MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date12/1/2013, 6:51:52 PM (4056 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1117Rob Johnson #117 crf450(2013)5 6:00.6012 1:04.9929084
216bro.. #16 kx450f(2011)5 6:07.4144 1:01.17912196
3181brt kx450f(2013)5 6:13.2734 1:04.7039185
4999charwax 74 crf450(2013)5 6:13.9214 1:03.3594148
517Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries rmz450(2013)5 6:23.4682 1:00.9064464
6271Jacob Zycek #271 kx250f(2013)5 6:35.9454 1:03.5232318
7349Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD yz1255 6:47.7814 1:11.7968906
8874STS Motorsports | Wilks yz1255 6:50.7812 1:08.5853557
98Martin Wiil#8DK rmz250(2013)5 6:54.6254 1:13.2109888
10122Rookie | crf450(2013)5 7:23.3204 1:10.71810543
11112Austin kx450f(2011)5 7:27.7424 1:06.56210331
1227LMS racing #27 rmz450(2011)5 7:29.9062 1:02.3121960
13153Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz rm250(2008)4 6:07.5393 1:16.5317381
14555Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 rmz250(2013)4 6:18.2652 1:11.4684116
15chase bell yz250f(2013)4 6:19.7182 1:25.58512076
1621Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing crf250(2013)4 6:23.4602 1:16.82812746
17321jackJoe Motocross 450sxf(2013)4 7:16.0623 1:23.98412874
1826Vied Velu !!! 125sx4 8:18.7652 1:29.0706239
1942Ronaldo crf450(2013)3 7:02.8592 1:58.75011841
20172Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker 450sxf(2013)2 2:59.1252 1:15.9688923
21687Damiano rmz450(2011)2 3:24.2342 1:23.9373687
222jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 kx450f(2011)2 5:08.9140 0:00.00011608
23404Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| 125sx1 1:41.3040 0:00.00012480
24174Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| yz250f(2009)1 1:52.3590 0:00.0008417
25115Mikkel Madsen | AMR Motorsports 350sxf(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004284
26Carra' kx250f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00012490
27387David Sinclair|S&D Racing|OMC #387 yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004113
28177No_Limits_177 rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0009757
29515Derick - Free Agent yz1250 0:00.0000 0:00.00011316
30841Cody 841 crf450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00012630

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 117 117 117 117 117
P2 999 17 17 999 16
P3 181 181 999 17 181
P4 271 999 181 181 999
P5 8 874 16 16 17
P6 17 16 874 271 271
P7 16 271 271 874 349
P8 874 349 349 349 874
P9 404 172 8 8 8
P10 27 27 122
P11 349 8 112 112 112
P12 26 26 21 122 27
P13 172 21 153 153
P14 174 687 26 555
P15 687 27 122
P16 122 555 21
P17 21 122 555 321
P18 153 153 321 26
P19 42 112 42
P20 555 321
P21 112 42
P22 2 2
P23 27
P24 321

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:00.906 2 17 Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries
1:01.179 4 16 bro.. #16
1:02.312 2 27 LMS racing #27
1:03.007 3 17 Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries
1:03.359 4 999 charwax 74
1:03.523 4 271 Jacob Zycek #271
1:03.585 3 999 charwax 74
1:04.703 4 181 brt
1:04.992 2 117 Rob Johnson #117
1:06.562 4 112 Austin
1:08.578 5 16 bro.. #16
1:08.585 2 874 STS Motorsports | Wilks
1:10.109 3 112 Austin
1:10.390 3 117 Rob Johnson #117
1:10.609 3 181 brt
1:10.718 4 122 Rookie |
1:11.085 4 27 LMS racing #27
1:11.390 3 27 LMS racing #27
1:11.468 2 555 Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555
1:11.796 4 349 Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD
1:11.976 3 16 bro.. #16
1:12.882 2 181 brt
1:13.210 4 8 Martin Wiil#8DK
1:13.593 5 271 Jacob Zycek #271
1:14.164 2 999 charwax 74
1:15.210 2 16 bro.. #16
1:15.601 5 117 Rob Johnson #117
1:15.835 4 117 Rob Johnson #117
1:15.968 2 172 Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker
1:16.296 3 8 Martin Wiil#8DK
1:16.531 3 153 Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz
1:16.828 2 21 Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing
1:17.101 2 349 Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD
1:17.250 4 17 Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries
1:19.593 5 349 Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD
1:19.773 3 349 Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD
1:19.906 5 8 Martin Wiil#8DK
1:19.929 5 181 brt
1:19.929 2 112 Austin
1:20.296 3 874 STS Motorsports | Wilks
1:20.500 5 874 STS Motorsports | Wilks
1:21.304 4 153 Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz
1:21.320 4 555 Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555
1:21.500 3 122 Rookie |
1:23.937 2 687 Damiano
1:23.984 3 321 jackJoe Motocross
1:25.585 2 chase bell
1:26.625 2 122 Rookie |
1:27.507 3 21 Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing
1:27.601 2 271 Jacob Zycek #271
1:28.117 5 999 charwax 74
1:28.367 5 122 Rookie |
1:29.070 2 26 Vied Velu !!!
