MX Simulator - UID #59866

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Name:Kolton Hrdlicka | Unleashed
Total Races:87
Rating:57.16% (defeated 403 out of 705 opponents)


Lawyer Win - Awarded for winning a race by penalty.
First Win - Awarded for winning a race.
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot.
Participant - Awarded for just showing up.

* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.

Overall Lap Records
1:42.234250sxf(2018)2018 MiniOs Motocross
1:20.734fc450(2017)2019 Castillo Ranch - Dcope
2:02.890cr125BAC: 2020 Loretta Lynn Amatuer Nationals
1:51.476fc450(2017)BAC: 2020 Monster Energy Cup
1:08.773250sxf(2018)BAC: 2020 Moto Sandbox Daytona SX
2:36.093250sxf(2018)donutmx | Glen Helen on a Thursday at 5:30pm
2:12.945fc450(2017)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Menard Moment MX
0:41.000yz450f(2013)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Pitter
1:28.757rm125KaWorkz: 2017 Trap Land (Big Girl Stella!)
1:57.500fc450(2017)Sim Bros Steeze Facility
1:30.859250sxf(2018)Wolf Valley SX
125 Lap Records
1:43.734rm1252018 MiniOs Motocross
2:02.890cr125BAC: 2020 Loretta Lynn Amatuer Nationals
2:40.390rm125donutmx | Glen Helen on a Thursday at 5:30pm
1:28.757rm125KaWorkz: 2017 Trap Land (Big Girl Stella!)
250f Lap Records
1:42.234250sxf(2018)2018 MiniOs Motocross
1:38.476250sxf(2018)2019 Castillo Ranch - Dcope
2:03.312250sxf(2018)BAC: 2020 Loretta Lynn Amatuer Nationals
1:08.773250sxf(2018)BAC: 2020 Moto Sandbox Daytona SX
2:36.093250sxf(2018)donutmx | Glen Helen on a Thursday at 5:30pm
1:30.007250sxf(2018)KaWorkz: 2017 Trap Land (Big Girl Stella!)
1:30.859250sxf(2018)Wolf Valley SX
450f Lap Records
1:20.734fc450(2017)2019 Castillo Ranch - Dcope
1:51.476fc450(2017)BAC: 2020 Monster Energy Cup
2:12.945fc450(2017)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Menard Moment MX
0:41.000yz450f(2013)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Pitter
1:57.500fc450(2017)Sim Bros Steeze Facility
1:31.945fc450(2017)Wolf Valley SX