MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date3/11/2014, 8:07:23 PM (3950 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1701 TIM #701# NL kx250f(2013)5 5:39.3045 1:01.00711481
2141Marvin Garthe | TechEvo rmz450(2013)5 5:57.1794 1:01.0544474
399Damon Smith crf450(2013)5 5:59.8985 1:02.9849362
4124Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO kx450f(2011)5 6:09.6872 1:02.7731191
539Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO kx450f(2013)5 6:10.5463 0:58.84312607
669Cj Ruggero #69 kx450f(2013)5 6:26.0232 0:59.1094720
7366fred debeaulieu rmz450(2013)5 6:34.7034 1:05.7428003
831loic sarrat #31 [FR] yz450f(2013)5 6:37.3042 1:15.73413648
980GREG rmz450(2013)5 6:46.4372 1:15.1327722
10632Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk yz450f(2013)5 6:54.4143 1:17.2891345
11339Florian Clause kx250f(2013)5 6:54.6484 1:09.2189113
12211GAWEL crf250(2013)5 6:54.6794 1:06.90613286
13233Joe endurocross yz250f(2009)4 4:38.2813 1:00.7424132
14241Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing yz250f(2009)4 6:04.3124 1:16.5397456
15523oliver albertsen | AH Racing crf250(2009)4 6:11.9373 1:21.89014129
16007gobond 250sx(2012)4 6:23.0392 1:20.14813055
1731NasKa 250sxf(2013)4 6:43.2102 1:18.9457726
1872Carlo Pelle rm1253 5:04.6482 1:30.96814160
1969Mark Guy kx1253 5:49.2812 1:40.80414379
2027R Lepers kx250f(2008)2 3:10.8282 1:20.18712662
21125Chase 125 kx450f(2013)1 2:21.1170 0:00.00012613
22tmen duro cr250(2007)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00013123
237James Stewart | Yoshimura Suzuki rmz450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0003068

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 69 69 124 233 701
P2 124 124 69 701 141
P3 39 701 701 69 99
P4 701 233 233 141 124
P5 31 39 39 39 39
P6 141 31 141 99 69
P7 233 141 99 124 366
P8 632 366 31 31 31
P9 366 99 632 366 80
P10 523 632 80 339 632
P11 99 80 366 632 339
P12 211 211 339 80 211
P13 80 339 211 211
P14 339 31 523 241
P15 31 27 007 523
P16 27 007 241 007
P17 007 241 72 31
P18 241 523 31
P19 72 72 69
P20 69 69
P21 125

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

0:58.843 3 39 Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO
0:59.109 2 69 Cj Ruggero #69
1:00.742 3 233 Joe endurocross
1:01.007 5 701 TIM #701# NL
1:01.054 4 141 Marvin Garthe | TechEvo
1:01.421 2 701 TIM #701# NL
1:02.773 2 124 Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO
1:02.984 5 99 Damon Smith
1:04.015 2 99 Damon Smith
1:05.468 3 701 TIM #701# NL
1:05.742 4 366 fred debeaulieu
1:06.906 4 211 GAWEL
1:07.070 4 99 Damon Smith
1:07.445 3 99 Damon Smith
1:08.164 5 141 Marvin Garthe | TechEvo
1:09.218 4 339 Florian Clause
1:10.617 3 141 Marvin Garthe | TechEvo
1:11.773 3 69 Cj Ruggero #69
1:11.968 4 233 Joe endurocross
1:13.242 5 39 Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO
1:13.875 2 141 Marvin Garthe | TechEvo
1:14.703 5 366 fred debeaulieu
1:15.132 2 80 GREG
1:15.140 3 339 Florian Clause
1:15.242 3 80 GREG
1:15.734 2 31 loic sarrat #31 [FR]
1:15.992 5 80 GREG
1:16.156 2 366 fred debeaulieu
1:16.539 4 241 Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing
1:17.125 4 80 GREG
1:17.289 3 632 Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk
1:17.445 5 211 GAWEL
1:17.570 5 31 loic sarrat #31 [FR]
1:18.367 4 69 Cj Ruggero #69
1:18.945 2 31 NasKa
1:19.039 2 39 Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO
1:19.726 2 339 Florian Clause
1:20.148 2 007 gobond
1:20.187 2 27 R Lepers
1:20.617 2 211 GAWEL
1:21.476 2 632 Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk
1:21.890 3 523 oliver albertsen | AH Racing
1:23.125 4 31 loic sarrat #31 [FR]