1:33.429 3 26 Vied Velu !!!
1:34.054 4 chase bell
1:34.554 5 17 Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries
1:37.328 5 112 Austin
1:38.156 2 8 Martin Wiil#8DK
1:38.234 3 555 Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555
1:41.171 4 21 Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing
1:41.851 2 321 jackJoe Motocross
1:44.593 3 chase bell
1:49.507 5 27 LMS racing #27
1:58.750 2 42 Ronaldo
2:57.835 3 42 Ronaldo
3:35.304 4 26 Vied Velu !!!

Individual Worst Laps

1:15.210 2 16 bro.. #16
1:15.835 4 117 Rob Johnson #117
1:15.968 2 172 Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker
1:19.773 3 349 Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD
1:19.929 5 181 brt
1:22.867 2 153 Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz
1:23.937 2 687 Damiano
1:25.054 4 874 STS Motorsports | Wilks
1:27.601 2 271 Jacob Zycek #271
1:28.117 5 999 charwax 74
1:28.367 5 122 Rookie |
1:34.554 5 17 Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries
1:37.328 5 112 Austin
1:38.156 2 8 Martin Wiil#8DK
1:38.234 3 555 Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555
1:41.171 4 21 Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing
1:44.593 3 chase bell
1:49.507 5 27 LMS racing #27
1:52.828 4 321 jackJoe Motocross
2:48.773 2 2 jay kolka | KICKmx | #2
2:57.835 3 42 Ronaldo
3:35.304 4 26 Vied Velu !!!


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.695 153 Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz
3.220 349 Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD
4.445 117 Rob Johnson #117
5.209 16 bro.. #16
5.451 181 brt
6.092 874 STS Motorsports | Wilks
6.879 122 Rookie |
7.775 chase bell
8.913 271 Jacob Zycek #271
9.684 8 Martin Wiil#8DK
9.963 21 Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing
10.118 999 charwax 74
11.053 555 Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555
11.887 321 jackJoe Motocross
11.932 112 Austin
13.466 17 Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries
18.228 27 LMS racing #27
29.543 42 Ronaldo
58.507 26 Vied Velu !!!
- 172 Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker
- 115 Mikkel Madsen | AMR Motorsports
- Carra'
- 174 Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki||
- 404 Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM|
- 2 jay kolka | KICKmx | #2
- 687 Damiano
- 387 David Sinclair|S&D Racing|OMC #387
- 177 No_Limits_177
- 515 Derick - Free Agent
- 841 Cody 841

Play by Play

LMS racing #27 takes the holeshot followed by brt , Rob Johnson #117, charwax 74, Martin Wiil#8DK, Ronaldo, STS Motorsports | Wilks, Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz, Carra', Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker, Vied Velu !!!, Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM|, bro.. #16, Austin , Damiano, Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing, chase bell, Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki||, Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries, jackJoe Motocross, Jacob Zycek #271, Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD, Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 and Mikkel Madsen | AMR Motorsports

0:10.117 - 0:13.414: Rob Johnson #117 passed LMS racing #27 and brt for the lead
0:11.882 - 0:14.890: Martin Wiil#8DK passed LMS racing #27, charwax 74 and brt for 2nd
0:11.421 - 0:15.062: charwax 74 passed LMS racing #27 and brt for 3rd
0:09.750 - 0:16.367: brt passed LMS racing #27 for 4th
0:13.523 - 0:16.617: STS Motorsports | Wilks passed LMS racing #27 and Ronaldo for 5th
0:13.593 - 0:17.421: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz passed LMS racing #27 and Ronaldo for 6th
0:14.570 - 0:17.765: Carra' passed LMS racing #27 and Ronaldo for 7th
0:15.015 - 0:17.984: Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker passed LMS racing #27 and Ronaldo for 8th
0:13.234 - 0:18.023: Ronaldo passed LMS racing #27 for 9th
0:15.187 - 0:18.742: Vied Velu !!! passed LMS racing #27 for 10th
0:16.164 - 0:19.265: bro.. #16 passed LMS racing #27 and Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| for 11th
0:16.843 - 0:19.773: Austin passed LMS racing #27 and Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| for 12th
0:15.593 - 0:19.953: Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| passed LMS racing #27 for 13th
0:17.570 - 0:20.054: Damiano passed LMS racing #27 for 14th
0:18.546 - 0:21.835: Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| passed Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing and chase bell for 18th
0:21.375 - 0:24.406: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed jackJoe Motocross and Jacob Zycek #271 for 22nd
0:23.359 - 0:27.460: Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker passed Carra' and Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz for 6th
0:21.937 - 0:27.554: chase bell passed LMS racing #27, Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki||, jay kolka | KICKmx | #2, Rookie | and Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 15th
0:23.101 - 0:27.765: Carra' passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz for 7th
0:25.109 - 0:29.375: bro.. #16 passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz, Ronaldo and Vied Velu !!! for 8th
0:24.914 - 0:29.414: Vied Velu !!! passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz and Ronaldo for 9th
0:25.453 - 0:29.976: Austin passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz and Ronaldo for 10th
