MX Simulator
Track2019 RivalInk MX Nationals Rnd:05 - Murray Bridge
Format 15 minutes, 2 laps
Date9/17/2023, 9:04:46 AM (543 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1##1jack bark | moto$ 250sxf(2018)13 19:50.42911 1:28.67949207
23Dale Mullins 250sxf(2018)13 20:14.9219 1:28.53115496
3269Brad Smith | Transmoto 250sxf(2018)13 20:17.13211 1:30.93731092
4644Lennart Schmidt 250sxf(2018)13 20:26.33513 1:29.43713475
592Martin Lundquist 250sxf(2018)13 20:53.20313 1:31.12515811
6428Leon Huelsken | SdWorks 250sxf(2018)13 21:18.99210 1:31.26549453
793Kevin Richard | Privateer 250sxf(2018)13 21:33.4069 1:37.64031040
8691Thomas Stead | RevGraphix 250sxf(2018)12 20:15.2658 1:36.21024034
994Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros 250sxf(2018)12 20:16.06210 1:38.19525605
10526jacob melgaard 250sxf(2018)12 20:21.5075 1:32.08542535
11239Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports 250sxf(2018)12 20:22.4608 1:35.55444025
12122Jesse Matthews 250sxf(2018)12 20:39.78111 1:35.42911351
13147Fred Taylor 250sxf(2017)12 21:25.2505 1:37.89056075
14511Stefan Ciarafoni 250sxf(2018)11 20:28.3358 1:45.82830033
1543mather 250sxf(2018)11 20:52.2894 1:42.10930713
16341Kody Tomich\EYESPEC 250sxf(2018)9 15:19.1958 1:34.42932379

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13
P1 ##1 ##1 ##1 ##1 3 ##1 269 ##1 ##1 ##1 ##1 ##1 ##1
P2 644 3 3 3 ##1 3 ##1 3 3 3 3 3 3
P3 691 269 269 269 269 269 3 269 269 269 269 269 269
P4 269 644 93 93 93 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644
P5 3 93 644 239 239 93 93 93 93 92 92 92 92
P6 43 239 239 644 644 239 239 239 92 93 93 93 428
P7 93 43 43 43 691 428 92 92 239 239 428 428 93
P8 239 691 428 92 428 94 526 526 526 428 526 691
P9 511 94 691 94 526 691 428 341 428 526 94 94
P10 122 428 94 428 94 92 341 94 94 94 239 239
P11 94 122 92 691 92 526 94 428 341 691 691 526
P12 147 511 511 526 43 341 691 691 691 122 122 122
P13 341 526 526 122 341 122 122 122 122 147 147 147
P14 92 92 122 341 122 43 147 147 147 511 511
P15 428 147 147 511 147 147 511 511 511 43 43
P16 526 341 341 147 511 511 43 43 43

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:28.531 9 3 Dale Mullins
1:28.679 11 ##1 jack bark | moto$
1:29.281 6 ##1 jack bark | moto$
1:29.421 4 3 Dale Mullins
1:29.437 13 644 Lennart Schmidt
1:29.531 10 ##1 jack bark | moto$
1:29.632 9 ##1 jack bark | moto$
1:29.640 13 ##1 jack bark | moto$
1:29.828 3 3 Dale Mullins
1:30.289 11 3 Dale Mullins
1:30.296 12 644 Lennart Schmidt
1:30.390 10 644 Lennart Schmidt
1:30.867 3 ##1 jack bark | moto$
1:30.929 7 644 Lennart Schmidt
1:30.937 11 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
1:30.968 4 ##1 jack bark | moto$
1:31.125 13 92 Martin Lundquist
1:31.265 10 428 Leon Huelsken | SdWorks
1:31.359 11 92 Martin Lundquist
1:31.460 9 428 Leon Huelsken | SdWorks
1:31.507 6 644 Lennart Schmidt
1:31.664 5 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
1:31.687 9 92 Martin Lundquist
1:31.914 10 92 Martin Lundquist
1:31.937 4 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
1:31.968 7 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
1:32.007 13 428 Leon Huelsken | SdWorks
1:32.015 8 644 Lennart Schmidt
1:32.070 3 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
1:32.078 4 92 Martin Lundquist
1:32.085 5 526 jacob melgaard
1:32.382 9 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
1:32.453 10 3 Dale Mullins
1:32.664 6 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
1:32.664 11 428 Leon Huelsken | SdWorks
1:32.750 7 92 Martin Lundquist
1:33.351 12 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
1:33.789 3 428 Leon Huelsken | SdWorks
1:34.000 2 ##1 jack bark | moto$
1:34.335 4 526 jacob melgaard
1:34.429 8 341 Kody Tomich\EYESPEC
1:34.726 6 428 Leon Huelsken | SdWorks
1:35.023 13 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
1:35.101 8 526 jacob melgaard
1:35.250 6 341 Kody Tomich\EYESPEC
1:35.398 8 3 Dale Mullins
1:35.429 11 122 Jesse Matthews
1:35.468 2 428 Leon Huelsken | SdWorks
1:35.554 8 239 Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports
1:35.835 11 526 jacob melgaard
1:36.210 8 691 Thomas Stead | RevGraphix
1:36.335 6 92 Martin Lundquist
1:36.476 7 526 jacob melgaard
1:36.476 12 691 Thomas Stead | RevGraphix
1:36.664 3 341 Kody Tomich\EYESPEC
1:36.757 8 92 Martin Lundquist
1:36.828 4 341 Kody Tomich\EYESPEC
1:37.148 2 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
1:37.414 5 691 Thomas Stead | RevGraphix
1:37.539 10 691 Thomas Stead | RevGraphix
1:37.546 7 3 Dale Mullins
1:37.640 9 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
1:37.664 5 341 Kody Tomich\EYESPEC
1:37.890 5 147 Fred Taylor
1:37.914 5 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
1:38.085 11 691 Thomas Stead | RevGraphix
1:38.101 4 122 Jesse Matthews
1:38.195 10 94 Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros
1:38.195 4 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
1:38.390 7 341 Kody Tomich\EYESPEC
1:38.632 4 239 Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports
1:38.984 8 122 Jesse Matthews
1:39.039 12 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
1:39.093 2 526 jacob melgaard
1:39.101 11 94 Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros
1:39.132 3 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
1:39.156 3 691 Thomas Stead | RevGraphix
1:39.210 2 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
1:39.226 11 644 Lennart Schmidt
1:39.250 10 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
1:39.304 6 94 Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros
1:39.312 3 94 Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros
1:39.593 8 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
1:39.703 5 ##1 jack bark | moto$
1:40.023 5 428 Leon Huelsken | SdWorks
1:40.039 2 239 Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports
1:40.109 5 644 Lennart Schmidt
1:40.320 9 691 Thomas Stead | RevGraphix
1:40.367 8 147 Fred Taylor
1:40.539 12 92 Martin Lundquist
1:40.773 7 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
1:41.570 6 122 Jesse Matthews
1:42.109 4 43 mather
1:42.140 2 94 Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros
1:42.242 6 3 Dale Mullins
1:42.406 9 644 Lennart Schmidt
