th
8:01.757 - 8:04.382: Travis Cummings passed Maddax Spatafore for 24th
8:01.210 - 8:05.140: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 13th
7:54.453 - 8:08.187: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto went off the track
8:03.351 - 8:08.539: Ari Vowles went off the track
8:04.523 - 8:09.085: Maddax Spatafore passed Travis Cummings for 24th
8:05.656 - 8:10.039: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 19th
8:06.851 - 8:11.273: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 20th
8:08.343 - 8:12.960: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 21st
8:08.945 - 8:13.507: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 22nd
8:09.085 - 8:13.781: Maddax Spatafore passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 23rd
8:09.523 - 8:14.273: Travis Cummings passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 24th
8:11.164 - 8:14.578: Jeremy Smith | TBR passed Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. for the lead
6:20.695 - 8:14.726: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman finished lap 4 ( 1:54.031)
8:11.976 - 8:15.257: rc passed Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. for 2nd
6:14.687 - 8:15.703: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx finished lap 4 ( 2:01.015)
8:12.125 - 8:16.046: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 25th
8:11.539 - 8:16.671: Noah Napoli passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 17th
6:12.718 - 8:18.171: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader finished lap 4 ( 2:05.453)
8:16.046 - 8:18.890: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Travis Cummings and Maddax Spatafore for 22nd
8:17.093 - 8:19.921: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Travis Cummings and Maddax Spatafore for 23rd
6:13.507 - 8:19.945: Zach Fischer | Underground RC finished lap 4 ( 2:06.437)
6:26.914 - 8:20.312: Indii G. finished lap 4 ( 1:53.398)
8:14.273 - 8:21.789: Travis Cummings passed Maddax Spatafore for 24th
8:20.507 - 8:23.648: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Maddax Spatafore for 25th
8:18.890 - 8:24.078: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 22nd
8:22.945 - 8:25.968: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Trent Adams | EBR | for 12th
8:17.859 - 8:26.757: Ryan Kelly went off the track
8:26.070 - 8:29.078: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 11th
8:28.632 - 8:32.492: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 21st
8:28.953 - 8:32.992: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 22nd
8:30.359 - 8:33.523: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 18th
8:32.171 - 8:34.203: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 19th
8:30.585 - 8:34.335: Travis Cummings passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 23rd
8:32.695 - 8:34.601: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 20th
8:32.703 - 8:36.687: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 24th
8:34.085 - 8:37.882: HEY passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx and Maddax Spatafore for 25th
8:31.695 - 8:38.742: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman went off the track
6:44.054 - 8:39.570: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team finished lap 4 ( 1:55.515)
8:36.953 - 8:40.460: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 5th
8:37.132 - 8:41.187: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 18th
8:39.695 - 8:43.750: Zach Fischer | Underground RC passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 6th
8:42.101 - 8:46.625: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 22nd
8:45.484 - 8:50.632: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 20th
6:52.828 - 8:51.203: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC finished lap 4 ( 1:58.375)
8:46.625 - 8:51.882: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 21st
6:49.226 - 8:52.960: Ryan Kelly finished lap 4 ( 2:03.734)
6:58.359 - 8:55.140: cs finished lap 4 ( 1:56.781)
8:49.851 - 8:55.960: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team went off the track
8:51.507 - 8:56.671: Ari Vowles passed Erin Rockafellow | for 30th
8:53.132 - 8:56.820: Travis Cummings passed Faded. | AUS #16 and Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 21st
8:56.992 - 9:00.078: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Travis Cummings and Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 19th
7:00.171 - 9:00.289: Trent Adams | EBR | finished lap 4 ( 2:00.117)
8:56.820 - 9:00.710: Travis Cummings passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 20th
8:57.406 - 9:00.968: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT for 21st
6:56.515 - 9:01.617: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT finished lap 4 ( 2:05.101)
7:01.351 - 9:02.695: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | finished lap 4 ( 2:01.343)
9:01.132 - 9:04.140: HEY passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 23rd