1:25.351 4 632 Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk
1:25.593 5 632 Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk
1:26.500 5 339 Florian Clause
1:29.054 3 241 Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing
1:29.117 3 211 GAWEL
1:30.757 4 523 oliver albertsen | AH Racing
1:30.968 2 72 Carlo Pelle
1:31.484 3 007 gobond
1:31.835 3 72 Carlo Pelle
1:32.687 3 366 fred debeaulieu
1:38.898 4 007 gobond
1:40.804 2 69 Mark Guy
1:44.914 4 124 Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO
1:47.164 5 69 Cj Ruggero #69
1:49.695 3 69 Mark Guy
1:56.992 3 31 NasKa

Individual Worst Laps

1:07.445 3 99 Damon Smith
1:11.968 4 233 Joe endurocross
1:13.875 2 141 Marvin Garthe | TechEvo
1:15.187 4 701 TIM #701# NL
1:17.125 4 80 GREG
1:19.679 4 39 Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO
1:20.187 2 27 R Lepers
1:23.125 4 31 loic sarrat #31 [FR]
1:25.593 5 632 Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk
1:26.500 5 339 Florian Clause
1:29.054 3 241 Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing
1:29.117 3 211 GAWEL
1:31.835 3 72 Carlo Pelle
1:32.687 3 366 fred debeaulieu
1:38.898 4 007 gobond
1:44.914 4 124 Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO
1:47.164 5 69 Cj Ruggero #69
1:48.398 2 523 oliver albertsen | AH Racing
1:49.695 3 69 Mark Guy
1:56.992 3 31 NasKa


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.434 72 Carlo Pelle
0.795 80 GREG
1.919 99 Damon Smith
2.721 31 loic sarrat #31 [FR]
3.387 632 Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk
4.445 69 Mark Guy
4.714 141 Marvin Garthe | TechEvo
5.220 233 Joe endurocross
5.665 241 Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing
5.709 701 TIM #701# NL
6.325 339 Florian Clause
7.710 007 gobond
7.949 211 GAWEL
8.384 39 Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO
9.726 366 fred debeaulieu
11.018 523 oliver albertsen | AH Racing
15.559 31 NasKa
17.617 69 Cj Ruggero #69
18.490 124 Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO
- 125 Chase 125
- tm en duro
- 7 James Stewart | Yoshimura Suzuki
- 27 R Lepers

Play by Play

NasKa takes the holeshot followed by Cj Ruggero #69, Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO, fred debeaulieu, TIM #701# NL , Damon Smith , Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk , gobond, Carlo Pelle, Joe endurocross, loic sarrat #31 [FR], R Lepers, GAWEL, Chase 125, Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing, GREG, Mark Guy, oliver albertsen | AH Racing and Florian Clause

0:10.054 - 0:14.046: TIM #701# NL passed fred debeaulieu for 3rd
0:11.781 - 0:15.195: Carlo Pelle passed gobond, fred debeaulieu, Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk and Damon Smith for 5th
0:12.187 - 0:17.187: loic sarrat #31 [FR] passed gobond, Joe endurocross, fred debeaulieu, Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk and Damon Smith for 6th
0:13.750 - 0:17.851: R Lepers passed gobond, Joe endurocross, fred debeaulieu, Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk and Damon Smith for 7th
0:14.515 - 0:18.937: GAWEL passed gobond, Joe endurocross, Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk and Damon Smith for 10th
0:18.640 - 0:21.750: GREG passed Chase 125, gobond, Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing and Joe endurocross for 13th
0:17.187 - 0:22.625: loic sarrat #31 [FR] passed Carlo Pelle for 5th
0:18.054 - 0:23.296: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo passed Carlo Pelle and R Lepers for 6th
0:18.421 - 0:23.859: fred debeaulieu passed Carlo Pelle and R Lepers for 7th