1:42.734 4 94 Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros
1:43.796 12 3 Dale Mullins
1:44.117 12 147 Fred Taylor
1:44.453 7 239 Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports
1:44.468 6 239 Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports
1:44.515 4 428 Leon Huelsken | SdWorks
1:45.664 4 644 Lennart Schmidt
1:45.828 8 511 Stefan Ciarafoni
1:46.031 4 691 Thomas Stead | RevGraphix
1:46.351 2 92 Martin Lundquist
1:46.570 12 122 Jesse Matthews
1:46.601 12 94 Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros
1:46.625 10 526 jacob melgaard
1:46.890 3 526 jacob melgaard
1:47.117 5 94 Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros
1:47.382 9 511 Stefan Ciarafoni
1:47.421 6 691 Thomas Stead | RevGraphix
1:47.656 10 147 Fred Taylor
1:47.992 4 147 Fred Taylor
1:48.078 8 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
1:48.773 7 94 Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros
1:48.835 2 43 mather
1:48.921 6 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
1:49.062 12 239 Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports
1:49.093 6 511 Stefan Ciarafoni
1:49.187 8 94 Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros
1:49.382 6 526 jacob melgaard
1:49.789 7 511 Stefan Ciarafoni
1:49.914 7 147 Fred Taylor
1:50.226 11 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
1:50.257 2 122 Jesse Matthews
1:50.421 3 511 Stefan Ciarafoni
1:51.242 2 147 Fred Taylor
1:51.242 5 122 Jesse Matthews
1:51.359 13 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
1:51.523 12 ##1 jack bark | moto$
1:52.140 10 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
1:52.929 11 147 Fred Taylor
1:53.125 2 511 Stefan Ciarafoni
1:54.429 5 92 Martin Lundquist
1:54.648 3 122 Jesse Matthews
1:55.523 10 43 mather
1:56.578 4 511 Stefan Ciarafoni
1:58.335 5 511 Stefan Ciarafoni
1:58.570 2 691 Thomas Stead | RevGraphix
1:58.875 6 43 mather
1:58.898 11 43 mather
1:59.046 6 147 Fred Taylor
2:01.492 8 428 Leon Huelsken | SdWorks
2:02.312 9 43 mather
2:02.429 9 341 Kody Tomich\EYESPEC
2:04.257 2 341 Kody Tomich\EYESPEC
2:04.453 5 43 mather
2:05.890 11 239 Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports
2:06.289 10 511 Stefan Ciarafoni
2:10.835 7 691 Thomas Stead | RevGraphix
2:11.820 7 43 mather
2:12.687 11 511 Stefan Ciarafoni

Individual Worst Laps

1:45.664 4 644 Lennart Schmidt
1:48.867 13 3 Dale Mullins
1:49.187 8 94 Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros
1:51.359 13 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
1:51.523 12 ##1 jack bark | moto$
1:52.140 10 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
1:54.429 5 92 Martin Lundquist
1:54.648 3 122 Jesse Matthews
1:59.046 6 147 Fred Taylor
2:01.492 8 428 Leon Huelsken | SdWorks
2:02.851 12 526 jacob melgaard
2:04.257 2 341 Kody Tomich\EYESPEC
2:05.890 11 239 Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports
2:10.835 7 691 Thomas Stead | RevGraphix
2:12.687 11 511 Stefan Ciarafoni
2:17.726 8 43 mather


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.112 94 Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros
4.936 93 Kevin Richard | Privateer
5.795 147 Fred Taylor
6.018 644 Lennart Schmidt
6.376 3 Dale Mullins
6.469 ##1 jack bark | moto$
6.658 269 Brad Smith | Transmoto
6.768 122 Jesse Matthews
6.889 92 Martin Lundquist
7.823 239 Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports
8.262 511 Stefan Ciarafoni
8.681 526 jacob melgaard
9.289 428 Leon Huelsken | SdWorks
10.536 691 Thomas Stead | RevGraphix
11.359 43 mather
11.675 341 Kody Tomich\EYESPEC

Play by Play

jacob melgaard takes the holeshot followed by Dale Mullins, jack bark | moto$, Leon Huelsken | SdWorks, Martin Lundquist, Lennart Schmidt , Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports, Stefan Ciarafoni, Brad Smith | Transmoto, Jesse Matthews, mather, Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros, Fred Taylor, Thomas Stead | RevGraphix, Kody Tomich\EYESPEC and Kevin Richard | Privateer

0:04.695 - 0:07.523: jack bark | moto$ passed jacob melgaard and Dale Mullins for the lead
0:04.664 - 0:07.929: Dale Mullins passed jacob melgaard for 2nd
0:04.710 - 0:07.984: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed jacob melgaard for 3rd
0:04.890 - 0:08.476: Lennart Schmidt passed Martin Lundquist for 5th
0:05.203 - 0:08.515: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Martin Lundquist, Brad Smith | Transmoto, Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports, Jesse Matthews and Stefan Ciarafoni for 6th
0:04.937 - 0:08.578: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed Martin Lundquist for 7th
0:05.328 - 0:08.609: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Fred Taylor, mather, Martin Lundquist, Brad Smith | Transmoto, Jesse Matthews and Stefan Ciarafoni for 8th
0:05.000 - 0:08.656: Brad Smith | Transmoto passed Martin Lundquist and Stefan Ciarafoni for 9th
0:05.523 - 0:09.000: Kevin Richard | Privateer passed Fred Taylor, mather, Martin Lundquist, Jesse Matthews, Kody Tomich\EYESPEC and Stefan Ciarafoni for 10th
0:08.609 - 0:09.218: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Lennart Schmidt , Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros and Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 5th
0:04.945 - 0:09.242: Stefan Ciarafoni passed Martin Lundquist for 11th
0:08.656 - 0:09.382: Brad Smith | Transmoto passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 8th
0:05.203 - 0:09.906: mather passed Martin Lundquist and Jesse Matthews for 12th
0:05.226 - 0:10.203: Fred Taylor passed Martin Lundquist and Jesse Matthews for 13th
0:08.703 - 0:10.265: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Dale Mullins for 2nd
0:09.343 - 0:10.765: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Lennart Schmidt and Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 5th
0:09.226 - 0:10.914: Lennart Schmidt passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 6th
0:09.515 - 0:11.109: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed Brad Smith | Transmoto for 8th
0:09.820 - 0:11.273: Kevin Richard | Privateer passed Brad Smith | Transmoto for 9th
0:10.937 - 0:12.429: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Lennart Schmidt for 6th