0:25.851 - 0:30.546: Damiano passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz and Ronaldo for 11th
0:24.804 - 0:30.882: Jacob Zycek #271 passed LMS racing #27, Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries, jackJoe Motocross, Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki||, jay kolka | KICKmx | #2, Rookie |, Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing and Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD for 16th
0:27.554 - 0:31.828: chase bell passed Ronaldo for 13th
0:29.375 - 0:32.773: bro.. #16 passed Carra' for 7th
0:24.406 - 0:32.984: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed LMS racing #27, Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries, Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki||, jay kolka | KICKmx | #2, Rookie | and Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 17th
0:22.734 - 0:33.828: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed LMS racing #27, Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki||, jay kolka | KICKmx | #2, Rookie | and Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 18th
0:25.679 - 0:34.445: Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| went off the track
0:24.609 - 0:35.335: jackJoe Motocross passed LMS racing #27, Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki||, jay kolka | KICKmx | #2, Rookie | and Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 19th
0:30.546 - 0:35.468: Damiano passed Austin and Vied Velu !!! for 10th
0:25.367 - 0:35.515: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed LMS racing #27, Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki||, jay kolka | KICKmx | #2, Rookie | and Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 20th
0:30.882 - 0:35.539: Jacob Zycek #271 passed Ronaldo for 14th
0:21.242 - 0:35.554: LMS racing #27 passed jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 and Rookie | for 21st
0:31.773 - 0:35.718: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz passed Austin and Vied Velu !!! for 11th
0:31.828 - 0:36.203: chase bell passed Austin and Vied Velu !!! for 12th
0:32.773 - 0:36.265: bro.. #16 passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker for 6th
0:21.835 - 0:36.562: Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| passed jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 and Rookie | for 22nd
0:32.984 - 0:37.109: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed Ronaldo for 15th
0:33.828 - 0:37.835: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed Ronaldo for 16th
0:21.875 - 0:38.195: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing passed jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 and Rookie | for 23rd
0:35.539 - 0:39.687: Jacob Zycek #271 passed Austin and Vied Velu !!! for 13th
0:36.203 - 0:40.234: chase bell passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker, Carra', Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM|, Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz and Damiano for 7th
0:29.976 - 0:40.242: Austin passed Vied Velu !!! for 14th
0:35.554 - 0:40.414: LMS racing #27 passed jackJoe Motocross, Ronaldo and Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 17th
0:35.515 - 0:40.476: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed jackJoe Motocross and Ronaldo for 18th
0:37.109 - 0:40.476: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed Vied Velu !!! for 15th
0:36.562 - 0:41.132: Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| passed jackJoe Motocross and Ronaldo for 19th
0:37.835 - 0:41.226: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed Vied Velu !!! for 16th
0:21.109 - 0:42.148: jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 passed Rookie | for 24th
0:39.687 - 0:43.562: Jacob Zycek #271 passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker, Carra', Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM|, Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz and Damiano for 8th
0:38.195 - 0:43.679: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing passed jackJoe Motocross for 21st
0:40.476 - 0:44.445: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker, Carra', Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM|, Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz, Damiano and Austin for 9th
0:41.007 - 0:44.710: charwax 74 passed Martin Wiil#8DK for 2nd
0:40.242 - 0:44.960: Austin passed Carra', Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM|, Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz and Damiano for 11th
0:41.226 - 0:45.398: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed Carra', Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM|, Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz and Damiano for 12th
0:41.398 - 0:46.242: Vied Velu !!! passed Carra', Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM|, Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz and Damiano for 13th
0:42.148 - 0:46.820: jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 passed jackJoe Motocross for 22nd
0:42.625 - 0:47.406: Rookie | passed jackJoe Motocross for 23rd
0:35.718 - 0:48.179: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz passed Carra' and Damiano for 15th
0:44.367 - 0:48.453: Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| passed LMS racing #27, Carra', Damiano and Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 16th
