MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date12/31/2013, 6:39:17 AM (4027 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1744Bryan Emery crf250(2009)5 12:02.9294 2:21.29612263
2672Zach George yz450f(2011)5 12:16.4065 2:08.8281658
3723Trace George | Team Failure rmz450(2013)4 10:32.8592 2:19.1321604
4639Mx Pixtombax 639 rmz450(2013)1 2:19.0540 0:00.0004962
5304bennymx #304 (AUS) crf450(2013)1 2:30.2730 0:00.0009142
613James Davidson 13 cr250(2007)1 3:17.1870 0:00.00012974
7289NBlaesing crf250(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00011125
8xxxill brake check you;) rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004171

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 639 744 744 744 744
P2 672 723 672 672 672
P3 744 672 723 723
P4 304
P5 723
P6 13

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:08.828 5 672 Zach George
2:19.132 2 723 Trace George | Team Failure
2:21.296 4 744 Bryan Emery
2:24.359 3 744 Bryan Emery
2:25.343 4 672 Zach George
2:25.570 2 744 Bryan Emery
2:29.773 5 744 Bryan Emery
2:34.570 3 672 Zach George
2:46.492 2 672 Zach George

Individual Worst Laps

2:29.773 5 744 Bryan Emery
2:46.492 2 672 Zach George
2:56.492 3 723 Trace George | Team Failure


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.041 744 Bryan Emery
13.758 672 Zach George
15.275 723 Trace George | Team Failure
- 304 bennymx #304 (AUS)
- 13 James Davidson 13
- 639 Mx Pixtombax 639
- 289 NBlaesing
- xxx ill brake check you;)

Play by Play

ill brake check you;) takes the holeshot followed by bennymx #304 (AUS), Trace George | Team Failure, Zach George, NBlaesing, Mx Pixtombax 639, Bryan Emery and James Davidson 13

0:10.101 - 0:14.273: Mx Pixtombax 639 passed bennymx #304 (AUS), Zach George, NBlaesing and Trace George | Team Failure for 2nd
0:09.796 - 0:14.359: Zach George passed bennymx #304 (AUS) and Trace George | Team Failure for 3rd
0:10.000 - 0:15.789: NBlaesing passed bennymx #304 (AUS) and Trace George | Team Failure for 4th
0:09.304 - 0:16.523: Trace George | Team Failure passed bennymx #304 (AUS) for 5th
0:14.359 - 0:24.250: Zach George passed Mx Pixtombax 639 and ill brake check you;) for the lead
0:16.523 - 0:25.546: Trace George | Team Failure passed Mx Pixtombax 639, NBlaesing and ill brake check you;) for 2nd
0:15.789 - 0:26.531: NBlaesing passed Mx Pixtombax 639 and ill brake check you;) for 3rd
0:14.273 - 0:28.093: Mx Pixtombax 639 passed ill brake check you;) for 4th
0:19.117 - 0:28.632: bennymx #304 (AUS) passed ill brake check you;) for 5th
0:21.875 - 0:31.445: Bryan Emery passed ill brake check you;) for 6th
0:26.531 - 0:32.304: NBlaesing passed Trace George | Team Failure for 2nd
0:28.093 - 0:32.929: Mx Pixtombax 639 passed Trace George | Team Failure for 3rd
0:28.632 - 0:33.406: bennymx #304 (AUS) passed Trace George | Team Failure for 4th
0:32.648 - 0:42.664: James Davidson 13 passed ill brake check you;) for 7th
1:05.734 - 1:11.132: Trace George | Team Failure passed bennymx #304 (AUS) for 3rd
1:09.929 - 1:12.054: ill brake check you;) passed James Davidson 13 for 6th
1:06.460 - 1:13.375: Bryan Emery passed bennymx #304 (AUS) for 4th
1:22.000 - 1:25.914: James Davidson 13 passed ill brake check you;) for 6th
1:27.054 - 1:33.398: ill brake check you;) passed James Davidson 13 for 6th
1:36.617 - 1:44.351: Bryan Emery passed Trace George | Team Failure for 3rd
1:40.421 - 1:48.273: Mx Pixtombax 639 passed Zach George for the lead
1:46.992 - 1:54.726: bennymx #304 (AUS) passed Trace George | Team Failure for 4th
2:01.890 - 2:07.726: Bryan Emery passed Zach George for 2nd
2:07.789 - 2:14.617: Zach George passed Bryan Emery for 2nd
0:00.000 - 2:19.054: Mx Pixtombax 639 finished lap 1 ( 2:19.054)
0:00.000 - 2:21.171: Zach George finished lap 1 ( 2:21.171)
0:00.000 - 2:21.929: Bryan Emery finished lap 1 ( 2:21.929)
2:16.312 - 2:23.062: Trace George | Team Failure passed bennymx #304 (AUS) for 4th
2:21.929 - 2:25.984: Bryan Emery passed Zach George for 2nd
0:00.000 - 2:30.273: bennymx #304 (AUS) finished lap 1 ( 2:30.273)
2:26.593 - 2:30.273: bennymx #304 (AUS) passed Trace George | Team Failure for 4th
2:30.273 - 2:33.929: bennymx #304 (AUS) passed Zach George for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:37.632: Trace George | Team Failure finished lap 1 ( 2:37.632)
3:10.507 - 3:15.296: Trace George | Team Failure passed Zach George for 4th
0:00.000 - 3:17.187: James Davidson 13 finished lap 1 ( 3:17.187)
3:36.515 - 3:44.546: bennymx #304 (AUS) passed Bryan Emery for 2nd
2:21.929 - 4:47.500: Bryan Emery finished lap 2 ( 2:25.570)
2:37.632 - 4:56.765: Trace George | Team Failure finished lap 2 ( 2:19.132)
2:21.171 - 5:07.664: Zach George finished lap 2 ( 2:46.492)
4:56.765 - 5:13.750: Trace George | Team Failure went off the track
5:19.070 - 5:23.304: Zach George passed Trace George | Team Failure for 2nd
5:23.921 - 5:45.921: Trace George | Team Failure went off the track
6:09.343 - 6:20.515: Trace George | Team Failure went off the track
6:20.515 - 6:24.460: Trace George | Team Failure passed Zach George for 2nd
6:25.140 - 6:30.710: Zach George passed Trace George | Team Failure for 2nd
4:47.500 - 7:11.859: Bryan Emery finished lap 3 ( 2:24.359)
5:07.664 - 7:42.234: Zach George finished lap 3 ( 2:34.570)
4:56.765 - 7:53.257: Trace George | Team Failure finished lap 3 ( 2:56.492)
8:51.757 - 9:07.195: Trace George | Team Failure went off the track
7:11.859 - 9:33.156: Bryan Emery finished lap 4 ( 2:21.296)
7:42.234 - 10:07.578: Zach George finished lap 4 ( 2:25.343)
7:53.257 - 10:32.859: Trace George | Team Failure finished lap 4 ( 2:39.601)
10:46.960 - 11:03.187: Trace George | Team Failure went off the track
9:33.156 - 12:02.929: Bryan Emery finished lap 5 ( 2:29.773)
10:07.578 - 12:16.406: Zach George finished lap 5 ( 2:08.828)