MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date9/16/2014, 10:00:59 PM (3767 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1256Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx rmz450(2011)5 6:51.7425 1:13.14010388
25 Alex Rose #5 crf450(2013)5 7:02.5932 1:19.71810081
344David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing rmz450(2011)5 7:02.6955 1:15.3287956
4334Mitchell Moylan yz250f(2009)5 7:23.0545 1:16.78112030
5603Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 kx450f(2013)5 7:33.4604 1:17.7578301
65252 lister fiend kx250(2006)5 7:37.0075 1:17.8985628
725[FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 rmz450(2013)5 7:37.7503 1:26.42913589
8732Chris Harper rmz450(2013)5 7:47.1014 1:34.33511333
9366fred debeaulieu|Team NGr kx450f(2013)5 7:47.5464 1:20.8438003
1077Mitchell Parker yz1255 8:35.5072 1:27.83515756
1114rich.satyr kx250(2006)4 8:18.0543 1:54.19515864
12272Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil 450sxf(2013)2 4:37.0780 0:00.00015784
13851Murray#851 rm1250 0:00.0000 0:00.00014477
14377Gavin Smith | Ck Motorsports | 547 yz250f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00010250
1513TheMechanic 250sxf(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0005203
16205Jaden_Lee|#205| yz250f(2008)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00013137

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 256 5 5 5 256
P2 5 603 44 256 5
P3 25 25 256 44 44
P4 603 732 732 603 732
P5 44 44 25 732 334
P6 77 256 603 334 603
P7 366 77 334 25 52
P8 52 52 52 52 25
P9 14 334 77 366 366
P10 732 366 366 77 77
P11 334 14 14 14
P12 272 272

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:13.140 5 256 Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx
1:13.156 4 256 Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx
1:15.328 5 44 David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing
1:16.781 5 334 Mitchell Moylan
1:16.812 3 44 David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing
1:17.757 4 603 Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5
1:17.898 5 52 52 lister fiend
1:18.125 3 256 Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx
1:19.718 2 5 Alex Rose #5
1:19.898 4 5 Alex Rose #5
1:20.562 2 603 Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5
1:20.843 4 366 fred debeaulieu|Team NGr
1:22.164 3 5 Alex Rose #5
1:23.468 4 44 David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing
1:23.593 4 334 Mitchell Moylan
1:24.218 5 366 fred debeaulieu|Team NGr
1:25.140 5 5 Alex Rose #5
1:26.367 2 44 David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing
1:26.429 3 25 [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25
1:27.132 3 52 52 lister fiend
1:27.835 2 77 Mitchell Parker
1:29.125 2 25 [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25
1:29.320 3 366 fred debeaulieu|Team NGr
1:31.109 2 334 Mitchell Moylan
1:32.031 5 25 [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25
1:33.914 4 25 [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25
1:34.335 4 732 Chris Harper
1:36.171 4 52 52 lister fiend
1:36.289 3 603 Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5
1:36.578 2 256 Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx
1:39.828 3 77 Mitchell Parker
1:41.585 5 603 Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5
1:50.695 2 366 fred debeaulieu|Team NGr
1:54.195 3 14 rich.satyr
2:15.187 2 14 rich.satyr
2:20.015 4 14 rich.satyr

Individual Worst Laps

1:25.140 5 5 Alex Rose #5
1:26.367 2 44 David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing
1:31.109 2 334 Mitchell Moylan
1:33.914 4 25 [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25
1:34.335 4 732 Chris Harper
1:36.171 4 52 52 lister fiend
1:36.578 2 256 Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx
1:41.585 5 603 Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5
1:50.695 2 366 fred debeaulieu|Team NGr
1:58.546 4 77 Mitchell Parker
2:11.046 2 272 Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil
2:20.015 4 14 rich.satyr


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.192 5 Alex Rose #5
2.846 25 [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25
4.571 44 David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing
5.511 334 Mitchell Moylan
6.693 52 52 lister fiend
7.485 732 Chris Harper
9.643 256 Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx
10.113 603 Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5
11.058 77 Mitchell Parker
11.208 14 rich.satyr
11.614 366 fred debeaulieu|Team NGr
- 851 Murray#851
- 377 Gavin Smith | Ck Motorsports | 547
- 13 TheMechanic
- 272 Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil
- 205 Jaden_Lee|#205|

Play by Play

Chris Harper takes the holeshot followed by [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25, fred debeaulieu|Team NGr, Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5, Mitchell Parker, David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing, Murray#851, Alex Rose #5, Mitchell Moylan, rich.satyr, Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx, 52 lister fiend and Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil

0:11.000 - 0:15.906: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 passed fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 3rd
0:11.507 - 0:16.320: Mitchell Parker passed fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 4th
0:12.234 - 0:17.468: Alex Rose #5 passed Murray#851, David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing and fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 5th
0:13.664 - 0:17.835: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed Murray#851, Mitchell Moylan, rich.satyr, David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing and fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 6th
0:12.585 - 0:18.046: rich.satyr passed Murray#851, Mitchell Moylan, David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing and fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 7th
0:17.835 - 0:21.820: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed Alex Rose #5 for 5th
0:18.046 - 0:22.203: rich.satyr passed Alex Rose #5 for 6th
0:21.250 - 0:25.500: 52 lister fiend passed Murray#851 and Mitchell Moylan for 10th
0:22.218 - 0:26.531: Alex Rose #5 passed rich.satyr for 6th
0:12.328 - 0:26.773: Mitchell Moylan passed Murray#851 for 11th
0:27.015 - 0:29.875: rich.satyr passed Alex Rose #5 for 6th
0:27.906 - 0:34.773: Mitchell Parker passed Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 for 3rd
0:30.523 - 0:35.023: Mitchell Moylan passed 52 lister fiend for 10th
0:32.031 - 0:37.273: Murray#851 passed 52 lister fiend for 11th
0:29.875 - 0:37.453: rich.satyr passed Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 and Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx for 4th
0:32.687 - 0:39.773: Alex Rose #5 passed Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx for 6th
0:35.164 - 0:42.414: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing passed Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx and fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 7th
0:43.296 - 0:45.640: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing for 7th
0:39.359 - 0:49.007: Murray#851 passed Mitchell Moylan and fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 9th
0:40.125 - 0:51.242: 52 lister fiend passed Mitchell Moylan for 11th
0:49.007 - 0:52.625: Murray#851 passed David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing for 8th
0:41.789 - 0:52.664: Alex Rose #5 passed rich.satyr, [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25, Mitchell Parker, Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 and Chris Harper for the lead
0:50.226 - 0:53.375: fred debeaulieu|Team NGr passed David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing for 9th
0:34.398 - 0:53.851: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 passed Chris Harper for 2nd
0:36.882 - 0:58.007: Mitchell Parker passed Chris Harper for 3rd
0:53.851 - 0:58.523: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 passed Alex Rose #5 for the lead
0:45.640 - 1:00.476: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed rich.satyr and Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 for 5th
0:41.296 - 1:01.914: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 passed rich.satyr for 6th
0:58.007 - 1:02.445: Mitchell Parker passed Alex Rose #5 for 2nd
0:58.203 - 1:02.929: Chris Harper passed Alex Rose #5 for 3rd
0:53.820 - 1:03.781: 52 lister fiend passed rich.satyr, David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing and fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 7th
0:53.375 - 1:04.203: fred debeaulieu|Team NGr passed rich.satyr for 8th