0:19.156 - 0:23.890: oliver albertsen | AH Racing passed Chase 125, Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing and Mark Guy for 16th
0:19.046 - 0:24.382: Mark Guy passed Chase 125 and Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing for 17th
0:19.437 - 0:24.664: Damon Smith passed Carlo Pelle, R Lepers and GAWEL for 8th
0:18.937 - 0:24.992: GAWEL passed R Lepers for 10th
0:19.937 - 0:25.640: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk passed R Lepers for 11th
0:16.500 - 0:25.828: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing passed Chase 125 for 18th
0:23.843 - 0:26.703: Florian Clause passed Chase 125 for 19th
0:21.750 - 0:26.921: GREG passed R Lepers for 12th
0:22.757 - 0:28.304: gobond passed R Lepers for 13th
0:23.312 - 0:29.046: Joe endurocross passed R Lepers for 14th
0:23.890 - 0:29.781: oliver albertsen | AH Racing passed R Lepers for 15th
0:25.828 - 0:31.273: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing passed Mark Guy and R Lepers for 16th
0:26.703 - 0:32.250: Florian Clause passed Mark Guy and R Lepers for 17th
0:09.281 - 0:32.421: NasKa went off the track
0:29.906 - 0:33.554: GAWEL passed Carlo Pelle and Damon Smith for 8th
0:30.554 - 0:33.765: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk passed Carlo Pelle and Damon Smith for 9th
0:31.242 - 0:35.070: GREG passed Carlo Pelle and Damon Smith for 10th
0:29.218 - 0:35.312: Chase 125 passed Mark Guy for 20th
0:32.687 - 0:36.125: gobond passed Carlo Pelle and Damon Smith for 11th
0:33.242 - 0:36.429: Joe endurocross passed Carlo Pelle and Damon Smith for 12th
0:33.765 - 0:37.304: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk passed GAWEL for 6th
0:26.851 - 0:37.867: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO went off the track
0:34.625 - 0:38.265: oliver albertsen | AH Racing passed Carlo Pelle and Damon Smith for 13th
0:26.039 - 0:38.421: TIM #701# NL went off the track
0:34.398 - 0:38.867: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo passed loic sarrat #31 [FR] for 5th
0:35.687 - 0:39.085: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing passed Carlo Pelle and Damon Smith for 14th
0:36.906 - 0:39.906: Florian Clause passed Carlo Pelle and Damon Smith for 15th
0:37.218 - 0:40.429: NasKa passed Carlo Pelle and Damon Smith for 16th
0:37.617 - 0:41.296: R Lepers passed Carlo Pelle and Damon Smith for 17th
0:39.906 - 0:43.601: Florian Clause passed Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing for 12th
0:40.351 - 0:43.992: Chase 125 passed Carlo Pelle for 19th
0:40.429 - 0:44.742: NasKa passed Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing for 13th
0:40.257 - 0:44.820: Joe endurocross passed gobond for 11th
0:41.296 - 0:45.492: R Lepers passed Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing for 14th
0:42.898 - 0:46.453: Damon Smith passed Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing for 15th
0:43.992 - 0:47.898: Chase 125 passed Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing for 16th
0:48.820 - 0:52.617: Joe endurocross passed GREG for 10th
0:48.398 - 0:53.218: Carlo Pelle passed Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing for 19th
0:50.882 - 0:55.132: Damon Smith passed R Lepers for 16th
0:51.132 - 0:55.664: oliver albertsen | AH Racing passed gobond for 12th
0:53.656 - 0:57.226: NasKa passed Florian Clause and gobond for 13th
0:55.132 - 0:58.898: Damon Smith passed Florian Clause and gobond for 14th
0:54.867 - 0:58.929: Joe endurocross passed Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk for 8th
0:55.812 - 0:59.710: R Lepers passed Florian Clause and gobond for 15th