8:56.023 - 9:06.734: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman went off the track
9:04.031 - 9:10.210: Ryan Kelly went off the track
9:08.390 - 9:12.328: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Ari Vowles and Erin Rockafellow | for 29th
9:12.468 - 9:15.617: rc passed Jeremy Smith | TBR for the lead
9:12.656 - 9:16.562: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ and Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 16th
9:16.328 - 9:20.382: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 18th
9:17.515 - 9:21.328: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 19th
9:18.281 - 9:22.171: Travis Cummings passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 20th
9:18.757 - 9:22.828: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 21st
9:09.195 - 9:24.000: Noah Napoli went off the track
9:20.242 - 9:25.312: Jeremy Smith | TBR went off the track
7:08.625 - 9:26.992: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula finished lap 4 ( 2:18.367)
9:21.773 - 9:27.984: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails went off the track
9:21.835 - 9:28.023: Maddax Spatafore passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 27th
7:08.835 - 9:29.289: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing finished lap 4 ( 2:20.453)
9:27.328 - 9:31.867: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Travis Cummings and Faded. | AUS #16 for 21st
7:18.562 - 9:32.195: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. finished lap 4 ( 2:13.632)
9:27.539 - 9:32.250: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Travis Cummings and Faded. | AUS #16 for 22nd
7:10.132 - 9:32.257: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT finished lap 4 ( 2:22.125)
9:26.515 - 9:32.812: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 28th
7:12.867 - 9:33.054: Noah Napoli finished lap 4 ( 2:20.187)
9:28.437 - 9:33.281: HEY passed Travis Cummings and Faded. | AUS #16 for 23rd
9:27.984 - 9:33.492: Erin Rockafellow | passed Ari Vowles for 31st
9:25.320 - 9:33.726: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Travis Cummings for 24th
9:32.257 - 9:35.476: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 18th
7:22.914 - 9:35.648: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ finished lap 4 ( 2:12.734)
9:31.531 - 9:35.804: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 4th
7:16.789 - 9:36.242: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT finished lap 4 ( 2:19.453)
7:46.429 - 9:37.515: rc finished lap 5 ( 1:51.085)
9:33.406 - 9:37.867: Zach Fischer | Underground RC passed Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 5th
7:12.000 - 9:38.210: Faded. | AUS #16 finished lap 4 ( 2:26.210)
9:33.726 - 9:38.210: Faded. | AUS #16 passed HEY for 23rd
7:33.601 - 9:38.492: HEY finished lap 4 ( 2:04.890)
7:44.289 - 9:39.070: Jeremy Smith | TBR finished lap 5 ( 1:54.781)
9:38.492 - 9:41.890: HEY passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 23rd
9:39.453 - 9:42.070: Chandler Bloxom | EZDecals DT passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 21st
7:19.421 - 9:42.132: Travis Cummings finished lap 4 ( 2:22.710)
9:37.257 - 9:42.398: Ari Vowles passed Erin Rockafellow | for 31st
9:33.164 - 9:43.335: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 28th
9:41.890 - 9:44.398: HEY passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 22nd
9:42.187 - 9:44.484: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 23rd
7:31.093 - 9:46.031: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails finished lap 4 ( 2:14.937)
7:45.179 - 9:46.976: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. finished lap 5 ( 2:01.796)
9:42.820 - 9:47.023: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Trent Adams | EBR | for 12th
9:44.484 - 9:48.546: Faded. | AUS #16 passed HEY for 22nd
9:47.375 - 9:49.960: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 13th
9:40.039 - 9:50.859: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto went off the track
9:49.382 - 9:51.218: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Travis Cummings for 25th
9:40.898 - 9:54.468: rc went off the track
9:48.726 - 9:54.984: Noah Napoli went off the track
9:49.664 - 9:55.585: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 6th
7:09.343 - 9:56.007: Maddax Spatafore finished lap 4 ( 2:46.664)
9:51.070 - 9:57.023: Indii G. passed Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 7th
9:46.015 - 9:58.203: Ari Vowles went off the track
9:58.546 - 10:01.843: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 22nd
10:00.593 - 10:03.367: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. passed rc for 2nd
9:55.585 - 10:04.289: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT went off the track
7:42.007 - 10:05.562: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 finished lap 4 ( 2:23.554)
10:01.976 - 10:05.562: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 28th
9:58.671 - 10:05.976: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
