MX Simulator
TrackBudds Creek
Format 5 laps
Date6/4/2014, 8:10:39 PM (3870 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
111Benjamin Dumont #11 cr250(2007)5 10:58.3205 2:07.19511540
2700Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor yz250f(2009)5 11:26.1404 1:56.96811279
3834Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | rmz450(2013)5 11:55.8904 2:10.73412870
4fab robert 350sxf(2011)5 11:59.4684 2:00.27312079
5610Canadian Pucker 610 rmz450(2011)5 12:33.0855 2:21.97612732
636Trey Conant rmz450(2013)5 12:47.8042 2:10.99213947
727neutreN-SP_POR#27 450sxf(2013)5 13:10.7424 2:09.9536340
8762Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer kx250f(2013)4 11:09.9604 2:27.46810435
9463gorman kx450f(2011)4 11:22.0623 2:20.2106437
1048MotoXXX48 rmz450(2013)4 12:36.5393 2:18.12515208
11317TheCodyB kx250f(2013)3 9:05.7503 2:24.72615155
1269Cj Ruggero 69 rmz450(2013)1 3:10.1710 0:00.0004720
137Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub} rmz450(2013)1 4:28.7420 0:00.00014529
14702Morten Strom crf250(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0009733
1564Harry Mcintyre rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00010758
16777Anthony Hill | Flex racing rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00011303
17914Parker #914 rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006833
18701 TIM #701# NL kx250f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00011481
19698Erlend Saether | MF-Racing crf250(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0003679
20966Macauley Davies | 966 Honda crf450(2013)0 0:00.8280 0:00.00010979

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 11 11 11 11 11
P2 834 36 610 700 700
P3 36 700 700 834 834
P4 834 36
P5 700 610 834 610 610
P6 762 36 36
P7 69 27 463 27 27
P8 610 762 762 762
P9 27 463 27 463
P10 463 317 317 48
P11 317 48 48
P12 48
P13 7

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:56.968 4 700 Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor
1:58.851 2 700 Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor
2:00.273 4 fab robert
2:07.195 5 11 Benjamin Dumont #11
2:09.835 2 11 Benjamin Dumont #11
2:09.953 4 27 neutreN-SP_POR#27
2:10.734 4 834 Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 |
2:10.906 3 11 Benjamin Dumont #11
2:10.992 2 36 Trey Conant
2:12.890 5 834 Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 |
2:15.570 3 834 Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 |
2:16.359 5 700 Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor
2:17.765 5 fab robert
2:18.125 3 48 MotoXXX48
2:20.210 3 463 gorman
2:21.976 5 610 Canadian Pucker 610
2:23.656 3 fab robert
2:24.015 2 fab robert
2:24.335 2 27 neutreN-SP_POR#27
2:24.726 3 317 TheCodyB
2:26.679 2 834 Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 |
2:27.468 4 762 Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer
2:35.851 2 317 TheCodyB
2:43.625 2 463 gorman
2:43.789 4 463 gorman
2:45.992 2 762 Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer
2:46.390 3 762 Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer
2:47.554 3 27 neutreN-SP_POR#27
3:06.257 4 36 Trey Conant
3:15.726 2 48 MotoXXX48

Individual Worst Laps

2:10.906 3 11 Benjamin Dumont #11
2:16.359 5 700 Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor
2:24.015 2 fab robert
2:26.679 2 834 Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 |
2:35.851 2 317 TheCodyB
2:43.789 4 463 gorman
2:45.085 4 610 Canadian Pucker 610
2:46.390 3 762 Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer
2:47.554 3 27 neutreN-SP_POR#27
3:06.257 4 36 Trey Conant
3:15.726 2 48 MotoXXX48


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.099 11 Benjamin Dumont #11
5.563 317 TheCodyB
6.139 834 Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 |
7.841 700 Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor
8.827 762 Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer
9.651 fab robert
11.076 463 gorman
13.803 27 neutreN-SP_POR#27
19.698 610 Canadian Pucker 610
21.371 36 Trey Conant
25.375 48 MotoXXX48
