MX Simulator
Track2023 Boot's House Arenacross Rd2
Format 10 minutes, 1 laps
Date8/4/2023, 1:37:42 AM (587 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
118jett lawnce | hwe jondie 250sxf(2018)22 10:38.6407 0:27.50744882
210Richard Miller | Boot's House 250sxf(2018)22 10:52.04618 0:27.17949034
3711yerd | Phil's 250sxf(2018)22 11:00.5004 0:27.85947539
4567Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports 250sxf(2018)22 11:01.51518 0:26.89035544
5284Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash 250sxf(2018)22 11:11.1719 0:26.07839610
6324Keygen King | AVM 250sxf(2018)21 11:07.42120 0:27.40637082
759Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing 250sxf(2018)21 11:08.2969 0:28.54638094
8285Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew 250sxf(2018)21 11:11.02310 0:27.07832021
9316Collin Clark | Boots House 250sxf(2018)20 10:47.2264 0:27.78932476
10944Karl Robitaille | Shoreline 250sxf(2018)20 10:50.97614 0:28.07857777
11146Luke Smith| Looking For Team 250sxf(2018)20 10:55.67114 0:28.49238037
12180Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports 250sxf(2018)19 10:53.5156 0:28.32019408
13179SVGE179 250sxf(2018)19 11:00.8596 0:27.98423213
14252Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports 250sxf(2018)16 8:32.09314 0:26.76532155
1530Travis Johnsmeyer | Active 250sxf(2018)7 3:39.2262 0:27.81247246
1699Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs 250sxf(2018)6 3:33.4922 0:29.57858233

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22
P1 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
P2 324 30 30 284 324 316 316 711 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
P3 30 324 284 324 316 324 711 316 316 316 711 284 284 284 284 284 284 567 567 711 711 567
P4 316 316 324 316 284 711 10 10 711 324 284 711 711 567 567 567 567 711 711 567 567 711
P5 284 284 316 30 30 10 324 324 324 284 567 567 567 711 711 711 711 284 284 284 284 284
P6 10 711 711 711 711 30 59 284 284 711 59 59 59 59 252 59 59 59 59 59 324
P7 944 99 99 10 10 284 252 59 59 567 252 285 252 252 316 252 324 324 324 324 59
P8 711 59 944 944 252 252 284 252 567 59 316 252 316 944 59 944 944 285 285 285 285
P9 567 944 59 252 59 59 30 567 252 252 285 324 324 316 944 324 285 944 944 316
P10 99 252 10 59 567 567 285 285 285 285 324 316 180 324 324 316 316 316 316 944
P11 59 10 252 567 944 180 944 944 944 944 944 944 944 180 285 285 146 146 146 146
P12 252 567 567 99 180 944 567 179 180 180 180 180 285 146 180 180 180 180 180
P13 146 146 146 285 285 285 180 180 146 146 146 146 146 285 146 146 179 179 179
P14 180 285 285 180 99 179 179 146 179 179 179 179 179 179 179 179
P15 285 179 179 179 179 99 146
P16 179 180 180 146 146 146

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

0:26.078 9 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:26.765 14 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:26.835 12 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:26.890 18 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:26.960 21 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:26.968 14 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:27.015 2 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:27.023 10 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:27.078 10 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:27.132 10 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:27.156 14 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:27.179 21 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:27.179 18 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:27.195 20 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:27.242 5 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:27.273 13 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:27.359 3 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:27.367 19 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:27.382 5 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:27.406 20 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:27.406 20 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:27.476 9 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:27.507 7 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:27.632 5 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:27.648 19 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:27.703 3 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:27.718 19 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:27.726 13 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:27.734 11 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:27.734 11 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:27.773 2 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:27.789 4 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:27.812 2 30 Travis Johnsmeyer | Active
0:27.851 2 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:27.859 4 711 yerd | Phil's
0:27.898 17 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:27.898 4 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:27.906 6 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:27.914 7 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:27.984 5 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:27.984 6 179 SVGE179
0:27.992 3 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:28.039 19 711 yerd | Phil's
0:28.054 7 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:28.062 15 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:28.078 14 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:28.093 17 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:28.109 17 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:28.109 16 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:28.125 8 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:28.125 15 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:28.148 16 711 yerd | Phil's
0:28.171 10 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:28.195 8 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:28.203 16 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:28.218 5 711 yerd | Phil's
0:28.242 20 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:28.250 4 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:28.265 6 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:28.273 8 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:28.281 4 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:28.296 4 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:28.304 12 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:28.312 6 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:28.320 6 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:28.328 19 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:28.328 3 30 Travis Johnsmeyer | Active
0:28.367 13 711 yerd | Phil's
0:28.375 18 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:28.382 13 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:28.382 2 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:28.398 20 711 yerd | Phil's
0:28.406 20 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:28.429 13 179 SVGE179
0:28.445 12 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:28.460 16 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:28.484 3 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:28.492 12 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:28.492 14 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:28.531 2 711 yerd | Phil's
0:28.539 6 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:28.539 3 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:28.546 9 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:28.562 11 711 yerd | Phil's
0:28.578 9 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:28.593 14 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:28.632 14 711 yerd | Phil's
0:28.656 13 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:28.656 21 711 yerd | Phil's
0:28.695 15 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:28.703 5 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:28.718 13 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:28.765 18 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:28.781 17 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:28.781 9 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:28.789 4 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:28.812 18 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:28.820 17 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:28.820 8 711 yerd | Phil's
0:28.843 11 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:28.843 19 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:28.898 2 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:28.898 5 179 SVGE179