0:46.460 - 0:49.023: brt passed Martin Wiil#8DK and charwax 74 for 2nd
0:44.960 - 0:49.578: Austin passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker for 10th
0:48.234 - 0:50.414: STS Motorsports | Wilks passed Martin Wiil#8DK and charwax 74 for 3rd
0:45.398 - 0:50.640: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker for 11th
0:46.632 - 0:50.890: Ronaldo passed LMS racing #27, Carra', Damiano and Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 17th
0:48.601 - 0:50.945: bro.. #16 passed Martin Wiil#8DK and charwax 74 for 4th
0:46.617 - 0:51.570: Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker and Vied Velu !!! for 12th
0:46.242 - 0:51.585: Vied Velu !!! passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker for 13th
0:48.179 - 0:52.960: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker for 14th
0:47.898 - 0:53.156: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing passed LMS racing #27, Carra', Damiano and Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 18th
0:48.453 - 0:53.164: Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker for 15th
0:35.468 - 0:53.820: Damiano passed Carra' for 19th
0:50.515 - 0:54.484: jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 passed LMS racing #27, Carra' and Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 20th
0:51.265 - 0:55.101: Rookie | passed LMS racing #27, Carra' and Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 21st
0:53.031 - 0:55.335: chase bell passed Martin Wiil#8DK and charwax 74 for 5th
0:50.890 - 0:56.335: Ronaldo passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker for 16th
0:51.585 - 0:56.593: Vied Velu !!! passed Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| for 12th
0:54.976 - 0:57.468: bro.. #16 passed STS Motorsports | Wilks for 3rd
0:53.164 - 0:57.664: Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz for 14th
0:54.703 - 0:58.406: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed Austin and Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD for 9th
0:54.250 - 0:58.765: jackJoe Motocross passed Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 24th
0:53.156 - 0:59.203: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker for 17th
0:54.484 - 0:59.320: jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker and Damiano for 18th
0:55.101 - 1:00.328: Rookie | passed Damiano for 20th
0:56.335 - 1:00.976: Ronaldo passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz for 15th
0:56.968 - 1:01.484: Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| passed Austin , Vied Velu !!! and Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD for 10th
0:56.171 - 1:01.625: Carra' passed Damiano for 21st
0:57.664 - 1:01.921: Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| passed Austin , Vied Velu !!! and Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD for 11th
0:56.812 - 1:02.710: LMS racing #27 passed Damiano for 22nd
0:56.593 - 1:03.859: Vied Velu !!! passed Austin and Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD for 12th
0:59.875 - 1:04.023: Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker passed jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 and Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 17th
1:00.906 - 1:04.515: STS Motorsports | Wilks passed bro.. #16 for 3rd
1:00.328 - 1:04.773: Rookie | passed jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 and Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 18th
1:00.976 - 1:05.585: Ronaldo passed Austin and Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD for 13th
1:02.507 - 1:05.953: charwax 74 passed chase bell for 5th
1:01.625 - 1:06.562: Carra' passed jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 and Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 19th
1:04.648 - 1:06.687: bro.. #16 passed STS Motorsports | Wilks for 3rd
1:02.710 - 1:07.687: LMS racing #27 passed jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 and Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 20th
1:04.023 - 1:07.812: Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker passed Austin for 15th
1:00.515 - 1:07.812: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed jackJoe Motocross for 24th
1:04.210 - 1:08.468: Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| passed Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| for 10th
1:04.773 - 1:08.726: Rookie | passed Austin for 16th
0:59.320 - 1:09.117: jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 passed Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 21st
1:05.578 - 1:09.796: Damiano passed Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 22nd
1:06.562 - 1:10.375: Carra' passed Austin for 17th
1:07.687 - 1:11.539: LMS racing #27 passed Austin for 18th
1:02.062 - 1:12.921: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz went off the track
1:09.343 - 1:13.695: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed Ronaldo for 13th
1:09.796 - 1:13.742: Damiano passed Austin for 19th
0:00.000 - 1:13.781: Rob Johnson #117 finished lap 1 ( 1:13.781)
1:10.117 - 1:13.953: Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker passed Ronaldo for 14th
1:11.328 - 1:14.750: charwax 74 passed STS Motorsports | Wilks for 4th
1:10.632 - 1:15.078: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing passed Austin for 20th
