MX Simulator
TrackBudds Creek
Format 5 laps
Date12/29/2013, 5:20:39 PM (4029 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1495RT495 rmz450(2013)5 11:16.9454 1:55.67110161
264Mara 125sx5 11:36.6093 2:04.37513111
3318Seb mx59 cr250(2007)5 11:42.4064 2:01.98411916
4eJswani / eJs Team rmz450(2013)5 11:54.8125 1:55.7349139
5100satanas 450sxf(2013)5 12:03.3753 2:13.5155234
6125Jerkku 125sx5 13:43.6874 2:40.33510631
7189Tobias/Danmark/ yz450f(2013)4 11:54.5623 2:18.36712981
869Joe Motocross 450sxf(2011)3 6:34.7732 2:00.1568977
911POTECHKO kx250f(2013)3 11:21.9212 3:00.83512570
10999amandine 13 yz450f(2013)1 2:50.1250 0:00.0006603
11377arnaud marechal 59NORD crf450(2013)1 3:42.8040 0:00.00010722
1210carneiro 250sx(2012)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00013182
13332Mx Family Team#332 crf450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00012915
145alexis kx1250 0:00.0000 0:00.0008557
15999Joe Motocross 250sxf(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00010918
1618SARRAF{Team Suzuki} rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00012332
1719B'aheu David rm1250 0:00.0000 0:00.0009416
18113kristoffer yz250(2012)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00011954

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 69 69 69 495 495
P2 100 64 64 64 64
P3 999 495 495 318 318
P4 64 318 318 100 eJs
P5 318 100 100 eJs 100
P6 495 eJs eJs 125 125
P7 eJs 125 125 189
P8 125 189 189
P9 377 11 11
P10 189
P11 11

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:55.671 4 495 RT495
1:55.734 5 eJs wani / eJs Team
1:57.320 3 495 RT495
2:00.156 2 69 Joe Motocross
2:01.984 4 318 Seb mx59
2:04.375 3 64 Mara
2:05.523 4 eJs wani / eJs Team
2:09.132 3 69 Joe Motocross
2:09.460 3 318 Seb mx59
2:12.507 2 64 Mara
2:13.515 3 100 satanas
2:13.523 5 64 Mara
2:13.781 2 495 RT495
2:14.312 4 64 Mara
2:15.070 4 100 satanas
2:16.117 3 eJs wani / eJs Team
2:18.367 3 189 Tobias/Danmark/
2:18.703 2 eJs wani / eJs Team
2:31.968 2 318 Seb mx59
2:40.335 4 125 Jerkku
2:49.281 2 189 Tobias/Danmark/
3:00.835 2 11 POTECHKO

Individual Worst Laps

2:09.132 3 69 Joe Motocross
2:13.781 2 495 RT495
2:14.312 4 64 Mara
2:18.703 2 eJs wani / eJs Team
2:31.968 2 318 Seb mx59
2:40.335 4 125 Jerkku
2:41.851 2 100 satanas
3:00.625 4 189 Tobias/Danmark/
4:06.273 3 11 POTECHKO


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.980 64 Mara
4.488 69 Joe Motocross
4.751 125 Jerkku
7.152 495 RT495
9.122 eJs wani / eJs Team
12.253 318 Seb mx59
13.928 100 satanas
17.858 189 Tobias/Danmark/
32.719 11 POTECHKO
- 10 carneiro
- 332 Mx Family Team#332
- 5 alexis
- 377 arnaud marechal 59NORD
- 999 Joe Motocross
- 18 SARRAF{Team Suzuki}
- 19 B'aheu David
- 113 kristoffer
- 999 amandine 13

Play by Play

satanas takes the holeshot followed by B'aheu David, Joe Motocross, wani / eJs Team, RT495, amandine 13, Seb mx59, Mara, kristoffer, POTECHKO, Jerkku, arnaud marechal 59NORD, Tobias/Danmark/, SARRAF{Team Suzuki} and Joe Motocross