- 702 Morten Strom
- 64 Harry Mcintyre
- 777 Anthony Hill | Flex racing
- 914 Parker #914
- 701 TIM #701# NL
- 698 Erlend Saether | MF-Racing
- 69 Cj Ruggero 69
- 7 Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub}
- 966 Macauley Davies | 966 Honda

Play by Play

Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | takes the holeshot followed by Trey Conant, Macauley Davies | 966 Honda, TIM #701# NL , Cj Ruggero 69, Canadian Pucker 610, Benjamin Dumont #11, Morten Strom, fab robert, Erlend Saether | MF-Racing, gorman, Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer, MotoXXX48, Harry Mcintyre, TheCodyB, Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor, neutreN-SP_POR#27 and Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub}

0:23.343 - 0:27.031: Canadian Pucker 610 passed Cj Ruggero 69 for 5th
0:23.523 - 0:28.062: Benjamin Dumont #11 passed Cj Ruggero 69 for 6th
0:26.710 - 0:29.726: Macauley Davies | 966 Honda passed Trey Conant for 2nd
0:25.437 - 0:29.960: Erlend Saether | MF-Racing passed Morten Strom, fab robert and Cj Ruggero 69 for 7th
0:24.867 - 0:30.546: Morten Strom passed Cj Ruggero 69 for 8th
0:26.890 - 0:30.804: TIM #701# NL passed Trey Conant for 3rd
0:25.132 - 0:30.820: fab robert passed Cj Ruggero 69 for 9th
0:27.343 - 0:32.062: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer passed Cj Ruggero 69 and gorman for 10th
0:29.062 - 0:33.328: Harry Mcintyre passed MotoXXX48, Cj Ruggero 69 and gorman for 11th
0:29.703 - 0:33.945: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor passed TheCodyB, MotoXXX48, Cj Ruggero 69 and gorman for 12th
0:31.312 - 0:34.796: Benjamin Dumont #11 passed Trey Conant and Canadian Pucker 610 for 4th
0:34.156 - 0:37.093: Morten Strom passed Trey Conant and Canadian Pucker 610 for 5th
0:35.382 - 0:39.406: fab robert passed Canadian Pucker 610 for 7th
0:33.945 - 0:39.609: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor passed Harry Mcintyre for 11th
0:35.703 - 0:39.671: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed TheCodyB, MotoXXX48, Cj Ruggero 69 and gorman for 13th
0:29.726 - 0:40.328: Macauley Davies | 966 Honda went off the track
0:37.179 - 0:40.617: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer passed Canadian Pucker 610 for 8th
0:37.523 - 0:42.312: Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub} passed TheCodyB and MotoXXX48 for 16th
0:29.117 - 0:42.546: TheCodyB passed MotoXXX48 for 17th
0:39.609 - 0:43.101: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor passed Canadian Pucker 610 for 9th
0:39.671 - 0:44.617: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed Harry Mcintyre for 12th
0:42.312 - 0:46.718: Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub} passed Harry Mcintyre, Cj Ruggero 69 and gorman for 13th
0:41.781 - 0:46.867: Cj Ruggero 69 passed Harry Mcintyre for 14th
0:41.085 - 0:47.125: Trey Conant passed Morten Strom for 5th
0:42.445 - 0:48.203: fab robert passed Morten Strom for 6th
0:46.867 - 0:50.109: Cj Ruggero 69 passed Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub} for 12th
0:44.851 - 0:50.257: Benjamin Dumont #11 passed TIM #701# NL and Macauley Davies | 966 Honda for 2nd
0:42.257 - 0:52.007: Macauley Davies | 966 Honda passed TIM #701# NL for 3rd
0:51.828 - 0:53.273: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 8th
0:42.546 - 0:53.531: TheCodyB passed Harry Mcintyre and gorman for 15th
0:48.914 - 0:54.375: Trey Conant passed TIM #701# NL for 4th
0:42.718 - 0:57.000: MotoXXX48 passed Harry Mcintyre and gorman for 16th
0:42.179 - 0:57.304: gorman passed Harry Mcintyre for 17th
0:51.453 - 0:57.359: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed Canadian Pucker 610 for 10th
0:57.359 - 0:58.937: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 9th
0:57.773 - 0:59.226: Canadian Pucker 610 passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 10th
0:53.273 - 1:03.421: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor passed Morten Strom and fab robert for 6th
