MX Simulator
TrackEkswanbee Park
Format 5 laps
Date12/16/2015, 10:09:51 PM (3311 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1123Allan Canac 450sxf(2013)5 5:39.0153 1:02.7508634
2215Grant Scarvelli|Privateer rmz450(2013)5 5:54.5935 1:04.97617422
317Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS rmz450(2013)5 5:57.8434 1:04.2504464
4380aceventura #500 (BEL) kx450f(2011)5 6:03.6564 1:04.13210947
565Austin Brown rmz450(2013)4 4:45.7962 1:04.26517653
6177Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer rmz450(2013)2 2:27.3982 1:14.0238709
7194Josh Bennett | TechEvo/PKS yz250f(2009)2 2:40.2502 1:12.3821299
8211jaji m|REDBULL suzuki yz250f(2008)2 2:59.1172 1:22.87518063
9111Cooper Francis111|CBG MOTOSPORTS rmz450(2013)1 1:09.7650 0:00.00017179
107|Aqua Twist|Rm Rider| rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00019372

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 65 65 65 123 123
P2 17 177 123 65 215
P3 111 123 215 215 17
P4 177 215 17 17 380
P5 123 17 380 380
P6 215 380
P7 380 194
P8 194 211
P9 211

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:02.750 3 123 Allan Canac
1:03.679 5 123 Allan Canac
1:03.843 4 123 Allan Canac
1:04.132 4 380 aceventura #500 (BEL)
1:04.250 4 17 Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS
1:04.265 2 65 Austin Brown
1:04.929 5 380 aceventura #500 (BEL)
1:04.976 5 215 Grant Scarvelli|Privateer
1:05.515 4 215 Grant Scarvelli|Privateer
1:05.937 5 17 Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS
1:09.734 3 215 Grant Scarvelli|Privateer
1:12.382 2 194 Josh Bennett | TechEvo/PKS
1:12.859 3 17 Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS
1:14.023 2 177 Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer
1:14.531 2 215 Grant Scarvelli|Privateer
1:14.546 2 123 Allan Canac
1:15.140 3 380 aceventura #500 (BEL)
1:15.992 4 65 Austin Brown
1:19.312 2 380 aceventura #500 (BEL)
1:22.875 2 211 jaji m|REDBULL suzuki
1:22.984 3 65 Austin Brown
1:25.843 2 17 Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS

Individual Worst Laps

1:12.382 2 194 Josh Bennett | TechEvo/PKS
1:14.023 2 177 Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer
1:14.531 2 215 Grant Scarvelli|Privateer
1:14.546 2 123 Allan Canac
1:19.312 2 380 aceventura #500 (BEL)
1:22.875 2 211 jaji m|REDBULL suzuki
1:22.984 3 65 Austin Brown
1:25.843 2 17 Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.843 215 Grant Scarvelli|Privateer
4.834 123 Allan Canac
6.523 380 aceventura #500 (BEL)
7.723 65 Austin Brown
8.500 17 Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS
- 111 Cooper Francis111|CBG MOTOSPORTS
- 7 |Aqua Twist|Rm Rider|
- 194 Josh Bennett | TechEvo/PKS
- 211 jaji m|REDBULL suzuki
- 177 Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer

Play by Play

Austin Brown takes the holeshot followed by Allan Canac, Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer, Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS, Cooper Francis111|CBG MOTOSPORTS, Grant Scarvelli|Privateer, jaji m|REDBULL suzuki, Josh Bennett | TechEvo/PKS and aceventura #500 (BEL)

