MX Simulator - 2023 MXSEMF Supercross - rd11 Seattle

Overall Lap Records
1 0:50.140fc450(2017)118235Braden Carter | Phil's
2 0:50.875fc450(2018)3732866Tyran Tomich | CV x Craig's Factory
3 0:51.007fc450(2017)7419256Jannik Blume | JIBR.CO
4 0:51.351fc450(2017)3710255Enzo Boutigny | Impact
5 0:51.546fc450(2017)3523127riley hughan | galaxy
6 0:51.820fc450(2017)49207Jack Mark | Privateer | Flexkex Training Facility
7 0:51.882250sxf(2018)4431547Seth Shirley
8 0:51.890fc450(2017)2725958Pablo Vial | Impact
9 0:51.976fc450(2017)725177Nathan Prin | Impact
10 0:52.078fc450(2017)1825349Erin Rockafellow | Evo |
11 0:52.140250sxf(2018)2812581Frank Jackson | Phil's
12 0:52.148250sxf(2018)2026349Brayden Tharp | Tscz Productions
13 0:52.203fc450(2018)75017074Caden Speck | CV
14 0:52.312250sxf(2018)61248Maxime Vanderbeek | Impact
15 0:52.335fc450(2017)257022clint martin |
16 0:52.398fc450(2018)106521Logan Heagney | Galaxy
17 0:52.429fc450(2017)9530141Daniel Pedrosa | Impact
18 0:52.453250sxf(2018)4634354Mads Boel | Eyespec
19 0:52.476fc450(2017)395253Johnny Podonyi | TSCZ Productions
20 0:52.515250sxf(2018)8543345Evan Holte | Tscz Productions
21 0:52.531250sxf(2018)81530751Tom Quenot | Digital WorldWide/Ambara
22 0:52.531250sxf(2018)8423379Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
23 0:52.562250sxf(2018)36157741praying mantis
24 0:52.585250sxf(2018)35237121AJ
25 0:52.609250sxf(2018)905149Matt Cromie | Phil's
26 0:52.656crf450(2018)319661Logan Leitzel | Yogi
27 0:52.773fc450(2017)1827130cad-an
28 0:52.796fc450(2017)5238800Alonso Robin
29 0:52.906250sxf(2018)6836809Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
30 0:52.976250sxf(2018)1819896Rico de Laat | Impact
31 0:52.984250sxf(2018)6525763Daniel Olsson | Tscz Production
32 0:53.085fc450(2017)42024277P2S Racing
33 0:53.085fc450(2017)4136676griffo
34 0:53.226250sxf(2018)4334550Evan Stynes | Devast Land
35 0:53.250fc450(2018)24711075Victor Norlander | Braxton Worldwide
36 0:53.257fc450(2018)2833863TJ Harrison | Privateer
37 0:53.335fc450(2017)26210352Gustavo Navega l SdWorks
38 0:53.359fc450(2017)4730022Noah McLaughlin | Faded
39 0:53.375250sxf(2018)8834010Guillem Farres | Galaxy
40 0:53.406250sxf(2018)68440266Hoesee Famador
41 0:53.445fc450(2018)315496Dale Mullins
42 0:53.453fc450(2018)15049544Kyliam Ortiz | Digital Worldwide
43 0:53.460250sxf(2018)9334626Andoni Ezcurra | Impact
44 0:53.492crf450(2018)14431262Bobby BigLines | Ryno Power
45 0:53.515fc450(2017)1942048Eduardo Simoes | SdWorks
46 0:53.585fc450(2017)15128741Trevin Thompson | Faded than a hoe
47 0:53.617crf450(2018)31337523Ruben Galvez | #FREEOSCAR
48 0:53.632fc450(2018)11731422Johannes Wolter | Motion Madness
49 0:53.664fc450(2017)27739599Caiden Gross | nickmen Motorsports Racing Team
50 0:53.718fc450(2017)10436891Antonin Raja \ Digital Worldwide
51 0:53.750fc450(2017)42718109SpencerBrooking| Digital Worldwide