0:28.906 12 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:28.921 2 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:28.945 5 30 Travis Johnsmeyer | Active
0:28.953 5 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:28.953 10 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:29.023 3 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:29.023 16 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:29.039 16 179 SVGE179
0:29.054 3 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:29.062 12 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:29.093 10 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:29.148 2 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:29.156 5 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:29.187 18 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:29.210 10 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:29.218 5 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:29.218 19 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:29.234 11 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:29.234 15 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:29.250 15 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:29.250 8 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:29.257 7 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:29.265 4 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:29.265 12 711 yerd | Phil's
0:29.281 12 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:29.359 12 179 SVGE179
0:29.390 16 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:29.390 19 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:29.390 17 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:29.390 13 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:29.406 22 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:29.414 11 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:29.460 16 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:29.476 22 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:29.507 19 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:29.507 6 711 yerd | Phil's
0:29.515 16 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:29.515 3 711 yerd | Phil's
0:29.539 14 179 SVGE179
0:29.578 2 99 Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs
0:29.585 20 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:29.617 14 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:29.617 2 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:29.625 6 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:29.632 4 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:29.648 15 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:29.671 18 711 yerd | Phil's
0:29.703 11 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:29.710 17 711 yerd | Phil's
0:29.796 15 711 yerd | Phil's
0:29.812 2 179 SVGE179
0:29.812 3 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:29.859 13 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:29.875 18 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:29.875 8 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:29.906 7 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:29.937 11 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:29.937 19 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:29.984 8 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:30.015 3 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:30.015 13 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:30.125 9 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:30.234 12 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:30.234 11 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:30.250 9 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:30.250 11 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:30.273 22 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:30.281 12 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:30.484 5 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:30.492 17 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:30.515 11 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:30.632 7 711 yerd | Phil's
0:30.648 19 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:30.687 7 179 SVGE179
0:30.734 14 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:30.789 10 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:30.828 3 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:31.062 18 179 SVGE179
0:31.273 3 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:31.304 13 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:31.382 13 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:31.570 7 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:31.750 6 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:31.812 15 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:31.820 16 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:31.851 9 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:31.859 6 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:31.906 8 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:32.289 2 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:32.289 4 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:32.320 3 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:32.437 18 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:32.476 7 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:32.578 10 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:32.703 9 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:32.898 5 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:33.039 22 711 yerd | Phil's
0:33.054 7 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:33.062 20 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:33.304 9 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:33.609 10 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:33.851 22 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:33.914 8 179 SVGE179
0:34.054 10 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:34.070 4 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:34.250 16 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:34.570 11 179 SVGE179
0:34.625 15 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:34.703 13 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:34.765 9 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:34.796 2 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:34.820 6 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:34.945 8 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:35.132 7 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:35.203 15 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:35.335 10 179 SVGE179
0:35.367 4 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:35.367 8 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:35.515 4 30 Travis Johnsmeyer | Active
0:35.835 7 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:35.867 8 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:35.960 12 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:35.992 7 30 Travis Johnsmeyer | Active
0:36.132 2 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:36.140 9 711 yerd | Phil's
0:36.390 2 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:36.429 10 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:36.679 6 30 Travis Johnsmeyer | Active
0:36.960 10 711 yerd | Phil's
0:36.984 20 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:37.156 21 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:37.265 18 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:37.273 6 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:37.304 5 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:37.312 17 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:37.312 6 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:37.437 21 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:37.554 11 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:37.679 20 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:37.757 12 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:37.921 21 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:37.960 9 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:38.140 6 99 Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs
0:38.140 18 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:38.531 15 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:38.570 14 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:38.609 16 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:38.976 21 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:39.132 4 99 Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs
