MX Simulator
TrackRidge Riders
Format 5 laps
Date8/31/2014, 3:22:55 AM (3784 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1292[2][9][2]Dumbelly rmz450(2013)5 9:53.0853 1:43.750628
2112Kalani | Aloha Cycles rm1255 10:15.7894 1:54.73411270
3YRAYaRdApe rm250(2008)5 10:38.7574 1:51.7733182
4985Jon Johnson | Looking for a team kx250f(2013)4 10:17.4762 2:19.92915830
529Rider66441 yz1254 10:34.9063 2:18.77312978
6Dylan Jones kx450f(2013)4 11:01.0620 0:00.00015710
7kawi kx250(2006)4 11:06.2730 0:00.00014353
8763makowski crf450(2013)4 11:28.9370 0:00.00010773
9265Sir Charles Dank Kush yz1250 0:00.0000 0:00.00012726
10135kibs135 250sx(2012)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0005850

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 292 292 112 112 292
P2 112 112 292 292 112
P4 29 985 29 985
P5 985 29 985
P6 29
P8 763 763 763 763

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:43.750 3 292 [2][9][2]Dumbelly
1:51.773 4 YRA YaRdApe
1:54.734 4 112 Kalani | Aloha Cycles
1:55.406 4 292 [2][9][2]Dumbelly
1:59.609 5 YRA YaRdApe
2:03.968 5 292 [2][9][2]Dumbelly
2:10.320 3 YRA YaRdApe
2:11.218 2 YRA YaRdApe
2:11.648 2 112 Kalani | Aloha Cycles
2:16.898 2 292 [2][9][2]Dumbelly
2:18.773 3 29 Rider66441
2:19.234 5 112 Kalani | Aloha Cycles
2:19.929 2 985 Jon Johnson | Looking for a team
2:29.109 2 29 Rider66441
2:29.617 3 985 Jon Johnson | Looking for a team
2:56.359 4 29 Rider66441

Individual Worst Laps

2:11.218 2 YRA YaRdApe
2:16.898 2 292 [2][9][2]Dumbelly
2:19.234 5 112 Kalani | Aloha Cycles
2:35.304 4 985 Jon Johnson | Looking for a team
2:41.960 4 Dylan Jones
2:54.515 2 763 makowski
2:56.359 4 29 Rider66441
3:09.460 2 kawi


Std. Dev.NumberName
6.347 985 Jon Johnson | Looking for a team
7.048 Dylan Jones
8.038 YRA YaRdApe
12.109 292 [2][9][2]Dumbelly
14.535 763 makowski
14.626 112 Kalani | Aloha Cycles
15.854 29 Rider66441
26.689 kawi
- 265 Sir Charles Dank Kush
- 135 kibs135

Play by Play

Kalani | Aloha Cycles takes the holeshot followed by [2][9][2]Dumbelly, Sir Charles Dank Kush, Jon Johnson | Looking for a team, Dylan Jones, Rider66441, YaRdApe, kawi and kibs135