52 0:53.781fc450(2018)5036675Ronan Wastell
53 0:53.859250sxf(2018)5425339Ben Caiafa | Devast land
54 0:53.890crf450(2018)7023106Loris Modard | Active
55 0:53.898crf450(2018)2639326Mack Spokes | Galaxy #weglizzy #50cent
56 0:53.898250sxf(2018)2325473Noa Houque | RaceKush Racing #4r<3
57 0:53.914crf450(2018)6435668Romain Cornette | MNR MotorSport
58 0:54.007250sxf(2018)8634901Shaun hambrook | team curtis
59 0:54.007250sxf(2018)5149122Axel Halle | Digital Worldwide
60 0:54.015250sxf(2018)94846547Anton Bergendal | FirePower Honda
61 0:54.031fc450(2017)1634175Marcondes Feitosa | SdWorks
62 0:54.062fc450(2018)7810651Austin Bear | Yogi Designs
63 0:54.070250sxf(2018)5533135Jeremy Estrella | Finca Credit Union
64 0:54.109250sxf(2018)7937150Race Coble | NL
65 0:54.132250sxf(2018)6525469Nate van Tatenhove|#FREESEMDEM| x VIVID
66 0:54.179250sxf(2018)41016669Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs
67 0:54.210250sxf(2018)52048882rona | krave
68 0:54.210250sxf(2018)4923831Sonny Spicer | Finca Law Firm
69 0:54.226250sxf(2018)45140856Tucker Zimmerman | Neverland
70 0:54.250250sxf(2018)121774Lois Gorin | Tscz Prod
71 0:54.296250sxf(2018)65127052lucas grazian |Digital Worldwide
72 0:54.296250sxf(2018)3738545Javier Madero | BW|Burbmoto#1 Fan
73 0:54.335250sxf(2018)74025419liam atkinson|ruffnutss racing
74 0:54.507250sxf(2018)5325608Taylor Miller| Slowie Films x VooDoo
75 0:54.507250sxf(2018)11748879Justin Silvis | Dj's MotoSport x FC
76 0:54.531250sxf(2018)319752Nathan Denny | BBF Motorsports
77 0:54.570fc450(2018)12817002carsyn forcum | agr
78 0:54.578250sxf(2018)1749224Cash Woods | AGR
79 0:54.632fc450(2018)14934834Keegan Riley
80 0:54.695250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe | MSK
81 0:54.742250sxf(2018)15639808Louis Carlier | Procyon
82 0:54.773250sxf(2018)6444326finn markland | krizzy x yeat x lone x ken x babytron
83 0:54.773250sxf(2018)7726361myles/ ruffnutt racing
84 0:54.921250sxf(2018)4349771Jamie Zuse Kinna | MotoOnline
85 0:54.984250sxf(2018)42849453Leon Huelsken | Digital Worldwide
86 0:55.070fc450(2018)51238127Theo Tesseron
87 0:55.109250sxf(2018)91730440Dylan Long | BBF Motorsports
88 0:55.156250sxf(2018)3831495William Terava | Tscz Production
89 0:55.171250sxf(2018)41618774Jonas Ballbach | JS-Racing
90 0:55.203fc450(2017)92149106Philipp Eiserfey
91 0:55.210fc450(2017)645660rh
92 0:55.382250sxf(2018)1768878Mats Orstad
93 0:55.437250sxf(2018)73214999Theo Cavalli
94 0:55.460fc450(2018)2036062Morgan Fabreguettes | Ambara
95 0:55.484250sxf(2018)15446476Deacon Denno| VSR
96 0:55.500fc450(2017)981683Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
97 0:55.531250sxf(2018)81939206Antoine Delair | Ambara
98 0:55.562250sxf(2018)6237956Mitchel O`Bryan
99 0:55.656250sxf(2018)28532021Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
100 0:55.726fc450(2018)911011Javi Ruiz | Tow1n Factory
101 0:55.734250sxf(2018)83123759Evan Olsen | ?