0:39.312 20 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:39.367 4 179 SVGE179
0:40.406 14 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:40.406 17 179 SVGE179
0:40.531 19 179 SVGE179
0:40.679 16 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:40.851 5 99 Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs
0:40.914 15 179 SVGE179
0:41.960 6 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:42.781 14 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:44.085 15 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:45.507 13 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:45.765 11 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:50.226 4 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:52.937 9 179 SVGE179

Individual Worst Laps

0:36.679 6 30 Travis Johnsmeyer | Active
0:36.960 10 711 yerd | Phil's
0:37.156 21 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
0:37.312 6 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
0:37.921 21 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
0:38.609 16 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
0:39.312 20 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
0:40.679 16 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
0:40.851 5 99 Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs
0:41.468 7 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
0:44.085 15 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
0:45.507 13 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
0:45.765 11 324 Keygen King | AVM
0:47.515 19 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
0:50.226 4 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
0:52.937 9 179 SVGE179


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.888 18 jett lawnce | hwe jondie
2.450 711 yerd | Phil's
2.824 10 Richard Miller | Boot's House
3.520 944 Karl Robitaille | Shoreline
3.734 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
3.803 567 Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
3.829 59 Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
3.879 30 Travis Johnsmeyer | Active
3.942 252 Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports
4.323 316 Collin Clark | Boots House
4.767 99 Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs
4.893 285 Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
4.963 324 Keygen King | AVM
5.649 180 Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
5.743 146 Luke Smith| Looking For Team
6.308 179 SVGE179

Play by Play

jett lawnce | hwe jondie takes the holeshot followed by Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports, Keygen King | AVM, Richard Miller | Boot's House, SVGE179, Karl Robitaille | Shoreline, Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs, Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew, Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports, yerd | Phil's, Travis Johnsmeyer | Active , Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing, Luke Smith| Looking For Team, Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports and Collin Clark | Boots House

0:05.062 - 0:08.179: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active passed Keygen King | AVM, Karl Robitaille | Shoreline, Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports, Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs, Richard Miller | Boot's House, Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew, Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports, SVGE179, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and yerd | Phil's for 2nd
0:04.476 - 0:08.187: Keygen King | AVM passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 3rd
0:04.460 - 0:08.445: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 4th
0:04.703 - 0:08.679: SVGE179 passed Richard Miller | Boot's House and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 5th
0:04.789 - 0:08.718: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline, Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs, Richard Miller | Boot's House and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 6th
0:08.187 - 0:09.859: Keygen King | AVM passed Travis Johnsmeyer | Active for 2nd
0:06.468 - 0:11.304: Collin Clark | Boots House passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline, Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs, Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing, Luke Smith| Looking For Team, Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports, Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports and yerd | Phil's for 9th
0:05.140 - 0:11.531: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs, Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports and yerd | Phil's for 11th
0:09.398 - 0:11.757: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 6th
0:11.304 - 0:13.015: Collin Clark | Boots House passed Richard Miller | Boot's House and Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 7th
0:11.757 - 0:13.351: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed SVGE179 for 5th
0:11.484 - 0:13.437: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Richard Miller | Boot's House and Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 8th
0:11.531 - 0:14.039: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Richard Miller | Boot's House and Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 9th
0:05.421 - 0:14.476: Luke Smith| Looking For Team passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports and yerd | Phil's for 13th
0:10.218 - 0:14.648: Richard Miller | Boot's House passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 10th
0:13.085 - 0:15.593: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 11th
0:14.484 - 0:17.382: Collin Clark | Boots House passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports, SVGE179 and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 4th
0:15.171 - 0:17.515: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew and Luke Smith| Looking For Team for 12th
0:15.789 - 0:17.796: yerd | Phil's passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew and Luke Smith| Looking For Team for 13th
0:15.226 - 0:18.453: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports, SVGE179 and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 5th
0:13.351 - 0:18.492: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports for 6th
0:18.492 - 0:19.953: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 5th
0:17.085 - 0:20.226: Richard Miller | Boot's House passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports and SVGE179 for 7th
0:17.515 - 0:21.273: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports and SVGE179 for 8th
0:13.695 - 0:21.476: SVGE179 passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports for 9th
0:19.171 - 0:22.000: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports for 10th
0:19.601 - 0:22.687: yerd | Phil's passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports for 11th
0:21.312 - 0:22.945: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Luke Smith| Looking For Team for 15th
0:15.734 - 0:22.976: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing went off the track
0:21.781 - 0:23.875: Richard Miller | Boot's House passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 6th
0:00.000 - 0:24.078: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 1 ( 0:24.078)
0:00.000 - 0:24.851: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 1 ( 0:24.851)
0:00.000 - 0:25.953: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active finished lap 1 ( 0:25.953)
0:24.179 - 0:26.070: yerd | Phil's passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 10th
0:24.445 - 0:26.843: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 11th
0:26.070 - 0:26.937: yerd | Phil's passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs and Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 8th
0:25.023 - 0:27.265: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 12th
0:21.476 - 0:27.460: SVGE179 went off the track
0:25.945 - 0:27.796: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 9th
0:26.843 - 0:27.882: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 10th
0:27.265 - 0:28.421: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 11th
0:00.000 - 0:28.609: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 1 ( 0:28.609)
0:27.882 - 0:28.703: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs for 9th
0:00.000 - 0:29.796: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 1 ( 0:29.796)
0:28.843 - 0:30.531: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 14th
0:00.000 - 0:31.757: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 1 ( 0:31.757)