10:02.320 - 10:06.273: Noah Napoli passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 18th
7:29.179 - 10:06.421: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx finished lap 4 ( 2:37.242)
9:53.406 - 10:11.648: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula went off the track
10:05.976 - 10:11.851: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
10:09.210 - 10:12.695: rc passed Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. for 2nd
8:14.726 - 10:12.835: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman finished lap 5 ( 1:58.109)
10:11.367 - 10:14.039: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Noah Napoli for 18th
10:11.648 - 10:14.382: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Noah Napoli for 19th
8:19.945 - 10:17.476: Zach Fischer | Underground RC finished lap 5 ( 1:57.531)
10:14.867 - 10:17.984: cs passed Ryan Kelly for 11th
10:09.539 - 10:18.617: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx went off the track
10:14.382 - 10:18.945: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 18th
10:16.507 - 10:19.523: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Noah Napoli for 20th
10:16.898 - 10:20.687: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 22nd
8:15.703 - 10:21.140: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx finished lap 5 ( 2:05.437)
8:20.312 - 10:21.570: Indii G. finished lap 5 ( 2:01.257)
10:20.562 - 10:23.203: Ari Vowles passed Erin Rockafellow | for 31st
10:17.898 - 10:23.968: Travis Cummings went off the track
10:21.289 - 10:24.562: Ryan Kelly passed cs for 11th
8:18.171 - 10:25.101: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader finished lap 5 ( 2:06.929)
7:54.453 - 10:27.093: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto finished lap 4 ( 2:32.640)
10:23.398 - 10:28.664: Erin Rockafellow | passed Ari Vowles for 31st
10:27.195 - 10:32.273: HEY passed Noah Napoli for 20th
10:27.406 - 10:32.882: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Noah Napoli for 21st
7:53.906 - 10:33.593: Erin Rockafellow | finished lap 4 ( 2:39.687)
8:39.570 - 10:34.937: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team finished lap 5 ( 1:55.367)
10:32.164 - 10:35.992: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 17th
8:00.117 - 10:37.070: Ari Vowles finished lap 4 ( 2:36.953)
10:32.031 - 10:37.171: Travis Cummings passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 23rd
10:32.882 - 10:37.765: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed HEY for 19th
10:35.468 - 10:38.210: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Indii G. for 7th
10:29.789 - 10:38.859: Trent Adams | EBR | went off the track
10:34.984 - 10:39.562: Maddax Spatafore passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 24th
10:37.171 - 10:41.765: Travis Cummings passed HEY and Noah Napoli for 20th
10:40.421 - 10:41.937: Ari Vowles passed Erin Rockafellow | for 30th
10:36.546 - 10:41.992: Ryan Kelly went off the track
10:19.523 - 10:42.835: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
10:39.562 - 10:43.789: Maddax Spatafore passed HEY and Noah Napoli for 22nd
10:34.937 - 10:43.929: Noah Napoli passed HEY for 23rd
10:44.265 - 10:46.617: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 27th
8:51.203 - 10:49.039: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC finished lap 5 ( 1:57.835)
10:43.398 - 10:49.656: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed HEY for 24th
10:47.703 - 10:57.265: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | went off the track
10:57.265 - 11:00.859: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT and Trent Adams | EBR | for 11th
10:51.085 - 11:02.000: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Trent Adams | EBR | for 12th
10:52.468 - 11:02.250: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails went off the track
10:50.539 - 11:02.632: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
10:59.890 - 11:03.851: Noah Napoli passed Maddax Spatafore for 22nd
8:55.140 - 11:04.062: cs finished lap 5 ( 2:08.921)
10:59.359 - 11:04.062: cs passed Ryan Kelly for 11th
8:52.960 - 11:05.562: Ryan Kelly finished lap 5 ( 2:12.601)
11:03.875 - 11:07.554: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed HEY for 24th
11:06.585 - 11:10.640: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Maddax Spatafore for 24th
11:07.593 - 11:11.203: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 15th
11:11.335 - 11:13.187: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 16th
9:02.695 - 11:17.937: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | finished lap 5 ( 2:15.242)
9:01.617 - 11:19.250: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT finished lap 5 ( 2:17.632)
9:00.289 - 11:20.625: Trent Adams | EBR | finished lap 5 ( 2:20.335)
11:13.328 - 11:20.960: Maddax Spatafore went off the track
11:12.929 - 11:24.531: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 went off the track
11:10.812 - 11:27.570: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ went off the track