1:00.476 - 1:04.570: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed Alex Rose #5 for 4th
0:54.765 - 1:08.671: Mitchell Moylan passed rich.satyr and David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing for 9th
0:53.757 - 1:09.937: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing passed rich.satyr for 10th
0:59.343 - 1:10.335: Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil passed rich.satyr for 11th
1:09.937 - 1:14.398: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing passed Mitchell Moylan for 9th
1:09.281 - 1:17.695: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed Chris Harper for 3rd
1:10.554 - 1:19.265: Alex Rose #5 passed Chris Harper for 4th
1:12.812 - 1:19.968: rich.satyr passed Mitchell Moylan and Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil for 10th
1:11.867 - 1:20.359: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 passed Chris Harper for 5th
1:17.695 - 1:22.968: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 and Mitchell Parker for the lead
1:16.109 - 1:24.585: Mitchell Parker passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 2nd
1:19.265 - 1:27.046: Alex Rose #5 passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 3rd
1:19.171 - 1:27.765: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing passed 52 lister fiend and fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 7th
1:14.226 - 1:28.515: fred debeaulieu|Team NGr passed 52 lister fiend for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:30.742: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx finished lap 1 ( 1:30.742)
1:27.046 - 1:32.578: Alex Rose #5 passed Mitchell Parker for 2nd
1:28.085 - 1:33.718: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 passed Mitchell Parker for 3rd
1:28.406 - 1:34.671: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 passed Mitchell Parker for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:35.671: Alex Rose #5 finished lap 1 ( 1:35.671)
0:00.000 - 1:36.250: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 finished lap 1 ( 1:36.250)
0:00.000 - 1:37.265: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 finished lap 1 ( 1:37.265)
1:32.757 - 1:38.085: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing passed Mitchell Parker and Chris Harper for 5th
1:33.828 - 1:39.359: fred debeaulieu|Team NGr passed Mitchell Parker and Chris Harper for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:40.718: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing finished lap 1 ( 1:40.718)
1:36.882 - 1:42.203: 52 lister fiend passed Chris Harper for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:42.296: Mitchell Parker finished lap 1 ( 1:42.296)
1:39.789 - 1:42.296: Mitchell Parker passed fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:42.468: fred debeaulieu|Team NGr finished lap 1 ( 1:42.468)
0:00.000 - 1:44.703: 52 lister fiend finished lap 1 ( 1:44.703)
1:39.843 - 1:45.601: rich.satyr passed Chris Harper for 9th
1:44.703 - 1:48.281: 52 lister fiend passed fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:48.656: rich.satyr finished lap 1 ( 1:48.656)
0:00.000 - 1:49.148: Chris Harper finished lap 1 ( 1:49.148)
0:00.000 - 1:49.500: Mitchell Moylan finished lap 1 ( 1:49.500)
1:48.656 - 1:52.671: rich.satyr passed fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 8th
1:49.148 - 1:52.992: Chris Harper passed fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 9th
1:49.500 - 1:53.125: Mitchell Moylan passed fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 10th
1:53.125 - 1:55.898: Mitchell Moylan passed Chris Harper for 9th
1:55.906 - 2:04.742: Chris Harper passed Mitchell Moylan and rich.satyr for 8th
1:58.882 - 2:05.023: fred debeaulieu|Team NGr passed Mitchell Moylan and rich.satyr for 9th
2:04.523 - 2:11.750: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 3rd
2:10.937 - 2:12.984: Alex Rose #5 passed Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx for the lead
2:11.750 - 2:13.992: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 passed Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx for 2nd
2:07.757 - 2:14.765: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 4th
2:14.765 - 2:17.351: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing passed Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx for 3rd
2:10.742 - 2:18.593: Mitchell Parker passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 5th