1:11.242 - 1:15.429: Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| passed Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| for 10th
1:11.968 - 1:15.578: chase bell passed STS Motorsports | Wilks for 5th
1:11.164 - 1:15.789: Rookie | passed Ronaldo for 15th
1:12.203 - 1:16.460: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed Austin for 21st
1:13.687 - 1:16.781: Jacob Zycek #271 passed Martin Wiil#8DK and STS Motorsports | Wilks for 6th
1:13.328 - 1:16.976: Martin Wiil#8DK passed STS Motorsports | Wilks for 7th
1:13.617 - 1:17.609: Vied Velu !!! passed Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| for 11th
1:15.156 - 1:18.359: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed STS Motorsports | Wilks for 8th
1:15.796 - 1:18.406: Ronaldo passed Rookie | for 15th
1:16.296 - 1:20.203: Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker passed Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| and Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD for 12th
1:16.039 - 1:20.218: Damiano passed LMS racing #27 and Carra' for 18th
1:16.203 - 1:20.531: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| for 13th
1:14.750 - 1:20.671: charwax 74 passed bro.. #16 and brt for 2nd
1:09.117 - 1:22.226: jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 went off the track
1:16.781 - 1:22.734: Jacob Zycek #271 passed bro.. #16 and chase bell for 4th
1:16.976 - 1:22.984: Martin Wiil#8DK passed bro.. #16 and chase bell for 5th
1:17.515 - 1:23.117: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing passed LMS racing #27 and Carra' for 20th
1:18.781 - 1:23.578: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed LMS racing #27 and Carra' for 21st
1:20.531 - 1:23.625: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker for 12th
1:18.359 - 1:24.210: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed bro.. #16 and chase bell for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:24.695: charwax 74 finished lap 1 ( 1:24.695)
0:00.000 - 1:25.148: brt finished lap 1 ( 1:25.148)
1:21.632 - 1:25.507: Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker for 13th
0:00.000 - 1:26.593: Jacob Zycek #271 finished lap 1 ( 1:26.593)
1:22.757 - 1:26.601: Rookie | passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker and Ronaldo for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:27.054: Martin Wiil#8DK finished lap 1 ( 1:27.054)
0:00.000 - 1:27.750: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries finished lap 1 ( 1:27.750)
1:20.250 - 1:29.515: STS Motorsports | Wilks passed chase bell for 8th
1:26.265 - 1:30.312: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed jay kolka | KICKmx | #2, Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz, Damiano and Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 17th
0:00.000 - 1:30.468: bro.. #16 finished lap 1 ( 1:30.468)
1:25.921 - 1:30.929: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing passed jay kolka | KICKmx | #2, Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz and Damiano for 18th
1:24.570 - 1:31.023: Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| passed chase bell for 9th
1:22.671 - 1:32.914: Damiano passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz for 19th
0:00.000 - 1:33.820: STS Motorsports | Wilks finished lap 1 ( 1:33.820)
1:24.796 - 1:34.335: jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz for 20th
0:00.000 - 1:34.914: Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| finished lap 1 ( 1:34.914)
0:00.000 - 1:35.484: chase bell finished lap 1 ( 1:35.484)
1:28.757 - 1:35.531: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed Vied Velu !!! for 11th
1:33.859 - 1:35.867: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed Ronaldo for 16th
1:32.546 - 1:36.859: LMS racing #27 passed Carra' for 22nd
1:35.054 - 1:37.421: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing passed Ronaldo for 17th
1:36.343 - 1:38.265: Damiano passed Ronaldo for 18th
1:33.085 - 1:39.359: Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker passed Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| and Rookie | for 13th
0:00.000 - 1:39.515: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD finished lap 1 ( 1:39.515)
1:35.789 - 1:39.726: Austin passed Carra' for 23rd
1:36.125 - 1:40.156: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed Martin Wiil#8DK for 5th
1:36.859 - 1:40.500: LMS racing #27 passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz for 20th
0:00.000 - 1:40.960: Vied Velu !!! finished lap 1 ( 1:40.960)
1:34.335 - 1:41.398: jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 went off the track
1:37.421 - 1:42.515: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing passed Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 16th
1:38.851 - 1:42.898: bro.. #16 passed Martin Wiil#8DK for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:43.156: Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker finished lap 1 ( 1:43.156)
1:39.218 - 1:43.273: Ronaldo passed Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 17th
1:39.726 - 1:43.382: Austin passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz for 21st
1:41.828 - 1:46.117: jackJoe Motocross passed Carra' for 24th
1:43.679 - 1:47.898: STS Motorsports | Wilks passed Martin Wiil#8DK for 7th
1:42.914 - 1:47.937: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| and chase bell for 9th
1:45.421 - 1:48.687: Austin passed LMS racing #27, jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 and Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 18th