0:11.429 - 0:12.898: Brad Smith | Transmoto passed Kevin Richard | Privateer for 9th
0:12.742 - 0:15.773: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed jacob melgaard, Lennart Schmidt , Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros and Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 4th
0:12.601 - 0:15.882: Lennart Schmidt passed jacob melgaard, Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros and Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 5th
0:12.429 - 0:16.257: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed jacob melgaard and Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 6th
0:12.898 - 0:16.531: Brad Smith | Transmoto passed jacob melgaard and Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 7th
0:12.968 - 0:16.546: Kevin Richard | Privateer passed jacob melgaard and Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 8th
0:05.492 - 0:16.757: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC passed Martin Lundquist and Jesse Matthews for 14th
0:13.875 - 0:17.054: mather passed jacob melgaard, Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros and Stefan Ciarafoni for 9th
0:16.945 - 0:18.304: Martin Lundquist passed Fred Taylor and Kody Tomich\EYESPEC for 13th
0:16.757 - 0:18.304: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC passed Fred Taylor for 13th
0:15.882 - 0:18.484: Lennart Schmidt passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 4th
0:16.257 - 0:18.500: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 5th
0:17.507 - 0:18.703: Jesse Matthews passed Fred Taylor for 15th
0:16.531 - 0:18.945: Brad Smith | Transmoto passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 6th
0:16.546 - 0:18.953: Kevin Richard | Privateer passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 7th
0:17.054 - 0:19.390: mather passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 8th
0:18.703 - 0:20.625: Jesse Matthews passed Martin Lundquist for 14th
0:19.265 - 0:21.359: Fred Taylor passed Martin Lundquist for 15th
0:12.164 - 0:21.382: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed jacob melgaard for 10th
0:13.718 - 0:21.593: Stefan Ciarafoni passed jacob melgaard for 11th
0:18.500 - 0:22.132: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Lennart Schmidt for 4th
0:18.945 - 0:22.492: Brad Smith | Transmoto passed Lennart Schmidt for 5th
0:20.640 - 0:23.359: Dale Mullins passed jack bark | moto$ and Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for the lead
0:21.718 - 0:24.273: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC passed jacob melgaard for 12th
0:21.593 - 0:24.687: Stefan Ciarafoni passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros and Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 9th
0:22.078 - 0:24.804: Jesse Matthews passed jacob melgaard for 13th
0:21.382 - 0:25.820: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 10th
0:25.210 - 0:26.476: jack bark | moto$ passed Dale Mullins for the lead
0:24.812 - 0:26.984: jacob melgaard passed Jesse Matthews for 13th
0:25.281 - 0:27.015: Brad Smith | Transmoto passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix and Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 3rd
0:25.234 - 0:27.218: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 4th
0:25.703 - 0:27.632: Lennart Schmidt passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 5th
0:26.507 - 0:28.507: Kevin Richard | Privateer passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 6th
0:26.992 - 0:29.132: mather passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 7th
0:32.164 - 0:34.335: Stefan Ciarafoni passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 8th
0:33.328 - 0:35.265: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros and Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 9th
0:33.554 - 0:35.367: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros and Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 10th
0:35.546 - 0:38.000: Fred Taylor passed jacob melgaard, Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros and Jesse Matthews for 12th
0:34.898 - 0:38.226: Lennart Schmidt passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 4th
0:34.734 - 0:40.515: Jesse Matthews passed jacob melgaard and Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 13th
0:38.632 - 0:42.195: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Kody Tomich\EYESPEC for 10th
0:39.789 - 0:43.156: Fred Taylor passed Kody Tomich\EYESPEC for 11th
0:41.210 - 0:43.273: Lennart Schmidt passed Brad Smith | Transmoto for 2nd
0:41.812 - 0:43.726: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Brad Smith | Transmoto for 3rd
0:42.437 - 0:44.304: Kevin Richard | Privateer passed Brad Smith | Transmoto for 4th
0:42.406 - 0:45.320: Jesse Matthews passed Kody Tomich\EYESPEC for 12th
0:36.710 - 0:46.046: Dale Mullins went off the track
0:45.992 - 0:49.375: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Kody Tomich\EYESPEC for 13th
0:48.078 - 0:49.390: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 9th
0:51.031 - 0:52.796: Brad Smith | Transmoto passed Kevin Richard | Privateer for 4th
0:50.843 - 0:53.703: jacob melgaard passed Kody Tomich\EYESPEC for 14th
0:51.945 - 0:53.781: mather passed Kevin Richard | Privateer for 5th
0:52.101 - 0:53.921: Dale Mullins passed Kevin Richard | Privateer for 6th
0:55.515 - 0:57.289: Dale Mullins passed mather for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:02.257: jack bark | moto$ finished lap 1 ( 1:02.257)
0:00.000 - 1:06.046: Lennart Schmidt finished lap 1 ( 1:06.046)
0:00.000 - 1:07.203: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix finished lap 1 ( 1:07.203)
0:00.000 - 1:07.765: Brad Smith | Transmoto finished lap 1 ( 1:07.765)
1:05.328 - 1:07.968: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks and Stefan Ciarafoni for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:08.406: Dale Mullins finished lap 1 ( 1:08.406)
1:06.960 - 1:08.859: Jesse Matthews passed Fred Taylor for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:10.257: mather finished lap 1 ( 1:10.257)
1:08.007 - 1:10.460: Stefan Ciarafoni passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 8th