0:30.070 - 0:32.078: Luke Smith| Looking For Team passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 15th
0:31.140 - 0:32.617: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active passed Keygen King | AVM for 2nd
0:00.000 - 0:33.429: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 1 ( 0:33.429)
0:00.000 - 0:34.023: yerd | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 0:34.023)
0:00.000 - 0:34.234: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 1 ( 0:34.234)
0:30.351 - 0:34.281: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 11th
0:00.000 - 0:34.687: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs finished lap 1 ( 0:34.687)
0:32.671 - 0:36.078: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew and SVGE179 for 12th
0:00.000 - 0:36.140: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 1 ( 0:36.140)
0:34.031 - 0:37.093: yerd | Phil's passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 7th
0:34.242 - 0:37.359: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 8th
0:34.695 - 0:37.828: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 9th
0:00.000 - 0:38.046: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 0:38.046)
0:34.187 - 0:38.335: Luke Smith| Looking For Team passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew and SVGE179 for 13th
0:00.000 - 0:40.312: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 1 ( 0:40.312)
0:36.140 - 0:40.757: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew and SVGE179 for 14th
0:39.484 - 0:40.953: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed yerd | Phil's for 7th
0:00.000 - 0:43.476: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 0:43.476)
0:00.000 - 0:43.929: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 1 ( 0:43.929)
0:00.000 - 0:44.148: SVGE179 finished lap 1 ( 0:44.148)
0:45.257 - 0:46.054: yerd | Phil's passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports for 7th
0:43.937 - 0:46.968: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 14th
0:44.156 - 0:47.406: SVGE179 passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 15th
0:24.078 - 0:53.000: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 2 ( 0:28.921)
0:50.570 - 0:53.476: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports for 8th
0:25.953 - 0:53.765: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active finished lap 2 ( 0:27.812)
0:24.851 - 0:54.000: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 2 ( 0:29.148)
0:51.429 - 0:54.195: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline and Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports for 9th
0:51.250 - 0:54.609: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports for 10th
0:53.257 - 0:54.882: yerd | Phil's passed Richard Miller | Boot's House for 6th
0:53.148 - 0:55.953: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports for 11th
0:28.609 - 0:56.460: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 2 ( 0:27.851)
0:54.859 - 0:56.796: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs passed Richard Miller | Boot's House for 7th
0:29.796 - 0:56.812: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 2 ( 0:27.015)
0:55.515 - 0:57.273: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Richard Miller | Boot's House for 8th
0:55.132 - 0:57.835: Luke Smith| Looking For Team passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports for 12th
0:56.070 - 0:57.906: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Richard Miller | Boot's House for 9th
0:57.195 - 0:58.859: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Richard Miller | Boot's House for 10th
0:58.265 - 0:59.242: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs for 7th
0:59.273 - 1:01.398: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 7th
0:34.023 - 1:02.554: yerd | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 0:28.531)
1:01.781 - 1:02.976: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Luke Smith| Looking For Team for 12th
0:34.687 - 1:04.265: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs finished lap 2 ( 0:29.578)
1:01.156 - 1:04.304: Keygen King | AVM passed Travis Johnsmeyer | Active for 2nd
0:36.140 - 1:05.039: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 2 ( 0:28.898)
0:33.429 - 1:05.718: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 2 ( 0:32.289)
0:38.046 - 1:06.429: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 0:28.382)
1:03.914 - 1:07.554: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 4th
0:31.757 - 1:07.890: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 2 ( 0:36.132)
0:34.234 - 1:09.031: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 2 ( 0:34.796)
0:40.312 - 1:09.929: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 2 ( 0:29.617)
1:08.789 - 1:11.554: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active passed Keygen King | AVM for 2nd
0:43.929 - 1:11.703: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 2 ( 0:27.773)
0:44.148 - 1:13.960: SVGE179 finished lap 2 ( 0:29.812)
1:14.492 - 1:15.804: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Keygen King | AVM for 3rd
1:12.656 - 1:16.164: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 8th
1:16.250 - 1:17.015: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 8th
0:43.476 - 1:19.867: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 0:36.390)
1:19.343 - 1:20.671: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 9th
0:53.000 - 1:20.992: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 3 ( 0:27.992)
0:53.765 - 1:22.093: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active finished lap 3 ( 0:28.328)
0:56.812 - 1:25.351: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 3 ( 0:28.539)
0:54.000 - 1:26.320: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 3 ( 0:32.320)
0:56.460 - 1:27.289: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 3 ( 0:30.828)
1:27.054 - 1:28.078: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs for 7th
1:29.273 - 1:31.710: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 8th
1:28.085 - 1:32.015: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs went off the track
1:02.554 - 1:32.070: yerd | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 0:29.515)
1:30.234 - 1:32.273: Richard Miller | Boot's House passed Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 9th
1:31.710 - 1:32.937: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 8th
1:04.265 - 1:34.312: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs finished lap 3 ( 0:30.046)
1:05.718 - 1:34.773: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 3 ( 0:29.054)
1:05.039 - 1:35.054: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 3 ( 0:30.015)
1:07.890 - 1:35.250: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 3 ( 0:27.359)
1:06.429 - 1:36.242: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 0:29.812)
1:09.031 - 1:37.515: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 3 ( 0:28.484)
1:09.929 - 1:38.953: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 3 ( 0:29.023)
1:11.703 - 1:39.406: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 3 ( 0:27.703)
1:38.078 - 1:40.398: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 8th
1:38.343 - 1:40.609: Richard Miller | Boot's House passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 9th
1:33.437 - 1:41.273: SVGE179 went off the track
1:40.070 - 1:42.859: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Travis Johnsmeyer | Active for 2nd
1:40.750 - 1:43.757: Keygen King | AVM passed Travis Johnsmeyer | Active for 3rd
1:41.703 - 1:44.500: Collin Clark | Boots House passed Travis Johnsmeyer | Active for 4th
1:42.507 - 1:45.968: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Richard Miller | Boot's House and Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 8th
1:42.359 - 1:46.585: Richard Miller | Boot's House passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 9th
1:42.906 - 1:47.117: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 10th
1:46.585 - 1:47.273: Richard Miller | Boot's House passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 8th
1:13.960 - 1:47.882: SVGE179 finished lap 3 ( 0:33.921)
1:39.414 - 1:49.515: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Luke Smith| Looking For Team for 13th
1:20.992 - 1:49.781: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 4 ( 0:28.789)
1:47.890 - 1:50.960: SVGE179 passed Luke Smith| Looking For Team for 14th
1:19.867 - 1:51.140: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 0:31.273)
1:50.351 - 1:53.015: Richard Miller | Boot's House passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs for 7th
1:25.351 - 1:53.250: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 4 ( 0:27.898)
