MX Simulator - UID #12608

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Name:Dylan Dallaire
Total Races:163
Rating:62.94% (defeated 766 out of 1217 opponents)


Checked Out - Awarded for maintaining a 20 second lead for the last half of a race.
Hard Charger - Awarded for going from last to first.
First Win - Awarded for winning a race.
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot.
Participant - Awarded for just showing up.

* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.

Overall Lap Records
1:10.546250sxf(2018)2022 MXSEMF Supercross - rd07 Minneapolis
1:30.671crf450(2017)2024 Australian Nationals Round 1: Wonthaggi
1:26.507250sxf(2018)2024 Australian Nationals Round 2: Horsham
1:57.093250sxf(2018)2024 Australian Nationals Round 3: Gillman
1:29.984250sxf(2018)2024 Australian Nationals Round 4: Maitland
0:59.093250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd03 San Diego
1:42.929250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd08 Daytona
0:54.367250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd10 Indianapolis
0:52.882250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd11 Seattle
0:57.585fc450(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd13 Foxborough
0:55.070250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd14 Nashville
1:02.179250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd15 Philadelphia
1:54.617250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF WMS - Round 2 Furstlich Drehna (GER)
2:06.828250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF WMS - Round 3 TerraTopia (ZAF)
2:10.843250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF WMS - Round 4 Zarnesti (ROM)
1:51.765250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF WMS - Round 5 Sugo (JAP)
1:49.507250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF WMS - Round 6 Frauenfeld (SWI)
250f Lap Records
1:10.546250sxf(2018)2022 MXSEMF Supercross - rd07 Minneapolis
1:32.648250sxf(2018)2024 Australian Nationals Round 1: Wonthaggi
1:26.507250sxf(2018)2024 Australian Nationals Round 2: Horsham
1:57.093250sxf(2018)2024 Australian Nationals Round 3: Gillman
1:29.984250sxf(2018)2024 Australian Nationals Round 4: Maitland
0:59.093250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd03 San Diego
1:42.929250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd08 Daytona
0:54.367250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd10 Indianapolis
0:52.882250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd11 Seattle
0:58.859250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd13 Foxborough
0:55.070250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd14 Nashville
1:02.179250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd15 Philadelphia
1:54.617250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF WMS - Round 2 Furstlich Drehna (GER)
2:06.828250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF WMS - Round 3 TerraTopia (ZAF)
2:10.843250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF WMS - Round 4 Zarnesti (ROM)
1:51.765250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF WMS - Round 5 Sugo (JAP)
1:49.507250sxf(2018)2024 MXSEMF WMS - Round 6 Frauenfeld (SWI)
450f Lap Records
1:17.109fc450(2018)2022 MXSEMF Supercross - rd07 Minneapolis
1:30.671crf450(2017)2024 Australian Nationals Round 1: Wonthaggi
0:59.906fc450(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd03 San Diego
0:57.585fc450(2018)2024 MXSEMF Supercross - rd13 Foxborough