1:38.265 - 1:49.625: Damiano went off the track
1:45.968 - 1:49.757: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz passed LMS racing #27, jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 and Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 19th
1:46.398 - 1:51.414: Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker passed Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM|, Vied Velu !!! and chase bell for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:52.359: Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| finished lap 1 ( 1:52.359)
1:38.710 - 1:53.179: chase bell passed Langagergaard|MF Red Bull KTM| for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:53.679: Damiano finished lap 1 ( 1:53.679)
1:51.093 - 1:55.000: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed Jacob Zycek #271 for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:56.109: Rookie | finished lap 1 ( 1:56.109)
1:53.914 - 1:57.585: bro.. #16 passed Jacob Zycek #271 for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:57.953: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:57.953)
1:49.757 - 1:59.218: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz passed Ronaldo and Austin for 18th
1:53.625 - 2:02.453: Vied Velu !!! passed chase bell for 11th
1:53.726 - 2:03.203: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed Austin for 20th
0:00.000 - 2:03.226: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz finished lap 1 ( 2:03.226)
2:00.359 - 2:04.312: STS Motorsports | Wilks passed Jacob Zycek #271 for 6th
2:00.960 - 2:05.062: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed brt for 3rd
2:01.031 - 2:05.507: Nico Heesch||MF Rockstar Suzuki|| passed chase bell for 12th
0:00.000 - 2:06.273: Ronaldo finished lap 1 ( 2:06.273)
2:02.562 - 2:06.710: Martin Wiil#8DK passed Jacob Zycek #271 for 7th
0:00.000 - 2:07.242: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 finished lap 1 ( 2:07.242)
2:04.703 - 2:08.289: Mikkel Madsen | AMR Motorsports passed Carra' for 25th
0:00.000 - 2:10.945: Austin finished lap 1 ( 2:10.945)
2:10.656 - 2:12.890: Jacob Zycek #271 passed Martin Wiil#8DK for 7th
2:11.054 - 2:13.343: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed Martin Wiil#8DK for 8th
0:00.000 - 2:15.429: jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 finished lap 1 ( 2:15.429)
0:00.000 - 2:15.609: LMS racing #27 finished lap 1 ( 2:15.609)
2:14.171 - 2:16.632: Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker passed Martin Wiil#8DK for 9th
2:10.734 - 2:17.234: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed Ronaldo for 19th
0:00.000 - 2:17.398: jackJoe Motocross finished lap 1 ( 2:17.398)
2:15.429 - 2:18.632: jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 passed Austin for 21st
1:13.781 - 2:18.773: Rob Johnson #117 finished lap 2 ( 1:04.992)
2:15.609 - 2:19.109: LMS racing #27 passed Austin for 22nd
2:17.398 - 2:20.968: jackJoe Motocross passed Austin for 23rd
2:17.695 - 2:22.296: Rookie | passed Damiano for 13th
2:20.140 - 2:23.726: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed Jacob Zycek #271 for 7th
2:19.109 - 2:24.132: LMS racing #27 passed jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 and Ronaldo for 20th
2:19.304 - 2:25.195: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed charwax 74 for 2nd
2:21.023 - 2:26.468: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing passed Damiano for 14th
2:23.093 - 2:26.523: Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker passed Jacob Zycek #271 for 8th
1:27.750 - 2:28.656: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries finished lap 2 ( 1:00.906)
2:18.632 - 2:31.625: jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 passed Ronaldo for 21st
2:24.976 - 2:32.218: Austin passed jackJoe Motocross and Ronaldo for 22nd
2:20.968 - 2:32.664: jackJoe Motocross passed Ronaldo for 23rd
2:22.468 - 2:33.710: brt passed charwax 74 for 3rd
2:32.218 - 2:36.695: Austin passed jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 for 20th
2:32.664 - 2:37.632: jackJoe Motocross passed jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 for 21st
1:25.148 - 2:38.031: brt finished lap 2 ( 1:12.882)
2:30.156 - 2:38.242: STS Motorsports | Wilks passed bro.. #16 for 5th
2:34.375 - 2:38.703: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz for 16th
2:34.054 - 2:38.843: Ronaldo passed jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 for 22nd
1:24.695 - 2:38.859: charwax 74 finished lap 2 ( 1:14.164)
2:35.859 - 2:39.492: chase bell passed Vied Velu !!! for 11th
1:33.820 - 2:42.406: STS Motorsports | Wilks finished lap 2 ( 1:08.585)
2:39.218 - 2:43.210: LMS racing #27 passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz for 17th
1:30.468 - 2:45.679: bro.. #16 finished lap 2 ( 1:15.210)
2:42.929 - 2:47.078: Rookie | passed Vied Velu !!! for 12th
2:41.367 - 2:47.218: Jacob Zycek #271 passed Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker and Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD for 7th
2:47.437 - 2:51.367: charwax 74 passed brt for 3rd
1:26.593 - 2:54.195: Jacob Zycek #271 finished lap 2 ( 1:27.601)
2:51.695 - 2:54.570: brt passed charwax 74 for 3rd
1:39.515 - 2:56.617: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD finished lap 2 ( 1:17.101)
2:48.671 - 2:56.710: chase bell passed Martin Wiil#8DK for 10th