1:50.804 - 1:53.695: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs for 8th
1:51.148 - 1:54.093: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports passed Luke Smith| Looking For Team for 15th
1:51.218 - 1:54.179: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs for 9th
1:26.320 - 1:54.570: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 4 ( 0:28.250)
1:27.289 - 1:55.078: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 4 ( 0:27.789)
1:53.000 - 1:55.921: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs for 10th
1:22.093 - 1:57.609: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active finished lap 4 ( 0:35.515)
1:32.070 - 1:59.929: yerd | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 0:27.859)
1:58.679 - 2:01.468: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs for 11th
1:35.250 - 2:03.531: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 4 ( 0:28.281)
2:01.054 - 2:04.312: Keygen King | AVM passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 2nd
1:34.773 - 2:04.406: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 4 ( 0:29.632)
1:36.242 - 2:04.539: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 0:28.296)
2:02.171 - 2:05.695: Collin Clark | Boots House passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 3rd
2:04.843 - 2:06.257: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports passed SVGE179 for 14th
1:35.054 - 2:07.343: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 4 ( 0:32.289)
2:07.585 - 2:09.781: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 8th
1:37.515 - 2:11.585: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 4 ( 0:34.070)
2:11.312 - 2:12.734: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 4th
1:34.312 - 2:13.445: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs finished lap 4 ( 0:39.132)
1:39.406 - 2:14.773: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 4 ( 0:35.367)
1:49.781 - 2:18.484: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 5 ( 0:28.703)
1:51.140 - 2:20.406: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 0:29.265)
1:54.570 - 2:22.554: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 5 ( 0:27.984)
2:21.250 - 2:23.468: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Travis Johnsmeyer | Active for 4th
1:55.078 - 2:25.562: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 5 ( 0:30.484)
1:53.250 - 2:26.148: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 5 ( 0:32.898)
1:57.609 - 2:26.554: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active finished lap 5 ( 0:28.945)
1:47.882 - 2:27.250: SVGE179 finished lap 4 ( 0:39.367)
1:59.929 - 2:28.148: yerd | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 0:28.218)
1:38.953 - 2:29.179: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 4 ( 0:50.226)
2:20.093 - 2:29.515: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline went off the track
2:03.531 - 2:30.773: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 5 ( 0:27.242)
2:29.617 - 2:31.281: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 10th
2:28.843 - 2:31.718: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs for 11th
2:04.539 - 2:32.171: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 0:27.632)
2:31.171 - 2:33.367: yerd | Phil's passed Travis Johnsmeyer | Active and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 4th
2:07.343 - 2:36.296: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 5 ( 0:28.953)
2:33.851 - 2:38.640: Richard Miller | Boot's House passed Travis Johnsmeyer | Active and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 5th
2:35.757 - 2:38.656: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs for 12th
2:11.585 - 2:38.968: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 5 ( 0:27.382)
2:29.546 - 2:39.140: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 6th
2:04.406 - 2:41.789: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 5 ( 0:37.382)
2:41.750 - 2:42.851: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 12th
2:18.484 - 2:47.023: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 6 ( 0:28.539)
2:20.406 - 2:49.625: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 0:29.218)
2:50.882 - 2:51.898: Collin Clark | Boots House passed Keygen King | AVM for 2nd
2:14.773 - 2:52.078: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 5 ( 0:37.304)
2:25.562 - 2:53.875: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 6 ( 0:28.312)
2:13.445 - 2:54.296: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs finished lap 5 ( 0:40.851)
2:27.250 - 2:56.148: SVGE179 finished lap 5 ( 0:28.898)
2:56.203 - 2:57.007: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 7th
2:22.554 - 2:57.375: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 6 ( 0:34.820)
2:28.148 - 2:57.656: yerd | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 0:29.507)
2:29.179 - 2:58.335: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 5 ( 0:29.156)
2:58.289 - 3:00.531: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 7th
2:59.171 - 3:01.289: SVGE179 passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs for 14th
2:30.773 - 3:02.523: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 6 ( 0:31.750)
2:26.554 - 3:03.234: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active finished lap 6 ( 0:36.679)
2:26.148 - 3:03.460: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 6 ( 0:37.312)
3:01.304 - 3:03.484: Luke Smith| Looking For Team passed Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs for 15th
2:32.171 - 3:04.031: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 0:31.859)
2:36.296 - 3:05.921: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 6 ( 0:29.625)
2:38.968 - 3:07.234: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 6 ( 0:28.265)
3:06.414 - 3:08.609: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Travis Johnsmeyer | Active for 6th
3:10.390 - 3:11.679: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 11th
2:47.023 - 3:14.531: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 7 ( 0:27.507)
2:49.625 - 3:17.945: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 0:28.320)
2:41.789 - 3:19.062: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 6 ( 0:37.273)
2:52.078 - 3:19.984: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 6 ( 0:27.906)
3:18.601 - 3:20.570: yerd | Phil's passed Keygen King | AVM for 3rd
3:16.648 - 3:20.867: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs passed Luke Smith| Looking For Team for 15th
2:53.875 - 3:21.929: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 7 ( 0:28.054)
3:21.132 - 3:23.804: Richard Miller | Boot's House passed Keygen King | AVM for 4th
2:56.148 - 3:24.132: SVGE179 finished lap 6 ( 0:27.984)
3:21.367 - 3:24.757: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Travis Johnsmeyer | Active , Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 6th
3:21.609 - 3:24.867: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Travis Johnsmeyer | Active , Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 7th
3:18.828 - 3:25.703: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Travis Johnsmeyer | Active and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 8th
3:23.804 - 3:25.773: Richard Miller | Boot's House went off the track
2:57.656 - 3:28.289: yerd | Phil's finished lap 7 ( 0:30.632)
3:02.523 - 3:31.562: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 7 ( 0:29.039)
2:54.296 - 3:32.437: Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs finished lap 6 ( 0:38.140)
2:57.375 - 3:33.210: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 7 ( 0:35.835)
3:05.921 - 3:35.828: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 7 ( 0:29.906)
3:04.031 - 3:36.507: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 7 ( 0:32.476)
3:03.460 - 3:38.593: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 7 ( 0:35.132)
3:35.515 - 3:39.085: yerd | Phil's passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 2nd
3:03.234 - 3:39.226: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active finished lap 7 ( 0:35.992)
3:38.351 - 3:40.187: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 11th
2:58.335 - 3:40.296: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 6 ( 0:41.960)
3:26.570 - 3:41.984: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports went off the track
3:41.101 - 3:42.390: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 10th
3:41.531 - 3:42.593: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 11th
3:41.984 - 3:42.953: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 12th
3:14.531 - 3:43.781: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 8 ( 0:29.250)
3:42.593 - 3:45.046: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 10th
