MX Simulator
Track2020 Rival Decal Compound Sand
Format 7 minutes, 1 laps
Date1/22/2021, 2:32:35 PM (1456 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1470Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / fc450(2018)4 11:46.9370 0:00.00024490
219Clementl19lRocket Racing crf450(2018)4 12:13.0540 0:00.00037650
3701Antwane ESPALIEU701 crf450(2018)4 13:52.3750 0:00.00035344

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4
P1 19 19 470 470
P2 470 470 19 19
P3 701 701 701 701

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times


Individual Worst Laps

3:00.203 3 470 Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette /
3:16.484 3 19 Clementl19lRocket Racing
3:17.523 2 701 Antwane ESPALIEU701


Std. Dev.NumberName
5.129 470 Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette /
7.062 19 Clementl19lRocket Racing
8.304 701 Antwane ESPALIEU701

Play by Play

Clementl19lRocket Racing takes the holeshot followed by Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / and Antwane ESPALIEU701

0:22.609 - 0:26.507: Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / passed Clementl19lRocket Racing for the lead
0:51.515 - 0:53.179: Clementl19lRocket Racing passed Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / for the lead
1:22.679 - 1:26.492: Clementl19lRocket Racing went off the track
1:29.054 - 1:36.492: Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / went off the track
1:44.890 - 1:49.218: Antwane ESPALIEU701 went off the track
2:14.906 - 2:20.328: Antwane ESPALIEU701 went off the track
2:26.656 - 2:33.843: Clementl19lRocket Racing went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:46.445: Clementl19lRocket Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:46.445)
0:00.000 - 3:00.500: Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / finished lap 1 ( 3:00.500)
3:36.867 - 3:50.218: Clementl19lRocket Racing went off the track
4:02.664 - 4:06.859: Clementl19lRocket Racing went off the track
0:00.000 - 4:10.656: Antwane ESPALIEU701 finished lap 1 ( 4:10.656)
4:17.218 - 4:23.335: Clementl19lRocket Racing went off the track
4:23.250 - 4:27.609: Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / went off the track
2:46.445 - 5:45.812: Clementl19lRocket Racing finished lap 2 ( 2:59.367)
5:43.054 - 5:48.242: Antwane ESPALIEU701 went off the track
3:00.500 - 5:54.312: Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / finished lap 2 ( 2:53.812)
5:58.867 - 6:07.273: Antwane ESPALIEU701 went off the track
6:22.343 - 6:27.929: Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / went off the track
7:05.765 - 7:09.687: Clementl19lRocket Racing went off the track
7:17.750 - 7:22.054: Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / went off the track
7:09.687 - 7:25.398: Clementl19lRocket Racing went off the track
4:10.656 - 7:28.179: Antwane ESPALIEU701 finished lap 2 ( 3:17.523)
7:31.703 - 7:36.867: Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / went off the track
7:47.070 - 7:52.312: Antwane ESPALIEU701 went off the track
8:05.148 - 8:11.640: Antwane ESPALIEU701 went off the track
5:54.312 - 8:54.515: Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / finished lap 3 ( 3:00.203)
5:45.812 - 9:02.296: Clementl19lRocket Racing finished lap 3 ( 3:16.484)
8:48.765 - 9:04.218: Antwane ESPALIEU701 went off the track
9:04.218 - 9:09.015: Antwane ESPALIEU701 went off the track
9:13.859 - 9:19.351: Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / went off the track
9:18.976 - 9:22.867: Antwane ESPALIEU701 went off the track
10:11.398 - 10:16.125: Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / went off the track
10:35.156 - 10:39.664: Clementl19lRocket Racing went off the track
7:28.179 - 10:43.531: Antwane ESPALIEU701 finished lap 3 ( 3:15.351)
8:54.515 - 11:42.156: Theo PLOMAY / Team chaussette / finished lap 4 ( 2:47.640)
12:02.203 - 12:06.812: Antwane ESPALIEU701 went off the track
9:02.296 - 12:08.054: Clementl19lRocket Racing finished lap 4 ( 3:05.757)
10:43.531 - 13:42.453: Antwane ESPALIEU701 finished lap 4 ( 2:58.921)