MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date2/5/2014, 6:21:24 PM (3990 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1181Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro kx450f(2013)5 10:52.3204 2:03.8906131
239Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO kx450f(2011)5 12:29.0544 2:14.91412607
3154nosho crf450(2011)4 10:47.5393 2:24.2965736
444Marvin Buecking rm1254 11:27.8593 2:32.97612844
5172Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory rm1254 11:45.8982 3:00.7898240
6244Mickael Racing 244 kx1254 12:04.3123 2:24.42913045
7113Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory rm1253 7:04.9602 2:11.6567856
8251Alex Hunt yz1253 9:39.5782 3:00.31211996
9903Charlo GRENTE | #LappersPRO kx450f(2013)1 2:33.3280 0:00.0008879
105Juninho Maia rmz450(2013)1 2:36.9290 0:00.00013456
1164Bennett yz250f(2009)1 3:08.2650 0:00.00011538
127Jesper Johnsrud 450sxf(2013)1 3:59.2260 0:00.00012764
13198Kryptic crf250(2007)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0008981
1436Conant36 crf250(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00012752
15204alex yz1250 0:01.6950 0:00.00012772

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 181 181 181 181 181
P2 903 113 113 39 39
P3 5 44 39 154
P4 113 39 44 44
P5 172 154 154 172
P6 44 172 244 244
P7 39 244 172
P8 154 251 251
P9 244
P10 64
P11 251
P12 7

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:03.890 4 181 Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro
2:05.234 2 181 Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro
2:09.960 3 181 Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro
2:11.656 2 113 Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory
2:14.914 4 39 Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO
2:15.945 5 181 Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro
2:18.742 3 113 Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory
2:18.929 3 39 Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO
2:24.296 3 154 nosho
2:24.429 3 244 Mickael Racing 244
2:29.398 5 39 Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO
2:32.976 3 44 Marvin Buecking
2:34.289 2 39 Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO
2:39.648 2 44 Marvin Buecking
2:42.093 2 154 nosho
2:48.625 4 154 nosho
3:00.312 2 251 Alex Hunt
3:00.789 2 172 Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory
3:02.703 2 244 Mickael Racing 244
3:18.664 4 172 Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory
3:23.976 3 251 Alex Hunt
3:28.195 4 44 Marvin Buecking
3:41.218 4 244 Mickael Racing 244

Individual Worst Laps

2:15.945 5 181 Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro
2:18.742 3 113 Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory
2:34.289 2 39 Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO
2:48.625 4 154 nosho
3:18.664 4 172 Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory
3:23.976 3 251 Alex Hunt
3:28.195 4 44 Marvin Buecking
3:41.218 4 244 Mickael Racing 244


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.543 113 Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory
4.723 181 Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro
7.789 39 Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO
10.281 154 nosho
11.832 251 Alex Hunt
13.815 172 Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory
24.609 44 Marvin Buecking
31.349 244 Mickael Racing 244
- 7 Jesper Johnsrud
- 5 Juninho Maia
- 198 Kryptic
- 903 Charlo GRENTE | #LappersPRO
- 204 alex
- 36 Conant36
- 64 Bennett

Play by Play

Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro takes the holeshot followed by Charlo GRENTE | #LappersPRO , Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory, nosho, Juninho Maia, Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory, Marvin Buecking, alex, Kryptic, Bennett, Conant36, Mickael Racing 244, Alex Hunt, Jesper Johnsrud and Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO

0:09.648 - 0:13.937: nosho passed Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 3rd
0:10.242 - 0:14.406: Marvin Buecking passed Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory and Juninho Maia for 5th
0:19.312 - 0:23.460: Mickael Racing 244 passed Conant36 for 11th
0:14.406 - 0:24.218: Marvin Buecking passed nosho and Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 3rd
0:15.156 - 0:25.726: Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory passed nosho and Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 4th
0:16.195 - 0:27.000: alex passed nosho and Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 5th
0:22.414 - 0:27.156: Alex Hunt passed Conant36 for 12th
0:14.968 - 0:29.265: Juninho Maia went off the track
0:20.601 - 0:31.898: Bennett passed Kryptic, nosho and Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 6th
0:19.375 - 0:32.226: Kryptic passed nosho and Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 7th
0:23.460 - 0:33.109: Mickael Racing 244 passed nosho and Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 8th
0:30.335 - 0:35.492: Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory passed Marvin Buecking and Juninho Maia for 3rd
0:31.671 - 0:35.945: Charlo GRENTE | #LappersPRO passed Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro for the lead
0:31.601 - 0:37.312: alex passed Marvin Buecking and Juninho Maia for 4th
0:34.515 - 0:38.859: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory passed nosho for 10th
0:37.476 - 0:43.070: Kryptic passed Marvin Buecking, Juninho Maia and Bennett for 5th
0:37.054 - 0:43.250: Bennett passed Marvin Buecking and Juninho Maia for 6th
0:34.265 - 0:44.078: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed Jesper Johnsrud and Conant36 for 12th
0:38.859 - 0:44.312: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory passed Mickael Racing 244 for 9th
0:43.250 - 0:48.476: Bennett passed Kryptic for 5th
0:33.757 - 0:49.773: Jesper Johnsrud passed Conant36 for 13th
0:44.992 - 0:51.148: nosho passed Marvin Buecking, Juninho Maia, Kryptic, Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory and Mickael Racing 244 for 6th
0:44.593 - 0:51.664: Mickael Racing 244 passed Marvin Buecking, Juninho Maia, Kryptic and Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 7th
0:46.695 - 0:52.289: Alex Hunt passed Marvin Buecking, Juninho Maia, Kryptic and Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 8th
0:43.906 - 0:53.476: Marvin Buecking passed Juninho Maia and Kryptic for 9th
0:44.312 - 0:53.750: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory passed Juninho Maia and Kryptic for 10th
0:51.148 - 0:57.960: nosho passed Bennett for 5th
0:43.554 - 0:58.328: Juninho Maia passed Kryptic for 11th
0:55.835 - 0:59.625: Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory passed Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro for 2nd
0:54.187 - 0:59.914: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed Kryptic for 12th
0:53.476 - 1:00.156: Marvin Buecking passed Alex Hunt and Mickael Racing 244 for 7th
0:53.750 - 1:00.289: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory passed Alex Hunt and Mickael Racing 244 for 8th
0:58.328 - 1:04.296: Juninho Maia passed Alex Hunt and Mickael Racing 244 for 9th
0:59.914 - 1:06.671: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed Alex Hunt and Mickael Racing 244 for 10th
1:00.289 - 1:07.570: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory passed Marvin Buecking for 7th
0:52.289 - 1:07.960: Alex Hunt passed Mickael Racing 244 for 11th
1:04.296 - 1:08.546: Juninho Maia passed Marvin Buecking for 8th
1:03.195 - 1:09.062: Conant36 passed Jesper Johnsrud and Kryptic for 13th
1:08.546 - 1:10.953: Juninho Maia passed Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 6th
1:01.812 - 1:11.117: alex went off the track
1:10.109 - 1:12.281: Marvin Buecking passed Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 7th
1:05.664 - 1:12.507: Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro passed Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory for 2nd
1:11.437 - 1:13.898: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 8th
1:11.117 - 1:15.156: alex passed nosho for 4th
1:01.367 - 1:18.101: Jesper Johnsrud passed Kryptic for 14th
1:15.468 - 1:21.781: nosho passed alex for 4th
1:19.734 - 1:22.437: Mickael Racing 244 passed Alex Hunt for 10th
1:19.000 - 1:24.726: Juninho Maia passed Bennett for 6th
1:22.046 - 1:27.531: Kryptic passed Jesper Johnsrud for 14th
1:24.726 - 1:32.078: Juninho Maia passed nosho and alex for 4th
1:25.726 - 1:33.187: Marvin Buecking passed nosho, alex and Bennett for 5th
1:30.656 - 1:35.828: Conant36 passed Alex Hunt for 12th
1:29.000 - 1:37.539: Jesper Johnsrud passed Kryptic for 14th
1:28.484 - 1:39.523: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed nosho, alex and Bennett for 6th
1:32.773 - 1:40.468: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory passed alex and Bennett for 8th
1:34.734 - 1:41.125: Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro passed Charlo GRENTE | #LappersPRO for the lead
1:40.468 - 1:45.195: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory passed nosho for 7th
1:55.148 - 2:02.015: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory passed Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO for 5th
1:55.812 - 2:03.859: nosho passed Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO for 6th