3:45.093 - 3:46.101: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 10th
3:19.984 - 3:47.898: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 7 ( 0:27.914)
3:19.062 - 3:48.320: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 7 ( 0:29.257)
3:07.234 - 3:48.703: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 7 ( 0:41.468)
3:17.945 - 3:49.515: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 7 ( 0:31.570)
3:45.148 - 3:49.820: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing and Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 6th
3:46.078 - 3:50.210: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing and Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 7th
3:50.210 - 3:51.054: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 6th
3:51.226 - 3:52.648: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Travis Johnsmeyer | Active for 6th
3:24.132 - 3:54.820: SVGE179 finished lap 7 ( 0:30.687)
3:28.289 - 3:57.109: yerd | Phil's finished lap 8 ( 0:28.820)
3:21.929 - 3:57.796: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 8 ( 0:35.867)
3:31.562 - 3:59.687: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 8 ( 0:28.125)
3:33.210 - 4:01.484: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 8 ( 0:28.273)
4:02.328 - 4:04.601: SVGE179 passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 13th
4:01.445 - 4:06.625: Travis Johnsmeyer | Active went off the track
3:38.593 - 4:08.468: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 8 ( 0:29.875)
4:06.562 - 4:10.382: Richard Miller | Boot's House passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 3rd
3:59.085 - 4:10.890: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline went off the track
3:35.828 - 4:11.195: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 8 ( 0:35.367)
3:36.507 - 4:11.453: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 8 ( 0:34.945)
3:43.781 - 4:12.562: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 9 ( 0:28.781)
4:11.710 - 4:13.117: Richard Miller | Boot's House passed yerd | Phil's for 2nd
3:40.296 - 4:13.351: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 7 ( 0:33.054)
4:14.015 - 4:15.468: Collin Clark | Boots House passed yerd | Phil's for 3rd
4:14.890 - 4:16.351: Keygen King | AVM passed yerd | Phil's for 4th
3:48.703 - 4:16.898: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 8 ( 0:28.195)
4:15.109 - 4:16.898: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 9th
3:47.898 - 4:17.882: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 8 ( 0:29.984)
4:16.906 - 4:19.914: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 8th
4:17.890 - 4:21.179: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 9th
4:19.953 - 4:23.429: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports went off the track
3:48.320 - 4:26.468: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 8 ( 0:38.148)
3:54.820 - 4:28.734: SVGE179 finished lap 8 ( 0:33.914)
4:25.601 - 4:29.203: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 9th
3:59.687 - 4:29.937: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 9 ( 0:30.250)
3:49.515 - 4:29.992: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 8 ( 0:40.476)
3:57.796 - 4:31.101: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 9 ( 0:33.304)
3:57.109 - 4:33.250: yerd | Phil's finished lap 9 ( 0:36.140)
4:31.265 - 4:33.250: yerd | Phil's passed Keygen King | AVM for 4th
4:01.484 - 4:34.187: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 9 ( 0:32.703)
4:08.468 - 4:34.546: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 9 ( 0:26.078)
4:33.125 - 4:37.632: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports passed SVGE179 for 12th
4:11.195 - 4:39.742: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 9 ( 0:28.546)
4:37.664 - 4:40.671: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Keygen King | AVM for 5th
4:12.562 - 4:41.656: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 10 ( 0:29.093)
4:16.898 - 4:44.375: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 9 ( 0:27.476)
4:13.351 - 4:45.257: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 8 ( 0:31.906)
4:11.453 - 4:49.414: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 9 ( 0:37.960)
4:17.882 - 4:52.648: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 9 ( 0:34.765)
4:26.468 - 4:55.046: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 9 ( 0:28.578)
4:54.789 - 4:55.546: yerd | Phil's passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 3rd
4:29.937 - 4:58.109: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 10 ( 0:28.171)
4:29.992 - 5:01.843: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 9 ( 0:31.851)
5:00.296 - 5:02.429: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Collin Clark | Boots House and yerd | Phil's for 3rd
4:56.734 - 5:03.914: Collin Clark | Boots House passed yerd | Phil's for 4th
5:01.718 - 5:04.445: Keygen King | AVM passed yerd | Phil's for 5th
5:03.914 - 5:05.625: Collin Clark | Boots House passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 3rd
5:04.445 - 5:05.906: Keygen King | AVM passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 4th
5:03.460 - 5:06.414: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed yerd | Phil's for 6th
4:31.101 - 5:07.531: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 10 ( 0:36.429)
4:34.187 - 5:07.796: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 10 ( 0:33.609)
5:06.953 - 5:08.304: yerd | Phil's passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 6th
4:34.546 - 5:08.601: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 10 ( 0:34.054)
5:07.960 - 5:08.773: Luke Smith| Looking For Team passed SVGE179 for 13th
5:08.375 - 5:09.687: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 7th
4:33.250 - 5:10.210: yerd | Phil's finished lap 10 ( 0:36.960)
4:41.656 - 5:10.890: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 11 ( 0:29.234)
4:44.375 - 5:11.507: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 10 ( 0:27.132)
4:39.742 - 5:12.320: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 10 ( 0:32.578)
4:45.257 - 5:15.382: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 9 ( 0:30.125)
5:13.273 - 5:15.609: yerd | Phil's passed Keygen King | AVM and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 4th
5:11.632 - 5:16.070: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Keygen King | AVM for 5th
4:49.414 - 5:16.437: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 10 ( 0:27.023)
5:14.468 - 5:16.640: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Keygen King | AVM for 6th
5:15.562 - 5:17.945: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Keygen King | AVM for 7th
4:52.648 - 5:19.726: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 10 ( 0:27.078)
4:28.734 - 5:21.671: SVGE179 finished lap 9 ( 0:52.937)
4:55.046 - 5:24.257: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 10 ( 0:29.210)
4:58.109 - 5:25.843: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 11 ( 0:27.734)
5:23.390 - 5:26.992: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Keygen King | AVM for 8th
5:25.093 - 5:28.000: yerd | Phil's passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 3rd
5:25.679 - 5:28.648: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 4th
5:25.992 - 5:29.031: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 5th
5:01.843 - 5:30.796: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 10 ( 0:28.953)
5:28.476 - 5:31.320: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 6th
5:33.812 - 5:35.109: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 7th
5:10.210 - 5:38.773: yerd | Phil's finished lap 11 ( 0:28.562)
5:08.601 - 5:38.835: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 11 ( 0:30.234)
5:11.507 - 5:40.921: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 11 ( 0:29.414)
5:10.890 - 5:41.125: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 12 ( 0:30.234)
5:38.843 - 5:41.812: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed yerd | Phil's for 3rd
5:12.320 - 5:42.570: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 11 ( 0:30.250)
5:16.437 - 5:44.171: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 11 ( 0:27.734)
5:07.531 - 5:45.085: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 11 ( 0:37.554)
5:15.382 - 5:46.171: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 10 ( 0:30.789)
5:47.296 - 5:48.351: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Keygen King | AVM for 9th
5:19.726 - 5:50.242: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 11 ( 0:30.515)
5:07.796 - 5:53.562: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 11 ( 0:45.765)