0:16.585 - 0:20.445: Joe Motocross passed B'aheu David for 2nd
0:19.609 - 0:24.554: RT495 passed wani / eJs Team for 4th
0:21.484 - 0:25.148: B'aheu David passed Joe Motocross for 2nd
0:21.414 - 0:26.390: kristoffer passed Seb mx59, wani / eJs Team, amandine 13 and Mara for 5th
0:21.296 - 0:26.898: Mara passed Seb mx59, wani / eJs Team and amandine 13 for 6th
0:21.085 - 0:27.382: Seb mx59 passed wani / eJs Team and amandine 13 for 7th
0:25.273 - 0:28.562: Joe Motocross passed B'aheu David for 2nd
0:24.554 - 0:29.039: POTECHKO passed wani / eJs Team and amandine 13 for 8th
0:27.382 - 0:31.234: Seb mx59 passed Mara for 6th
0:27.445 - 0:31.578: Jerkku passed wani / eJs Team and amandine 13 for 9th
0:19.984 - 0:33.093: amandine 13 passed wani / eJs Team for 10th
0:32.132 - 0:35.625: Mara passed Seb mx59 for 6th
0:31.953 - 0:36.585: Tobias/Danmark/ passed arnaud marechal 59NORD for 12th
0:33.476 - 0:36.890: wani / eJs Team passed amandine 13 for 10th
0:36.539 - 0:39.867: Jerkku passed POTECHKO and Seb mx59 for 7th
0:38.468 - 0:42.156: amandine 13 passed POTECHKO and wani / eJs Team for 9th
0:36.906 - 0:44.335: Joe Motocross went off the track
0:38.843 - 0:45.039: Mara passed RT495 for 4th
0:34.406 - 0:46.414: kristoffer went off the track
0:40.617 - 0:49.421: Tobias/Danmark/ passed wani / eJs Team for 11th
0:46.898 - 0:52.078: Mara passed B'aheu David for 3rd
0:49.460 - 0:53.257: arnaud marechal 59NORD passed wani / eJs Team for 12th
0:48.007 - 0:53.257: kristoffer passed B'aheu David for 4th
0:49.601 - 0:54.546: RT495 passed B'aheu David for 5th
0:47.765 - 0:54.648: Joe Motocross passed satanas for the lead
0:51.468 - 0:56.539: Seb mx59 passed Jerkku and B'aheu David for 6th
0:54.031 - 0:57.812: SARRAF{Team Suzuki} passed wani / eJs Team for 13th
0:56.492 - 1:02.195: arnaud marechal 59NORD passed Tobias/Danmark/ for 11th
0:58.921 - 1:02.382: amandine 13 passed Jerkku and B'aheu David for 7th
0:57.304 - 1:05.804: Jerkku passed B'aheu David for 8th
0:57.812 - 1:10.000: SARRAF{Team Suzuki} went off the track
1:06.476 - 1:11.789: RT495 passed kristoffer for 4th
1:10.390 - 1:16.171: Seb mx59 passed kristoffer for 5th
1:10.937 - 1:17.164: amandine 13 passed kristoffer for 6th
1:22.101 - 1:26.296: Jerkku passed kristoffer for 7th
1:12.734 - 1:29.015: arnaud marechal 59NORD passed POTECHKO and B'aheu David for 9th
1:12.453 - 1:29.750: POTECHKO passed B'aheu David for 10th
1:17.867 - 1:33.671: Tobias/Danmark/ passed B'aheu David for 11th
1:26.359 - 1:34.062: wani / eJs Team passed SARRAF{Team Suzuki} and B'aheu David for 12th
1:30.664 - 1:36.359: Seb mx59 passed RT495 for 4th
1:31.500 - 1:36.625: amandine 13 passed RT495 for 5th
1:34.062 - 1:39.484: wani / eJs Team passed POTECHKO and Tobias/Danmark/ for 10th
1:33.671 - 1:40.382: Tobias/Danmark/ passed POTECHKO for 11th