11:24.414 - 11:28.265: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 6th
11:22.742 - 11:29.046: Travis Cummings passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 19th
11:25.062 - 11:29.140: Indii G. passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 7th
11:26.515 - 11:31.468: rc went off the track
9:29.289 - 11:33.765: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing finished lap 5 ( 2:04.476)
9:32.257 - 11:35.406: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT finished lap 5 ( 2:03.148)
11:25.507 - 11:35.523: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
11:31.835 - 11:35.554: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 8th
11:32.882 - 11:36.539: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 13th
11:34.851 - 11:39.859: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. went off the track
11:35.523 - 11:39.992: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Noah Napoli for 21st
9:39.070 - 11:44.859: Jeremy Smith | TBR finished lap 6 ( 2:05.789)
9:37.515 - 11:45.195: rc finished lap 6 ( 2:07.679)
9:32.195 - 11:46.765: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. finished lap 5 ( 2:14.570)
11:44.328 - 11:47.312: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 16th
11:40.851 - 11:47.710: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ went off the track
11:41.953 - 11:48.773: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
11:33.062 - 11:49.500: Ari Vowles went off the track
11:47.304 - 11:50.898: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 14th
11:47.710 - 11:51.421: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 20th
11:48.054 - 11:51.664: Noah Napoli passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 21st
11:48.773 - 11:53.578: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 22nd
9:46.976 - 11:53.859: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. finished lap 6 ( 2:06.882)
11:50.835 - 11:54.804: Maddax Spatafore passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 23rd
11:50.898 - 11:55.625: Trent Adams | EBR | passed Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT for 13th
9:42.132 - 11:57.476: Travis Cummings finished lap 5 ( 2:15.343)
9:38.210 - 12:06.140: Faded. | AUS #16 finished lap 5 ( 2:27.929)
12:00.960 - 12:06.140: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Noah Napoli and Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 20th
9:26.992 - 12:06.187: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula finished lap 5 ( 2:39.195)
12:02.671 - 12:06.187: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Maddax Spatafore, Noah Napoli and Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 21st
9:56.007 - 12:08.140: Maddax Spatafore finished lap 5 ( 2:12.132)
12:02.468 - 12:08.140: Maddax Spatafore passed Noah Napoli and Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 22nd
12:06.187 - 12:09.289: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 20th
10:12.835 - 12:09.359: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman finished lap 6 ( 1:56.523)
10:06.421 - 12:13.695: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx finished lap 5 ( 2:07.273)
12:09.445 - 12:13.695: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails, Noah Napoli and Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 23rd
9:35.648 - 12:13.765: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ finished lap 5 ( 2:38.117)
10:17.476 - 12:15.007: Zach Fischer | Underground RC finished lap 6 ( 1:57.531)
9:33.054 - 12:17.109: Noah Napoli finished lap 5 ( 2:44.054)
9:46.031 - 12:18.414: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails finished lap 5 ( 2:32.382)
10:05.562 - 12:19.015: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 finished lap 5 ( 2:13.453)
10:25.101 - 12:21.554: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader finished lap 6 ( 1:56.453)
10:21.570 - 12:23.000: Indii G. finished lap 6 ( 2:01.429)
12:14.500 - 12:23.781: Ari Vowles went off the track
12:19.218 - 12:23.859: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Maddax Spatafore for 22nd
12:22.257 - 12:23.906: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails and Noah Napoli for 23rd
12:20.218 - 12:24.156: Zach Fischer | Underground RC passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 4th
12:03.804 - 12:26.085: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx went off the track
12:16.968 - 12:27.992: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ went off the track
12:28.296 - 12:31.343: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 24th
12:22.187 - 12:31.757: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Noah Napoli for 24th
12:25.898 - 12:34.156: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT went off the track
12:31.343 - 12:34.906: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Maddax Spatafore for 23rd
12:31.773 - 12:35.648: Noah Napoli passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 26th