1:09.234 - 1:11.546: Brad Smith | Transmoto passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:12.148: Kevin Richard | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:12.148)
1:10.679 - 1:12.906: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed Stefan Ciarafoni for 8th
1:11.968 - 1:14.656: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Fred Taylor for 12th
1:15.164 - 1:17.132: Dale Mullins passed Brad Smith | Transmoto and Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:17.617: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:17.617)
0:00.000 - 1:18.804: Stefan Ciarafoni finished lap 1 ( 1:18.804)
0:00.000 - 1:21.132: Jesse Matthews finished lap 1 ( 1:21.132)
1:18.757 - 1:21.132: Jesse Matthews passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 10th
1:18.468 - 1:23.382: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:24.460: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros finished lap 1 ( 1:24.460)
1:22.679 - 1:24.460: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:31.453: Fred Taylor finished lap 1 ( 1:31.453)
1:24.242 - 1:31.453: Fred Taylor passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:31.656: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC finished lap 1 ( 1:31.656)
1:29.820 - 1:31.656: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC passed jacob melgaard and Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 13th
0:00.000 - 1:32.289: Martin Lundquist finished lap 1 ( 1:32.289)
1:30.664 - 1:32.289: Martin Lundquist passed jacob melgaard and Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 14th
1:31.656 - 1:33.351: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC passed Fred Taylor for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:35.000: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks finished lap 1 ( 1:35.000)
1:33.687 - 1:36.570: Martin Lundquist passed Fred Taylor for 13th
0:00.000 - 1:37.179: jacob melgaard finished lap 1 ( 1:37.179)
1:38.609 - 1:41.929: Dale Mullins went off the track
1:41.125 - 1:42.750: Martin Lundquist passed Kody Tomich\EYESPEC for 12th
1:42.250 - 1:44.140: Fred Taylor passed Kody Tomich\EYESPEC for 13th
1:44.312 - 1:46.203: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Kody Tomich\EYESPEC for 14th
1:43.273 - 1:46.937: Lennart Schmidt went off the track
1:47.593 - 1:49.203: jacob melgaard passed Kody Tomich\EYESPEC for 15th
1:53.148 - 1:55.398: mather passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 5th
1:54.468 - 1:56.765: Kevin Richard | Privateer passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 6th
2:02.710 - 2:05.664: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 7th
2:06.218 - 2:07.953: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Jesse Matthews for 10th
2:05.921 - 2:07.953: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 7th
2:06.101 - 2:08.812: Brad Smith | Transmoto passed Lennart Schmidt for 2nd
2:05.265 - 2:09.968: Dale Mullins went off the track
2:09.265 - 2:12.406: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Stefan Ciarafoni for 9th
2:11.093 - 2:12.750: Martin Lundquist passed Jesse Matthews for 11th
2:14.789 - 2:18.351: Stefan Ciarafoni passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 9th
2:16.343 - 2:18.820: Kevin Richard | Privateer passed mather for 5th
2:18.562 - 2:21.468: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Fred Taylor for 13th
2:19.335 - 2:22.367: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 6th
2:22.367 - 2:24.921: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed mather for 6th
2:25.726 - 2:27.890: jacob melgaard passed Fred Taylor for 14th
2:34.539 - 2:35.929: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Stefan Ciarafoni for 9th
1:02.257 - 2:36.257: jack bark | moto$ finished lap 2 ( 1:34.000)
1:08.406 - 2:39.343: Dale Mullins finished lap 2 ( 1:30.937)
2:40.320 - 2:42.640: Stefan Ciarafoni passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 9th
2:41.625 - 2:43.648: Martin Lundquist passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 10th
2:42.640 - 2:44.867: Stefan Ciarafoni passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 8th
1:07.765 - 2:44.914: Brad Smith | Transmoto finished lap 2 ( 1:37.148)
2:45.632 - 2:48.007: Martin Lundquist passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 9th
1:06.046 - 2:48.937: Lennart Schmidt finished lap 2 ( 1:42.890)
2:47.632 - 2:49.132: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Jesse Matthews for 12th
2:49.242 - 2:51.343: Jesse Matthews passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 12th
1:12.148 - 2:51.359: Kevin Richard | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:39.210)
2:51.460 - 2:53.500: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Jesse Matthews for 12th
1:17.617 - 2:57.656: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:40.039)
2:56.367 - 2:58.984: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Martin Lundquist and Stefan Ciarafoni for 8th
1:10.257 - 2:59.093: mather finished lap 2 ( 1:48.835)
2:57.000 - 2:59.671: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Martin Lundquist and Stefan Ciarafoni for 9th
3:00.929 - 3:03.468: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Martin Lundquist for 11th
3:01.992 - 3:04.593: Jesse Matthews passed Martin Lundquist for 12th
1:07.203 - 3:05.773: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix finished lap 2 ( 1:58.570)
3:03.468 - 3:05.968: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Stefan Ciarafoni for 10th
1:24.460 - 3:06.601: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros finished lap 2 ( 1:42.140)
3:05.703 - 3:08.343: jacob melgaard passed Martin Lundquist for 13th
1:35.000 - 3:10.468: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks finished lap 2 ( 1:35.468)
1:21.132 - 3:11.390: Jesse Matthews finished lap 2 ( 1:50.257)
3:09.664 - 3:11.390: Jesse Matthews passed Stefan Ciarafoni for 11th
1:18.804 - 3:11.929: Stefan Ciarafoni finished lap 2 ( 1:53.125)
1:37.179 - 3:16.273: jacob melgaard finished lap 2 ( 1:39.093)
1:32.289 - 3:18.640: Martin Lundquist finished lap 2 ( 1:46.351)
1:31.453 - 3:22.695: Fred Taylor finished lap 2 ( 1:51.242)
3:22.148 - 3:24.320: Stefan Ciarafoni passed Jesse Matthews for 11th
3:22.695 - 3:28.812: Martin Lundquist went off the track