0:10.718 - 0:14.773: Jon Johnson | Looking for a team passed Sir Charles Dank Kush for 3rd
0:11.250 - 0:15.664: Dylan Jones passed Sir Charles Dank Kush for 4th
0:11.953 - 0:15.789: Rider66441 passed Sir Charles Dank Kush for 5th
0:12.421 - 0:16.890: YaRdApe passed Sir Charles Dank Kush for 6th
0:15.664 - 0:21.734: Dylan Jones passed Jon Johnson | Looking for a team for 3rd
0:16.890 - 0:22.015: YaRdApe passed Jon Johnson | Looking for a team and Rider66441 for 4th
0:18.445 - 0:27.851: [2][9][2]Dumbelly passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for the lead
0:23.500 - 0:42.812: Sir Charles Dank Kush passed Jon Johnson | Looking for a team, Dylan Jones, Rider66441 and YaRdApe for 3rd
0:28.476 - 0:44.132: makowski passed kawi, Jon Johnson | Looking for a team, Dylan Jones, Rider66441 and YaRdApe for 4th
0:26.960 - 0:47.476: kawi passed Jon Johnson | Looking for a team, Rider66441 and YaRdApe for 6th
0:47.476 - 0:51.039: kawi passed makowski and Dylan Jones for 4th
0:47.062 - 0:52.109: Dylan Jones passed makowski for 5th
0:44.140 - 0:53.023: Kalani | Aloha Cycles went off the track
0:52.203 - 0:56.054: YaRdApe passed makowski for 6th
0:57.156 - 1:01.703: Jon Johnson | Looking for a team passed makowski for 7th
0:56.054 - 1:04.140: YaRdApe passed kawi and Dylan Jones for 4th
1:11.757 - 1:16.968: makowski went off the track
1:14.343 - 1:20.976: Jon Johnson | Looking for a team passed Dylan Jones for 6th
1:34.703 - 1:42.750: Rider66441 passed makowski, kawi, Jon Johnson | Looking for a team and Dylan Jones for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:53.062: [2][9][2]Dumbelly finished lap 1 ( 1:53.062)
0:00.000 - 1:59.851: Kalani | Aloha Cycles finished lap 1 ( 1:59.851)
1:57.257 - 2:05.500: kawi passed makowski and Rider66441 for 4th
1:58.648 - 2:06.945: Jon Johnson | Looking for a team passed makowski and Rider66441 for 5th
2:02.757 - 2:11.546: Dylan Jones passed makowski for 7th
0:00.000 - 2:25.835: YaRdApe finished lap 1 ( 2:25.835)
2:17.953 - 2:32.203: Rider66441 passed kawi and Jon Johnson | Looking for a team for 4th
2:17.382 - 2:34.523: Jon Johnson | Looking for a team passed kawi for 5th
2:38.390 - 2:46.406: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed [2][9][2]Dumbelly for the lead
0:00.000 - 2:50.664: Rider66441 finished lap 1 ( 2:50.664)
0:00.000 - 2:52.039: Jon Johnson | Looking for a team finished lap 1 ( 2:52.039)
0:00.000 - 2:53.039: kawi finished lap 1 ( 2:53.039)
2:52.039 - 2:55.468: Jon Johnson | Looking for a team passed Rider66441 for 4th
2:53.039 - 2:56.203: kawi passed Rider66441 for 5th
2:56.203 - 3:00.578: kawi passed Jon Johnson | Looking for a team for 4th
2:49.640 - 3:04.296: [2][9][2]Dumbelly passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for the lead
0:00.000 - 3:11.312: Dylan Jones finished lap 1 ( 3:11.312)
0:00.000 - 3:17.312: makowski finished lap 1 ( 3:17.312)
3:07.218 - 3:26.046: Jon Johnson | Looking for a team passed kawi for 4th
3:36.351 - 3:46.031: makowski passed Dylan Jones for 7th
3:57.539 - 4:02.179: makowski went off the track
3:49.640 - 4:03.875: kawi went off the track
1:53.062 - 4:09.960: [2][9][2]Dumbelly finished lap 2 ( 2:16.898)
1:59.851 - 4:11.500: Kalani | Aloha Cycles finished lap 2 ( 2:11.648)
4:04.421 - 4:12.226: Rider66441 passed makowski and kawi for 5th
2:25.835 - 4:37.054: YaRdApe finished lap 2 ( 2:11.218)
4:30.468 - 4:39.523: Dylan Jones passed kawi for 7th
4:39.523 - 4:45.984: Dylan Jones passed makowski for 6th