2:54.726 - 2:58.343: charwax 74 passed brt for 3rd
1:43.156 - 2:59.125: Mads Gasberg | AMR Motorsports | RIP Paul Walker finished lap 2 ( 1:15.968)
2:56.234 - 3:00.234: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed Damiano for 15th
1:35.484 - 3:01.070: chase bell finished lap 2 ( 1:25.585)
1:27.054 - 3:05.210: Martin Wiil#8DK finished lap 2 ( 1:38.156)
2:59.257 - 3:05.859: Vied Velu !!! passed Rookie | for 12th
3:04.710 - 3:09.203: bro.. #16 passed STS Motorsports | Wilks for 5th
3:01.335 - 3:09.789: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing passed Rookie | for 13th
1:40.960 - 3:10.031: Vied Velu !!! finished lap 2 ( 1:29.070)
3:04.484 - 3:10.601: chase bell passed Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD for 8th
3:07.343 - 3:13.757: Damiano passed Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 15th
3:08.664 - 3:13.914: Martin Wiil#8DK passed Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD for 9th
3:07.992 - 3:14.117: LMS racing #27 passed Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 16th
1:57.953 - 3:14.781: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:16.828)
1:53.679 - 3:17.617: Damiano finished lap 2 ( 1:23.937)
3:13.757 - 3:17.617: Damiano passed Rookie | for 14th
2:15.609 - 3:17.921: LMS racing #27 finished lap 2 ( 1:02.312)
3:14.117 - 3:17.921: LMS racing #27 passed Rookie | for 15th
3:09.578 - 3:18.007: STS Motorsports | Wilks passed bro.. #16 for 5th
2:07.242 - 3:18.710: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 finished lap 2 ( 1:11.468)
3:14.375 - 3:18.710: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed Rookie | for 16th
3:08.343 - 3:22.265: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz went off the track
1:56.109 - 3:22.734: Rookie | finished lap 2 ( 1:26.625)
2:03.226 - 3:26.093: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz finished lap 2 ( 1:22.867)
2:18.773 - 3:29.164: Rob Johnson #117 finished lap 3 ( 1:10.390)
2:10.945 - 3:30.875: Austin finished lap 2 ( 1:19.929)
2:28.656 - 3:31.664: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries finished lap 3 ( 1:03.007)
3:31.242 - 3:35.132: chase bell passed Jacob Zycek #271 for 7th
3:33.460 - 3:37.125: Martin Wiil#8DK passed Jacob Zycek #271 for 8th
3:34.257 - 3:37.992: LMS racing #27 passed Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 12th
3:35.492 - 3:39.148: bro.. #16 passed STS Motorsports | Wilks for 5th
2:38.859 - 3:42.445: charwax 74 finished lap 3 ( 1:03.585)
3:39.445 - 3:43.843: Martin Wiil#8DK passed chase bell for 7th
3:42.078 - 3:46.039: Jacob Zycek #271 passed chase bell for 8th
3:42.773 - 3:47.796: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz passed Rookie | and Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 14th
3:43.937 - 3:48.218: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed chase bell for 9th
2:38.031 - 3:48.640: brt finished lap 3 ( 1:10.609)
3:42.335 - 3:50.406: Rookie | passed Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 15th
3:50.031 - 3:54.882: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed Rob Johnson #117 for the lead
2:45.679 - 3:57.656: bro.. #16 finished lap 3 ( 1:11.976)
2:17.398 - 3:59.250: jackJoe Motocross finished lap 2 ( 1:41.851)
2:42.406 - 4:02.703: STS Motorsports | Wilks finished lap 3 ( 1:20.296)
2:06.273 - 4:05.023: Ronaldo finished lap 2 ( 1:58.750)
4:01.679 - 4:05.664: Austin passed Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 for 16th
3:59.546 - 4:06.156: jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 went off the track
4:03.273 - 4:12.187: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed Martin Wiil#8DK for 7th
4:02.664 - 4:12.804: LMS racing #27 passed Vied Velu !!! for 11th
4:01.429 - 4:14.906: Jacob Zycek #271 went off the track
2:54.195 - 4:14.906: Jacob Zycek #271 finished lap 3 ( 1:20.710)
2:56.617 - 4:16.390: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD finished lap 3 ( 1:19.773)
4:13.085 - 4:17.132: Rookie | passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz for 14th
3:05.210 - 4:21.507: Martin Wiil#8DK finished lap 3 ( 1:16.296)
4:19.093 - 4:25.359: LMS racing #27 passed chase bell for 9th
3:17.921 - 4:29.312: LMS racing #27 finished lap 3 ( 1:11.390)
4:25.585 - 4:29.718: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz passed Rookie | for 14th
4:27.351 - 4:30.765: Austin passed Rookie | for 15th
4:30.765 - 4:36.937: Austin passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz, Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing and Vied Velu !!! for 11th
4:23.929 - 4:37.726: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing passed Vied Velu !!! for 12th
4:29.718 - 4:38.664: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz passed Vied Velu !!! for 13th
3:30.875 - 4:40.984: Austin finished lap 3 ( 1:10.109)
4:36.937 - 4:40.984: Austin passed chase bell for 11th
3:14.781 - 4:42.289: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:27.507)
4:37.726 - 4:42.289: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing passed chase bell for 12th
3:26.093 - 4:42.625: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz finished lap 3 ( 1:16.531)
4:38.664 - 4:42.625: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz passed chase bell for 13th
3:10.031 - 4:43.460: Vied Velu !!! finished lap 3 ( 1:33.429)
4:39.085 - 4:43.460: Vied Velu !!! passed chase bell for 14th
3:22.734 - 4:44.234: Rookie | finished lap 3 ( 1:21.500)