3:28.812 - 3:30.484: Martin Lundquist passed Jesse Matthews for 12th
3:27.218 - 3:34.609: Fred Taylor went off the track
3:31.882 - 3:35.132: mather went off the track
1:31.656 - 3:35.914: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC finished lap 2 ( 2:04.257)
3:36.804 - 3:38.984: jacob melgaard passed Fred Taylor for 14th
3:43.570 - 3:48.359: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports went off the track
3:51.406 - 3:55.460: Kevin Richard | Privateer passed Lennart Schmidt for 4th
3:53.382 - 3:55.539: jacob melgaard passed Jesse Matthews for 13th
4:04.648 - 4:06.414: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 9th
2:36.257 - 4:07.125: jack bark | moto$ finished lap 3 ( 1:30.867)
4:05.242 - 4:07.359: Martin Lundquist passed Stefan Ciarafoni for 11th
2:39.343 - 4:09.171: Dale Mullins finished lap 3 ( 1:29.828)
4:07.617 - 4:11.304: Stefan Ciarafoni passed Martin Lundquist for 11th
4:10.789 - 4:16.312: Lennart Schmidt went off the track
4:13.304 - 4:16.585: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 8th
2:44.914 - 4:16.984: Brad Smith | Transmoto finished lap 3 ( 1:32.070)
4:18.523 - 4:21.046: Martin Lundquist passed Stefan Ciarafoni for 11th
2:51.359 - 4:30.492: Kevin Richard | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:39.132)
2:48.937 - 4:32.695: Lennart Schmidt finished lap 3 ( 1:43.757)
2:57.656 - 4:38.257: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:40.601)
2:59.093 - 4:39.609: mather finished lap 3 ( 1:40.515)
3:10.468 - 4:44.257: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks finished lap 3 ( 1:33.789)
3:05.773 - 4:44.929: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix finished lap 3 ( 1:39.156)
3:06.601 - 4:45.914: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros finished lap 3 ( 1:39.312)
3:18.640 - 4:53.734: Martin Lundquist finished lap 3 ( 1:35.093)
4:56.468 - 4:59.617: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed Lennart Schmidt for 5th
3:11.929 - 5:02.351: Stefan Ciarafoni finished lap 3 ( 1:50.421)
3:16.273 - 5:03.164: jacob melgaard finished lap 3 ( 1:46.890)
5:01.250 - 5:03.390: mather passed Lennart Schmidt for 6th
3:11.390 - 5:06.039: Jesse Matthews finished lap 3 ( 1:54.648)
5:04.687 - 5:07.265: jacob melgaard passed Stefan Ciarafoni for 12th
5:07.367 - 5:09.117: Lennart Schmidt passed mather for 6th
3:22.695 - 5:11.343: Fred Taylor finished lap 3 ( 1:48.648)
3:35.914 - 5:12.578: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC finished lap 3 ( 1:36.664)
5:14.796 - 5:15.914: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed mather for 7th
5:22.281 - 5:24.765: mather passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 7th
5:23.265 - 5:25.054: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 8th
5:28.226 - 5:30.500: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 9th
5:32.265 - 5:33.914: Martin Lundquist passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 10th
4:07.125 - 5:38.093: jack bark | moto$ finished lap 4 ( 1:30.968)
5:37.359 - 5:38.476: Lennart Schmidt passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 5th
4:09.171 - 5:38.593: Dale Mullins finished lap 4 ( 1:29.421)
5:35.734 - 5:39.015: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC passed Fred Taylor for 15th
5:38.562 - 5:42.406: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed Lennart Schmidt for 5th
4:16.984 - 5:48.921: Brad Smith | Transmoto finished lap 4 ( 1:31.937)
5:47.054 - 5:51.484: Dale Mullins went off the track
5:50.703 - 5:53.617: Jesse Matthews passed Stefan Ciarafoni for 13th
5:57.546 - 6:00.335: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC passed Stefan Ciarafoni for 14th
4:30.492 - 6:08.687: Kevin Richard | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:38.195)
4:38.257 - 6:16.890: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:38.632)
6:15.320 - 6:17.796: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 8th
6:15.617 - 6:18.117: Martin Lundquist passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 9th
4:32.695 - 6:18.359: Lennart Schmidt finished lap 4 ( 1:45.664)
6:15.125 - 6:18.742: Dale Mullins went off the track
6:18.117 - 6:20.898: Martin Lundquist passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 8th
4:39.609 - 6:21.718: mather finished lap 4 ( 1:42.109)
6:19.250 - 6:21.726: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 10th
4:53.734 - 6:25.812: Martin Lundquist finished lap 4 ( 1:32.078)
6:24.062 - 6:26.906: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 9th
4:45.914 - 6:28.648: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros finished lap 4 ( 1:42.734)
6:26.914 - 6:28.648: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 9th
4:44.257 - 6:28.773: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks finished lap 4 ( 1:44.515)
6:26.937 - 6:28.851: Lennart Schmidt passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 4th
4:44.929 - 6:30.960: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix finished lap 4 ( 1:46.031)
6:33.437 - 6:36.187: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 9th
5:03.164 - 6:37.500: jacob melgaard finished lap 4 ( 1:34.335)
6:36.429 - 6:38.750: Martin Lundquist passed mather for 7th
6:38.867 - 6:40.804: mather passed Martin Lundquist for 7th
6:40.812 - 6:42.343: Martin Lundquist passed mather for 7th
5:06.039 - 6:44.140: Jesse Matthews finished lap 4 ( 1:38.101)
6:43.937 - 6:48.531: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports went off the track
5:12.578 - 6:49.406: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC finished lap 4 ( 1:36.828)
6:53.664 - 6:55.382: Dale Mullins passed jack bark | moto$ for the lead
6:55.835 - 6:57.296: mather passed Martin Lundquist for 7th
5:02.351 - 6:58.929: Stefan Ciarafoni finished lap 4 ( 1:56.578)
5:11.343 - 6:59.335: Fred Taylor finished lap 4 ( 1:47.992)
6:57.843 - 6:59.367: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Martin Lundquist for 8th
7:00.937 - 7:04.046: Fred Taylor passed Stefan Ciarafoni for 15th
7:04.617 - 7:06.328: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Martin Lundquist for 9th
7:05.226 - 7:07.132: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Martin Lundquist for 10th
5:38.593 - 7:09.820: Dale Mullins finished lap 5 ( 1:31.226)