0:58.937 - 1:04.468: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed Morten Strom and fab robert for 7th
0:59.226 - 1:04.593: Canadian Pucker 610 passed Morten Strom and fab robert for 8th
0:59.429 - 1:04.968: TheCodyB passed Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub} for 13th
1:06.734 - 1:10.343: fab robert passed neutreN-SP_POR#27 and Canadian Pucker 610 for 7th
1:07.515 - 1:11.546: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer passed Morten Strom, neutreN-SP_POR#27 and Canadian Pucker 610 for 8th
1:07.078 - 1:12.476: Morten Strom passed neutreN-SP_POR#27 and Canadian Pucker 610 for 9th
1:06.460 - 1:12.507: TheCodyB passed Cj Ruggero 69 for 12th
1:10.960 - 1:13.437: TIM #701# NL passed Trey Conant for 3rd
1:04.593 - 1:15.984: Canadian Pucker 610 passed neutreN-SP_POR#27 for 10th
1:13.617 - 1:16.765: Cj Ruggero 69 passed TheCodyB and neutreN-SP_POR#27 for 11th
1:14.625 - 1:18.929: Benjamin Dumont #11 passed Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | for the lead
1:12.125 - 1:19.101: MotoXXX48 passed Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub} for 14th
1:15.398 - 1:20.859: Harry Mcintyre passed gorman and Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub} for 15th
1:12.812 - 1:21.187: gorman passed Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub} for 16th
1:19.101 - 1:22.492: MotoXXX48 passed TheCodyB for 13th
1:20.851 - 1:26.000: Morten Strom passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 8th
1:18.976 - 1:27.054: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed Cj Ruggero 69 for 11th
1:22.492 - 1:31.125: MotoXXX48 passed Cj Ruggero 69 for 12th
1:24.664 - 1:33.054: TheCodyB passed Cj Ruggero 69 for 13th
1:26.617 - 1:33.265: fab robert passed Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor for 5th
1:29.617 - 1:36.289: Morten Strom passed Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor for 6th
1:30.429 - 1:37.812: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer passed Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor for 7th
1:33.140 - 1:38.734: Cj Ruggero 69 passed TheCodyB and MotoXXX48 for 12th
1:20.859 - 1:40.460: Harry Mcintyre went off the track
1:37.812 - 1:42.906: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer passed Morten Strom for 6th
1:40.460 - 1:46.781: Harry Mcintyre passed TheCodyB and MotoXXX48 for 13th
1:42.265 - 1:47.703: gorman passed TheCodyB and MotoXXX48 for 14th
1:41.492 - 1:47.835: Cj Ruggero 69 passed neutreN-SP_POR#27 for 10th
1:33.054 - 1:49.632: TheCodyB passed MotoXXX48 for 15th
1:47.703 - 1:51.648: gorman passed Harry Mcintyre for 12th
1:48.546 - 1:53.453: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor passed Morten Strom and Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 6th
1:52.906 - 1:57.859: Cj Ruggero 69 passed Morten Strom, Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer and Canadian Pucker 610 for 7th
1:52.562 - 2:06.437: TheCodyB went off the track
1:58.796 - 2:06.546: Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub} passed MotoXXX48 for 14th
2:03.140 - 2:10.062: gorman passed neutreN-SP_POR#27 for 11th
2:10.062 - 2:18.039: gorman passed Canadian Pucker 610 for 10th
2:11.734 - 2:18.632: Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub} passed TheCodyB for 14th
0:00.000 - 2:24.132: Benjamin Dumont #11 finished lap 1 ( 2:24.132)
2:20.687 - 2:28.851: TheCodyB went off the track
2:17.710 - 2:32.562: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:39.257: Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | finished lap 1 ( 2:39.257)
2:11.039 - 2:41.500: Cj Ruggero 69 went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:42.070: Trey Conant finished lap 1 ( 2:42.070)
2:30.703 - 2:42.757: Canadian Pucker 610 went off the track
2:37.007 - 2:47.289: Harry Mcintyre passed neutreN-SP_POR#27 for 9th
0:00.000 - 2:53.757: fab robert finished lap 1 ( 2:53.757)
0:00.000 - 3:01.664: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor finished lap 1 ( 3:01.664)
2:57.750 - 3:02.976: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed Harry Mcintyre, TheCodyB and gorman for 9th
