MX Simulator F.A.Q. Screenshots Download Order Servers Links Forum - 2020 Supercross Rd 8 - Arlington

Overall Lap Records
1 0:54.898fc450(2018)1437916Benny Landry |
2 0:54.937crf450(2018)2253832Jordan Vanderlee | Madcape
3 0:55.273fc450(2018)122919Trevor Shaffer | Proline Designs
4 0:55.625fc450(2018)77727939Jerome Godbout | JJ Racers
5 0:55.851fc450(2018)4155726Cody Schat
6 0:55.882fc450(2018)22527784Algot Eriksson
7 0:56.164fc450(2018)4026976Kye Orchard
8 0:56.210crf450(2018)70721110Tyler Moses |
9 0:56.437fc450(2018)258377Justin Kelliher
10 0:56.601fc450(2018)14431262Bobby Big Lines |
11 0:57.023fc450(2018)74113750Joe Wagner | RedLine |KeyBoarder| Twitchtv/J_Dubz741
12 0:57.062fc450(2018)3339283Travis Bostard | Team Heifers
13 0:57.226crf450(2018)23324711Michael Lacore| LMR Kawasaki
14 0:57.367250sxf(2016)9218588Seth Garrett | Needs Riders
15 0:57.406fc450(2017)2711090Jose Eduardo
16 0:57.546450sxf(2018)20618892Tallon Coane |
17 0:57.593fc450(2018)55626411Brian Brinker
18 0:57.664crf450(2018)3211066Jay Jones | United Airlines
19 0:57.765crf450(2018)23719283Kody Goff l KG Koncepts
20 0:57.781250sxf(2018)11333351Blake Wicklund |
21 0:57.960fc450(2018)2037591LEKURDE
22 0:58.070250sxf(2018)82613906Adam Berg I FourLoko Designs
23 0:58.093crf450(2018)25628851Jason Stubbs | Rock River Yamaha
24 0:58.132fc450(2018)11730440Dylan Long | Lachie Davis
25 0:58.234fc450(2018)19525899Wayne Bayly |
26 0:58.296fc450(2018)26220904Tyson Parliament | Redline |
27 0:58.335250sxf(2018)74728849Bryan Lee | Independent Non-Affiliated Privateeer
28 0:58.414250sxf(2018)38520510Mike O'Brien |
29 0:58.476fc450(2018)1314896Tyson Johnson @TJohnson13_
30 0:58.523250sxf(2018)33221465Dominic Schofield |
31 0:58.601250sxf(2018)86218517Benjamin Miljkovic | BSR
32 0:58.679250sxf(2018)53931656Cole Zeller/Yamama Factory Racing
33 0:58.953fc450(2018)38421396Luke Gardiner | LFT
34 0:59.093crf450(2018)21615698MementoMori
35 0:59.171250sxf(2018)18131777Austin
36 0:59.304250sxf(2018)12727574Ryder Plouffe | JL Designs
37 0:59.335crf450(2018)5322386bjorn viney- Monster Yamaha
38 0:59.359fc450(2018)44429577Noah Smerdon | MX locker
39 0:59.562crf450(2018)1195277Adam Hawkins | LMR Kawasaki
40 0:59.593250sxf(2018)75129667Jeremy Martinez | Privateer
41 0:59.601250sxf(2018)4221287Zachary Cook | JL Designs
42 0:59.625250sxf(2018)17421563Wayde Finley | Ignite Co.
43 0:59.687fc450(2018)51028300Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle
44 0:59.851crf450(2018)30433108Cooper Hunt |
45 1:00.007250sxf(2018)32930089Jeff Giffen | Ignite Co.
46 1:00.015250sxf(2018)10116561Cameron Mitchell | Elusive Designs
47 1:00.062fc450(2018)24125419Liam Atkinson||max my boss
48 1:00.101fc450(2018)4423465Aaron Walker
49 1:00.132250sxf(2018)8727108Daniel Irvine | VirokCo. | LTF
50 1:00.234crf450(2018)5221013Bronson McClure| Monster Yamaha
51 1:00.242450sxf(2018)232375Levi Briggs | RRT Kawasaki
52 1:00.242250sxf(2018)40428490Nathan Greavette | Looking for a team
53 1:00.304250sxf(2018)11920960Russell Casey
54 1:00.453250sxf(2018)30315379William Seim | Privateer
55 1:00.507kx450f(2013)11431015Mason B | Cabron Racing
56 1:00.585250sxf(2016)10130129Mason Daugherty |
57 1:00.679fc450(2018)422424V.Carrion|Spain
58 1:00.710crf450(2018)6228249Nate Smith | KYSMX
59 1:00.851250sxf(2018)15128741Trevin Thompson | Team Fried
60 1:00.898250sxf(2018)18131425As
61 1:00.953250sxf(2018)7359634Derek Ramirez | Privateer
62 1:00.960250sxf(2018)663690Zac Dowling
63 1:01.046250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe
64 1:01.109450sxf(2018)12012802Nick Carvalho
65 1:01.210fc250(2018)52326553Creedz
66 1:01.226fc450(2018)00616121nate
67 1:01.671250sxf(2018)28215904Connor Austin | AM Media
68 1:01.828rm250(2008)30828700Angel W | Cabron Racing
69 1:01.890crf450(2018)37511386Bryan Kelly | VirokCo.