12:33.289 - 12:36.968: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 9th
10:34.937 - 12:39.046: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team finished lap 6 ( 2:04.109)
12:33.742 - 12:39.554: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
10:27.093 - 12:40.601: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto finished lap 5 ( 2:13.507)
12:38.335 - 12:41.453: Noah Napoli passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 25th
12:39.046 - 12:42.257: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 26th
12:42.070 - 12:44.640: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Travis Cummings for 19th
10:21.140 - 12:48.234: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx finished lap 6 ( 2:27.093)
10:49.039 - 12:49.171: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC finished lap 6 ( 2:00.132)
12:47.539 - 12:50.796: Maddax Spatafore passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 22nd
10:37.070 - 12:51.671: Ari Vowles finished lap 5 ( 2:14.601)
12:38.664 - 12:52.789: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 went off the track
12:49.765 - 12:58.281: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing went off the track
12:53.554 - 12:59.937: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ went off the track
12:53.992 - 13:00.601: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails went off the track
12:55.710 - 13:00.695: Ari Vowles went off the track
12:58.312 - 13:03.070: Noah Napoli passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 23rd
11:04.062 - 13:05.242: cs finished lap 6 ( 2:01.179)
13:04.078 - 13:06.335: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx and Noah Napoli for 23rd
11:05.562 - 13:06.640: Ryan Kelly finished lap 6 ( 2:01.078)
13:03.390 - 13:07.343: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 16th
13:05.117 - 13:07.859: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx and Noah Napoli for 24th
13:03.164 - 13:15.031: Ari Vowles went off the track
13:15.039 - 13:18.210: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT for 16th
13:19.351 - 13:21.929: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Noah Napoli for 25th
13:05.960 - 13:22.250: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula went off the track
11:20.625 - 13:24.257: Trent Adams | EBR | finished lap 6 ( 2:03.632)
13:21.804 - 13:25.265: Ari Vowles passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 26th
11:19.250 - 13:26.179: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT finished lap 6 ( 2:06.929)
13:21.828 - 13:27.734: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman went off the track
13:27.406 - 13:32.132: Noah Napoli passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 25th
13:29.296 - 13:33.671: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 21st
13:32.835 - 13:37.328: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Noah Napoli and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 22nd
11:44.859 - 13:37.406: Jeremy Smith | TBR finished lap 7 ( 1:52.546)
11:45.195 - 13:38.195: rc finished lap 7 ( 1:53.000)
13:36.250 - 13:40.179: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Noah Napoli for 24th
13:35.617 - 13:41.000: Maddax Spatafore passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 21st
11:17.937 - 13:43.351: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | finished lap 6 ( 2:25.414)
13:40.179 - 13:44.718: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 25th
11:53.859 - 13:47.015: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. finished lap 7 ( 1:53.156)
11:33.765 - 13:47.273: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing finished lap 6 ( 2:13.507)
11:46.765 - 13:51.968: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. finished lap 6 ( 2:05.203)
11:35.406 - 13:52.234: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT finished lap 6 ( 2:16.828)
13:51.921 - 13:55.726: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Trent Adams | EBR | for 13th
13:52.437 - 13:56.296: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 15th
13:46.546 - 13:56.734: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula went off the track
13:55.351 - 13:57.046: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 17th
13:50.968 - 13:57.125: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Ari Vowles for 28th
13:56.734 - 14:00.710: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Maddax Spatafore for 21st
13:57.046 - 14:01.320: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 16th
11:57.476 - 14:08.867: Travis Cummings finished lap 6 ( 2:11.390)
14:04.750 - 14:10.843: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 23rd
12:15.007 - 14:13.015: Zach Fischer | Underground RC finished lap 7 ( 1:58.007)
12:21.554 - 14:14.296: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader finished lap 7 ( 1:52.742)
14:10.820 - 14:14.296: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader passed Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman for 5th