0:10.093 - 0:11.984: Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS passed Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer for 3rd
0:15.765 - 0:20.125: Cooper Francis111|CBG MOTOSPORTS passed Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer for 4th
0:18.445 - 0:20.296: Josh Bennett | TechEvo/PKS passed jaji m|REDBULL suzuki for 7th
0:18.734 - 0:20.523: aceventura #500 (BEL) passed jaji m|REDBULL suzuki for 8th
0:16.539 - 0:21.000: Grant Scarvelli|Privateer passed Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer for 5th
0:20.296 - 0:24.492: Josh Bennett | TechEvo/PKS passed Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer for 6th
0:20.523 - 0:24.882: aceventura #500 (BEL) passed Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer for 7th
0:32.554 - 0:36.921: Allan Canac passed Austin Brown for the lead
0:31.046 - 0:37.210: aceventura #500 (BEL) passed Josh Bennett | TechEvo/PKS and Grant Scarvelli|Privateer for 5th
0:31.960 - 0:37.953: Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer passed Josh Bennett | TechEvo/PKS and Grant Scarvelli|Privateer for 6th
0:37.953 - 0:43.429: Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer passed aceventura #500 (BEL) for 5th
0:39.562 - 0:46.265: Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS passed Allan Canac for 2nd
0:44.992 - 0:49.835: Grant Scarvelli|Privateer passed aceventura #500 (BEL) for 6th
0:43.562 - 0:50.609: Cooper Francis111|CBG MOTOSPORTS passed Allan Canac for 3rd
0:47.804 - 0:54.914: Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer passed Allan Canac for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:02.554: Austin Brown finished lap 1 ( 1:02.554)
0:00.000 - 1:08.953: Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS finished lap 1 ( 1:08.953)
0:00.000 - 1:09.765: Cooper Francis111|CBG MOTOSPORTS finished lap 1 ( 1:09.765)
0:00.000 - 1:13.375: Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:13.375)
0:00.000 - 1:14.195: Allan Canac finished lap 1 ( 1:14.195)
0:00.000 - 1:19.835: Grant Scarvelli|Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:19.835)
0:00.000 - 1:20.140: aceventura #500 (BEL) finished lap 1 ( 1:20.140)
0:00.000 - 1:27.867: Josh Bennett | TechEvo/PKS finished lap 1 ( 1:27.867)
0:00.000 - 1:36.242: jaji m|REDBULL suzuki finished lap 1 ( 1:36.242)
1:32.179 - 1:38.070: Allan Canac passed Cooper Francis111|CBG MOTOSPORTS and Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer for 3rd
1:34.132 - 1:40.914: aceventura #500 (BEL) passed Grant Scarvelli|Privateer for 6th
1:53.101 - 1:57.695: Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer passed Cooper Francis111|CBG MOTOSPORTS for 4th
1:53.195 - 1:59.820: Allan Canac passed Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS for 2nd
1:59.781 - 2:04.281: aceventura #500 (BEL) passed Cooper Francis111|CBG MOTOSPORTS for 5th
1:02.554 - 2:06.820: Austin Brown finished lap 2 ( 1:04.265)
2:03.843 - 2:08.609: Grant Scarvelli|Privateer passed Cooper Francis111|CBG MOTOSPORTS for 6th
1:13.375 - 2:27.398: Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:14.023)
2:23.984 - 2:27.398: Justin Witteman #177 |Privateer passed Allan Canac and Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS for 2nd
1:14.195 - 2:28.742: Allan Canac finished lap 2 ( 1:14.546)
2:22.593 - 2:29.617: Josh Bennett | TechEvo/PKS passed Cooper Francis111|CBG MOTOSPORTS for 7th
1:19.835 - 2:34.367: Grant Scarvelli|Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:14.531)
2:31.273 - 2:34.367: Grant Scarvelli|Privateer passed aceventura #500 (BEL) and Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS for 4th
1:08.953 - 2:34.796: Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS finished lap 2 ( 1:25.843)
1:20.140 - 2:39.453: aceventura #500 (BEL) finished lap 2 ( 1:19.312)
1:27.867 - 2:40.250: Josh Bennett | TechEvo/PKS finished lap 2 ( 1:12.382)
2:41.898 - 2:47.117: Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS passed Grant Scarvelli|Privateer for 3rd
2:47.203 - 2:51.882: Grant Scarvelli|Privateer passed Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS for 3rd
2:52.140 - 2:57.898: Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS passed Grant Scarvelli|Privateer for 3rd
1:36.242 - 2:59.117: jaji m|REDBULL suzuki finished lap 2 ( 1:22.875)
3:09.000 - 3:14.031: Grant Scarvelli|Privateer passed Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS for 3rd
2:06.820 - 3:29.804: Austin Brown finished lap 3 ( 1:22.984)
2:28.742 - 3:31.492: Allan Canac finished lap 3 ( 1:02.750)
2:34.367 - 3:44.101: Grant Scarvelli|Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:09.734)
2:34.796 - 3:47.656: Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS finished lap 3 ( 1:12.859)
2:39.453 - 3:54.593: aceventura #500 (BEL) finished lap 3 ( 1:15.140)
3:54.687 - 4:01.554: Allan Canac passed Austin Brown for the lead
3:31.492 - 4:35.335: Allan Canac finished lap 4 ( 1:03.843)
3:29.804 - 4:45.796: Austin Brown finished lap 4 ( 1:15.992)
3:44.101 - 4:49.617: Grant Scarvelli|Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:05.515)
3:47.656 - 4:51.906: Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS finished lap 4 ( 1:04.250)
3:54.593 - 4:58.726: aceventura #500 (BEL) finished lap 4 ( 1:04.132)
4:35.335 - 5:39.015: Allan Canac finished lap 5 ( 1:03.679)
4:49.617 - 5:54.593: Grant Scarvelli|Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:04.976)
4:51.906 - 5:57.843: Thomas Baptiste | TechEvo/PKS finished lap 5 ( 1:05.937)
4:58.726 - 6:03.656: aceventura #500 (BEL) finished lap 5 ( 1:04.929)