70 1:02.085250sxf(2018)15112283Aaron Campise
71 1:02.109250sxf(2018)95727368Kendall Armanie | TTV KR_Money
72 1:02.179250sxf(2018)84131240Hristo Boyadzhiev | TR Racing
73 1:02.203crf450(2018)34716832Zech Forsythe | Preme Decals
74 1:02.289250sxf(2018)12127099Matt Hardy | Vans | Fuel Clothing Co.
75 1:02.296250sxf(2018)51510187Jackson Craig
76 1:02.335250sxf(2018)10430467Dawson Speight | TR Racing
77 1:02.414250sxf(2018)13936676Alex Griffiths | griffmedia
78 1:02.468fc250(2018)32918914Tysharp | PinnedMotoSports
79 1:02.523250sxf(2018)231685David Gordon|RIP TMorris| ClubMx & Co.
80 1:02.523fc450(2018)26126425Kohlton | Ignite Co.
81 1:02.570fc250(2018)62929731Tyler Walent \ TeeDubzz
82 1:02.593250sxf(2018)16131208Trevor Winn | Ignite Co.
83 1:03.070fc450(2018)1111202Aus-Owensy #111
84 1:03.406250sxf(2018)22729086Justin Carney | Fuel Clothing Co.
85 1:03.812250sxf(2018)35218484GianCarlo Harrison|FourLoko Designs
86 1:03.859250sxf(2018)4931461Mike Spangenberg | Spark Gang
87 1:04.515250sxf(2018)5532983Layne Wofford|Looking For Team
88 1:04.562fc450(2018)51732380Wes Kumpula | Privateer
89 1:04.585crf450(2018)8316972Brady Countegan | KYSMX
90 1:04.890250sxf(2018)19516684Dar Bolicki |Yeah Boi Racing|
91 1:05.062250sxf(2018)27225743Mac Holmes | Ignite Co.
92 1:05.710250sxf(2018)2133646Clement BAUDIC I VHX Factory Racing
93 1:06.046250sxf(2018)1W30371Dylan Ferrandis | Looking For A Team
94 1:06.359fc450(2018)71121871jage pope
95 1:06.914rm250(2008)CLD8007cloud_2901
96 1:06.976250sxf(2018)27022160Trevor Hadaway l twitch: Sinful4u I Underground RC l
97 1:07.187250sxf(2018)18917309Zac Palm | Spark Gang
98 1:09.031250sxf(2018)1724543Dany Thiery Seek team
99 1:09.039250sxf(2018)732087Alex Rose | Privateer
100 1:09.242250sxf(2018)9325002Nash Cooke | Hemlock
101 1:10.804250sxf(2018)59810243Ryan Persinger
102 1:11.000250sxf(2018)115640Issa bot
103 1:11.429250sxf(2018)19436675Ronan Wastell | The Bakery FIlm Co.
104 1:13.000250sxf(2018)71427487E.U.L
105 1:13.687250sxf(2018)72033540Tristan_Raycraft_720
106 1:13.953250sxf(2018)25930759Tyrell Foster | Rock River Yamaha
107 1:18.875250sxf(2018)59333135Jeremy Estrella |Susiety| Wave Check
108 1:19.468250sxf(2018)3122996Nic #31 | REP MX
109 1:25.109250sxf(2018)31032547Pete Simpkins|
110 1:34.773250sxf(2018)2025595Colton Kazarian | Privateer
111 1:54.398450sxf(2018)70p29708Declan Bender
112 1:58.945250sxf(2018)22333223Rance Lewellen
113 2:32.960250sxf(2017)1722575jonsphat
125 Lap Records
1 1:16.695rm1251111202Aus-Owensy #111
250f Lap Records
1 0:57.367250sxf(2016)9218588Seth Garrett | Needs Riders
2 0:57.781250sxf(2018)11333351Blake Wicklund |
3 0:58.070250sxf(2018)82613906Adam Berg I FourLoko Designs
4 0:58.335250sxf(2018)74728849Bryan Lee | Independent Non-Affiliated Privateeer
5 0:58.414250sxf(2018)38520510Mike O'Brien |
6 0:58.421250sxf(2018)55626411Brian Brinker
7 0:58.523250sxf(2018)33221465Dominic Schofield |
8 0:58.601250sxf(2018)86218517Benjamin Miljkovic | BSR
9 0:58.679250sxf(2018)53931656Cole Zeller/Yamama Factory Racing
10 0:59.171250sxf(2018)18131777Austin
11 0:59.304250sxf(2018)12727574Ryder Plouffe | JL Designs
12 0:59.312250sxf(2016)25628851Jason Stubbs | Rock River Yamaha
13 0:59.593250sxf(2018)75129667Jeremy Martinez | Privateer
14 0:59.601250sxf(2018)4221287Zachary Cook | JL Designs
15 0:59.625250sxf(2018)17421563Wayde Finley | Ignite Co.
