MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date8/11/2015, 12:27:33 AM (3440 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1734T. Slawson rmz450(2011)5 10:19.0074 2:02.8125357
2918magnusson kx450f(2013)4 10:41.2652 2:09.3671314
326Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG yz250(2012)4 12:00.5932 2:54.08518354
4634ashton kx250f(2013)1 3:32.4760 0:00.00018963
5Martin Coschiza cr1250 0:00.0000 0:00.00017957
6tyrone rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00018863
78motostar#8 rmz450(2013)0 0:01.5620 0:00.00011012
854Kai Stephen / Privateer 250sxf(2013)0 0:06.5070 0:00.0006053

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 734 734 734 734 734
P2 918 918 918 918
P3 26 26 26 26
P4 634

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:02.812 4 734 T. Slawson
2:03.632 3 734 T. Slawson
2:03.835 2 734 T. Slawson
2:04.539 5 734 T. Slawson
2:09.367 2 918 magnusson
2:54.085 2 26 Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG
3:06.960 3 26 Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG
3:07.273 4 26 Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG

Individual Worst Laps

2:04.539 5 734 T. Slawson
3:07.273 4 26 Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG
3:32.218 4 918 magnusson


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.615 734 T. Slawson
6.144 26 Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG
34.014 918 magnusson
- 8 motostar#8
- Martin Coschiza
- tyrone
- 54 Kai Stephen / Privateer
- 634 ashton

Play by Play

Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG takes the holeshot followed by T. Slawson, motostar#8, magnusson, Kai Stephen / Privateer , Martin Coschiza and ashton

0:09.914 - 0:13.875: Kai Stephen / Privateer passed motostar#8 and magnusson for 3rd
0:09.375 - 0:16.257: magnusson passed motostar#8 for 4th
0:12.625 - 0:26.546: Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG went off the track
0:13.875 - 0:27.976: Kai Stephen / Privateer went off the track
0:31.765 - 0:36.515: T. Slawson passed Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG for the lead
0:26.742 - 0:37.375: ashton passed Martin Coschiza for 4th
0:32.906 - 0:37.718: Kai Stephen / Privateer passed Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG for 2nd
0:35.687 - 0:40.710: magnusson passed Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG for 3rd
0:55.351 - 0:59.640: Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG passed magnusson for 3rd
0:54.765 - 1:02.515: motostar#8 went off the track
1:00.921 - 1:04.796: magnusson passed Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG for 3rd
1:18.257 - 1:23.109: magnusson passed Kai Stephen / Privateer for 2nd
1:27.375 - 1:52.023: Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:04.187: T. Slawson finished lap 1 ( 2:04.187)
0:00.000 - 2:16.507: magnusson finished lap 1 ( 2:16.507)
0:00.000 - 2:45.585: Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG finished lap 1 ( 2:45.585)
0:00.000 - 3:32.476: ashton finished lap 1 ( 3:32.476)
2:04.187 - 4:08.023: T. Slawson finished lap 2 ( 2:03.835)
2:16.507 - 4:25.875: magnusson finished lap 2 ( 2:09.367)
5:13.367 - 5:30.937: magnusson went off the track
2:45.585 - 5:39.671: Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG finished lap 2 ( 2:54.085)
4:08.023 - 6:11.656: T. Slawson finished lap 3 ( 2:03.632)
6:07.375 - 6:28.445: magnusson went off the track
4:25.875 - 7:09.046: magnusson finished lap 3 ( 2:43.171)
6:11.656 - 8:14.468: T. Slawson finished lap 4 ( 2:02.812)
5:39.671 - 8:46.632: Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG finished lap 3 ( 3:06.960)
8:35.445 - 9:56.609: magnusson went off the track
8:14.468 - 10:19.007: T. Slawson finished lap 5 ( 2:04.539)
7:09.046 - 10:41.265: magnusson finished lap 4 ( 3:32.218)
8:46.632 - 11:53.906: Parker Leatherwood | Ride PG finished lap 4 ( 3:07.273)