12:06.140 - 14:14.718: Faded. | AUS #16 finished lap 6 ( 2:08.578)
14:09.039 - 14:16.695: Ryan Kelly went off the track
14:10.710 - 14:17.203: Noah Napoli passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 25th
14:13.179 - 14:17.742: rc passed Jeremy Smith | TBR for the lead
14:17.203 - 14:21.039: Noah Napoli passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 25th
12:09.359 - 14:21.078: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman finished lap 7 ( 2:11.718)
12:06.187 - 14:22.671: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula finished lap 6 ( 2:16.484)
14:16.437 - 14:23.062: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | went off the track
14:21.398 - 14:23.265: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Noah Napoli for 25th
14:18.007 - 14:23.898: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
12:23.000 - 14:26.125: Indii G. finished lap 7 ( 2:03.125)
14:24.429 - 14:29.195: Jeremy Smith | TBR passed rc for the lead
14:25.570 - 14:30.140: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Maddax Spatafore for 22nd
14:29.242 - 14:32.789: rc passed Jeremy Smith | TBR for the lead
12:18.414 - 14:34.382: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails finished lap 6 ( 2:15.968)
12:08.140 - 14:34.726: Maddax Spatafore finished lap 6 ( 2:26.585)
12:39.046 - 14:35.187: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team finished lap 7 ( 1:56.140)
14:25.710 - 14:37.007: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Noah Napoli for 24th
14:31.328 - 14:37.226: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman went off the track
12:13.765 - 14:37.367: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ finished lap 6 ( 2:23.601)
14:34.726 - 14:37.796: Maddax Spatafore passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 22nd
12:13.695 - 14:43.039: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx finished lap 6 ( 2:29.343)
12:48.234 - 14:46.367: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx finished lap 7 ( 1:58.132)
12:49.171 - 14:47.570: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC finished lap 7 ( 1:58.398)
14:37.812 - 14:49.257: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
14:41.085 - 14:51.390: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. went off the track
14:48.046 - 14:51.453: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto passed Noah Napoli for 25th
14:49.203 - 14:52.382: Ari Vowles passed Noah Napoli for 26th
14:45.820 - 14:52.898: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails went off the track
14:48.492 - 14:54.710: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ went off the track
12:19.015 - 14:54.812: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 finished lap 6 ( 2:35.796)
14:37.796 - 15:00.500: Maddax Spatafore went off the track
14:56.882 - 15:01.289: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 20th
13:05.242 - 15:01.742: cs finished lap 7 ( 1:56.500)
15:05.890 - 15:08.687: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 22nd
12:40.601 - 15:09.648: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto finished lap 6 ( 2:29.046)
12:51.671 - 15:09.765: Ari Vowles finished lap 6 ( 2:18.093)
15:07.640 - 15:14.078: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails went off the track
15:07.500 - 15:14.109: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 9th
15:03.484 - 15:15.414: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. went off the track
13:06.640 - 15:16.664: Ryan Kelly finished lap 7 ( 2:10.023)
15:15.414 - 15:17.132: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 16th
15:03.250 - 15:18.343: Maddax Spatafore went off the track
12:17.109 - 15:18.468: Noah Napoli finished lap 6 ( 3:01.359)
15:18.187 - 15:21.242: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT passed Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing for 15th
15:21.625 - 15:23.781: Noah Napoli passed Ari Vowles for 26th
15:21.101 - 15:24.476: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 9th
13:38.195 - 15:28.039: rc finished lap 8 ( 1:49.843)
15:24.281 - 15:30.039: Maddax Spatafore went off the track
15:25.679 - 15:30.328: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 17th
15:25.171 - 15:31.218: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx went off the track
13:26.179 - 15:31.304: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT finished lap 7 ( 2:05.125)
15:30.343 - 15:34.023: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 17th
13:24.257 - 15:35.210: Trent Adams | EBR | finished lap 7 ( 2:10.953)
13:37.406 - 15:38.226: Jeremy Smith | TBR finished lap 8 ( 2:00.820)
13:47.015 - 15:40.000: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. finished lap 8 ( 1:52.984)
15:49.125 - 15:52.906: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 20th
13:52.234 - 15:55.257: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT finished lap 7 ( 2:03.023)
15:50.906 - 15:56.195: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 9th