0:00.000 - 2:09.046: Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro finished lap 1 ( 2:09.046)
2:00.109 - 2:09.109: Bennett passed alex and Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO for 7th
1:53.718 - 2:11.570: Marvin Buecking went off the track
2:10.703 - 2:17.078: Juninho Maia passed Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory for 3rd
2:12.453 - 2:19.648: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed Bennett for 8th
2:16.710 - 2:25.031: Mickael Racing 244 passed alex and Bennett for 9th
0:00.000 - 2:25.648: Charlo GRENTE | #LappersPRO finished lap 1 ( 2:25.648)
2:15.273 - 2:30.039: alex passed Bennett for 10th
0:00.000 - 2:32.242: Juninho Maia finished lap 1 ( 2:32.242)
0:00.000 - 2:34.562: Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory finished lap 1 ( 2:34.562)
2:34.562 - 2:38.429: Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory passed Juninho Maia for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:40.562: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory finished lap 1 ( 2:40.562)
0:00.000 - 2:41.718: Marvin Buecking finished lap 1 ( 2:41.718)
2:36.273 - 2:44.296: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed nosho for 7th
2:40.562 - 2:44.507: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory passed Juninho Maia for 4th
2:41.718 - 2:45.492: Marvin Buecking passed Juninho Maia for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:51.523: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO finished lap 1 ( 2:51.523)
0:00.000 - 2:52.523: nosho finished lap 1 ( 2:52.523)
0:00.000 - 2:55.960: Mickael Racing 244 finished lap 1 ( 2:55.960)
2:56.492 - 3:05.765: Juninho Maia passed Marvin Buecking for 5th
0:00.000 - 3:08.265: Bennett finished lap 1 ( 3:08.265)
0:00.000 - 3:15.289: Alex Hunt finished lap 1 ( 3:15.289)
3:10.859 - 3:19.093: Marvin Buecking passed Juninho Maia for 4th
3:16.640 - 3:21.531: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed Juninho Maia for 5th
3:18.187 - 3:23.421: nosho passed Juninho Maia for 6th
3:19.093 - 3:24.031: Marvin Buecking passed Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 3rd
3:21.531 - 3:27.070: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 4th
3:23.421 - 3:29.593: nosho passed Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 5th
3:45.875 - 3:48.859: nosho passed Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO for 4th
3:47.953 - 3:50.406: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory passed Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO for 5th
0:00.000 - 3:59.226: Jesper Johnsrud finished lap 1 ( 3:59.226)
2:09.046 - 4:14.281: Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro finished lap 2 ( 2:05.234)
4:12.453 - 4:20.648: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 5th
4:35.812 - 4:44.820: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed nosho for 4th
4:39.554 - 4:45.640: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory passed nosho for 5th
2:34.562 - 4:46.218: Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory finished lap 2 ( 2:11.656)
4:47.148 - 4:54.343: nosho passed Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 5th
2:41.718 - 5:21.367: Marvin Buecking finished lap 2 ( 2:39.648)
2:51.523 - 5:25.812: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO finished lap 2 ( 2:34.289)
2:52.523 - 5:34.617: nosho finished lap 2 ( 2:42.093)
2:40.562 - 5:41.351: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory finished lap 2 ( 3:00.789)
2:55.960 - 5:58.664: Mickael Racing 244 finished lap 2 ( 3:02.703)
3:15.289 - 6:15.601: Alex Hunt finished lap 2 ( 3:00.312)
4:14.281 - 6:24.242: Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro finished lap 3 ( 2:09.960)
6:23.617 - 6:34.929: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory went off the track
6:32.226 - 6:40.281: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed Marvin Buecking for 3rd
6:38.562 - 6:44.257: Mickael Racing 244 passed Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory for 6th
4:46.218 - 7:04.960: Adrien Corvisier|RH-Factory finished lap 3 ( 2:18.742)
5:25.812 - 7:44.742: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO finished lap 3 ( 2:18.929)
5:21.367 - 7:54.343: Marvin Buecking finished lap 3 ( 2:32.976)
5:34.617 - 7:58.914: nosho finished lap 3 ( 2:24.296)
5:58.664 - 8:23.093: Mickael Racing 244 finished lap 3 ( 2:24.429)
5:41.351 - 8:26.195: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory finished lap 3 ( 2:44.843)
6:24.242 - 8:28.132: Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro finished lap 4 ( 2:03.890)
8:32.554 - 8:37.984: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory passed Mickael Racing 244 for 6th
6:15.601 - 9:39.578: Alex Hunt finished lap 3 ( 3:23.976)
9:37.789 - 9:55.046: nosho passed Marvin Buecking for 3rd
7:44.742 - 9:59.656: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO finished lap 4 ( 2:14.914)
8:28.132 - 10:44.078: Dany JaKmart #181 | #LappersPro finished lap 5 ( 2:15.945)
7:58.914 - 10:47.539: nosho finished lap 4 ( 2:48.625)
7:54.343 - 11:22.539: Marvin Buecking finished lap 4 ( 3:28.195)
8:26.195 - 11:44.859: Maximilien Jannot | RH-Factory finished lap 4 ( 3:18.664)
8:23.093 - 12:04.312: Mickael Racing 244 finished lap 4 ( 3:41.218)
9:59.656 - 12:29.054: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO finished lap 5 ( 2:29.398)
13:49.187 - 14:03.679: Alex Hunt went off the track