0:56.445 - 1:00.781: loic sarrat #31 [FR] passed Marvin Garthe | TechEvo for 5th
0:57.234 - 1:01.125: fred debeaulieu passed Marvin Garthe | TechEvo for 6th
0:57.945 - 1:02.054: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing passed Chase 125, Florian Clause, gobond and Carlo Pelle for 16th
0:58.062 - 1:02.460: oliver albertsen | AH Racing passed GREG for 10th
0:57.664 - 1:04.648: Carlo Pelle passed Chase 125, Florian Clause and gobond for 17th
0:52.617 - 1:04.851: Florian Clause passed gobond for 18th
0:53.000 - 1:07.226: GAWEL went off the track
1:02.437 - 1:07.234: R Lepers passed GREG, NasKa and Damon Smith for 11th
1:01.179 - 1:08.023: Damon Smith passed GREG and NasKa for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:09.609: Cj Ruggero #69 finished lap 1 ( 1:09.609)
1:06.960 - 1:11.421: Carlo Pelle passed GREG, Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing and NasKa for 13th
1:07.742 - 1:12.453: Florian Clause passed GREG, Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing and NasKa for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:13.601: Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO finished lap 1 ( 1:13.601)
1:09.351 - 1:14.117: gobond passed GREG, Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing and NasKa for 15th
1:10.523 - 1:14.226: Damon Smith passed R Lepers for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:14.632: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO finished lap 1 ( 1:14.632)
0:00.000 - 1:16.218: TIM #701# NL finished lap 1 ( 1:16.218)
1:04.343 - 1:17.335: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing passed NasKa for 17th
1:13.117 - 1:17.734: Chase 125 passed NasKa for 18th
1:10.960 - 1:18.328: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo passed fred debeaulieu for 6th
1:13.125 - 1:19.140: Joe endurocross passed fred debeaulieu for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:19.546: loic sarrat #31 [FR] finished lap 1 ( 1:19.546)
1:14.851 - 1:20.882: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk passed fred debeaulieu for 8th
1:18.312 - 1:21.945: Carlo Pelle passed R Lepers for 13th
0:00.000 - 1:21.960: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo finished lap 1 ( 1:21.960)
1:18.765 - 1:22.210: Florian Clause passed R Lepers for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:22.796: Joe endurocross finished lap 1 ( 1:22.796)
1:20.726 - 1:24.234: Chase 125 passed Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing for 18th
0:00.000 - 1:24.703: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk finished lap 1 ( 1:24.703)
1:19.554 - 1:24.757: TIM #701# NL passed Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:25.414: fred debeaulieu finished lap 1 ( 1:25.414)
1:22.875 - 1:28.101: loic sarrat #31 [FR] passed Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO for 4th
1:24.671 - 1:28.968: R Lepers passed Florian Clause and Carlo Pelle for 13th
1:25.015 - 1:29.960: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo passed Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:30.890: oliver albertsen | AH Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:30.890)
1:25.968 - 1:31.054: Joe endurocross passed Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO for 6th
1:26.882 - 1:31.125: gobond passed Florian Clause and Carlo Pelle for 14th
1:24.164 - 1:31.601: Florian Clause passed Carlo Pelle for 15th
1:28.882 - 1:32.335: GREG passed Carlo Pelle for 16th
1:28.023 - 1:33.273: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk passed Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO for 7th
1:26.562 - 1:34.164: Damon Smith passed GAWEL for 11th