16 1:00.007250sxf(2018)32930089Jeff Giffen | Ignite Co.
17 1:00.015250sxf(2018)10116561Cameron Mitchell | Elusive Designs
18 1:00.132250sxf(2018)8727108Daniel Irvine | VirokCo. | LTF
19 1:00.242250sxf(2018)40428490Nathan Greavette | Looking for a team
20 1:00.304250sxf(2018)11920960Russell Casey
21 1:00.453250sxf(2018)30315379William Seim | Privateer
22 1:00.585250sxf(2016)10130129Mason Daugherty |
23 1:00.851250sxf(2018)15128741Trevin Thompson | Team Fried
24 1:00.898250sxf(2018)18131425As
25 1:00.953250sxf(2018)7359634Derek Ramirez | Privateer
26 1:00.960250sxf(2018)663690Zac Dowling
27 1:01.046250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe
28 1:01.210fc250(2018)52326553Creedz
29 1:01.671250sxf(2018)28215904Connor Austin | AM Media
30 1:02.085250sxf(2018)15112283Aaron Campise
31 1:02.109250sxf(2018)95727368Kendall Armanie | TTV KR_Money
32 1:02.179250sxf(2018)84131240Hristo Boyadzhiev | TR Racing
33 1:02.289250sxf(2018)12127099Matt Hardy | Vans | Fuel Clothing Co.
34 1:02.296250sxf(2018)51510187Jackson Craig
35 1:02.335250sxf(2018)10430467Dawson Speight | TR Racing
36 1:02.414250sxf(2018)13936676Alex Griffiths | griffmedia
37 1:02.468fc250(2018)32918914Tysharp | PinnedMotoSports
38 1:02.523250sxf(2018)231685David Gordon|RIP TMorris| ClubMx & Co.
39 1:02.570fc250(2018)62929731Tyler Walent \ TeeDubzz
40 1:02.593250sxf(2018)16131208Trevor Winn | Ignite Co.
41 1:03.406250sxf(2018)22729086Justin Carney | Fuel Clothing Co.
42 1:03.812250sxf(2018)35218484GianCarlo Harrison|FourLoko Designs
43 1:03.859250sxf(2018)4931461Mike Spangenberg | Spark Gang
44 1:04.421250sxf(2018)26126425Kohlton | Ignite Co.
45 1:04.515250sxf(2018)5532983Layne Wofford|Looking For Team
46 1:04.890250sxf(2018)19516684Dar Bolicki |Yeah Boi Racing|
47 1:05.062250sxf(2018)27225743Mac Holmes | Ignite Co.
48 1:05.710250sxf(2018)2133646Clement BAUDIC I VHX Factory Racing
49 1:06.046250sxf(2018)1W30371Dylan Ferrandis | Looking For A Team
50 1:06.976250sxf(2018)27022160Trevor Hadaway l twitch: Sinful4u I Underground RC l
51 1:07.187250sxf(2018)18917309Zac Palm | Spark Gang
52 1:09.031250sxf(2018)1724543Dany Thiery Seek team
53 1:09.039250sxf(2018)732087Alex Rose | Privateer
54 1:09.242250sxf(2018)9325002Nash Cooke | Hemlock
55 1:09.367250sxf(2018)11431015Mason B | Cabron Racing
56 1:10.804250sxf(2018)59810243Ryan Persinger
57 1:11.000250sxf(2018)115640Issa bot
58 1:11.429250sxf(2018)19436675Ronan Wastell | The Bakery FIlm Co.