2:13.882 - 2:21.125: 52 lister fiend passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 6th
0:00.000 - 2:24.312: Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil finished lap 1 ( 2:24.312)
2:20.515 - 2:25.656: Mitchell Moylan passed rich.satyr for 10th
2:30.367 - 2:40.562: fred debeaulieu|Team NGr passed Chris Harper for 8th
2:40.984 - 2:45.546: Chris Harper passed fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 8th
2:44.414 - 2:49.562: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing passed Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 for 2nd
2:41.671 - 2:51.000: Mitchell Parker passed Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx for 4th
2:46.859 - 2:51.500: Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil passed rich.satyr for 11th
2:46.867 - 2:51.617: Mitchell Moylan passed fred debeaulieu|Team NGr for 9th
2:43.046 - 2:51.945: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 passed Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx for 5th
2:49.750 - 2:55.312: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 passed David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing for 2nd
1:35.671 - 2:55.390: Alex Rose #5 finished lap 2 ( 1:19.718)
2:51.945 - 2:57.171: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 passed Mitchell Parker for 4th
1:37.265 - 2:57.828: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 finished lap 2 ( 1:20.562)
2:54.421 - 2:59.343: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed Mitchell Parker for 5th
2:37.359 - 3:02.531: 52 lister fiend went off the track
2:57.171 - 3:02.796: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 passed David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing for 3rd
2:53.804 - 3:05.242: Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil went off the track
1:36.250 - 3:05.375: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 finished lap 2 ( 1:29.125)
2:59.687 - 3:05.570: Chris Harper went off the track
1:49.148 - 3:05.570: Chris Harper finished lap 2 ( 1:16.421)
1:40.718 - 3:07.085: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing finished lap 2 ( 1:26.367)
1:30.742 - 3:07.320: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx finished lap 2 ( 1:36.578)
3:05.570 - 3:09.000: Chris Harper passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 3rd
1:42.296 - 3:10.132: Mitchell Parker finished lap 2 ( 1:27.835)
1:44.703 - 3:15.804: 52 lister fiend finished lap 2 ( 1:31.101)
3:12.101 - 3:17.695: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 passed Chris Harper for 3rd
3:13.125 - 3:18.742: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing for 5th
1:49.500 - 3:20.609: Mitchell Moylan finished lap 2 ( 1:31.109)
1:42.468 - 3:33.164: fred debeaulieu|Team NGr finished lap 2 ( 1:50.695)
3:31.562 - 3:35.835: 52 lister fiend passed Mitchell Parker for 7th
3:33.718 - 3:40.718: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed Chris Harper for 4th
3:34.875 - 3:41.125: rich.satyr passed Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil for 10th
3:34.382 - 3:42.031: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing passed Chris Harper for 5th
3:45.515 - 3:55.921: Mitchell Moylan went off the track
1:48.656 - 4:03.843: rich.satyr finished lap 2 ( 2:15.187)
3:58.132 - 4:08.578: Mitchell Moylan passed Mitchell Parker and 52 lister fiend for 7th
3:57.593 - 4:09.812: Mitchell Parker passed 52 lister fiend for 8th
4:01.531 - 4:15.101: Chris Harper went off the track
4:10.273 - 4:15.750: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 and Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx for 3rd
2:55.390 - 4:17.554: Alex Rose #5 finished lap 3 ( 1:22.164)
4:09.398 - 4:17.687: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 4th
4:15.101 - 4:20.101: Chris Harper passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 5th
4:15.750 - 4:21.421: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing passed Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 for 2nd
4:17.687 - 4:22.960: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 for 3rd
3:07.085 - 4:23.898: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing finished lap 3 ( 1:16.812)
4:20.101 - 4:25.164: Chris Harper passed Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 for 4th