5:24.257 - 5:53.960: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 11 ( 0:29.703)
5:25.843 - 5:54.148: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 12 ( 0:28.304)
5:21.671 - 5:57.007: SVGE179 finished lap 10 ( 0:35.335)
5:30.796 - 5:59.640: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 11 ( 0:28.843)
5:56.820 - 6:01.218: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 8th
5:58.679 - 6:01.242: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 6th
5:38.835 - 6:05.671: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 12 ( 0:26.835)
6:03.570 - 6:07.093: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 6th
5:38.773 - 6:08.039: yerd | Phil's finished lap 12 ( 0:29.265)
5:40.921 - 6:09.367: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 12 ( 0:28.445)
5:41.125 - 6:09.843: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 13 ( 0:28.718)
6:07.093 - 6:10.460: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing went off the track
6:09.406 - 6:11.179: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 7th
5:46.171 - 6:16.109: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 11 ( 0:29.937)
5:42.570 - 6:16.679: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 12 ( 0:34.109)
6:16.039 - 6:18.828: Keygen King | AVM passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 9th
5:50.242 - 6:19.148: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 12 ( 0:28.906)
5:44.171 - 6:20.132: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 12 ( 0:35.960)
5:53.562 - 6:22.054: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 12 ( 0:28.492)
5:54.148 - 6:22.531: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 13 ( 0:28.382)
5:45.085 - 6:22.843: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 12 ( 0:37.757)
5:53.960 - 6:24.242: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 12 ( 0:30.281)
6:23.101 - 6:25.632: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 7th
6:25.078 - 6:27.156: Keygen King | AVM passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 8th
6:26.007 - 6:28.304: Collin Clark | Boots House passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 9th
5:59.640 - 6:28.921: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 12 ( 0:29.281)
6:27.320 - 6:29.664: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 10th
5:57.007 - 6:31.578: SVGE179 finished lap 11 ( 0:34.570)
6:05.671 - 6:32.945: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 13 ( 0:27.273)
6:32.031 - 6:34.203: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 11th
6:30.132 - 6:34.250: Collin Clark | Boots House passed Keygen King | AVM for 8th
6:31.437 - 6:35.914: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Keygen King | AVM for 9th
6:08.039 - 6:36.406: yerd | Phil's finished lap 13 ( 0:28.367)
6:36.031 - 6:36.820: Keygen King | AVM passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 9th
6:09.367 - 6:37.093: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 13 ( 0:27.726)
6:09.843 - 6:38.437: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 14 ( 0:28.593)
6:42.039 - 6:43.492: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed yerd | Phil's for 4th
6:16.109 - 6:45.171: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 12 ( 0:29.062)
6:16.679 - 6:46.539: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 13 ( 0:29.859)
6:43.835 - 6:46.585: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 10th
6:44.343 - 6:47.046: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 11th
6:20.132 - 6:51.515: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 13 ( 0:31.382)
6:22.531 - 6:52.148: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 14 ( 0:29.617)
6:22.843 - 6:52.859: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 13 ( 0:30.015)
6:22.054 - 6:53.359: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 13 ( 0:31.304)
6:52.226 - 6:54.437: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 10th
6:54.929 - 6:56.421: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 10th
6:55.789 - 6:57.140: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 11th
6:28.921 - 6:58.312: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 13 ( 0:29.390)
6:24.242 - 6:58.945: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 13 ( 0:34.703)
6:32.945 - 7:00.101: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 14 ( 0:27.156)
6:31.578 - 7:00.937: SVGE179 finished lap 12 ( 0:29.359)
6:37.093 - 7:04.062: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 14 ( 0:26.968)
6:19.148 - 7:04.656: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 13 ( 0:45.507)
6:36.406 - 7:05.039: yerd | Phil's finished lap 14 ( 0:28.632)
6:38.437 - 7:07.132: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 15 ( 0:28.695)
7:05.859 - 7:09.460: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Keygen King | AVM, Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports and Collin Clark | Boots House for 8th
7:00.039 - 7:12.890: Keygen King | AVM passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 9th
6:45.171 - 7:13.828: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 13 ( 0:28.656)
7:11.125 - 7:16.484: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 11th
6:46.539 - 7:17.273: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 14 ( 0:30.734)
6:51.515 - 7:18.281: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 14 ( 0:26.765)
7:16.843 - 7:18.359: Collin Clark | Boots House passed Keygen King | AVM for 9th
6:52.148 - 7:20.273: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 15 ( 0:28.125)
7:19.250 - 7:20.648: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Keygen King | AVM for 10th
6:58.945 - 7:27.023: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 14 ( 0:28.078)
7:00.937 - 7:29.367: SVGE179 finished lap 13 ( 0:28.429)
7:00.101 - 7:29.750: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 15 ( 0:29.648)
6:52.859 - 7:31.429: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 14 ( 0:38.570)
7:04.062 - 7:33.312: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 15 ( 0:29.250)
7:05.039 - 7:34.835: yerd | Phil's finished lap 15 ( 0:29.796)
7:07.132 - 7:35.593: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 16 ( 0:28.460)
6:53.359 - 7:36.140: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 14 ( 0:42.781)
7:30.976 - 7:37.968: Richard Miller | Boot's House went off the track
6:58.312 - 7:38.718: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 14 ( 0:40.406)
7:27.656 - 7:39.929: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew went off the track
7:13.828 - 7:42.320: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 14 ( 0:28.492)
7:04.656 - 7:43.046: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 14 ( 0:38.390)
7:43.820 - 7:45.539: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 6th
7:43.054 - 7:46.046: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Luke Smith| Looking For Team for 12th
7:20.273 - 7:52.687: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 16 ( 0:32.414)
7:18.281 - 7:53.484: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 15 ( 0:35.203)
7:29.750 - 7:57.859: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 16 ( 0:28.109)
7:57.507 - 7:58.656: Collin Clark | Boots House passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 8th
7:29.367 - 7:58.906: SVGE179 finished lap 14 ( 0:29.539)
7:31.429 - 8:00.664: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 15 ( 0:29.234)
7:58.656 - 8:00.664: Collin Clark | Boots House passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 7th
7:17.273 - 8:01.359: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 15 ( 0:44.085)
7:33.312 - 8:01.515: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 16 ( 0:28.203)
7:27.023 - 8:01.648: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 15 ( 0:34.625)
7:57.093 - 8:02.875: Luke Smith| Looking For Team went off the track
7:34.835 - 8:02.984: yerd | Phil's finished lap 16 ( 0:28.148)
7:35.593 - 8:03.703: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 17 ( 0:28.109)
8:04.281 - 8:05.328: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 11th
7:36.140 - 8:07.953: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 15 ( 0:31.812)
7:43.046 - 8:11.109: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 15 ( 0:28.062)
7:38.718 - 8:17.250: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 15 ( 0:38.531)
7:52.687 - 8:21.468: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 17 ( 0:28.781)
8:20.765 - 8:22.828: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 7th
8:19.992 - 8:23.421: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash went off the track
8:21.171 - 8:24.093: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports went off the track