5:38.093 - 7:17.796: jack bark | moto$ finished lap 5 ( 1:39.703)
7:14.125 - 7:18.726: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed mather for 7th
7:17.039 - 7:19.460: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed mather for 8th
7:18.140 - 7:20.156: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed mather for 9th
5:48.921 - 7:20.585: Brad Smith | Transmoto finished lap 5 ( 1:31.664)
7:22.648 - 7:24.718: jacob melgaard passed mather and Martin Lundquist for 10th
7:21.406 - 7:32.835: Martin Lundquist passed mather for 11th
7:33.023 - 7:35.140: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed Lennart Schmidt for 5th
7:35.601 - 7:38.960: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 8th
7:37.695 - 7:40.796: Jesse Matthews passed mather and Martin Lundquist for 11th
7:42.789 - 7:44.203: Martin Lundquist passed Jesse Matthews for 11th
7:43.953 - 7:45.578: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 7th
7:44.421 - 7:46.148: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 8th
6:08.687 - 7:46.601: Kevin Richard | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:37.914)
7:44.492 - 7:48.250: mather passed Jesse Matthews for 12th
7:46.578 - 7:48.875: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 8th
7:49.039 - 7:50.937: jacob melgaard passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 9th
7:50.531 - 7:53.562: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC passed Jesse Matthews for 13th
7:53.890 - 7:55.710: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 7th
6:16.890 - 7:56.226: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:39.335)
6:18.359 - 7:58.468: Lennart Schmidt finished lap 5 ( 1:40.109)
7:56.414 - 7:58.898: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 7th
6:30.960 - 8:08.375: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix finished lap 5 ( 1:37.414)
6:28.773 - 8:08.796: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks finished lap 5 ( 1:40.023)
8:07.117 - 8:09.078: Lennart Schmidt passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 5th
6:37.500 - 8:09.585: jacob melgaard finished lap 5 ( 1:32.085)
8:12.773 - 8:15.757: jack bark | moto$ passed Dale Mullins for the lead
6:28.648 - 8:15.765: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros finished lap 5 ( 1:47.117)
8:17.960 - 8:19.789: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 7th
8:18.140 - 8:20.179: Lennart Schmidt passed Kevin Richard | Privateer for 4th
8:17.046 - 8:20.179: Brad Smith | Transmoto passed Dale Mullins for 2nd
6:25.812 - 8:20.242: Martin Lundquist finished lap 5 ( 1:54.429)
8:21.484 - 8:25.906: jacob melgaard passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 8th
6:21.718 - 8:26.171: mather finished lap 5 ( 2:04.453)
6:49.406 - 8:27.070: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC finished lap 5 ( 1:37.664)
8:27.656 - 8:29.812: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 9th
6:44.140 - 8:35.382: Jesse Matthews finished lap 5 ( 1:51.242)
6:59.335 - 8:37.226: Fred Taylor finished lap 5 ( 1:37.890)
8:36.554 - 8:38.179: Dale Mullins passed Brad Smith | Transmoto for 2nd
8:37.796 - 8:39.570: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC passed mather for 12th
8:40.101 - 8:43.578: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed jacob melgaard for 8th
8:41.015 - 8:44.476: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed jacob melgaard for 9th
8:41.593 - 8:45.156: Martin Lundquist passed jacob melgaard for 10th
7:17.796 - 8:47.078: jack bark | moto$ finished lap 6 ( 1:29.281)
8:47.078 - 8:51.093: jack bark | moto$ went off the track
8:48.726 - 8:51.593: Jesse Matthews passed mather for 13th
7:09.820 - 8:52.062: Dale Mullins finished lap 6 ( 1:42.242)
7:20.585 - 8:53.250: Brad Smith | Transmoto finished lap 6 ( 1:32.664)
6:58.929 - 8:57.265: Stefan Ciarafoni finished lap 5 ( 1:58.335)
8:59.312 - 9:00.906: Martin Lundquist passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 9th
9:07.835 - 9:11.007: Dale Mullins passed jack bark | moto$ for the lead
9:10.109 - 9:13.359: Brad Smith | Transmoto passed jack bark | moto$ for 2nd
9:26.601 - 9:28.125: Martin Lundquist passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 8th
9:28.312 - 9:29.890: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Martin Lundquist for 8th
7:58.468 - 9:29.976: Lennart Schmidt finished lap 6 ( 1:31.507)
9:28.773 - 9:30.328: jacob melgaard passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 10th
7:46.601 - 9:35.523: Kevin Richard | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:48.921)
9:34.414 - 9:36.242: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed jacob melgaard and Martin Lundquist for 9th
9:35.218 - 9:37.960: Brad Smith | Transmoto passed Dale Mullins for the lead
7:56.226 - 9:40.695: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:44.468)
9:38.132 - 9:41.375: jack bark | moto$ passed Dale Mullins for 2nd
8:08.796 - 9:43.523: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks finished lap 6 ( 1:34.726)
8:15.765 - 9:55.070: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros finished lap 6 ( 1:39.304)
8:08.375 - 9:55.796: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix finished lap 6 ( 1:47.421)
8:20.242 - 9:56.578: Martin Lundquist finished lap 6 ( 1:36.335)
8:09.585 - 9:58.968: jacob melgaard finished lap 6 ( 1:49.382)
8:27.070 - 10:02.320: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC finished lap 6 ( 1:35.250)
10:02.945 - 10:05.101: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 8th
10:07.218 - 10:09.164: Martin Lundquist passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros and Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 8th
10:07.187 - 10:10.054: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 9th
10:10.148 - 10:12.367: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 9th
10:12.500 - 10:14.093: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Martin Lundquist and Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 8th
8:35.382 - 10:16.953: Jesse Matthews finished lap 6 ( 1:41.570)
10:17.359 - 10:19.500: Martin Lundquist passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 8th
10:11.937 - 10:22.875: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks went off the track
