MX Simulator
TrackAllamuchy Mountain
Format 5 laps
Date9/5/2014, 3:49:17 PM (3773 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
199Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports rm1255 8:28.7732 1:41.57012044
2100Frederick | Adept 125sx5 8:51.7894 1:38.9605499
3999Joe Motocross kx250(2006)5 9:11.5234 1:40.79614901
4351alexmx74 rmz450(2013)5 9:20.8825 1:42.96014040
53josh bradshaw/profile motorsports crf250(2013)5 9:26.0075 1:38.07012294
6620gforbes#620# 350sxf(2011)5 9:39.9682 1:40.8904810
7194Mkz rm1255 9:56.6322 1:44.8044468
8210Austin yz250(2012)5 10:01.7424 1:53.97610331
9159alex vallee kx250f(2009)2 4:02.2730 0:00.00011083
10222Cooper Henderson-#222 yz250f(2009)1 2:03.9210 0:00.00014410

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 999 99 99 99 99
P2 99 999 999 999 100
P3 159 100 100 100 999
P4 100 351 351 351 351
P5 222 3 620 620 3
P6 210 194 3 3 620
P7 351 159 210 194 194
P8 3 210 194 210 210
P9 194 620
P10 620

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:38.070 5 3 josh bradshaw/profile motorsports
1:38.960 4 100 Frederick | Adept
1:39.523 5 100 Frederick | Adept
1:40.796 4 999 Joe Motocross
1:40.890 2 620 gforbes#620#
1:41.570 2 99 Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports
1:41.609 5 99 Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports
1:41.937 4 620 gforbes#620#
1:42.289 3 99 Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports
1:42.960 5 351 alexmx74
1:43.375 4 99 Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports
1:44.804 2 194 Mkz
1:46.906 3 620 gforbes#620#
1:48.000 3 351 alexmx74
1:48.109 3 100 Frederick | Adept
1:48.625 2 999 Joe Motocross
1:49.335 2 100 Frederick | Adept
1:50.203 2 3 josh bradshaw/profile motorsports
1:50.257 2 351 alexmx74
1:51.085 4 3 josh bradshaw/profile motorsports
1:51.289 4 351 alexmx74
1:53.976 4 210 Austin
1:56.726 3 3 josh bradshaw/profile motorsports
1:56.828 5 620 gforbes#620#
1:56.851 5 194 Mkz
2:00.210 3 999 Joe Motocross
2:00.593 2 210 Austin
2:03.828 3 210 Austin
2:06.812 5 999 Joe Motocross
2:17.726 3 194 Mkz

Individual Worst Laps

1:43.375 4 99 Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports
1:49.335 2 100 Frederick | Adept
1:51.289 4 351 alexmx74
1:56.726 3 3 josh bradshaw/profile motorsports
1:56.828 5 620 gforbes#620#
2:03.828 3 210 Austin
2:06.539 2 159 alex vallee
2:06.812 5 999 Joe Motocross
2:17.726 3 194 Mkz


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.730 99 Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports
3.211 351 alexmx74
3.717 210 Austin
4.764 100 Frederick | Adept
6.306 620 gforbes#620#
6.800 3 josh bradshaw/profile motorsports
10.073 999 Joe Motocross
15.137 194 Mkz
- 222 Cooper Henderson-#222
- 159 alex vallee

Play by Play

Frederick | Adept takes the holeshot followed by Austin , Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports, gforbes#620#, alex vallee, Joe Motocross, Cooper Henderson-#222 , alexmx74, josh bradshaw/profile motorsports and Mkz