102 0:55.742250sxf(2018)30719189taj dixon
103 0:55.867250sxf(2018)70438924Stefan Falk | Vallaz Motorsports
104 0:55.960250sxf(2018)52241184REAGAN BOND
105 0:56.109250sxf(2018)16112071Tyler Nichols | SPINC
106 0:56.218250sxf(2018)20848838Charlie Boiston
107 0:56.234250sxf(2018)30438790Ethan Lenox
108 0:56.265250sxf(2018)14957273JREED | MotoOnline
109 0:56.445fc450(2018)19242800Gauthier Schmitz | privateer
110 0:56.500250sxf(2018)4037765cole
111 0:56.562250sxf(2018)5925665kauan formiguinha | MSK
112 0:56.632fc450(2018)3074489Chase LaVancher
113 0:56.742250sxf(2018)17549682M3rked | BL x Sunbelt #freetrev
114 0:56.859crf450(2018)20530852Luca Buerger | SD Works
115 0:56.945250sxf(2018)99637362Emil saxager/ free lucas b
116 0:57.085250sxf(2018)22316931Branden Walther | VSR
117 0:57.476250sxf(2018)69542477Ross Harron | MotoOnline
118 0:57.710250sxf(2018)14917850James Bemrose | Fluid Racing
119 0:57.734fc450(2018)55148076Johannes Breindal l Privateer
120 0:58.179250sxf(2018)23037660Adam Beattie|VIVID x Strike
121 0:58.179250sxf(2018)55624545Carl Novak | Vurbmoto X UGRC Media team
122 0:58.210250sxf(2018)26710808Kieran Hildebrand | MotoOnline
123 0:58.226250sxf(2018)24125795Kyle Heald
124 0:58.281250sxf(2018)89744019Josh Crumet | AscendGFX
125 0:58.312250sxf(2018)34136800R
126 0:58.640fc450(2018)542589Nick Senese
127 0:58.765250sxf(2018)17232656cas valk
128 0:58.765fc450(2018)23847707mykel johnson
129 0:58.835250sxf(2018)32634141Charlie Owen | NL
130 0:58.843fc450(2018)42439141Quentin Debono Team BBDSA
131 0:59.000250sxf(2018)46227051Cason Padgett | Critter Creations |
132 0:59.492250sxf(2018)`22903Anonymous
133 0:59.531250sxf(2018)52642535jacob melgaard
134 0:59.546250sxf(2018)43257549wessel van wijk | cloud motorsports
135 0:59.960fc450(2018)18238672Ayden Confer | Sunbelt
136 0:59.976250sxf(2018)55530249Gianluca Holder l BFSA FACTORY
137 1:00.007fc450(2017)3746578Romain Peere |
138 1:00.085250sxf(2018)23944025Cody Wells | Creative
139 1:00.296250sxf(2018)20234031Pierre Maria |202| TLV
140 1:00.476250sxf(2018)1630365William Stromberg | Critter Creations
141 1:01.046fc450(2018)40217431Senna De Smaele | MSK
142 1:01.468250sxf(2018)2448600Stein Kanters | Motion Madness
143 1:01.640250sxf(2018)310667Razafinjato Ugo | 3 |
144 1:01.890250sxf(2018)7847701Mael | Echo
145 1:02.031fc450(2017)666058Jordan Lacoste | Ambara
146 1:02.406crf450(2018)13632497Brandis Dvorak BLD Racing
147 1:03.093250sxf(2018)38240362ENZO MAJOREL | BBDSA
148 1:03.179250sxf(2018)9232971BRODIE PETSCHAUER/GLIZZYRACING
149 1:03.687250sxf(2018)52145782Cody David | VSR
150 1:04.132rm250(2008)72038037Luke Smith |BBF Motorsports
151 1:04.164250sxf(2018)5521416Austin-af55-Frank|Slowie Films|Temecula
152 1:04.257250sxf(2018)78137390Nichlas/Team Fatigrov
153 1:05.875250sxf(2018)93237092Luke Powell | Glizzy Racing
154 1:06.007250sxf(2018)59946744bowdie
155 1:06.625crf450(2018)30257967alexis collignon
156 1:06.750fc450(2017)13640355Fletcher Kilpatrick | ILLUSIVE