10:19.734 - 10:23.250: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 9th
8:26.171 - 10:25.046: mather finished lap 6 ( 1:58.875)
10:22.945 - 10:25.093: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 6th
8:53.250 - 10:25.218: Brad Smith | Transmoto finished lap 7 ( 1:31.968)
8:47.078 - 10:26.882: jack bark | moto$ finished lap 7 ( 1:39.804)
10:25.570 - 10:27.468: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 9th
8:52.062 - 10:29.609: Dale Mullins finished lap 7 ( 1:37.546)
10:28.828 - 10:30.679: Martin Lundquist passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 7th
10:29.937 - 10:31.773: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 8th
10:30.359 - 10:31.992: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 9th
10:31.335 - 10:33.125: jacob melgaard passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 10th
10:31.039 - 10:34.101: jack bark | moto$ passed Brad Smith | Transmoto for the lead
8:37.226 - 10:36.273: Fred Taylor finished lap 6 ( 1:59.046)
10:33.531 - 10:41.601: Dale Mullins passed Brad Smith | Transmoto for 2nd
10:42.000 - 10:45.937: jacob melgaard passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros and Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 8th
10:42.554 - 10:46.257: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros and Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 9th
8:57.265 - 10:46.359: Stefan Ciarafoni finished lap 6 ( 1:49.093)
10:49.539 - 10:51.984: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC passed Thomas Stead | RevGraphix for 11th
10:51.984 - 10:54.250: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 10th
10:57.203 - 11:00.851: jack bark | moto$ went off the track
9:29.976 - 11:00.906: Lennart Schmidt finished lap 7 ( 1:30.929)
9:35.523 - 11:16.296: Kevin Richard | Privateer finished lap 7 ( 1:40.773)
9:40.695 - 11:25.148: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports finished lap 7 ( 1:44.453)
9:56.578 - 11:29.328: Martin Lundquist finished lap 7 ( 1:32.750)
11:17.421 - 11:33.648: Jesse Matthews went off the track
9:58.968 - 11:35.445: jacob melgaard finished lap 7 ( 1:36.476)
9:43.523 - 11:36.765: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks finished lap 7 ( 1:53.242)
10:02.320 - 11:40.710: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC finished lap 7 ( 1:38.390)
9:55.070 - 11:43.843: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros finished lap 7 ( 1:48.773)
11:38.906 - 11:45.546: Jesse Matthews went off the track
10:26.882 - 11:59.695: jack bark | moto$ finished lap 8 ( 1:32.812)
12:00.546 - 12:02.695: Fred Taylor passed mather for 14th
12:01.640 - 12:03.929: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 9th
10:29.609 - 12:05.007: Dale Mullins finished lap 8 ( 1:35.398)
9:55.796 - 12:06.632: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix finished lap 7 ( 2:10.835)
12:06.765 - 12:08.875: Stefan Ciarafoni passed mather for 15th
10:16.953 - 12:10.304: Jesse Matthews finished lap 7 ( 1:53.351)
10:25.218 - 12:13.296: Brad Smith | Transmoto finished lap 8 ( 1:48.078)
12:05.117 - 12:16.765: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Leon Huelsken | SdWorks for 10th
10:36.273 - 12:26.187: Fred Taylor finished lap 7 ( 1:49.914)
11:00.906 - 12:32.921: Lennart Schmidt finished lap 8 ( 1:32.015)
10:46.359 - 12:36.148: Stefan Ciarafoni finished lap 7 ( 1:49.789)
10:25.046 - 12:36.867: mather finished lap 7 ( 2:11.820)
11:16.296 - 12:55.890: Kevin Richard | Privateer finished lap 8 ( 1:39.593)
11:25.148 - 13:00.703: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports finished lap 8 ( 1:35.554)
11:29.328 - 13:06.085: Martin Lundquist finished lap 8 ( 1:36.757)
11:35.445 - 13:10.546: jacob melgaard finished lap 8 ( 1:35.101)
11:40.710 - 13:15.140: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC finished lap 8 ( 1:34.429)
13:23.085 - 13:27.992: mather went off the track
13:21.921 - 13:28.507: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports went off the track
11:59.695 - 13:29.328: jack bark | moto$ finished lap 9 ( 1:29.632)
11:43.843 - 13:33.031: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros finished lap 8 ( 1:49.187)
12:05.007 - 13:33.539: Dale Mullins finished lap 9 ( 1:28.531)
13:33.031 - 13:37.929: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros went off the track
11:36.765 - 13:38.257: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks finished lap 8 ( 2:01.492)
12:06.632 - 13:42.843: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix finished lap 8 ( 1:36.210)
12:13.296 - 13:45.679: Brad Smith | Transmoto finished lap 9 ( 1:32.382)
12:10.304 - 13:49.289: Jesse Matthews finished lap 8 ( 1:38.984)
12:26.187 - 14:06.554: Fred Taylor finished lap 8 ( 1:40.367)
13:50.726 - 14:08.054: Jesse Matthews went off the track
14:06.554 - 14:12.648: Fred Taylor went off the track
12:32.921 - 14:15.328: Lennart Schmidt finished lap 9 ( 1:42.406)
12:36.148 - 14:21.976: Stefan Ciarafoni finished lap 8 ( 1:45.828)
14:13.601 - 14:26.187: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports went off the track
14:25.648 - 14:29.023: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 10th
14:28.429 - 14:32.562: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports went off the track
14:28.031 - 14:33.335: jacob melgaard went off the track
12:55.890 - 14:33.531: Kevin Richard | Privateer finished lap 9 ( 1:37.640)
13:06.085 - 14:37.773: Martin Lundquist finished lap 9 ( 1:31.687)
13:00.703 - 14:45.445: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports finished lap 9 ( 1:44.742)
12:36.867 - 14:54.593: mather finished lap 8 ( 2:17.726)
13:10.546 - 14:56.195: jacob melgaard finished lap 9 ( 1:45.648)
13:29.328 - 14:58.859: jack bark | moto$ finished lap 10 ( 1:29.531)
14:57.015 - 14:59.085: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Kody Tomich\EYESPEC for 9th
14:57.929 - 14:59.773: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Kody Tomich\EYESPEC for 10th
13:33.539 - 15:05.992: Dale Mullins finished lap 10 ( 1:32.453)
13:38.257 - 15:09.718: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks finished lap 9 ( 1:31.460)
13:33.031 - 15:11.742: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros finished lap 9 ( 1:38.710)