59 1:13.000250sxf(2018)71427487E.U.L
60 1:13.687250sxf(2018)72033540Tristan_Raycraft_720
61 1:13.953250sxf(2018)25930759Tyrell Foster | Rock River Yamaha
62 1:18.718fc250(2018)8316972Brady Countegan | KYSMX
63 1:18.875250sxf(2018)59333135Jeremy Estrella |Susiety| Wave Check
64 1:19.468250sxf(2018)3122996Nic #31 | REP MX
65 1:25.109250sxf(2018)31032547Pete Simpkins|
66 1:34.773250sxf(2018)2025595Colton Kazarian | Privateer
67 1:58.945250sxf(2018)22333223Rance Lewellen
68 2:32.960250sxf(2017)1722575jonsphat
250 Lap Records
1 1:01.828rm250(2008)30828700Angel W | Cabron Racing
2 1:02.140rm250(2008)11431015Mason B | Cabron Racing
3 1:06.914rm250(2008)CLD8007cloud_2901
450f Lap Records
1 0:54.898fc450(2018)1437916Benny Landry |
2 0:54.937crf450(2018)2253832Jordan Vanderlee | Madcape
3 0:55.273fc450(2018)122919Trevor Shaffer | Proline Designs
4 0:55.625fc450(2018)77727939Jerome Godbout | JJ Racers
5 0:55.851fc450(2018)4155726Cody Schat
6 0:55.882fc450(2018)22527784Algot Eriksson
7 0:56.164fc450(2018)4026976Kye Orchard
8 0:56.210crf450(2018)70721110Tyler Moses |
9 0:56.437fc450(2018)258377Justin Kelliher
10 0:56.601fc450(2018)14431262Bobby Big Lines |
11 0:57.023fc450(2018)74113750Joe Wagner | RedLine |KeyBoarder| Twitchtv/J_Dubz741
12 0:57.062fc450(2018)3339283Travis Bostard | Team Heifers
13 0:57.226crf450(2018)23324711Michael Lacore| LMR Kawasaki
14 0:57.406fc450(2017)2711090Jose Eduardo
15 0:57.546450sxf(2018)20618892Tallon Coane |
16 0:57.593fc450(2018)55626411Brian Brinker
17 0:57.664crf450(2018)3211066Jay Jones | United Airlines
18 0:57.765crf450(2018)23719283Kody Goff l KG Koncepts
19 0:57.960fc450(2018)2037591LEKURDE
20 0:58.093crf450(2018)25628851Jason Stubbs | Rock River Yamaha
21 0:58.132fc450(2018)11730440Dylan Long | Lachie Davis
22 0:58.234fc450(2018)19525899Wayne Bayly |
23 0:58.296fc450(2018)26220904Tyson Parliament | Redline |
24 0:58.476fc450(2018)1314896Tyson Johnson @TJohnson13_
25 0:58.953fc450(2018)38421396Luke Gardiner | LFT
26 0:59.093crf450(2018)21615698MementoMori
27 0:59.335crf450(2018)5322386bjorn viney- Monster Yamaha
28 0:59.359fc450(2018)44429577Noah Smerdon | MX locker
29 0:59.562crf450(2018)1195277Adam Hawkins | LMR Kawasaki
30 0:59.687fc450(2018)51028300Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle
31 0:59.851crf450(2018)30433108Cooper Hunt |
32 1:00.062fc450(2018)24125419Liam Atkinson||max my boss
33 1:00.101fc450(2018)4423465Aaron Walker
34 1:00.234crf450(2018)5221013Bronson McClure| Monster Yamaha
35 1:00.242450sxf(2018)232375Levi Briggs | RRT Kawasaki
36 1:00.507kx450f(2013)11431015Mason B | Cabron Racing
37 1:00.679fc450(2018)422424V.Carrion|Spain
38 1:00.710crf450(2018)6228249Nate Smith | KYSMX
39 1:01.109450sxf(2018)12012802Nick Carvalho
40 1:01.226fc450(2018)00616121nate
41 1:01.890crf450(2018)37511386Bryan Kelly | VirokCo.
42 1:02.203crf450(2018)34716832Zech Forsythe | Preme Decals
43 1:02.523fc450(2018)26126425Kohlton | Ignite Co.
44 1:03.070fc450(2018)1111202Aus-Owensy #111
45 1:04.562fc450(2018)51732380Wes Kumpula | Privateer
46 1:04.585crf450(2018)8316972Brady Countegan | KYSMX
47 1:06.031450sxf(2018)33221465Dominic Schofield |
48 1:06.359fc450(2018)71121871jage pope
49 1:09.945fc450(2018)1W30371Dylan Ferrandis | Looking For A Team
50 1:16.375crf450(2018)72033540Tristan_Raycraft_720
51 1:27.257crf450(2018)13936676Alex Griffiths | griffmedia
52 1:54.398450sxf(2018)70p29708Declan Bender