Track | Smithtown |
Format |
5 laps
Date | 12/8/2014, 2:06:24 PM (3677 days ago) |
Lap Chart
L1 |
L2 |
L3 |
L4 |
L5 |
P1 |
332 |
332 |
332 |
598 |
598 |
P2 |
598 |
598 |
598 |
332 |
332 |
P3 |
228 |
228 |
228 |
228 |
228 |
P4 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
History Chart
Sorted Lap Times
Time | Lap | Number | Name |
1:09.000 |
3 |
598 |
#GR-MOTOR_cash598 |
1:10.109 |
4 |
598 |
#GR-MOTOR_cash598 |
1:10.179 |
2 |
598 |
#GR-MOTOR_cash598 |
1:10.554 |
5 |
598 |
#GR-MOTOR_cash598 |
1:11.773 |
3 |
228 |
buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] |
1:11.851 |
2 |
228 |
buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] |
1:13.203 |
3 |
332 |
Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] |
1:14.539 |
4 |
20 |
BigMac#20 |
1:14.968 |
5 |
332 |
Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] |
1:16.000 |
2 |
332 |
Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] |
1:17.390 |
4 |
332 |
Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] |
1:22.562 |
2 |
20 |
BigMac#20 |
1:30.546 |
5 |
228 |
buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] |
1:34.726 |
4 |
228 |
buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] |
Individual Worst Laps
Time | Lap | Number | Name |
1:10.554 |
5 |
598 |
#GR-MOTOR_cash598 |
1:17.390 |
4 |
332 |
Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] |
1:27.882 |
3 |
20 |
BigMac#20 |
1:34.726 |
4 |
228 |
buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] |
Std. Dev. | Number | Name |
0.580 |
598 |
#GR-MOTOR_cash598 |
1.528 |
332 |
Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] |
5.485 |
20 |
BigMac#20 |
10.516 |
228 |
buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] |
Play by Play
BigMac#20 takes the holeshot followed by #GR-MOTOR_cash598, buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] and Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing]
0:09.671 - 0:12.562: buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] passed #GR-MOTOR_cash598 for 2nd
0:17.898 - 0:24.062: #GR-MOTOR_cash598 passed buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] for 2nd
0:24.062 - 0:26.234: #GR-MOTOR_cash598 passed BigMac#20 for the lead
0:26.781 - 0:30.242: buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] passed BigMac#20 and #GR-MOTOR_cash598 for the lead
0:27.554 - 0:30.742: Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] passed BigMac#20 and #GR-MOTOR_cash598 for 2nd
0:26.351 - 0:38.937: BigMac#20 passed #GR-MOTOR_cash598 for 3rd
0:37.460 - 0:42.742: Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] passed buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] for the lead
0:46.562 - 0:51.835: BigMac#20 passed buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] for 2nd
0:48.046 - 0:53.398: #GR-MOTOR_cash598 passed buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] for 3rd
0:57.234 - 0:58.875: #GR-MOTOR_cash598 passed BigMac#20 for 2nd
1:04.218 - 1:05.906: buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] passed BigMac#20 for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:10.671: Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] finished lap 1 ( 1:10.671)
0:00.000 - 1:21.867: #GR-MOTOR_cash598 finished lap 1 ( 1:21.867)
0:00.000 - 1:28.804: buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] finished lap 1 ( 1:28.804)
0:00.000 - 1:34.781: BigMac#20 finished lap 1 ( 1:34.781)
1:10.671 - 2:26.671: Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] finished lap 2 ( 1:16.000)
1:21.867 - 2:32.046: #GR-MOTOR_cash598 finished lap 2 ( 1:10.179)
1:28.804 - 2:40.656: buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] finished lap 2 ( 1:11.851)
1:34.781 - 2:57.343: BigMac#20 finished lap 2 ( 1:22.562)
2:26.671 - 3:39.875: Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] finished lap 3 ( 1:13.203)
2:32.046 - 3:41.046: #GR-MOTOR_cash598 finished lap 3 ( 1:09.000)
3:49.375 - 3:51.968: #GR-MOTOR_cash598 passed Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] for the lead
2:40.656 - 3:52.429: buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] finished lap 3 ( 1:11.773)
4:16.328 - 4:25.226: BigMac#20 went off the track
2:57.343 - 4:25.226: BigMac#20 finished lap 3 ( 1:27.882)
3:41.046 - 4:51.156: #GR-MOTOR_cash598 finished lap 4 ( 1:10.109)
3:39.875 - 4:57.265: Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] finished lap 4 ( 1:17.390)
3:52.429 - 5:27.156: buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] finished lap 4 ( 1:34.726)
4:25.226 - 5:39.765: BigMac#20 finished lap 4 ( 1:14.539)
4:51.156 - 6:01.710: #GR-MOTOR_cash598 finished lap 5 ( 1:10.554)
4:57.265 - 6:12.234: Lewis Barker#332[RoadKill Racing] finished lap 5 ( 1:14.968)
5:27.156 - 6:57.703: buddygore#228[Roadkill Racing] finished lap 5 ( 1:30.546)