MX Simulator - UID #43874

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Name:Michael Cheney
Total Races:33
Rating:22.99% (defeated 20 out of 87 opponents)


First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot.
Participant - Awarded for just showing up.

* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.

Overall Lap Records
3:16.929fc450(2018)(RID) - Sebastien Compound
0:50.812fc450(2018)2024 Boot's House : Fort Collins, Colorado
2:21.664fc450(2018)2024 Boot's House : Gatlinburg, Tennessee
1:36.437fc450(2018)2024 Boot's House : Hazlehurst, Georgia
0:44.718fc450(2018)2024 Boot's House : Nixa, Missouri
1:37.367fc450(2018)2024 Boot's House : Redcliffe, QLD , Australia
1:02.882fc450(2018)2024 Boot's House : Spokane, Washington
1:55.625fc450(2018)2024 Supercross Rd 01 - Anaheim 1
1:26.570fc450(2018)2024 Supercross Rd 02 - San Francisco
1:39.054fc450(2018)2024 Supercross Rd 04 - Anaheim 2
1:22.257fc450(2018)2025 CH Denver SX
2:14.570fc450(2018)2025 CH Fajny Bicz SX
1:30.109fc450(2018)2025 WSX rd1 Vancouver,BC
1:19.296fc450(2018)KENNY MX: The Junkyard
2:52.718fc450(2018)Queensland Motocross Park
3:25.421fc450(2018)The Pig Pen Training Facility MX
450f Lap Records
3:16.929fc450(2018)(RID) - Sebastien Compound
0:50.812fc450(2018)2024 Boot's House : Fort Collins, Colorado
2:21.664fc450(2018)2024 Boot's House : Gatlinburg, Tennessee
1:36.437fc450(2018)2024 Boot's House : Hazlehurst, Georgia
0:44.718fc450(2018)2024 Boot's House : Nixa, Missouri
1:37.367fc450(2018)2024 Boot's House : Redcliffe, QLD , Australia
1:02.882fc450(2018)2024 Boot's House : Spokane, Washington
1:55.625fc450(2018)2024 Supercross Rd 01 - Anaheim 1
1:26.570fc450(2018)2024 Supercross Rd 02 - San Francisco
1:39.054fc450(2018)2024 Supercross Rd 04 - Anaheim 2
1:22.257fc450(2018)2025 CH Denver SX
2:14.570fc450(2018)2025 CH Fajny Bicz SX
1:30.109fc450(2018)2025 WSX rd1 Vancouver,BC
1:19.296fc450(2018)KENNY MX: The Junkyard
2:52.718fc450(2018)Queensland Motocross Park
3:25.421fc450(2018)The Pig Pen Training Facility MX