1:34.039 - 1:37.921: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:38.382: Damon Smith finished lap 1 ( 1:38.382)
1:32.335 - 1:38.867: GREG passed Florian Clause, gobond and R Lepers for 13th
1:35.460 - 1:38.914: NasKa passed Chase 125, Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing and Carlo Pelle for 17th
1:31.601 - 1:40.093: Florian Clause passed gobond and R Lepers for 14th
1:30.468 - 1:40.242: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing passed Chase 125 and Carlo Pelle for 18th
0:00.000 - 1:40.593: GAWEL finished lap 1 ( 1:40.593)
0:00.000 - 1:42.945: GREG finished lap 1 ( 1:42.945)
0:00.000 - 1:44.062: Florian Clause finished lap 1 ( 1:44.062)
1:41.343 - 1:44.875: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk passed Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO for 6th
1:38.914 - 1:45.101: NasKa passed gobond and R Lepers for 15th
1:38.343 - 1:46.195: Joe endurocross went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:48.968: NasKa finished lap 1 ( 1:48.968)
0:00.000 - 1:50.640: R Lepers finished lap 1 ( 1:50.640)
1:30.890 - 1:52.054: oliver albertsen | AH Racing went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:52.507: gobond finished lap 1 ( 1:52.507)
1:52.382 - 1:57.781: NasKa passed Florian Clause for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:58.195: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:58.195)
0:00.000 - 2:01.843: Carlo Pelle finished lap 1 ( 2:01.843)
1:09.609 - 2:08.718: Cj Ruggero #69 finished lap 2 ( 0:59.109)
2:05.562 - 2:09.046: Joe endurocross passed Marvin Garthe | TechEvo for 5th
2:11.437 - 2:15.414: GREG passed GAWEL for 11th
1:13.601 - 2:16.375: Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO finished lap 2 ( 1:02.773)
1:16.218 - 2:17.640: TIM #701# NL finished lap 2 ( 1:01.421)
2:14.906 - 2:18.390: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk passed Marvin Garthe | TechEvo for 6th
0:00.000 - 2:18.781: Mark Guy finished lap 1 ( 2:18.781)
2:13.664 - 2:18.781: Mark Guy passed Chase 125 for 20th
2:16.156 - 2:19.101: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed Marvin Garthe | TechEvo for 7th
2:14.226 - 2:20.148: Joe endurocross passed loic sarrat #31 [FR] for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:21.117: Chase 125 finished lap 1 ( 2:21.117)
1:22.796 - 2:23.851: Joe endurocross finished lap 2 ( 1:01.054)
2:21.703 - 2:25.601: R Lepers passed Florian Clause and NasKa for 14th
2:22.531 - 2:28.390: gobond passed Florian Clause and NasKa for 15th
2:24.132 - 2:30.070: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk and loic sarrat #31 [FR] for 5th
2:19.031 - 2:31.234: Florian Clause passed NasKa for 16th
2:25.882 - 2:31.992: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo passed Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk for 7th
1:14.632 - 2:33.671: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO finished lap 2 ( 1:19.039)
1:19.546 - 2:35.281: loic sarrat #31 [FR] finished lap 2 ( 1:15.734)
1:21.960 - 2:35.835: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo finished lap 2 ( 1:13.875)
2:31.039 - 2:37.445: fred debeaulieu passed Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk for 8th
2:32.796 - 2:38.664: Damon Smith passed Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk for 9th
1:25.414 - 2:41.570: fred debeaulieu finished lap 2 ( 1:16.156)
2:38.085 - 2:41.851: gobond passed R Lepers for 14th
1:38.382 - 2:42.398: Damon Smith finished lap 2 ( 1:04.015)
2:39.093 - 2:44.070: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo passed loic sarrat #31 [FR] for 6th
2:40.648 - 2:44.296: Florian Clause passed R Lepers for 15th