7:42.320 - 8:24.460: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 15 ( 0:42.140)
8:23.328 - 8:25.335: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 8th
7:57.859 - 8:25.335: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 17 ( 0:27.476)
8:27.531 - 8:28.859: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 6th
8:27.843 - 8:29.679: Keygen King | AVM passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 9th
8:01.359 - 8:30.820: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 16 ( 0:29.460)
8:01.515 - 8:31.164: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 17 ( 0:29.648)
7:53.484 - 8:32.093: Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 16 ( 0:38.609)
8:02.984 - 8:32.695: yerd | Phil's finished lap 17 ( 0:29.710)
8:03.703 - 8:33.578: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 18 ( 0:29.875)
8:31.171 - 8:34.171: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 3rd
8:32.703 - 8:35.843: yerd | Phil's passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 4th
8:01.648 - 8:35.898: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 16 ( 0:34.250)
8:07.953 - 8:37.343: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 16 ( 0:29.390)
7:58.906 - 8:39.820: SVGE179 finished lap 15 ( 0:40.914)
8:00.664 - 8:41.343: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 16 ( 0:40.679)
8:11.109 - 8:42.929: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 16 ( 0:31.820)
8:17.250 - 8:46.273: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 16 ( 0:29.023)
8:21.468 - 8:48.648: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 18 ( 0:27.179)
8:50.375 - 8:51.882: Keygen King | AVM passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 8th
8:24.460 - 8:53.976: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 16 ( 0:29.515)
8:31.164 - 8:58.054: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 18 ( 0:26.890)
8:57.320 - 9:00.085: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Collin Clark | Boots House for 10th
8:30.820 - 9:00.210: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 17 ( 0:29.390)
8:59.953 - 9:02.242: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline went off the track
8:32.695 - 9:02.367: yerd | Phil's finished lap 18 ( 0:29.671)
8:25.335 - 9:02.601: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 18 ( 0:37.265)
8:33.578 - 9:02.968: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 19 ( 0:29.390)
9:02.132 - 9:03.351: Keygen King | AVM passed Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 7th
8:37.343 - 9:05.437: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 17 ( 0:28.093)
9:05.429 - 9:06.484: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline passed Maverick Snider | Temecula Motorsports for 8th
8:35.898 - 9:08.531: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 17 ( 0:32.632)
8:39.820 - 9:08.859: SVGE179 finished lap 16 ( 0:29.039)
8:42.929 - 9:10.828: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 17 ( 0:27.898)
8:41.343 - 9:11.835: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 17 ( 0:30.492)
9:14.632 - 9:15.820: Luke Smith| Looking For Team passed Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports for 11th
8:48.648 - 9:16.015: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 19 ( 0:27.367)
8:53.976 - 9:22.796: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 17 ( 0:28.820)
8:46.273 - 9:23.585: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 17 ( 0:37.312)
8:58.054 - 9:25.703: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 19 ( 0:27.648)
9:00.210 - 9:28.976: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 18 ( 0:28.765)
9:02.367 - 9:30.406: yerd | Phil's finished lap 19 ( 0:28.039)
9:02.968 - 9:31.210: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 20 ( 0:28.242)
9:02.601 - 9:31.820: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 19 ( 0:29.218)
9:05.437 - 9:34.250: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 18 ( 0:28.812)
9:35.976 - 9:37.335: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 8th
9:10.828 - 9:39.203: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 18 ( 0:28.375)
9:08.531 - 9:40.968: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 18 ( 0:32.437)
9:16.015 - 9:43.210: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 20 ( 0:27.195)
9:43.851 - 9:45.265: yerd | Phil's passed Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports for 3rd
9:08.859 - 9:49.265: SVGE179 finished lap 17 ( 0:40.406)
9:11.835 - 9:49.976: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 18 ( 0:38.140)
9:22.796 - 9:51.984: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 18 ( 0:29.187)
9:40.695 - 9:53.507: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports went off the track
9:30.406 - 9:58.804: yerd | Phil's finished lap 20 ( 0:28.398)
9:28.976 - 9:59.625: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 19 ( 0:30.648)
9:34.250 - 10:02.578: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 19 ( 0:28.328)
9:25.703 - 10:03.382: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 20 ( 0:37.679)
9:23.585 - 10:05.078: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 18 ( 0:41.492)
9:39.203 - 10:06.921: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 19 ( 0:27.718)
9:31.210 - 10:08.367: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 21 ( 0:37.156)
9:31.820 - 10:08.804: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 20 ( 0:36.984)
9:40.968 - 10:10.476: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 19 ( 0:29.507)
9:49.976 - 10:18.820: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 19 ( 0:28.843)
9:49.265 - 10:20.328: SVGE179 finished lap 18 ( 0:31.062)
9:43.210 - 10:21.132: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 21 ( 0:37.921)
9:51.984 - 10:21.921: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 19 ( 0:29.937)
9:58.804 - 10:27.460: yerd | Phil's finished lap 21 ( 0:28.656)
9:59.625 - 10:29.210: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 20 ( 0:29.585)
10:02.578 - 10:29.984: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 20 ( 0:27.406)
10:03.382 - 10:30.562: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 21 ( 0:27.179)
10:06.921 - 10:34.328: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 20 ( 0:27.406)
10:08.804 - 10:35.765: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 21 ( 0:26.960)
10:08.367 - 10:38.640: jett lawnce | hwe jondie finished lap 22 ( 0:30.273)
10:36.820 - 10:40.226: Keygen King | AVM passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 6th
10:40.250 - 10:41.179: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Keygen King | AVM for 6th
10:43.015 - 10:44.875: Keygen King | AVM passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 6th
10:44.375 - 10:45.359: Collin Clark | Boots House passed Karl Robitaille | Shoreline for 9th
10:32.093 - 10:45.867: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports went off the track
10:18.820 - 10:47.226: Collin Clark | Boots House finished lap 20 ( 0:28.406)
10:10.476 - 10:49.789: Karl Robitaille | Shoreline finished lap 20 ( 0:39.312)
10:21.132 - 10:50.539: Richard Miller | Boot's House finished lap 22 ( 0:29.406)
10:49.070 - 10:51.023: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports passed yerd | Phil's for 3rd
10:48.781 - 10:51.429: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew passed Keygen King | AVM and Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 6th
10:05.078 - 10:52.593: Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports finished lap 19 ( 0:47.515)
10:21.921 - 10:54.984: Luke Smith| Looking For Team finished lap 20 ( 0:33.062)
10:44.898 - 10:56.007: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Keygen King | AVM for 7th
10:30.562 - 11:00.039: Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports finished lap 22 ( 0:29.476)
10:27.460 - 11:00.500: yerd | Phil's finished lap 22 ( 0:33.039)
10:20.328 - 11:00.859: SVGE179 finished lap 19 ( 0:40.531)
10:59.671 - 11:00.984: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 6th
11:00.195 - 11:01.398: Keygen King | AVM passed Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew for 7th
11:02.453 - 11:04.515: Keygen King | AVM passed Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing for 6th
10:29.984 - 11:07.421: Keygen King | AVM finished lap 21 ( 0:37.437)
10:29.210 - 11:08.187: Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing finished lap 21 ( 0:38.976)
11:03.390 - 11:08.343: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew went off the track
10:35.765 - 11:09.617: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 22 ( 0:33.851)
10:34.328 - 11:11.023: Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew finished lap 21 ( 0:36.695)