MX Simulator - UID #58274

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Name:Seth Kready | sparco
Total Races:142
Rating:23.66% (defeated 185 out of 782 opponents)


Checked Out - Awarded for maintaining a 20 second lead for the last half of a race.
First Win - Awarded for winning a race.
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot.
Participant - Awarded for just showing up.

* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.

Overall Lap Records
1:12.726250sxf(2018)2016 Monster Energy Cup
2:19.218250sxf(2018)2019 Broome Tioga MX
0:26.601250sxf(2018)2023 Boot's House Arenacross Rd1
0:29.289250sxf(2018)2023 Boot's House Arenacross Rd2
1:58.757crf450(2018)2023 rF Gaming National Rd11: Ironman
1:32.742250sxf(2018)2023 Supercross Rd 03 - San Diego
1:05.562250sxf(2018)2023 Supercross Rd 14 - East Rutherford
0:51.648250sxf(2018)2023 Supercross Rd 16 - Denver
1:08.226250sxf(2018)2024 Boot's House Test Track Maine
0:52.234250sxf(2018)2024 Boot's House Test Track SoCal
1:58.984250sxf(2018)BAC: 2020 Monster Energy Cup
0:58.789250sxf(2018)BSXP 2019 - Sx7
1:23.359250sxf(2018)CMX: On off and whoop test Track 2
0:32.289250sxf(2018)CMX: On off and whoop test Track 3
1:00.835fc450(2018)ConnectVisual - The Dogpound : Clay Supercross
1:04.007fc450(2018)Daks Straight Rhythm
1:16.265250sxf(2018)FARMLAND SX - MatRob Designs
1:30.335250sxf(2018)FARMLAND SX Round 2 - MatRob Designs
1:43.335250sxf(2018)FARMLAND SX Round 4 - MatRob Designs
1:10.265250sxf(2018)J83cket SX Track
0:39.687250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Donny Malone's AX
0:52.945250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Endurocross
0:54.023250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Gas Station SX
0:50.171250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Localcross
1:56.593250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Menard Moment MX
1:07.015250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Pete's Place SX
0:46.445rs50rmJGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Pitter
1:03.859250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Wildside Wamble SX
0:47.835250sxf(2018)Sully Whoopcross
1:09.734fc450(2018)ZION SUPERCROSS RD2 Guadalajara 2023
1:01.835fc450(2018)ZION SUPERCROSS RD4 Santiago 2023
250f Lap Records
1:12.726250sxf(2018)2016 Monster Energy Cup
2:19.218250sxf(2018)2019 Broome Tioga MX
0:26.601250sxf(2018)2023 Boot's House Arenacross Rd1
0:29.289250sxf(2018)2023 Boot's House Arenacross Rd2
1:32.742250sxf(2018)2023 Supercross Rd 03 - San Diego
1:05.562250sxf(2018)2023 Supercross Rd 14 - East Rutherford
0:51.648250sxf(2018)2023 Supercross Rd 16 - Denver
1:08.226250sxf(2018)2024 Boot's House Test Track Maine
0:52.234250sxf(2018)2024 Boot's House Test Track SoCal
1:58.984250sxf(2018)BAC: 2020 Monster Energy Cup
0:58.789250sxf(2018)BSXP 2019 - Sx7
1:23.359250sxf(2018)CMX: On off and whoop test Track 2
0:32.289250sxf(2018)CMX: On off and whoop test Track 3
1:16.265250sxf(2018)FARMLAND SX - MatRob Designs
1:30.335250sxf(2018)FARMLAND SX Round 2 - MatRob Designs
1:43.335250sxf(2018)FARMLAND SX Round 4 - MatRob Designs
1:10.265250sxf(2018)J83cket SX Track
0:39.687250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Donny Malone's AX
0:52.945250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Endurocross
0:54.023250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Gas Station SX
0:50.171250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Localcross
1:56.593250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Menard Moment MX
1:07.015250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Pete's Place SX
1:03.859250sxf(2018)JGMX: Jackrabbit Junction: Wildside Wamble SX
0:47.835250sxf(2018)Sully Whoopcross
450f Lap Records
1:58.757crf450(2018)2023 rF Gaming National Rd11: Ironman
1:00.835fc450(2018)ConnectVisual - The Dogpound : Clay Supercross
1:04.007fc450(2018)Daks Straight Rhythm
1:09.734fc450(2018)ZION SUPERCROSS RD2 Guadalajara 2023
1:01.835fc450(2018)ZION SUPERCROSS RD4 Santiago 2023