13:47.273 - 15:57.125: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing finished lap 7 ( 2:09.851)
15:55.914 - 16:02.023: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Travis Cummings for 19th
15:53.109 - 16:02.882: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
15:57.453 - 16:04.296: Jeremy Smith | TBR went off the track
16:02.023 - 16:06.296: Maddax Spatafore passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 23rd
16:02.773 - 16:07.445: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 17th
16:04.742 - 16:07.703: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. passed Jeremy Smith | TBR for the lead
14:13.015 - 16:08.523: Zach Fischer | Underground RC finished lap 8 ( 1:55.507)
14:14.296 - 16:09.585: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader finished lap 8 ( 1:55.289)
16:07.687 - 16:11.570: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 24th
16:03.601 - 16:12.945: rc went off the track
14:21.078 - 16:13.273: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman finished lap 8 ( 1:52.195)
16:07.820 - 16:13.375: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula went off the track
16:09.625 - 16:15.695: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
16:12.242 - 16:17.554: Travis Cummings went off the track
13:43.351 - 16:20.140: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | finished lap 7 ( 2:36.789)
13:51.968 - 16:20.281: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. finished lap 7 ( 2:28.312)
16:13.132 - 16:21.320: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx went off the track
16:17.914 - 16:21.375: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman passed Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader for 5th
16:17.750 - 16:21.609: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Maddax Spatafore for 25th
14:26.125 - 16:27.945: Indii G. finished lap 8 ( 2:01.820)
14:22.671 - 16:28.328: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula finished lap 7 ( 2:05.656)
16:24.343 - 16:29.093: Maddax Spatafore passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 25th
14:14.718 - 16:31.257: Faded. | AUS #16 finished lap 7 ( 2:16.539)
16:31.375 - 16:34.898: rc passed Jeremy Smith | TBR for 2nd
14:35.187 - 16:34.968: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team finished lap 8 ( 1:59.781)
16:30.085 - 16:37.882: Trent Adams | EBR | went off the track
16:34.039 - 16:37.976: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 22nd
16:30.781 - 16:39.976: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | went off the track
16:34.296 - 16:42.343: Ryan Kelly went off the track
14:08.867 - 16:43.085: Travis Cummings finished lap 7 ( 2:34.218)
16:22.117 - 16:46.421: Noah Napoli went off the track
16:45.679 - 16:47.984: Maddax Spatafore passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 24th
16:45.789 - 16:49.242: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 9th
16:46.625 - 16:49.757: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 17th
16:41.898 - 16:49.796: Trent Adams | EBR | went off the track
14:34.382 - 16:49.835: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails finished lap 7 ( 2:15.453)
16:49.789 - 16:52.835: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 9th
16:49.789 - 16:53.671: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 17th
16:52.265 - 16:54.882: cs passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 10th
16:53.687 - 16:58.148: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 17th
14:47.570 - 17:02.320: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC finished lap 8 ( 2:14.750)
15:01.742 - 17:03.531: cs finished lap 8 ( 2:01.789)
14:37.367 - 17:04.156: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ finished lap 7 ( 2:26.789)
17:00.789 - 17:04.265: Jeremy Smith | TBR passed rc for 2nd
14:46.367 - 17:04.640: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx finished lap 8 ( 2:18.273)
14:34.726 - 17:09.195: Maddax Spatafore finished lap 7 ( 2:34.468)
16:37.218 - 17:10.351: Ari Vowles went off the track
16:58.109 - 17:13.414: Travis Cummings went off the track
14:54.812 - 17:13.781: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 finished lap 7 ( 2:18.968)
17:10.156 - 17:13.781: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 25th
14:43.039 - 17:14.750: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx finished lap 7 ( 2:31.710)
17:00.679 - 17:16.742: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team went off the track
17:13.414 - 17:17.601: Travis Cummings passed Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails for 21st
17:17.265 - 17:21.031: cs passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 9th
17:01.343 - 17:21.750: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. went off the track
17:07.359 - 17:21.765: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ went off the track
17:11.726 - 17:24.289: Ari Vowles went off the track
17:23.523 - 17:27.164: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 16th