1:24.703 - 2:46.179: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk finished lap 2 ( 1:21.476)
2:38.406 - 2:53.578: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing went off the track
2:49.265 - 2:55.296: Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO went off the track
1:42.945 - 2:58.078: GREG finished lap 2 ( 1:15.132)
2:53.562 - 2:59.710: Florian Clause passed gobond and oliver albertsen | AH Racing for 13th
1:40.593 - 3:01.210: GAWEL finished lap 2 ( 1:20.617)
2:57.609 - 3:02.375: Chase 125 passed Mark Guy for 20th
1:44.062 - 3:03.789: Florian Clause finished lap 2 ( 1:19.726)
2:57.414 - 3:03.953: NasKa passed gobond, R Lepers and oliver albertsen | AH Racing for 14th
2:56.828 - 3:06.414: R Lepers passed gobond and oliver albertsen | AH Racing for 15th
1:48.968 - 3:07.914: NasKa finished lap 2 ( 1:18.945)
1:50.640 - 3:10.828: R Lepers finished lap 2 ( 1:20.187)
3:07.226 - 3:12.515: Florian Clause passed GAWEL for 12th
1:52.507 - 3:12.656: gobond finished lap 2 ( 1:20.148)
3:08.492 - 3:12.656: gobond passed oliver albertsen | AH Racing for 16th
3:06.914 - 3:13.000: Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO passed Cj Ruggero #69 for the lead
3:12.023 - 3:14.234: Mark Guy passed Chase 125 for 20th
3:02.312 - 3:15.804: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing went off the track
1:58.195 - 3:15.804: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:17.609)
3:11.492 - 3:16.765: NasKa passed GAWEL for 13th
3:09.093 - 3:16.914: loic sarrat #31 [FR] went off the track
2:16.375 - 3:17.750: Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO finished lap 3 ( 1:01.375)
1:30.890 - 3:19.289: oliver albertsen | AH Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:48.398)
3:14.273 - 3:20.367: R Lepers passed GAWEL for 14th
2:08.718 - 3:20.492: Cj Ruggero #69 finished lap 3 ( 1:11.773)
3:17.375 - 3:21.640: fred debeaulieu passed Marvin Garthe | TechEvo for 6th
2:17.640 - 3:23.109: TIM #701# NL finished lap 3 ( 1:05.468)
2:23.851 - 3:24.593: Joe endurocross finished lap 3 ( 1:00.742)
3:25.132 - 3:28.867: GAWEL passed NasKa for 13th
3:26.648 - 3:30.242: gobond passed NasKa for 14th
3:28.070 - 3:31.460: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo passed fred debeaulieu for 7th
2:33.671 - 3:32.515: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO finished lap 3 ( 0:58.843)
2:01.843 - 3:32.812: Carlo Pelle finished lap 2 ( 1:30.968)
3:31.289 - 3:34.429: Damon Smith passed fred debeaulieu for 8th
3:31.734 - 3:35.679: TIM #701# NL passed Cj Ruggero #69 for 2nd
3:33.429 - 3:37.492: Joe endurocross passed Cj Ruggero #69 for 3rd
3:34.703 - 3:38.617: oliver albertsen | AH Racing passed Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing for 16th
3:36.570 - 3:42.468: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo passed loic sarrat #31 [FR] for 6th
3:39.804 - 3:45.906: Damon Smith passed loic sarrat #31 [FR] for 7th
2:35.835 - 3:46.453: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo finished lap 3 ( 1:10.617)
3:44.343 - 3:47.835: GREG passed fred debeaulieu and Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk for 9th
3:43.851 - 3:47.882: NasKa passed gobond for 14th
3:35.664 - 3:47.937: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk passed fred debeaulieu for 10th
2:42.398 - 3:49.843: Damon Smith finished lap 3 ( 1:07.445)
3:48.984 - 3:52.453: Florian Clause passed fred debeaulieu for 11th
3:50.140 - 3:53.601: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk passed GREG for 9th
2:35.281 - 3:54.070: loic sarrat #31 [FR] finished lap 3 ( 1:18.789)