157 1:07.312250sxf(2018)87245818Alexandre
158 1:07.914250sxf(2018)15126670Jack Wilson|Glizzy Racing
159 1:08.750fc450(2018) 343611Demetrius Damascus bartholomew james the 3rd Jr
160 1:09.945250sxf(2018)63434242Aaryn Minerds
161 1:10.156250sxf(2018)2442157Timeo Garcia
162 1:10.273250sxf(2018)38748021Bertram Lindberg
163 1:11.164250sxf(2016)42840718Romaric Herbert|MNRMotorSport
164 1:11.609250sxf(2018)69945972Suzuki Jimmy | Juulsgaard racing
165 1:11.843rm12593334845Oakley Kettle | Planet Moto GasGas
166 1:12.070250sxf(2018)32926954Matteo Brusinelli | BFSA Factory
167 1:12.453250sxf(2018)2344769Joseph Bravo|VIVID
168 1:13.671250sxf(2018)80132507Spencer H |
169 1:13.929250sxf(2018)45257697Pim I Cloud
170 1:18.578250sxf(2018)5944592jack
171 1:21.976250sxf(2018)7443522Wyatt Errington
172 1:24.156250sxf(2018)78437558Kaspar Uibu
173 1:26.039fc450(2018)30341468boner | TiRadee Racing
174 6:39.570250sxf(2018)50343476Meersman Lenn |
125 Lap Records
1 0:57.781rm1254136676griffo
2 1:11.843rm12593334845Oakley Kettle | Planet Moto GasGas
3 1:13.875rm12514957273JREED | MotoOnline
250f Lap Records
1 0:51.734250sxf(2018)33732866Tyran Tomich | CV x Craig's Factory
2 0:51.882250sxf(2018)4431547Seth Shirley
3 0:52.140250sxf(2018)2812581Frank Jackson | Phil's
4 0:52.148250sxf(2018)2026349Brayden Tharp | Tscz Productions
5 0:52.312250sxf(2018)61248Maxime Vanderbeek | Impact
6 0:52.453250sxf(2018)4634354Mads Boel | Eyespec
7 0:52.515250sxf(2018)8543345Evan Holte | Tscz Productions
8 0:52.531250sxf(2018)81530751Tom Quenot | Digital WorldWide/Ambara
9 0:52.531250sxf(2018)8423379Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
10 0:52.562250sxf(2018)36157741praying mantis
11 0:52.585250sxf(2018)35237121AJ
12 0:52.609250sxf(2018)905149Matt Cromie | Phil's
13 0:52.906250sxf(2018)6836809Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
14 0:52.976250sxf(2018)1819896Rico de Laat | Impact
15 0:52.984250sxf(2018)6525763Daniel Olsson | Tscz Production
16 0:53.226250sxf(2018)4334550Evan Stynes | Devast Land
17 0:53.375250sxf(2018)8834010Guillem Farres | Galaxy
18 0:53.406250sxf(2018)68440266Hoesee Famador
19 0:53.460250sxf(2018)9334626Andoni Ezcurra | Impact
20 0:53.695250sxf(2018)395253Johnny Podonyi | TSCZ Productions
21 0:53.820250sxf(2018)2725958Pablo Vial | Impact
22 0:53.859250sxf(2018)5425339Ben Caiafa | Devast land
23 0:53.898250sxf(2018)2325473Noa Houque | RaceKush Racing #4r<3
24 0:54.007250sxf(2018)8634901Shaun hambrook | team curtis
25 0:54.007250sxf(2018)5149122Axel Halle | Digital Worldwide
26 0:54.015250sxf(2018)94846547Anton Bergendal | FirePower Honda
27 0:54.070250sxf(2018)5533135Jeremy Estrella | Finca Credit Union
28 0:54.109250sxf(2018)7937150Race Coble | NL
29 0:54.132250sxf(2018)6525469Nate van Tatenhove|#FREESEMDEM| x VIVID
30 0:54.179250sxf(2018)41016669Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs
31 0:54.210250sxf(2018)4923831Sonny Spicer | Finca Law Firm