15:16.664 - 17:28.187: Ryan Kelly finished lap 8 ( 2:11.523)
15:31.304 - 17:28.953: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT finished lap 8 ( 1:57.648)
15:40.000 - 17:29.265: Jared Siedhoff | Yogi Inc. finished lap 9 ( 1:49.265)
17:27.601 - 17:30.445: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC passed cs for 9th
17:17.656 - 17:33.875: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails went off the track
15:38.226 - 17:35.968: Jeremy Smith | TBR finished lap 9 ( 1:57.742)
15:35.210 - 17:40.093: Trent Adams | EBR | finished lap 8 ( 2:04.882)
17:37.546 - 17:40.226: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Ryan Kelly for 12th
17:34.710 - 17:40.640: Maddax Spatafore went off the track
17:30.523 - 17:40.835: Travis Cummings went off the track
17:33.195 - 17:41.679: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | went off the track
15:28.039 - 17:42.484: rc finished lap 9 ( 2:14.445)
15:18.468 - 17:43.148: Noah Napoli finished lap 7 ( 2:24.679)
17:39.335 - 17:43.148: Noah Napoli passed Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto for 27th
17:40.851 - 17:44.453: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 24th
17:44.070 - 17:45.757: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. for 18th
17:41.085 - 17:47.312: Ryan Kelly went off the track
17:44.585 - 17:49.031: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 24th
15:09.648 - 17:50.187: Matt Nesenger | Tweaked Moto finished lap 7 ( 2:40.539)
17:49.031 - 17:52.500: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ passed Maddax Spatafore for 23rd
17:45.757 - 17:54.171: Faded. | AUS #16 went off the track
17:49.562 - 17:56.570: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Maddax Spatafore and Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 for 24th
17:54.171 - 17:59.015: Faded. | AUS #16 passed Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | for 18th
15:55.257 - 17:59.054: Braiden Ehle | EZDecals DT finished lap 8 ( 2:03.796)
17:48.960 - 18:02.453: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx went off the track
15:57.125 - 18:02.546: Nathan Aguilar | KDN Racing finished lap 8 ( 2:05.421)
16:08.523 - 18:06.265: Zach Fischer | Underground RC finished lap 9 ( 1:57.742)
18:03.492 - 18:07.789: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Faded. | AUS #16 for 18th
18:05.203 - 18:12.218: Ryan Kelly went off the track
16:13.273 - 18:12.726: Reid Young | Prestige WorldWalman finished lap 9 ( 1:59.453)
16:09.585 - 18:16.023: Colton Mitchell | AutoTrader finished lap 9 ( 2:06.437)
18:17.140 - 18:21.007: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx passed Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ for 22nd
18:08.351 - 18:24.851: Ari Vowles went off the track
18:19.773 - 18:28.148: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 went off the track
16:27.945 - 18:29.882: Indii G. finished lap 9 ( 2:01.937)
18:26.078 - 18:29.976: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | passed Mac Holmes | Mx Formula for 17th
18:26.148 - 18:35.046: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx went off the track
15:09.765 - 18:35.859: Ari Vowles finished lap 7 ( 3:26.093)
16:20.140 - 18:40.898: Ethan Gerst | Proline Wraps | finished lap 8 ( 2:20.757)
16:28.328 - 18:43.812: Mac Holmes | Mx Formula finished lap 8 ( 2:15.484)
16:34.968 - 18:45.140: Khamar Glover | Looking for Team finished lap 9 ( 2:10.171)
18:38.679 - 18:47.453: cs passed Ricky Hardman | Underground RC for 9th
18:42.875 - 18:53.148: Travis Cummings went off the track
16:31.257 - 18:53.265: Faded. | AUS #16 finished lap 8 ( 2:22.007)
16:20.281 - 18:55.250: Gavin Wilson | Vans | Fuel Clothing co. finished lap 8 ( 2:34.968)
16:43.085 - 19:02.765: Travis Cummings finished lap 8 ( 2:19.679)
18:56.859 - 19:02.867: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 passed Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx for 23rd
17:03.531 - 19:07.687: cs finished lap 9 ( 2:04.156)
18:59.195 - 19:08.062: Ryan Kelly went off the track
16:49.835 - 19:10.429: Dean Caudill #4 | IG @Moto.Fails finished lap 8 ( 2:20.593)
18:41.390 - 19:14.101: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ went off the track
17:02.320 - 19:18.367: Ricky Hardman | Underground RC finished lap 9 ( 2:16.046)
19:15.718 - 19:22.445: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT passed Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx for 11th
17:13.781 - 19:30.882: Skinny Penis I Rip RushRacing2K18 finished lap 8 ( 2:17.101)
17:28.953 - 19:31.367: Wyatt Bozarth | EZDecals DT finished lap 9 ( 2:02.414)
19:26.890 - 19:32.648: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ went off the track
17:14.750 - 19:35.820: Christian Dresser | PureLife Mx finished lap 8 ( 2:21.070)
17:09.195 - 19:38.898: Maddax Spatafore finished lap 8 ( 2:29.703)
17:04.640 - 19:42.570: Michail Ming-Woodley|Motion Mx finished lap 9 ( 2:37.929)
17:28.187 - 19:43.953: Ryan Kelly finished lap 9 ( 2:15.765)
17:04.156 - 19:47.421: Trevor Shaffer | Vibe+ finished lap 8 ( 2:43.265)