3:47.937 - 3:54.890: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing passed gobond and oliver albertsen | AH Racing for 15th
3:54.531 - 3:58.125: Florian Clause passed GREG for 10th
2:18.781 - 3:59.585: Mark Guy finished lap 2 ( 1:40.804)
3:56.085 - 4:00.164: fred debeaulieu passed GREG for 11th
2:46.179 - 4:03.468: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk finished lap 3 ( 1:17.289)
4:00.968 - 4:08.960: GREG passed Florian Clause and fred debeaulieu for 10th
4:00.164 - 4:10.023: fred debeaulieu passed Florian Clause for 11th
2:58.078 - 4:13.320: GREG finished lap 3 ( 1:15.242)
2:41.570 - 4:14.257: fred debeaulieu finished lap 3 ( 1:32.687)
3:03.789 - 4:18.929: Florian Clause finished lap 3 ( 1:15.140)
4:07.820 - 4:19.820: Joe endurocross passed Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO for the lead
4:16.281 - 4:22.507: gobond passed Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing and NasKa for 14th
4:07.359 - 4:23.335: TIM #701# NL went off the track
4:12.195 - 4:24.179: Cj Ruggero #69 passed Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO for 2nd
4:17.914 - 4:25.210: oliver albertsen | AH Racing passed Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing and NasKa for 15th
4:23.335 - 4:26.664: TIM #701# NL passed Joe endurocross for the lead
4:23.390 - 4:27.156: Carlo Pelle passed Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing and NasKa for 16th
4:13.976 - 4:30.007: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO went off the track
3:01.210 - 4:30.328: GAWEL finished lap 3 ( 1:29.117)
4:27.054 - 4:32.875: Joe endurocross passed TIM #701# NL for the lead
4:30.242 - 4:33.914: GREG passed Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk for 9th
4:30.820 - 4:34.671: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing passed Carlo Pelle and NasKa for 16th
4:31.015 - 4:34.726: fred debeaulieu passed Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk for 10th
3:24.593 - 4:36.562: Joe endurocross finished lap 4 ( 1:11.968)
4:30.976 - 4:36.992: oliver albertsen | AH Racing passed gobond for 14th
4:34.539 - 4:37.812: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo passed Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO and Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO for 4th
3:23.109 - 4:38.296: TIM #701# NL finished lap 4 ( 1:15.187)
4:34.671 - 4:38.359: Florian Clause passed Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk for 11th
3:20.492 - 4:38.859: Cj Ruggero #69 finished lap 4 ( 1:18.367)
3:19.289 - 4:41.179: oliver albertsen | AH Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:21.890)
3:12.656 - 4:44.140: gobond finished lap 3 ( 1:31.484)
3:15.804 - 4:44.859: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:29.054)
3:46.453 - 4:47.507: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo finished lap 4 ( 1:01.054)
3:32.515 - 4:52.195: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO finished lap 4 ( 1:19.679)
4:46.937 - 4:53.031: Damon Smith passed Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO for 6th
4:50.664 - 4:55.593: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo passed Cj Ruggero #69 for 3rd
3:49.843 - 4:56.914: Damon Smith finished lap 4 ( 1:07.070)
4:59.898 - 5:02.640: Cj Ruggero #69 passed Marvin Garthe | TechEvo for 3rd
3:17.750 - 5:02.664: Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO finished lap 4 ( 1:44.914)
3:32.812 - 5:04.648: Carlo Pelle finished lap 3 ( 1:31.835)
3:07.914 - 5:04.906: NasKa finished lap 3 ( 1:56.992)
5:02.093 - 5:05.992: TIM #701# NL passed Joe endurocross for the lead
5:05.187 - 5:09.687: Damon Smith passed Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO for 5th