3:07.320 - 4:25.445: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx finished lap 3 ( 1:18.125)
3:05.570 - 4:27.804: Chris Harper finished lap 3 ( 1:22.234)
4:23.890 - 4:29.468: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 passed Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 for 5th
3:05.375 - 4:31.804: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 finished lap 3 ( 1:26.429)
3:58.007 - 4:32.296: Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil went off the track
2:57.828 - 4:34.117: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 finished lap 3 ( 1:36.289)
2:24.312 - 4:35.359: Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil finished lap 2 ( 2:11.046)
3:20.609 - 4:39.437: Mitchell Moylan finished lap 3 ( 1:18.828)
4:34.882 - 4:40.210: 52 lister fiend passed Mitchell Parker for 8th
3:15.804 - 4:42.937: 52 lister fiend finished lap 3 ( 1:27.132)
3:10.132 - 4:49.960: Mitchell Parker finished lap 3 ( 1:39.828)
4:54.757 - 4:59.609: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 5th
4:41.484 - 5:01.710: Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil went off the track
3:33.164 - 5:02.484: fred debeaulieu|Team NGr finished lap 3 ( 1:29.320)
4:59.578 - 5:09.539: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing for 2nd
5:10.789 - 5:20.781: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 passed Chris Harper for 4th
5:02.328 - 5:21.945: Mitchell Parker went off the track
5:14.453 - 5:24.398: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 passed Chris Harper for 5th
5:16.234 - 5:25.851: Mitchell Moylan passed Chris Harper for 6th
5:23.484 - 5:28.179: fred debeaulieu|Team NGr passed Mitchell Parker for 9th
4:17.554 - 5:37.453: Alex Rose #5 finished lap 4 ( 1:19.898)
4:25.445 - 5:38.601: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx finished lap 4 ( 1:13.156)
4:23.898 - 5:47.367: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing finished lap 4 ( 1:23.468)
5:39.453 - 5:48.570: Chris Harper passed Mitchell Moylan and [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 5th
5:35.500 - 5:50.062: Mitchell Moylan passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 6th
4:34.117 - 5:51.875: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 finished lap 4 ( 1:17.757)
4:03.843 - 5:58.039: rich.satyr finished lap 3 ( 1:54.195)
5:54.679 - 5:58.718: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx passed Alex Rose #5 for the lead
5:39.242 - 6:02.054: Keeso|northcoast ktm | penrite oil went off the track
4:27.804 - 6:02.140: Chris Harper finished lap 4 ( 1:34.335)
4:39.437 - 6:03.031: Mitchell Moylan finished lap 4 ( 1:23.593)
4:31.804 - 6:05.718: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 finished lap 4 ( 1:33.914)
4:42.937 - 6:19.109: 52 lister fiend finished lap 4 ( 1:36.171)
5:02.484 - 6:23.328: fred debeaulieu|Team NGr finished lap 4 ( 1:20.843)
6:23.140 - 6:27.343: Mitchell Moylan passed Chris Harper for 5th
6:29.421 - 6:36.664: Mitchell Moylan passed Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 for 4th
6:31.476 - 6:38.320: Chris Harper passed Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 for 5th
6:33.953 - 6:45.789: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 passed Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 for 6th
4:49.960 - 6:48.507: Mitchell Parker finished lap 4 ( 1:58.546)
5:38.601 - 6:51.742: Guillaume Flandin| AMJ Graphixx finished lap 5 ( 1:13.140)
6:48.507 - 6:54.460: Mitchell Parker went off the track
5:37.453 - 7:02.593: Alex Rose #5 finished lap 5 ( 1:25.140)
5:47.367 - 7:02.695: David Debeaulieu | Team NGRacing finished lap 5 ( 1:15.328)
7:11.492 - 7:17.750: Chris Harper went off the track
6:02.140 - 7:17.750: Chris Harper finished lap 5 ( 1:15.609)
6:03.031 - 7:19.812: Mitchell Moylan finished lap 5 ( 1:16.781)
7:11.429 - 7:20.062: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 6th
7:15.679 - 7:24.304: 52 lister fiend passed [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 for 7th
5:51.875 - 7:33.460: Jake Miller | RnR Verts Amees | #5 finished lap 5 ( 1:41.585)
6:19.109 - 7:37.007: 52 lister fiend finished lap 5 ( 1:17.898)
6:05.718 - 7:37.750: [FR] E-SHOCK.FR Fiwell #25 finished lap 5 ( 1:32.031)
6:23.328 - 7:47.546: fred debeaulieu|Team NGr finished lap 5 ( 1:24.218)
5:58.039 - 8:18.054: rich.satyr finished lap 4 ( 2:20.015)
6:48.507 - 8:34.226: Mitchell Parker finished lap 5 ( 1:45.718)