32 0:54.210250sxf(2018)52048882rona | krave
33 0:54.226250sxf(2018)45140856Tucker Zimmerman | Neverland
34 0:54.250250sxf(2018)23115496Dale Mullins
35 0:54.250250sxf(2018)121774Lois Gorin | Tscz Prod
36 0:54.296250sxf(2018)65127052lucas grazian |Digital Worldwide
37 0:54.296250sxf(2018)3738545Javier Madero | BW|Burbmoto#1 Fan
38 0:54.335250sxf(2018)74025419liam atkinson|ruffnutss racing
39 0:54.507250sxf(2018)11748879Justin Silvis | Dj's MotoSport x FC
40 0:54.507250sxf(2018)5325608Taylor Miller| Slowie Films x VooDoo
41 0:54.531250sxf(2018)319752Nathan Denny | BBF Motorsports
42 0:54.578250sxf(2018)1749224Cash Woods | AGR
43 0:54.695250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe | MSK
44 0:54.742250sxf(2018)15639808Louis Carlier | Procyon
45 0:54.773250sxf(2018)7726361myles/ ruffnutt racing
46 0:54.773250sxf(2018)6444326finn markland | krizzy x yeat x lone x ken x babytron
47 0:54.921250sxf(2018)4349771Jamie Zuse Kinna | MotoOnline
48 0:54.984250sxf(2018)42849453Leon Huelsken | Digital Worldwide
49 0:55.000250sxf(2018)10436891Antonin Raja \ Digital Worldwide
50 0:55.109250sxf(2018)91730440Dylan Long | BBF Motorsports
51 0:55.156250sxf(2018)3831495William Terava | Tscz Production
52 0:55.171250sxf(2018)41618774Jonas Ballbach | JS-Racing
53 0:55.382250sxf(2018)1768878Mats Orstad
54 0:55.437250sxf(2018)73214999Theo Cavalli
55 0:55.484250sxf(2018)15446476Deacon Denno| VSR
56 0:55.531250sxf(2018)81939206Antoine Delair | Ambara
57 0:55.562250sxf(2018)6237956Mitchel O`Bryan
58 0:55.656250sxf(2018)28532021Chucky Nigrin | Boots House X Dr Dew
59 0:55.734250sxf(2018)83123759Evan Olsen | ?
60 0:55.742250sxf(2018)30719189taj dixon
61 0:55.867250sxf(2018)70438924Stefan Falk | Vallaz Motorsports
62 0:55.960250sxf(2018)52241184REAGAN BOND
63 0:56.109250sxf(2018)16112071Tyler Nichols | SPINC
64 0:56.218250sxf(2018)20848838Charlie Boiston
65 0:56.234250sxf(2018)30438790Ethan Lenox
66 0:56.265250sxf(2018)14957273JREED | MotoOnline
67 0:56.304250sxf(2018)12817002carsyn forcum | agr
68 0:56.500250sxf(2018)4037765cole
69 0:56.562250sxf(2018)5925665kauan formiguinha | MSK
70 0:56.742250sxf(2018)17549682M3rked | BL x Sunbelt #freetrev
71 0:56.945250sxf(2018)99637362Emil saxager/ free lucas b
72 0:56.968250sxf(2018)19242800Gauthier Schmitz | privateer
73 0:57.085250sxf(2018)22316931Branden Walther | VSR
74 0:57.476250sxf(2018)69542477Ross Harron | MotoOnline
75 0:57.710250sxf(2018)14917850James Bemrose | Fluid Racing
76 0:58.179250sxf(2018)23037660Adam Beattie|VIVID x Strike
77 0:58.179250sxf(2018)55624545Carl Novak | Vurbmoto X UGRC Media team
78 0:58.210250sxf(2018)26710808Kieran Hildebrand | MotoOnline
79 0:58.226250sxf(2018)24125795Kyle Heald
80 0:58.281250sxf(2018)89744019Josh Crumet | AscendGFX
81 0:58.312250sxf(2018)34136800R
82 0:58.765250sxf(2018)17232656cas valk
83 0:58.835250sxf(2018)32634141Charlie Owen | NL
84 0:59.000250sxf(2018)46227051Cason Padgett | Critter Creations |
