MX Simulator - 2019 St.Jude Round 3 - Pomeroy Facility

Overall Lap Records
1 1:53.617250sxf(2018)4350532The Dragon Warrior
2 1:54.437fc450(2017)4327540Sean Merwin
3 1:56.812250sxf(2018)69931217Wayne Kerr
4 1:57.914250sxf(2018)43549805Tyler Perez | Vulkan Worldwide
5 1:58.289250sxf(2018)121967fat cock
6 1:58.851250sxf(2018)3318901Brown Dick
7 1:59.007250sxf(2018)41138909Steven Short | Vulkan Worldwide
8 2:01.265250sxf(2018)7430957BigDawg/Vulkan marketing manager
9 2:01.898250sxf(2018)19317661Lukas Reagan | USA Weed Smoking Team Plati
10 2:02.148250sxf(2018)31123345Jake Worth | Platinum
11 2:02.843250sxf(2018)31155065Jacob Rich | Vulkan Worldwide
12 2:03.195250sxf(2018)16048085eyesack
13 2:03.226250sxf(2018)10149054Dylan Roper | Jersey Mikes
14 2:04.406250sxf(2018)2035266WeenieHutJr | Bikini Bottom Racing
15 2:04.843250sxf(2018)42045940Andrew Tate | What Color Is Your Bugatti
16 2:05.289250sxf(2018)7241294Austin | el dorado
17 2:05.343250sxf(2018)12539583deez nuts
18 2:06.210250sxf(2018)5738618Talon#57 | Phoenix Designs
19 2:06.453250sxf(2018)42137152nle shmit
20 2:06.828250sxf(2018)19545635@gasproductions_ | ALL FUN
21 2:06.976250sxf(2018)7041681Sean Martinez
22 2:07.140250sxf(2018)12442008Krusty Krab:) | Bikini Bottom Racing
23 2:07.179250sxf(2018)42115696Tommy Zimmerman | @EMINETCO IG
24 2:08.984250sxf(2018)12226137Colton Hagler
25 2:09.343250sxf(2018)6248951c-coop
26 2:09.867250sxf(2018)aky42762flo from progressive freaky edition
27 2:10.031fc450(2018)89133301Cedric Highsmiff|@Moto.Fails
28 2:10.117fc450(2018)22339304Cole Rabuse |
29 2:10.421250sxf(2018)51736426frederico
30 2:10.523fc450(2017)3322046Devin Eaton | not in control
31 2:10.828rm250(2008)75746764anthonyscapin l Mo Money Racing
32 2:11.250250sxf(2017)954317Jacob Alvarez | Privateer
33 2:11.617fc450(2018)2238628Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace | @Moto.Fails
34 2:12.617250sxf(2018)5444601Ethan McMillin | Unlimited.Co
35 2:12.796250sxf(2018)26244000Woody Gardina | GBR Gas Gas
36 2:12.992rm12521931781Alec Floyd | RevSupplyCo
37 2:16.023350sxf(2017)27641631Carter Cochran | ERT
38 2:17.515rm12546447441Doc Smith
39 2:19.398fc450(2018)48918345donovan | allfun
40 2:21.812250sxf(2018)16748559Glxzzy | ERT
41 2:22.031250sxf(2018)5343278Colton Hartobey| REDBULL KTM
42 2:22.093250sxf(2018)51835781Tyler Johnson | Unlimited.Co
43 2:25.046250sxf(2018)28136681Derrick THE TEN YEAR OLD
44 2:32.960250sxf(2018)10744986crispy
45 2:33.929fc450(2018)35747082Blake Greenwood | @Dr Dew Wrestling Team
46 2:46.023450sxf(2018)8=>38277cohen martin I FBOYZ RACING
47 2:52.234250sxf(2018)23835604Maka | @Moto.Fails
48 3:00.273rm1259955395jt floyd
49 3:03.828250sxf(2018)11443849lunter hawrence
50 3:13.500250sxf(2016)6341477mikey
51 3:53.320kx250f(2018)1644688Budsey
125 Lap Records
1 2:02.851rm1254327540Batman
2 2:07.679rm1257430957BigDawg/Platinum marketing manager
3 2:08.773rm12531123345Jake Worth | USA weed smokin team Plati
4 2:09.765rm12541138909Steven Short | Vulkan Worldwide
5 2:12.992rm12521931781Alec Floyd | RevSupplyCo
6 2:13.625rm12531155065Jacob Rich | Vulkan Worldwide
7 2:17.515rm12546447441Doc Smith
8 2:21.351rm1253318901Hunter Plomb | FTR | USA Weed Smoking |P ro Taco AF Team
9 3:00.273rm1259955395jt floyd
250f Lap Records