0:10.835 - 0:18.437: Austin passed Frederick | Adept for the lead
0:11.859 - 0:19.296: gforbes#620# passed Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports for 3rd
0:12.898 - 0:21.078: Joe Motocross passed alex vallee for 5th
0:16.851 - 0:24.734: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports passed alexmx74 for 8th
0:19.335 - 0:28.640: Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports passed gforbes#620#, Austin and Frederick | Adept for the lead
0:21.179 - 0:31.210: alex vallee passed gforbes#620#, Austin , Frederick | Adept and Joe Motocross for 2nd
0:21.078 - 0:32.515: Joe Motocross passed gforbes#620#, Austin and Frederick | Adept for 3rd
0:23.921 - 0:33.531: Cooper Henderson-#222 passed gforbes#620#, Austin and Frederick | Adept for 4th
0:24.890 - 0:34.000: alexmx74 passed gforbes#620#, Austin , josh bradshaw/profile motorsports and Frederick | Adept for 5th
0:24.734 - 0:34.156: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports passed gforbes#620#, Austin and Frederick | Adept for 6th
0:19.164 - 0:37.890: Frederick | Adept passed Austin for 7th
0:32.515 - 0:40.859: Joe Motocross passed alex vallee and Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports for the lead
0:31.210 - 0:40.929: alex vallee passed Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports for 2nd
0:34.000 - 0:46.039: alexmx74 passed Cooper Henderson-#222 for 4th
0:38.812 - 0:49.023: Austin passed Cooper Henderson-#222 , josh bradshaw/profile motorsports and Frederick | Adept for 5th
0:37.890 - 0:54.304: Frederick | Adept passed josh bradshaw/profile motorsports for 7th
0:49.023 - 0:55.718: Austin passed alexmx74 for 4th
0:52.125 - 0:59.304: Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports passed alex vallee for 2nd
0:55.718 - 1:02.453: Austin passed alex vallee for 3rd
1:01.296 - 1:08.609: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports passed Cooper Henderson-#222 and Frederick | Adept for 5th
1:00.898 - 1:09.617: Frederick | Adept passed Cooper Henderson-#222 for 6th
1:05.218 - 1:18.179: alex vallee passed Austin for 3rd
1:04.484 - 1:21.937: gforbes#620# went off the track
1:22.117 - 1:27.132: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports passed gforbes#620# for 5th
0:58.031 - 1:27.468: alexmx74 went off the track
1:24.398 - 1:29.429: Frederick | Adept passed gforbes#620# for 6th
1:28.656 - 1:34.171: Cooper Henderson-#222 passed alexmx74 and gforbes#620# for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:35.078: Joe Motocross finished lap 1 ( 1:35.078)
1:29.429 - 1:35.140: Frederick | Adept passed josh bradshaw/profile motorsports for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:39.929: Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:39.929)
1:34.171 - 1:40.054: Cooper Henderson-#222 passed josh bradshaw/profile motorsports for 5th
1:39.664 - 1:45.945: alexmx74 passed gforbes#620# for 7th
1:26.765 - 1:48.148: Austin went off the track
1:45.945 - 1:50.617: alexmx74 passed josh bradshaw/profile motorsports for 7th
1:49.585 - 1:55.070: Mkz passed gforbes#620# for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:55.734: alex vallee finished lap 1 ( 1:55.734)
0:00.000 - 1:55.859: Frederick | Adept finished lap 1 ( 1:55.859)
1:55.859 - 2:00.398: Frederick | Adept passed alex vallee for 3rd
1:47.679 - 2:03.921: Cooper Henderson-#222 went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:03.921: Cooper Henderson-#222 finished lap 1 ( 2:03.921)
0:00.000 - 2:05.359: Austin finished lap 1 ( 2:05.359)
0:00.000 - 2:08.375: alexmx74 finished lap 1 ( 2:08.375)
0:00.000 - 2:09.921: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports finished lap 1 ( 2:09.921)
1:59.671 - 2:11.992: Mkz went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:16.460: Mkz finished lap 1 ( 2:16.460)
2:20.882 - 2:24.367: Mkz passed josh bradshaw/profile motorsports for 7th
2:08.921 - 2:25.023: Cooper Henderson-#222 went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:28.320: gforbes#620# finished lap 1 ( 2:28.320)
2:22.445 - 2:29.960: alexmx74 passed Austin for 5th
2:25.023 - 2:32.101: Cooper Henderson-#222 passed Austin for 6th
2:40.445 - 2:48.703: Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports passed Joe Motocross for the lead