4:49.460 - 4:55.664: kawi passed makowski for 7th
4:45.984 - 5:00.320: Dylan Jones went off the track
4:56.398 - 5:06.882: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed [2][9][2]Dumbelly for the lead
4:56.093 - 5:08.671: makowski went off the track
2:52.039 - 5:11.968: Jon Johnson | Looking for a team finished lap 2 ( 2:19.929)
2:50.664 - 5:19.773: Rider66441 finished lap 2 ( 2:29.109)
5:13.109 - 5:23.890: Kalani | Aloha Cycles went off the track
5:14.765 - 5:31.625: kawi passed makowski for 7th
3:11.312 - 5:36.054: Dylan Jones finished lap 2 ( 2:24.742)
4:11.500 - 5:53.179: Kalani | Aloha Cycles finished lap 3 ( 1:41.679)
4:09.960 - 5:53.710: [2][9][2]Dumbelly finished lap 3 ( 1:43.750)
5:56.460 - 6:00.734: [2][9][2]Dumbelly passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for the lead
2:53.039 - 6:02.500: kawi finished lap 2 ( 3:09.460)
3:17.312 - 6:11.828: makowski finished lap 2 ( 2:54.515)
6:15.632 - 6:18.750: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed [2][9][2]Dumbelly for the lead
6:23.851 - 6:33.953: makowski passed kawi for 7th
6:37.492 - 6:44.937: kawi went off the track
4:37.054 - 6:47.375: YaRdApe finished lap 3 ( 2:10.320)
6:41.062 - 6:50.445: Rider66441 passed Jon Johnson | Looking for a team for 3rd
6:33.953 - 6:50.906: makowski went off the track
6:57.617 - 7:05.531: [2][9][2]Dumbelly passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for the lead
6:47.835 - 7:11.328: Dylan Jones went off the track
7:28.328 - 7:35.125: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed [2][9][2]Dumbelly for the lead
5:19.773 - 7:38.546: Rider66441 finished lap 3 ( 2:18.773)
5:11.968 - 7:41.585: Jon Johnson | Looking for a team finished lap 3 ( 2:29.617)
7:20.296 - 7:44.554: makowski went off the track
5:53.179 - 7:47.914: Kalani | Aloha Cycles finished lap 4 ( 1:54.734)
5:53.710 - 7:49.117: [2][9][2]Dumbelly finished lap 4 ( 1:55.406)
7:44.640 - 7:56.898: kawi went off the track
7:57.304 - 8:01.851: makowski passed kawi for 7th
5:36.054 - 8:08.328: Dylan Jones finished lap 3 ( 2:32.273)
8:02.078 - 8:09.328: kawi passed makowski for 7th
8:03.343 - 8:13.289: [2][9][2]Dumbelly passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for the lead
6:02.500 - 8:29.375: kawi finished lap 3 ( 2:26.875)
6:11.828 - 8:36.679: makowski finished lap 3 ( 2:24.851)
8:33.937 - 8:38.617: Jon Johnson | Looking for a team passed Rider66441 for 4th
6:47.375 - 8:39.148: YaRdApe finished lap 4 ( 1:51.773)
8:43.875 - 9:00.226: kawi went off the track
8:55.328 - 9:00.406: Dylan Jones went off the track
9:00.226 - 9:06.320: kawi went off the track
9:14.023 - 9:23.609: kawi passed Dylan Jones for 6th
9:33.710 - 9:38.335: makowski went off the track
7:49.117 - 9:53.085: [2][9][2]Dumbelly finished lap 5 ( 2:03.968)
9:30.203 - 9:53.406: kawi went off the track
7:47.914 - 10:07.148: Kalani | Aloha Cycles finished lap 5 ( 2:19.234)
10:00.093 - 10:07.664: kawi passed Dylan Jones and Rider66441 for 5th
9:55.359 - 10:16.890: Jon Johnson | Looking for a team went off the track
7:41.585 - 10:16.890: Jon Johnson | Looking for a team finished lap 4 ( 2:35.304)
10:09.570 - 10:17.710: Rider66441 passed kawi for 4th
8:29.375 - 10:34.585: kawi finished lap 4 ( 2:05.210)
10:25.304 - 10:34.585: kawi passed Rider66441 for 5th
7:38.546 - 10:34.906: Rider66441 finished lap 4 ( 2:56.359)
8:39.148 - 10:38.757: YaRdApe finished lap 5 ( 1:59.609)
8:08.328 - 10:50.289: Dylan Jones finished lap 4 ( 2:41.960)
8:36.679 - 10:59.312: makowski finished lap 4 ( 2:22.632)