5:09.656 - 5:15.789: fred debeaulieu passed GREG for 9th
3:54.070 - 5:17.195: loic sarrat #31 [FR] finished lap 4 ( 1:23.125)
5:16.890 - 5:19.179: gobond passed oliver albertsen | AH Racing for 14th
4:14.257 - 5:20.000: fred debeaulieu finished lap 4 ( 1:05.742)
5:10.875 - 5:21.015: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo passed Cj Ruggero #69 for 3rd
5:17.921 - 5:24.281: Florian Clause passed GREG for 10th
5:20.015 - 5:24.875: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing passed gobond and oliver albertsen | AH Racing for 14th
5:21.109 - 5:24.921: Damon Smith passed Cj Ruggero #69 for 4th
5:18.867 - 5:24.937: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk passed GREG for 11th
4:18.929 - 5:28.148: Florian Clause finished lap 4 ( 1:09.218)
4:03.468 - 5:28.820: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk finished lap 4 ( 1:25.351)
4:13.320 - 5:30.445: GREG finished lap 4 ( 1:17.125)
5:19.429 - 5:31.578: oliver albertsen | AH Racing passed gobond for 15th
5:33.492 - 5:37.031: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo passed Joe endurocross for 2nd
5:31.742 - 5:37.218: Florian Clause passed fred debeaulieu for 9th
4:30.328 - 5:37.234: GAWEL finished lap 4 ( 1:06.906)
5:32.187 - 5:37.710: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk passed fred debeaulieu for 10th
4:38.296 - 5:39.304: TIM #701# NL finished lap 5 ( 1:01.007)
3:59.585 - 5:49.281: Mark Guy finished lap 3 ( 1:49.695)
5:42.937 - 5:51.023: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO passed Cj Ruggero #69 for 5th
5:44.820 - 5:52.398: Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO went off the track
4:47.507 - 5:55.671: Marvin Garthe | TechEvo finished lap 5 ( 1:08.164)
5:53.164 - 5:57.367: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk passed Florian Clause for 9th
5:54.656 - 5:58.734: fred debeaulieu passed Florian Clause for 10th
5:55.437 - 5:59.687: GREG passed Florian Clause for 11th
4:56.914 - 5:59.898: Damon Smith finished lap 5 ( 1:02.984)
4:44.859 - 6:01.398: Mark Simpson #241 | J&K Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:16.539)
5:02.664 - 6:05.210: Ian Marshall | 124 | LappersPRO finished lap 5 ( 1:02.546)
4:52.195 - 6:05.437: Leo Koesel#39 | #LappersPRO finished lap 5 ( 1:13.242)
4:41.179 - 6:11.937: oliver albertsen | AH Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:30.757)
6:11.984 - 6:16.085: fred debeaulieu passed Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk for 9th
6:11.382 - 6:17.625: loic sarrat #31 [FR] passed Cj Ruggero #69 for 6th
6:06.609 - 6:20.859: NasKa went off the track
4:44.140 - 6:23.039: gobond finished lap 4 ( 1:38.898)
6:22.476 - 6:25.968: GREG passed Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk for 9th
4:38.859 - 6:26.023: Cj Ruggero #69 finished lap 5 ( 1:47.164)
6:18.171 - 6:26.023: Cj Ruggero #69 passed loic sarrat #31 [FR] for 6th
5:20.000 - 6:34.703: fred debeaulieu finished lap 5 ( 1:14.703)
6:30.742 - 6:34.703: fred debeaulieu passed loic sarrat #31 [FR] for 7th
5:17.195 - 6:34.765: loic sarrat #31 [FR] finished lap 5 ( 1:17.570)
5:04.906 - 6:40.945: NasKa finished lap 4 ( 1:36.039)
5:30.445 - 6:46.437: GREG finished lap 5 ( 1:15.992)
6:31.843 - 6:50.273: Florian Clause passed Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk for 10th
5:28.820 - 6:54.414: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk finished lap 5 ( 1:25.593)
6:50.460 - 6:54.414: Alexis Avril | GA muscle milk passed Florian Clause for 10th
5:28.148 - 6:54.648: Florian Clause finished lap 5 ( 1:26.500)
5:37.234 - 6:54.679: GAWEL finished lap 5 ( 1:17.445)