13:15.140 - 15:17.570: Kody Tomich\EYESPEC finished lap 9 ( 2:02.429)
13:42.843 - 15:23.164: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix finished lap 9 ( 1:40.320)
15:30.812 - 15:32.593: Martin Lundquist passed Kevin Richard | Privateer for 5th
15:32.640 - 15:34.429: Kevin Richard | Privateer passed Martin Lundquist for 5th
15:34.968 - 15:37.476: Martin Lundquist passed Kevin Richard | Privateer for 5th
13:45.679 - 15:37.820: Brad Smith | Transmoto finished lap 10 ( 1:52.140)
13:49.289 - 15:39.203: Jesse Matthews finished lap 9 ( 1:49.914)
14:15.328 - 15:45.718: Lennart Schmidt finished lap 10 ( 1:30.390)
14:06.554 - 16:00.546: Fred Taylor finished lap 9 ( 1:53.992)
15:57.476 - 16:05.203: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports went off the track
14:21.976 - 16:09.359: Stefan Ciarafoni finished lap 9 ( 1:47.382)
14:37.773 - 16:09.687: Martin Lundquist finished lap 10 ( 1:31.914)
14:33.531 - 16:12.781: Kevin Richard | Privateer finished lap 10 ( 1:39.250)
16:16.757 - 16:19.398: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed jacob melgaard for 7th
14:45.445 - 16:25.156: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports finished lap 10 ( 1:39.710)
14:58.859 - 16:27.539: jack bark | moto$ finished lap 11 ( 1:28.679)
15:05.992 - 16:36.281: Dale Mullins finished lap 11 ( 1:30.289)
15:09.718 - 16:40.984: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks finished lap 10 ( 1:31.265)
14:56.195 - 16:42.820: jacob melgaard finished lap 10 ( 1:46.625)
15:11.742 - 16:49.937: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros finished lap 10 ( 1:38.195)
16:52.117 - 16:55.710: Jesse Matthews went off the track
14:54.593 - 16:56.906: mather finished lap 9 ( 2:02.312)
15:23.164 - 17:00.703: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix finished lap 10 ( 1:37.539)
15:37.820 - 17:08.757: Brad Smith | Transmoto finished lap 11 ( 1:30.937)
17:09.125 - 17:10.390: Dale Mullins passed jack bark | moto$ for the lead
17:10.968 - 17:12.796: jack bark | moto$ passed Dale Mullins for the lead
15:39.203 - 17:16.382: Jesse Matthews finished lap 10 ( 1:37.179)
15:45.718 - 17:24.945: Lennart Schmidt finished lap 11 ( 1:39.226)
17:25.507 - 17:27.617: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 7th
16:09.687 - 17:41.046: Martin Lundquist finished lap 11 ( 1:31.359)
17:42.828 - 17:45.625: jacob melgaard passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 8th
16:00.546 - 17:48.203: Fred Taylor finished lap 10 ( 1:47.656)
16:12.781 - 18:03.007: Kevin Richard | Privateer finished lap 11 ( 1:50.226)
18:07.882 - 18:09.750: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 9th
16:40.984 - 18:13.648: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks finished lap 11 ( 1:32.664)
16:09.359 - 18:15.648: Stefan Ciarafoni finished lap 10 ( 2:06.289)
16:42.820 - 18:18.656: jacob melgaard finished lap 11 ( 1:35.835)
16:27.539 - 18:19.062: jack bark | moto$ finished lap 12 ( 1:51.523)
16:36.281 - 18:20.078: Dale Mullins finished lap 12 ( 1:43.796)
16:49.937 - 18:29.039: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros finished lap 11 ( 1:39.101)
16:25.156 - 18:31.046: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports finished lap 11 ( 2:05.890)
17:00.703 - 18:38.789: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix finished lap 11 ( 1:38.085)
17:08.757 - 18:42.109: Brad Smith | Transmoto finished lap 12 ( 1:33.351)
17:16.382 - 18:51.812: Jesse Matthews finished lap 11 ( 1:35.429)
16:56.906 - 18:52.429: mather finished lap 10 ( 1:55.523)
18:49.710 - 18:54.828: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks went off the track
17:24.945 - 18:55.242: Lennart Schmidt finished lap 12 ( 1:30.296)
18:58.953 - 19:09.976: Dale Mullins went off the track
19:14.195 - 19:16.859: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed jacob melgaard for 8th
17:41.046 - 19:21.585: Martin Lundquist finished lap 12 ( 1:40.539)
17:48.203 - 19:41.132: Fred Taylor finished lap 11 ( 1:52.929)
18:03.007 - 19:42.046: Kevin Richard | Privateer finished lap 12 ( 1:39.039)
18:13.648 - 19:46.906: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks finished lap 12 ( 1:33.257)
18:19.062 - 19:48.703: jack bark | moto$ finished lap 13 ( 1:29.640)
19:47.921 - 19:49.554: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed jacob melgaard for 9th
19:49.257 - 19:51.031: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed jacob melgaard for 10th
19:50.906 - 19:53.492: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks passed Kevin Richard | Privateer for 6th
20:01.664 - 20:03.351: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros and Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 8th
20:01.554 - 20:03.640: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 9th
20:03.789 - 20:06.226: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 9th
20:06.460 - 20:08.562: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports passed Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros for 9th
18:20.078 - 20:08.945: Dale Mullins finished lap 13 ( 1:48.867)
20:08.703 - 20:11.093: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros passed Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports for 9th
20:09.078 - 20:15.101: jacob melgaard went off the track
18:38.789 - 20:15.265: Thomas Stead | RevGraphix finished lap 12 ( 1:36.476)
18:29.039 - 20:15.640: Dylan Cox | HVM Finance Bros finished lap 12 ( 1:46.601)
18:42.109 - 20:17.132: Brad Smith | Transmoto finished lap 13 ( 1:35.023)
18:31.046 - 20:20.109: Cody Wells | Finca Motorsports finished lap 12 ( 1:49.062)
18:18.656 - 20:21.507: jacob melgaard finished lap 12 ( 2:02.851)
18:55.242 - 20:24.679: Lennart Schmidt finished lap 13 ( 1:29.437)
18:15.648 - 20:28.335: Stefan Ciarafoni finished lap 11 ( 2:12.687)
18:51.812 - 20:38.382: Jesse Matthews finished lap 12 ( 1:46.570)
18:52.429 - 20:51.328: mather finished lap 11 ( 1:58.898)
19:21.585 - 20:52.710: Martin Lundquist finished lap 13 ( 1:31.125)
19:46.906 - 21:18.914: Leon Huelsken | SdWorks finished lap 13 ( 1:32.007)
19:41.132 - 21:25.250: Fred Taylor finished lap 12 ( 1:44.117)
19:42.046 - 21:33.406: Kevin Richard | Privateer finished lap 13 ( 1:51.359)