MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date12/23/2014, 3:54:05 PM (3663 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1ezra veldman rmz450(2013)5 11:17.3350 0:00.0006619
280GREG rmz250(2013)5 11:55.5394 2:15.8677722
364Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics rmz250(2013)5 12:21.2032 2:25.63211279
4171Benjamin Joly rm1255 12:58.6795 2:24.8128761
5GERMAIN Mathieu // rmz450(2013)3 7:43.3433 2:17.83510846
691 Hugo Marchegiani#91 125sx3 12:36.3902 2:19.80416232
7228Connor Witt | 228 250sx(2012)1 3:54.5700 0:00.00016894
8312MorricK #312 crf450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00012155
9155Antoni Castellano | Noni | rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0009361

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P2 80 80 80 80 80
P3 171 64 64 64 64
P4 64 171 171 171
P5 171
P6 228 91 91
P7 91

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:15.867 4 80 GREG
2:17.835 3 GERMAIN Mathieu //
2:19.804 2 91 Hugo Marchegiani#91
2:23.125 5 80 GREG
2:24.812 5 171 Benjamin Joly
2:25.632 2 64 Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics
2:25.937 3 80 GREG
2:27.570 2 80 GREG
2:32.351 3 171 Benjamin Joly
2:33.171 2 GERMAIN Mathieu //
2:34.414 5 64 Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics
2:41.601 4 171 Benjamin Joly
2:43.234 2 171 Benjamin Joly

Individual Worst Laps

2:20.710 4 ezra veldman
2:26.789 3 91 Hugo Marchegiani#91
2:27.570 2 80 GREG
2:33.171 2 GERMAIN Mathieu //
2:34.414 5 64 Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics
2:43.234 2 171 Benjamin Joly


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.492 91 Hugo Marchegiani#91
4.482 80 GREG
6.417 64 Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics
7.112 ezra veldman
7.436 171 Benjamin Joly
7.668 GERMAIN Mathieu //
- 312 MorricK #312
- 155 Antoni Castellano | Noni |
- 228 Connor Witt | 228

Play by Play

Hugo Marchegiani#91 takes the holeshot followed by ezra veldman, Connor Witt | 228 , Benjamin Joly, GERMAIN Mathieu //, Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics and GREG