1 1:53.617250sxf(2018)4350532The Dragon Warrior
2 1:56.812250sxf(2018)69931217Wayne Kerr
3 1:57.906250sxf(2018)4327540The Dragon Warrior
4 1:57.914250sxf(2018)43549805Tyler Perez | Vulkan Worldwide
5 1:58.289250sxf(2018)121967fat cock
6 1:58.851250sxf(2018)3318901Brown Dick
7 1:59.007250sxf(2018)41138909Steven Short | Vulkan Worldwide
8 2:01.265250sxf(2018)7430957BigDawg/Vulkan marketing manager
9 2:01.898250sxf(2018)19317661Lukas Reagan | USA Weed Smoking Team Plati
10 2:02.148250sxf(2018)31123345Jake Worth | Platinum
11 2:02.843250sxf(2018)31155065Jacob Rich | Vulkan Worldwide
12 2:03.195250sxf(2018)16048085eyesack
13 2:03.226250sxf(2018)10149054Dylan Roper | Jersey Mikes
14 2:04.406250sxf(2018)2035266WeenieHutJr | Bikini Bottom Racing
15 2:04.843250sxf(2018)42045940Andrew Tate | What Color Is Your Bugatti
16 2:05.289250sxf(2018)7241294Austin | el dorado
17 2:05.343250sxf(2018)12539583deez nuts
18 2:06.210250sxf(2018)5738618Talon#57 | Phoenix Designs
19 2:06.453250sxf(2018)42137152nle shmit
20 2:06.828250sxf(2018)19545635@gasproductions_ | ALL FUN
21 2:06.976250sxf(2018)7041681Sean Martinez
22 2:07.140250sxf(2018)12442008Krusty Krab:) | Bikini Bottom Racing
23 2:07.179250sxf(2018)42115696Tommy Zimmerman | @EMINETCO IG
24 2:08.984250sxf(2018)12226137Colton Hagler
25 2:09.343250sxf(2018)6248951c-coop
26 2:09.867250sxf(2018)aky42762flo from progressive freaky edition
27 2:10.421250sxf(2018)51736426frederico
28 2:11.250250sxf(2017)954317Jacob Alvarez | Privateer
29 2:11.843250sxf(2018)75746764anthonyscapin l Mo Money Racing
30 2:12.617250sxf(2018)5444601Ethan McMillin | Unlimited.Co
31 2:12.796250sxf(2018)26244000Woody Gardina | GBR Gas Gas
32 2:15.507250sxf(2018)3322046Devin Eaton | not in control
33 2:21.390250sxf(2018)46447441Doc Smith
34 2:21.812250sxf(2018)16748559Glxzzy | ERT
35 2:22.031250sxf(2018)5343278Colton Hartobey| REDBULL KTM
36 2:22.093250sxf(2018)51835781Tyler Johnson | Unlimited.Co
37 2:25.046250sxf(2018)28136681Derrick THE TEN YEAR OLD
38 2:32.960250sxf(2018)10744986crispy
39 2:33.593250sxf(2018)27641631Carter Cochran | ERT
40 2:52.234250sxf(2018)23835604Maka | @Moto.Fails
41 3:03.828250sxf(2018)11443849lunter hawrence
42 3:13.500250sxf(2016)6341477mikey
43 3:53.320kx250f(2018)1644688Budsey
250 Lap Records
1 2:10.828rm250(2008)75746764anthonyscapin l Mo Money Racing
2 2:23.992250sx(2012)21931781Alec Floyd | RevSupplyCo
3 3:19.734rm250(2008)9955395jt floyd
450f Lap Records
1 1:54.437fc450(2017)4327540Sean Merwin
2 2:00.375350sxf(2017)3318901Brown Dick
3 2:03.921fc450(2017)131217The Dragon DOMINATOR | Platinum
4 2:10.031fc450(2018)89133301Cedric Highsmiff|@Moto.Fails
5 2:10.117fc450(2018)22339304Cole Rabuse |
6 2:10.523fc450(2017)3322046Devin Eaton | not in control
7 2:11.617fc450(2018)2238628Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace | @Moto.Fails
8 2:12.929fc450(2018)12226137Colton Hagler
9 2:16.023350sxf(2017)27641631Carter Cochran | ERT
10 2:19.398fc450(2018)48918345donovan | allfun
11 2:21.703fc450(2018)7041681Sean Martinez
12 2:33.929fc450(2018)35747082Blake Greenwood | @Dr Dew Wrestling Team
13 2:35.140fc450(2017)43549805Tyler Perez | Platinum
14 2:46.023450sxf(2018)8=>38277cohen martin I FBOYZ RACING
15 3:25.742350sxf(2017)5444601Ethan McMillin | Unlimited.Co