MX Simulator - UID #25743

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Name:Mac Holmes
Total Races:47
Rating:45.43% (defeated 184 out of 405 opponents)


First Win - Awarded for winning a race.
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot.
Participant - Awarded for just showing up.

* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.

Overall Lap Records
2:45.195250sxf(2018)2019 rF Gaming National Rd01: Hangtown
2:15.687250sxf(2018)2019 rF Gaming National Rd03: Lakewood
2:27.812250sxf(2018)2019 rF Gaming National Rd10: Unadilla
1:12.523250sxf(2018)2019 Supercross Rd 03 - Anaheim 2
2:19.500250sxf(2018)2020 rF Gaming National Rd02: Highpoint
2:22.500250sxf(2018)2020 rF Gaming National Rd04: Redbud
0:57.125250sxf(2018)2020 Supercross Rd 2 - St. Louis
1:04.359250sxf(2018)2020 Supercross Rd 7 - Tampa
1:05.062250sxf(2018)2020 Supercross Rd 8 - Arlington
0:57.164250sxf(2018)2020 Supercross Rd 9 - Atlanta
2:49.734250sxf(2018)2023 rF Gaming National Rd02: Hangtown
250f Lap Records
2:45.195250sxf(2018)2019 rF Gaming National Rd01: Hangtown
2:15.687250sxf(2018)2019 rF Gaming National Rd03: Lakewood
2:27.812250sxf(2018)2019 rF Gaming National Rd10: Unadilla
1:12.523250sxf(2018)2019 Supercross Rd 03 - Anaheim 2
2:19.500250sxf(2018)2020 rF Gaming National Rd02: Highpoint
2:22.500250sxf(2018)2020 rF Gaming National Rd04: Redbud
0:57.125250sxf(2018)2020 Supercross Rd 2 - St. Louis
1:04.359250sxf(2018)2020 Supercross Rd 7 - Tampa
1:05.062250sxf(2018)2020 Supercross Rd 8 - Arlington
0:57.164250sxf(2018)2020 Supercross Rd 9 - Atlanta
2:49.734250sxf(2018)2023 rF Gaming National Rd02: Hangtown