2:42.312 - 2:51.710: Austin passed Cooper Henderson-#222 for 6th
2:44.718 - 2:54.125: Mkz passed Cooper Henderson-#222 for 7th
2:45.468 - 2:58.984: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports passed Cooper Henderson-#222 for 8th
3:03.492 - 3:10.117: Mkz passed Austin for 6th
3:07.226 - 3:13.539: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports passed Austin for 7th
1:39.929 - 3:21.500: Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:41.570)
1:35.078 - 3:23.703: Joe Motocross finished lap 2 ( 1:48.625)
3:28.390 - 3:33.210: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports passed Mkz for 6th
3:17.835 - 3:42.859: Cooper Henderson-#222 went off the track
3:21.929 - 3:44.507: alex vallee went off the track
1:55.859 - 3:45.195: Frederick | Adept finished lap 2 ( 1:49.335)
2:08.375 - 3:58.632: alexmx74 finished lap 2 ( 1:50.257)
2:09.921 - 4:00.125: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:50.203)
2:16.460 - 4:01.265: Mkz finished lap 2 ( 1:44.804)
1:55.734 - 4:02.273: alex vallee finished lap 2 ( 2:06.539)
4:01.265 - 4:05.468: Mkz passed josh bradshaw/profile motorsports for 5th
2:05.359 - 4:05.953: Austin finished lap 2 ( 2:00.593)
4:02.273 - 4:07.898: alex vallee passed josh bradshaw/profile motorsports for 6th
2:28.320 - 4:09.210: gforbes#620# finished lap 2 ( 1:40.890)
4:05.953 - 4:10.718: Austin passed josh bradshaw/profile motorsports for 7th
4:12.742 - 4:16.843: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports passed Austin for 6th
4:14.148 - 4:17.718: gforbes#620# passed Austin for 7th
4:36.703 - 4:46.085: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports passed Mkz for 5th
3:21.500 - 5:03.789: Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:42.289)
4:56.507 - 5:04.039: gforbes#620# passed Mkz and josh bradshaw/profile motorsports for 5th
5:01.023 - 5:07.515: Austin passed Mkz and josh bradshaw/profile motorsports for 6th
4:56.351 - 5:08.445: Mkz passed josh bradshaw/profile motorsports for 7th
5:10.367 - 5:17.812: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports passed Mkz for 7th
3:23.703 - 5:23.914: Joe Motocross finished lap 3 ( 2:00.210)
5:25.296 - 5:30.179: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports passed Austin for 6th
3:45.195 - 5:33.304: Frederick | Adept finished lap 3 ( 1:48.109)
3:58.632 - 5:46.632: alexmx74 finished lap 3 ( 1:48.000)
4:09.210 - 5:56.117: gforbes#620# finished lap 3 ( 1:46.906)
4:00.125 - 5:56.851: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:56.726)
4:05.953 - 6:09.781: Austin finished lap 3 ( 2:03.828)
4:01.265 - 6:18.992: Mkz finished lap 3 ( 2:17.726)
6:23.648 - 6:32.265: Mkz went off the track
5:03.789 - 6:47.164: Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:43.375)
5:23.914 - 7:04.710: Joe Motocross finished lap 4 ( 1:40.796)
5:33.304 - 7:12.265: Frederick | Adept finished lap 4 ( 1:38.960)
7:10.937 - 7:17.453: Mkz passed Austin for 7th
7:24.093 - 7:33.406: gforbes#620# passed alexmx74 for 4th
5:46.632 - 7:37.921: alexmx74 finished lap 4 ( 1:51.289)
7:33.445 - 7:37.921: alexmx74 passed gforbes#620# for 4th
5:56.117 - 7:38.054: gforbes#620# finished lap 4 ( 1:41.937)
7:32.718 - 7:40.359: Frederick | Adept passed Joe Motocross for 2nd
7:42.570 - 7:45.859: gforbes#620# passed alexmx74 for 4th
5:56.851 - 7:47.937: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:51.085)
6:18.992 - 7:56.828: Mkz finished lap 4 ( 1:37.835)
6:09.781 - 8:03.757: Austin finished lap 4 ( 1:53.976)
8:07.906 - 8:17.453: Austin went off the track
8:15.546 - 8:24.976: alexmx74 passed gforbes#620# for 4th
6:47.164 - 8:28.773: Jack Barton/Profile Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:41.609)
8:39.375 - 8:46.609: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports passed gforbes#620# for 5th
7:12.265 - 8:51.789: Frederick | Adept finished lap 5 ( 1:39.523)
7:04.710 - 9:11.523: Joe Motocross finished lap 5 ( 2:06.812)
7:37.921 - 9:20.882: alexmx74 finished lap 5 ( 1:42.960)
7:47.937 - 9:26.007: josh bradshaw/profile motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:38.070)
7:38.054 - 9:34.882: gforbes#620# finished lap 5 ( 1:56.828)
7:56.828 - 9:53.679: Mkz finished lap 5 ( 1:56.851)
8:03.757 - 10:00.687: Austin finished lap 5 ( 1:56.929)