4:40.031 - 4:44.234: Rookie | passed chase bell for 15th
3:29.164 - 4:45.000: Rob Johnson #117 finished lap 4 ( 1:15.835)
4:41.007 - 4:45.000: Rob Johnson #117 passed Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries for the lead
4:38.578 - 4:45.390: STS Motorsports | Wilks went off the track
3:01.070 - 4:45.664: chase bell finished lap 3 ( 1:44.593)
3:42.445 - 4:45.804: charwax 74 finished lap 4 ( 1:03.359)
4:41.945 - 4:45.804: charwax 74 passed Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries for 2nd
3:31.664 - 4:48.914: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries finished lap 4 ( 1:17.250)
3:48.640 - 4:53.343: brt finished lap 4 ( 1:04.703)
4:49.320 - 4:54.867: charwax 74 passed Rob Johnson #117 for the lead
3:18.710 - 4:56.945: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 finished lap 3 ( 1:38.234)
4:53.554 - 4:58.367: Rookie | passed Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz, Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing and Vied Velu !!! for 12th
3:57.656 - 4:58.835: bro.. #16 finished lap 4 ( 1:01.179)
2:15.429 - 5:04.203: jay kolka | KICKmx | #2 finished lap 2 ( 2:48.773)
4:52.226 - 5:06.273: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz passed Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 13th
5:02.039 - 5:07.757: bro.. #16 passed Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries and brt for 3rd
4:57.101 - 5:12.367: brt passed Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries for 4th
5:08.398 - 5:14.390: Jacob Zycek #271 passed STS Motorsports | Wilks for 6th
5:08.960 - 5:15.335: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed STS Motorsports | Wilks for 7th
5:12.234 - 5:16.140: Rob Johnson #117 passed charwax 74 for the lead
4:14.906 - 5:18.429: Jacob Zycek #271 finished lap 4 ( 1:03.523)
3:59.250 - 5:23.234: jackJoe Motocross finished lap 3 ( 1:23.984)
4:02.703 - 5:27.757: STS Motorsports | Wilks finished lap 4 ( 1:25.054)
5:15.664 - 5:27.757: STS Motorsports | Wilks passed Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD for 7th
4:16.390 - 5:28.187: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD finished lap 4 ( 1:11.796)
5:30.593 - 5:34.328: chase bell passed Vied Velu !!! for 15th
4:21.507 - 5:34.718: Martin Wiil#8DK finished lap 4 ( 1:13.210)
4:29.312 - 5:40.398: LMS racing #27 finished lap 4 ( 1:11.085)
5:36.531 - 5:40.820: chase bell passed Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing for 13th
5:39.796 - 5:43.218: bro.. #16 passed charwax 74 for 2nd
5:41.023 - 5:44.671: STS Motorsports | Wilks passed Jacob Zycek #271 for 6th
5:43.117 - 5:45.429: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed Vied Velu !!! for 16th
5:43.656 - 5:46.851: charwax 74 passed bro.. #16 for 2nd
4:40.984 - 5:47.546: Austin finished lap 4 ( 1:06.562)
5:45.695 - 5:49.015: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries passed brt for 4th
5:47.546 - 5:51.062: Austin passed LMS racing #27 for 10th
5:48.726 - 5:53.414: Jacob Zycek #271 passed STS Motorsports | Wilks for 6th
4:44.234 - 5:54.953: Rookie | finished lap 4 ( 1:10.718)
5:27.671 - 5:58.140: jackJoe Motocross went off the track
4:45.000 - 6:00.601: Rob Johnson #117 finished lap 5 ( 1:15.601)
5:57.445 - 6:03.617: bro.. #16 passed charwax 74 for 2nd
4:42.625 - 6:03.929: Adam Whitton | ClappedOutModz finished lap 4 ( 1:21.304)
4:58.835 - 6:07.414: bro.. #16 finished lap 5 ( 1:08.578)
6:03.265 - 6:09.281: brt passed Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries and charwax 74 for 3rd
4:53.343 - 6:13.273: brt finished lap 5 ( 1:19.929)
4:45.804 - 6:13.921: charwax 74 finished lap 5 ( 1:28.117)
6:05.789 - 6:13.976: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 passed Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing and chase bell for 14th
4:56.945 - 6:18.265: Stefan Taylor|S&D Racing|OMC #555 finished lap 4 ( 1:21.320)
4:45.664 - 6:19.718: chase bell finished lap 4 ( 1:34.054)
4:42.289 - 6:23.460: Bart Risseeuw - Sander Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:41.171)
4:48.914 - 6:23.468: Thomas Baptiste | HRX_TE-Industries finished lap 5 ( 1:34.554)
6:23.750 - 6:26.968: Martin Wiil#8DK passed Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD for 8th
6:26.039 - 6:30.062: Rookie | passed LMS racing #27 for 11th
5:18.429 - 6:32.023: Jacob Zycek #271 finished lap 5 ( 1:13.593)
6:29.062 - 6:33.109: Martin Wiil#8DK passed STS Motorsports | Wilks for 7th
6:30.890 - 6:35.429: jackJoe Motocross passed Vied Velu !!! for 16th
6:35.421 - 6:43.515: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed STS Motorsports | Wilks for 8th
5:28.187 - 6:47.781: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD finished lap 5 ( 1:19.593)
6:43.515 - 6:47.781: Dylan.L /#349 Team Enjoy HD passed Martin Wiil#8DK for 7th
5:27.757 - 6:48.257: STS Motorsports | Wilks finished lap 5 ( 1:20.500)
6:44.195 - 6:48.257: STS Motorsports | Wilks passed Martin Wiil#8DK for 8th
5:34.718 - 6:54.625: Martin Wiil#8DK finished lap 5 ( 1:19.906)
6:49.429 - 7:01.382: Rookie | passed Austin for 10th
4:05.023 - 7:02.859: Ronaldo finished lap 3 ( 2:57.835)
5:23.234 - 7:16.062: jackJoe Motocross finished lap 4 ( 1:52.828)
5:54.953 - 7:23.320: Rookie | finished lap 5 ( 1:28.367)
5:47.546 - 7:24.875: Austin finished lap 5 ( 1:37.328)
5:40.398 - 7:29.906: LMS racing #27 finished lap 5 ( 1:49.507)
4:43.460 - 8:18.765: Vied Velu !!! finished lap 4 ( 3:35.304)