2:51.023 - 3:04.414: Harry Mcintyre passed TheCodyB and gorman for 10th
2:48.804 - 3:07.867: gorman passed TheCodyB for 11th
0:00.000 - 3:08.078: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer finished lap 1 ( 3:08.078)
0:00.000 - 3:10.171: Cj Ruggero 69 finished lap 1 ( 3:10.171)
0:00.000 - 3:13.085: Canadian Pucker 610 finished lap 1 ( 3:13.085)
3:12.148 - 3:16.843: gorman passed Harry Mcintyre for 10th
2:51.289 - 3:18.101: Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub} went off the track
3:16.726 - 3:21.992: Cj Ruggero 69 passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 6th
3:18.398 - 3:23.859: Canadian Pucker 610 passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 7th
0:00.000 - 3:29.117: neutreN-SP_POR#27 finished lap 1 ( 3:29.117)
0:00.000 - 3:34.437: gorman finished lap 1 ( 3:34.437)
3:22.945 - 3:39.718: TheCodyB passed Harry Mcintyre for 11th
3:40.585 - 3:46.109: Canadian Pucker 610 passed Cj Ruggero 69 for 6th
0:00.000 - 3:48.453: TheCodyB finished lap 1 ( 3:48.453)
3:43.531 - 3:48.882: Trey Conant passed Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | for 2nd
3:45.335 - 3:50.179: MotoXXX48 passed Harry Mcintyre for 12th
0:00.000 - 3:55.539: MotoXXX48 finished lap 1 ( 3:55.539)
4:05.125 - 4:11.570: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor passed fab robert and Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | for 3rd
4:20.351 - 4:24.804: Canadian Pucker 610 passed fab robert for 5th
0:00.000 - 4:28.742: Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub} finished lap 1 ( 4:28.742)
2:24.132 - 4:33.968: Benjamin Dumont #11 finished lap 2 ( 2:09.835)
4:24.804 - 4:36.640: Canadian Pucker 610 went off the track
2:42.070 - 4:53.062: Trey Conant finished lap 2 ( 2:10.992)
3:01.664 - 5:00.515: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor finished lap 2 ( 1:58.851)
4:54.000 - 5:03.179: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 6th
5:00.515 - 5:03.859: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor passed Trey Conant for 2nd
2:39.257 - 5:05.937: Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | finished lap 2 ( 2:26.679)
3:13.085 - 5:13.539: Canadian Pucker 610 finished lap 2 ( 2:00.453)
5:08.773 - 5:16.296: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer passed neutreN-SP_POR#27 for 7th
2:53.757 - 5:17.773: fab robert finished lap 2 ( 2:24.015)
5:20.218 - 5:26.015: Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | passed Trey Conant for 3rd
5:30.906 - 5:39.195: Trey Conant passed Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | for 3rd
5:34.554 - 5:42.226: Canadian Pucker 610 passed Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | for 4th
3:29.117 - 5:53.453: neutreN-SP_POR#27 finished lap 2 ( 2:24.335)
5:50.335 - 5:53.453: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 7th
3:08.078 - 5:54.070: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer finished lap 2 ( 2:45.992)
6:05.945 - 6:13.929: Trey Conant passed Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor for 2nd
3:34.437 - 6:18.062: gorman finished lap 2 ( 2:43.625)
3:48.453 - 6:24.304: TheCodyB finished lap 2 ( 2:35.851)
6:24.304 - 6:28.921: TheCodyB passed gorman for 9th
6:28.476 - 6:40.148: Canadian Pucker 610 went off the track
4:33.968 - 6:44.875: Benjamin Dumont #11 finished lap 3 ( 2:10.906)
6:43.898 - 6:48.148: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer passed neutreN-SP_POR#27 for 7th
6:44.562 - 6:51.867: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor went off the track
6:49.421 - 6:52.960: gorman passed TheCodyB for 9th
6:43.890 - 6:54.890: Trey Conant went off the track
6:47.523 - 7:00.507: Benjamin Dumont #11 went off the track
5:13.539 - 7:08.828: Canadian Pucker 610 finished lap 3 ( 1:55.289)
7:05.125 - 7:08.828: Canadian Pucker 610 passed Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor for 2nd
5:00.515 - 7:09.367: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor finished lap 3 ( 2:08.851)
6:56.632 - 7:09.585: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 7th