1:21.804 - 1:40.632: SARRAF{Team Suzuki} passed B'aheu David for 13th
1:36.625 - 1:42.937: amandine 13 passed Seb mx59 for 4th
1:39.484 - 1:43.093: wani / eJs Team passed arnaud marechal 59NORD for 9th
1:38.437 - 1:43.945: Jerkku passed Seb mx59 and RT495 for 5th
1:40.382 - 1:44.320: Tobias/Danmark/ passed arnaud marechal 59NORD for 10th
1:44.156 - 1:48.312: POTECHKO passed arnaud marechal 59NORD for 11th
1:36.070 - 1:48.359: Joe Motocross went off the track
1:37.625 - 1:49.164: RT495 passed Seb mx59 for 6th
1:43.546 - 1:49.492: kristoffer passed Seb mx59 for 7th
1:44.320 - 1:50.773: Tobias/Danmark/ passed wani / eJs Team for 9th
1:49.492 - 1:57.062: kristoffer passed RT495 for 6th
1:50.687 - 1:57.156: amandine 13 passed Mara for 3rd
1:50.382 - 1:58.031: Seb mx59 passed RT495 for 7th
1:58.031 - 2:04.453: Seb mx59 passed Jerkku and kristoffer for 5th
2:02.320 - 2:07.515: wani / eJs Team passed Tobias/Danmark/ for 9th
2:03.804 - 2:09.781: POTECHKO passed Tobias/Danmark/ for 10th
2:00.289 - 2:10.695: RT495 passed Jerkku and kristoffer for 6th
1:57.062 - 2:12.773: kristoffer passed Jerkku for 7th
2:09.593 - 2:15.437: arnaud marechal 59NORD passed Tobias/Danmark/ for 11th
0:00.000 - 2:18.296: Joe Motocross finished lap 1 ( 2:18.296)
2:23.570 - 2:29.671: arnaud marechal 59NORD passed POTECHKO for 10th
0:00.000 - 2:42.914: satanas finished lap 1 ( 2:42.914)
0:00.000 - 2:50.125: amandine 13 finished lap 1 ( 2:50.125)
2:47.945 - 2:51.015: SARRAF{Team Suzuki} passed Tobias/Danmark/ for 11th
0:00.000 - 2:51.890: Mara finished lap 1 ( 2:51.890)
0:00.000 - 2:51.945: Seb mx59 finished lap 1 ( 2:51.945)
2:30.289 - 2:52.070: POTECHKO went off the track
2:51.945 - 2:54.515: Seb mx59 passed Mara for 4th
2:45.984 - 2:55.851: satanas went off the track
2:52.468 - 3:01.296: arnaud marechal 59NORD passed POTECHKO for 9th
0:00.000 - 3:02.523: RT495 finished lap 1 ( 3:02.523)
3:10.210 - 3:15.210: wani / eJs Team passed Jerkku for 7th
0:00.000 - 3:18.734: wani / eJs Team finished lap 1 ( 3:18.734)
3:06.257 - 3:19.601: Tobias/Danmark/ passed POTECHKO for 10th
3:14.304 - 3:22.289: amandine 13 passed satanas for 2nd
0:00.000 - 3:22.468: Jerkku finished lap 1 ( 3:22.468)
3:15.054 - 3:22.882: Seb mx59 passed satanas for 3rd
3:23.476 - 3:28.992: satanas passed Seb mx59 for 3rd
3:29.265 - 3:32.210: Seb mx59 passed satanas for 3rd
3:25.828 - 3:38.835: Jerkku went off the track
0:00.000 - 3:42.804: arnaud marechal 59NORD finished lap 1 ( 3:42.804)
0:00.000 - 3:46.289: Tobias/Danmark/ finished lap 1 ( 3:46.289)
3:40.789 - 3:48.132: Mara passed Seb mx59 and satanas for 3rd
3:46.125 - 3:49.531: Jerkku passed wani / eJs Team for 7th
3:32.601 - 3:50.000: satanas passed Seb mx59 for 4th
3:59.820 - 4:04.953: wani / eJs Team passed Jerkku for 7th
4:07.078 - 4:13.054: Mara passed amandine 13 for 2nd
0:00.000 - 4:14.812: POTECHKO finished lap 1 ( 4:14.812)