85 0:59.320250sxf(2018)981683Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
86 0:59.492250sxf(2018)`22903Anonymous
87 0:59.531250sxf(2018)52642535jacob melgaard
88 0:59.546250sxf(2018)43257549wessel van wijk | cloud motorsports
89 0:59.976250sxf(2018)55530249Gianluca Holder l BFSA FACTORY
90 1:00.085250sxf(2018)23944025Cody Wells | Creative
91 1:00.296250sxf(2018)20234031Pierre Maria |202| TLV
92 1:00.476250sxf(2018)1630365William Stromberg | Critter Creations
93 1:01.031250sxf(2018)14934834Keegan Riley
94 1:01.468250sxf(2018)2448600Stein Kanters | Motion Madness
95 1:01.640250sxf(2018)310667Razafinjato Ugo | 3 |
96 1:01.890250sxf(2018)7847701Mael | Echo
97 1:03.093250sxf(2018)38240362ENZO MAJOREL | BBDSA
98 1:03.179250sxf(2018)9232971BRODIE PETSCHAUER/GLIZZYRACING
99 1:03.687250sxf(2018)52145782Cody David | VSR
100 1:04.164250sxf(2018)5521416Austin-af55-Frank|Slowie Films|Temecula
101 1:04.257250sxf(2018)78137390Nichlas/Team Fatigrov
102 1:04.429250sxf(2018)645660rhys harris
103 1:04.875250sxf(2018)72038037Luke Smith |BBF Motorsports
104 1:05.875250sxf(2018)93237092Luke Powell | Glizzy Racing
105 1:06.007250sxf(2018)59946744bowdie
106 1:07.312250sxf(2018)87245818Alexandre
107 1:07.914250sxf(2018)15126670Jack Wilson|Glizzy Racing
108 1:09.945250sxf(2018)63434242Aaryn Minerds
109 1:10.156250sxf(2018)2442157Timeo Garcia
110 1:10.273250sxf(2018)38748021Bertram Lindberg
111 1:11.164250sxf(2016)42840718Romaric Herbert|MNRMotorSport
112 1:11.609250sxf(2018)69945972Suzuki Jimmy | Juulsgaard racing
113 1:12.070250sxf(2018)32926954Matteo Brusinelli | BFSA Factory
114 1:12.453250sxf(2018)2344769Joseph Bravo|VIVID
115 1:13.671250sxf(2018)80132507Spencer H |
116 1:13.929250sxf(2018)45257697Pim I Cloud
117 1:18.578250sxf(2018)5944592jack
118 1:21.976250sxf(2018)7443522Wyatt Errington
119 1:24.156250sxf(2018)78437558Kaspar Uibu
120 1:29.140250sxf(2018)3746578Romain Peere |
121 6:39.570250sxf(2018)50343476Meersman Lenn |
250 Lap Records
1 0:55.203rm250(2008)65127052lucas grazian |Digital Worldwide
2 1:04.132rm250(2008)72038037Luke Smith |BBF Motorsports
450f Lap Records
1 0:50.140fc450(2017)118235Braden Carter | Phil's
2 0:50.875fc450(2018)3732866Tyran Tomich | CV x Craig's Factory
3 0:51.007fc450(2017)7419256Jannik Blume | JIBR.CO
4 0:51.351fc450(2017)3710255Enzo Boutigny | Impact
5 0:51.546fc450(2017)3523127riley hughan | galaxy
6 0:51.820fc450(2017)49207Jack Mark | Privateer | Flexkex Training Facility
7 0:51.890fc450(2017)2725958Pablo Vial | Impact
8 0:51.976fc450(2017)725177Nathan Prin | Impact
9 0:52.078fc450(2017)1825349Erin Rockafellow | Evo |
10 0:52.203fc450(2018)75017074Caden Speck | CV
11 0:52.335fc450(2017)257022clint martin |
12 0:52.398fc450(2018)106521Logan Heagney | Galaxy
13 0:52.429fc450(2017)9530141Daniel Pedrosa | Impact
14 0:52.476fc450(2017)395253Johnny Podonyi | TSCZ Productions
15 0:52.656crf450(2018)319661Logan Leitzel | Yogi
16 0:52.773fc450(2017)1827130cad-an