0:09.437 - 0:13.304: ezra veldman passed Hugo Marchegiani#91 for the lead
0:13.632 - 0:17.890: GERMAIN Mathieu // passed Benjamin Joly for 4th
0:13.304 - 0:26.875: ezra veldman went off the track
0:17.890 - 0:26.968: GERMAIN Mathieu // passed Connor Witt | 228 for 2nd
0:19.367 - 0:29.007: Benjamin Joly passed Connor Witt | 228 for 3rd
0:22.750 - 0:32.062: Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics passed Connor Witt | 228 for 4th
0:23.765 - 0:33.664: GREG passed Connor Witt | 228 for 5th
0:34.132 - 0:39.312: Benjamin Joly passed Hugo Marchegiani#91 and GERMAIN Mathieu // for 2nd
0:43.750 - 0:48.546: GREG passed Hugo Marchegiani#91 and Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics for 3rd
0:43.234 - 0:49.984: Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics passed Hugo Marchegiani#91 for 4th
0:42.796 - 1:01.382: GERMAIN Mathieu // went off the track
1:12.851 - 1:17.406: Hugo Marchegiani#91 passed Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics for 4th
1:28.250 - 1:37.976: GREG passed Benjamin Joly for 2nd
1:23.742 - 1:40.875: Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics passed Hugo Marchegiani#91 for 4th
1:43.140 - 1:48.601: GERMAIN Mathieu // passed Hugo Marchegiani#91 for 5th
1:59.218 - 2:06.601: Hugo Marchegiani#91 passed GERMAIN Mathieu // for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:21.375: ezra veldman finished lap 1 ( 2:21.375)
0:00.000 - 2:23.039: GREG finished lap 1 ( 2:23.039)
2:06.601 - 2:24.484: Hugo Marchegiani#91 went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:36.679: Benjamin Joly finished lap 1 ( 2:36.679)
2:33.476 - 2:37.695: GREG passed ezra veldman for the lead
0:00.000 - 2:39.734: Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics finished lap 1 ( 2:39.734)
2:45.898 - 2:48.398: Hugo Marchegiani#91 passed GERMAIN Mathieu // for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:52.335: GERMAIN Mathieu // finished lap 1 ( 2:52.335)
2:48.445 - 2:52.335: GERMAIN Mathieu // passed Hugo Marchegiani#91 for 5th
2:38.890 - 2:53.257: ezra veldman went off the track
3:07.007 - 3:19.273: Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics passed Benjamin Joly for 3rd
3:27.718 - 3:35.078: ezra veldman passed GREG for the lead
0:00.000 - 3:54.570: Connor Witt | 228 finished lap 1 ( 3:54.570)
3:50.984 - 3:54.570: Connor Witt | 228 passed Hugo Marchegiani#91 for 6th
3:52.492 - 3:56.492: GERMAIN Mathieu // passed Benjamin Joly for 4th
3:56.625 - 4:02.414: Benjamin Joly passed GERMAIN Mathieu // for 4th
2:21.375 - 4:30.570: ezra veldman finished lap 2 ( 2:09.195)
2:23.039 - 4:50.609: GREG finished lap 2 ( 2:27.570)
4:44.476 - 4:58.187: ezra veldman went off the track
2:39.734 - 5:05.367: Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics finished lap 2 ( 2:25.632)
2:36.679 - 5:19.914: Benjamin Joly finished lap 2 ( 2:43.234)
2:52.335 - 5:25.507: GERMAIN Mathieu // finished lap 2 ( 2:33.171)
5:40.632 - 5:49.710: GERMAIN Mathieu // passed Benjamin Joly for 3rd
4:30.570 - 6:32.171: ezra veldman finished lap 3 ( 2:01.601)
6:47.929 - 6:57.726: Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics went off the track
6:46.476 - 7:00.070: ezra veldman went off the track
4:50.609 - 7:16.546: GREG finished lap 3 ( 2:25.937)
5:05.367 - 7:24.750: Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics finished lap 3 ( 2:19.382)
5:25.507 - 7:43.343: GERMAIN Mathieu // finished lap 3 ( 2:17.835)
0:00.000 - 7:47.609: Hugo Marchegiani#91 finished lap 1 ( 7:47.609)
5:19.914 - 7:52.265: Benjamin Joly finished lap 3 ( 2:32.351)
6:32.171 - 8:52.882: ezra veldman finished lap 4 ( 2:20.710)
9:07.023 - 9:20.992: ezra veldman went off the track
7:16.546 - 9:32.414: GREG finished lap 4 ( 2:15.867)
9:29.789 - 9:39.968: Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics went off the track
7:24.750 - 9:43.007: Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics finished lap 4 ( 2:18.257)
7:47.609 - 10:07.414: Hugo Marchegiani#91 finished lap 2 ( 2:19.804)
7:52.265 - 10:33.867: Benjamin Joly finished lap 4 ( 2:41.601)
10:23.367 - 10:38.843: Hugo Marchegiani#91 went off the track
8:52.882 - 10:58.601: ezra veldman finished lap 5 ( 2:05.718)
9:32.414 - 11:55.539: GREG finished lap 5 ( 2:23.125)
9:43.007 - 12:17.421: Kyle Krell | B-line Graphics finished lap 5 ( 2:34.414)
10:07.414 - 12:34.203: Hugo Marchegiani#91 finished lap 3 ( 2:26.789)
10:33.867 - 12:58.679: Benjamin Joly finished lap 5 ( 2:24.812)