4:09.554 - 4:15.585: satanas passed amandine 13 for 3rd
2:18.296 - 4:18.453: Joe Motocross finished lap 2 ( 2:00.156)
4:18.789 - 4:23.390: Seb mx59 passed satanas for 3rd
4:22.835 - 4:25.562: RT495 passed satanas for 4th
4:27.695 - 4:33.953: Jerkku passed wani / eJs Team for 7th
4:27.578 - 4:38.078: satanas passed RT495 for 4th
4:34.062 - 4:41.492: wani / eJs Team passed Jerkku for 7th
4:47.101 - 4:53.945: satanas passed Seb mx59 for 3rd
4:51.289 - 4:55.507: RT495 passed Seb mx59 for 4th
2:51.890 - 5:04.398: Mara finished lap 2 ( 2:12.507)
5:07.953 - 5:13.062: RT495 passed satanas for 3rd
3:02.523 - 5:16.304: RT495 finished lap 2 ( 2:13.781)
2:51.945 - 5:23.914: Seb mx59 finished lap 2 ( 2:31.968)
5:19.984 - 5:23.914: Seb mx59 passed satanas for 4th
2:42.914 - 5:24.765: satanas finished lap 2 ( 2:41.851)
3:18.734 - 5:37.437: wani / eJs Team finished lap 2 ( 2:18.703)
3:22.468 - 5:54.601: Jerkku finished lap 2 ( 2:32.132)
4:18.453 - 6:27.585: Joe Motocross finished lap 3 ( 2:09.132)
3:46.289 - 6:35.570: Tobias/Danmark/ finished lap 2 ( 2:49.281)
5:04.398 - 7:08.773: Mara finished lap 3 ( 2:04.375)
5:16.304 - 7:13.625: RT495 finished lap 3 ( 1:57.320)
4:14.812 - 7:15.648: POTECHKO finished lap 2 ( 3:00.835)
7:16.546 - 7:20.062: RT495 passed Mara for 2nd
5:23.914 - 7:33.375: Seb mx59 finished lap 3 ( 2:09.460)
5:24.765 - 7:38.281: satanas finished lap 3 ( 2:13.515)
5:37.437 - 7:53.554: wani / eJs Team finished lap 3 ( 2:16.117)
7:55.851 - 8:17.671: Jerkku went off the track
5:54.601 - 8:23.820: Jerkku finished lap 3 ( 2:29.218)
6:35.570 - 8:53.937: Tobias/Danmark/ finished lap 3 ( 2:18.367)
7:13.625 - 9:09.296: RT495 finished lap 4 ( 1:55.671)
7:08.773 - 9:23.085: Mara finished lap 4 ( 2:14.312)
7:33.375 - 9:35.359: Seb mx59 finished lap 4 ( 2:01.984)
9:19.085 - 9:40.148: POTECHKO went off the track
7:38.281 - 9:53.351: satanas finished lap 4 ( 2:15.070)
9:48.515 - 9:57.601: RT495 went off the track
7:53.554 - 9:59.078: wani / eJs Team finished lap 4 ( 2:05.523)
10:34.375 - 10:37.101: wani / eJs Team passed satanas for 4th
8:23.820 - 11:04.156: Jerkku finished lap 4 ( 2:40.335)
10:51.617 - 11:05.625: Seb mx59 went off the track
9:09.296 - 11:13.875: RT495 finished lap 5 ( 2:04.578)
7:15.648 - 11:21.921: POTECHKO finished lap 3 ( 4:06.273)
11:10.335 - 11:25.546: Tobias/Danmark/ went off the track
11:17.468 - 11:27.921: Jerkku went off the track
9:23.085 - 11:36.609: Mara finished lap 5 ( 2:13.523)
9:35.359 - 11:37.539: Seb mx59 finished lap 5 ( 2:02.179)
11:32.429 - 11:39.507: satanas went off the track
8:53.937 - 11:54.562: Tobias/Danmark/ finished lap 4 ( 3:00.625)
9:59.078 - 11:54.812: wani / eJs Team finished lap 5 ( 1:55.734)
9:53.351 - 11:57.914: satanas finished lap 5 ( 2:04.562)
12:24.515 - 12:52.953: Jerkku went off the track
11:04.156 - 13:43.687: Jerkku finished lap 5 ( 2:39.531)