17 0:52.796fc450(2017)5238800Alonso Robin
18 0:53.085fc450(2017)4136676griffo
19 0:53.085fc450(2017)42024277P2S Racing
20 0:53.250fc450(2018)24711075Victor Norlander | Braxton Worldwide
21 0:53.257fc450(2018)2833863TJ Harrison | Privateer
22 0:53.335fc450(2017)26210352Gustavo Navega l SdWorks
23 0:53.359fc450(2017)4730022Noah McLaughlin | Faded
24 0:53.445fc450(2018)315496Dale Mullins
25 0:53.453fc450(2018)15049544Kyliam Ortiz | Digital Worldwide
26 0:53.492crf450(2018)14431262Bobby BigLines | Ryno Power
27 0:53.515fc450(2017)1942048Eduardo Simoes | SdWorks
28 0:53.585fc450(2017)15128741Trevin Thompson | Faded than a hoe
29 0:53.617crf450(2018)31337523Ruben Galvez | #FREEOSCAR
30 0:53.632fc450(2018)11731422Johannes Wolter | Motion Madness
31 0:53.664fc450(2017)27739599Caiden Gross | nickmen Motorsports Racing Team
32 0:53.718fc450(2017)10436891Antonin Raja \ Digital Worldwide
33 0:53.750fc450(2017)42718109SpencerBrooking| Digital Worldwide
34 0:53.781fc450(2018)5036675Ronan Wastell
35 0:53.890crf450(2018)7023106Loris Modard | Active
36 0:53.898crf450(2018)2639326Mack Spokes | Galaxy #weglizzy #50cent
37 0:53.914crf450(2018)6435668Romain Cornette | MNR MotorSport
38 0:54.031fc450(2017)1634175Marcondes Feitosa | SdWorks
39 0:54.062fc450(2018)7810651Austin Bear | Yogi Designs
40 0:54.570fc450(2018)12817002carsyn forcum | agr
41 0:54.632fc450(2018)14934834Keegan Riley
42 0:55.070fc450(2018)51238127Theo Tesseron
43 0:55.070crf450(2018)65127052lucas grazian |Digital Worldwide
44 0:55.093fc450(2018)42849453Leon Huelsken | Digital Worldwide
45 0:55.140fc450(2018)6525469Nate van Tatenhove|#FREESEMDEM| x VIVID
46 0:55.203fc450(2017)92149106Philipp Eiserfey
47 0:55.210fc450(2017)645660rh
48 0:55.460fc450(2018)2036062Morgan Fabreguettes | Ambara
49 0:55.500fc450(2017)981683Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
50 0:55.726fc450(2018)911011Javi Ruiz | Tow1n Factory
51 0:56.445fc450(2018)19242800Gauthier Schmitz | privateer
52 0:56.632fc450(2018)3074489Chase LaVancher
53 0:56.859crf450(2018)20530852Luca Buerger | SD Works
54 0:57.078crf450(2018)52241184REAGAN BOND
55 0:57.734fc450(2018)55148076Johannes Breindal l Privateer
56 0:58.640fc450(2018)542589Nick Senese
57 0:58.765fc450(2018)23847707mykel johnson
58 0:58.843fc450(2018)42439141Quentin Debono Team BBDSA
59 0:59.578fc450(2018)7726361myles/ ruffnutt racing
60 0:59.960fc450(2018)18238672Ayden Confer | Sunbelt
61 1:00.007fc450(2017)3746578Romain Peere |
62 1:01.046fc450(2018)40217431Senna De Smaele | MSK
63 1:02.031fc450(2017)666058Jordan Lacoste | Ambara
64 1:02.406crf450(2018)13632497Brandis Dvorak BLD Racing
65 1:05.203fc450(2018)14917850James Bemrose | Fluid Racing
66 1:06.625crf450(2018)30257967alexis collignon
67 1:06.750fc450(2017)13640355Fletcher Kilpatrick | ILLUSIVE
68 1:08.750fc450(2018) 343611Demetrius Damascus bartholomew james the 3rd Jr
69 1:13.007fc450(2017)2534354Mads Boel | Eyespec
70 1:26.039fc450(2018)30341468boner | TiRadee Racing