3:55.539 - 7:11.265: MotoXXX48 finished lap 2 ( 3:15.726)
4:53.062 - 7:11.507: Trey Conant finished lap 3 ( 2:18.445)
7:09.367 - 7:12.671: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor passed Canadian Pucker 610 for 2nd
5:05.937 - 7:21.507: Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | finished lap 3 ( 2:15.570)
7:33.703 - 7:35.250: Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | passed Trey Conant for 4th
7:35.539 - 7:38.835: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer passed neutreN-SP_POR#27 for 7th
5:17.773 - 7:41.429: fab robert finished lap 3 ( 2:23.656)
7:40.351 - 7:43.609: Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | passed Canadian Pucker 610 for 3rd
7:40.679 - 7:43.734: Trey Conant passed Canadian Pucker 610 for 4th
7:48.179 - 7:57.773: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 6th
7:48.625 - 7:58.906: gorman passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 7th
7:50.039 - 7:59.968: TheCodyB passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 8th
7:36.796 - 8:00.085: Devin Roach {I-Cant-Scrub} went off the track
8:05.117 - 8:12.312: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer passed TheCodyB for 9th
6:18.062 - 8:38.273: gorman finished lap 3 ( 2:20.210)
8:34.742 - 8:38.273: gorman passed neutreN-SP_POR#27 for 7th
5:54.070 - 8:40.460: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer finished lap 3 ( 2:46.390)
8:35.585 - 8:40.460: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer passed neutreN-SP_POR#27 for 8th
5:53.453 - 8:41.007: neutreN-SP_POR#27 finished lap 3 ( 2:47.554)
6:24.304 - 8:49.031: TheCodyB finished lap 3 ( 2:24.726)
6:44.875 - 8:50.476: Benjamin Dumont #11 finished lap 4 ( 2:05.601)
8:55.007 - 9:00.992: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer passed gorman for 7th
8:51.992 - 9:03.648: Canadian Pucker 610 went off the track
7:09.367 - 9:06.335: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor finished lap 4 ( 1:56.968)
9:09.554 - 9:15.890: fab robert passed Trey Conant and Canadian Pucker 610 for 4th
9:19.500 - 9:24.867: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed gorman for 8th
9:04.203 - 9:28.859: Trey Conant passed Canadian Pucker 610 for 5th
7:11.265 - 9:29.390: MotoXXX48 finished lap 3 ( 2:18.125)
7:21.507 - 9:32.242: Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | finished lap 4 ( 2:10.734)
9:29.835 - 9:33.867: Canadian Pucker 610 passed Trey Conant for 5th
7:41.429 - 9:41.703: fab robert finished lap 4 ( 2:00.273)
9:38.445 - 9:43.265: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 7th
9:32.843 - 9:51.695: MotoXXX48 went off the track
7:08.828 - 9:53.914: Canadian Pucker 610 finished lap 4 ( 2:45.085)
9:53.171 - 9:59.734: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer passed neutreN-SP_POR#27 for 7th
10:03.765 - 10:08.437: neutreN-SP_POR#27 passed Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer for 7th
7:11.507 - 10:17.765: Trey Conant finished lap 4 ( 3:06.257)
8:41.007 - 10:50.960: neutreN-SP_POR#27 finished lap 4 ( 2:09.953)
10:49.406 - 10:56.554: Canadian Pucker 610 passed fab robert for 4th
10:46.210 - 10:57.226: Trey Conant went off the track
8:50.476 - 10:57.671: Benjamin Dumont #11 finished lap 5 ( 2:07.195)
8:40.460 - 11:07.929: Adam Butler || #762 || Privateer finished lap 4 ( 2:27.468)
8:38.273 - 11:22.062: gorman finished lap 4 ( 2:43.789)
9:06.335 - 11:22.695: Kyle Krell | Bills Sport Motor finished lap 5 ( 2:16.359)
9:32.242 - 11:45.132: Payson Johnson | Flex Racing | 834 | finished lap 5 ( 2:12.890)
11:41.945 - 11:50.664: fab robert passed Canadian Pucker 610 for 4th
9:41.703 - 11:59.468: fab robert finished lap 5 ( 2:17.765)
11:50.617 - 12:11.468: neutreN-SP_POR#27 went off the track
9:53.914 - 12:15.890: Canadian Pucker 610 finished lap 5 ( 2:21.976)
12:09.351 - 12:19.234: Trey Conant went off the track
9:29.390 - 12:36.539: MotoXXX48 finished lap 4 ( 3:07.148)
10:17.765 - 12:43.531: Trey Conant finished lap 5 ( 2:25.765)
10:50.960 - 13:10.742: neutreN-SP_POR#27 finished lap 5 ( 2:19.781)