MX Simulator
TrackEkswanbee Park
Format 5 laps
Date2/22/2016, 9:06:08 PM (3238 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1567UGLYBETTY 250sx(2012)5 5:28.8354 1:06.0938630
2151Bryan Johnson| Privateer yz250f(2009)5 5:37.6954 1:06.6174133
3140Josh B/ Groovy Gang rm1255 5:50.4535 1:05.03912294
4151Luis F. #151 rmz450(2013)5 5:52.7575 1:03.8981206
5222Josh cowin 450sxf(2011)5 5:58.6405 1:03.5312044
627Tedward rmz450(2016)5 6:00.4145 1:08.99219029
771Christoffer Bergman 450sxf(2016)5 6:14.3285 1:10.8518029
8507florian baratange rm1253 3:58.5232 1:18.18714220
934Warnking rmz450(2013)2 2:11.3822 1:05.01510856
10100Corentin Bertrand yz250f(2009)2 2:44.0852 1:14.60911338
11115KeesHasSwag#115| Privateer#DonkeySquad 450sxf(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00018491
12232JGB|Groovy Gang| rm1250 0:00.0000 0:00.00012044
13220CFX_RaceTeam_Wiltsy220 250sxf(2009)0 0:04.7960 0:00.00018277

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 151 151 567 567 567
P2 567 567 151 151 151
P3 34 34 151 140 140
P4 151 151 222 151 151
P5 27 222 140 27 222
P6 507 27 27 222 27
P7 140 140 71 71 71
P8 222 507 507
P9 71 71
P10 100 100

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:03.531 5 222 Josh cowin
1:03.898 5 151 Luis F. #151
1:05.015 2 34 Warnking
1:05.039 5 140 Josh B/ Groovy Gang
1:05.179 2 151 Luis F. #151
1:05.281 2 222 Josh cowin
1:06.093 4 567 UGLYBETTY
1:06.265 2 567 UGLYBETTY
1:06.406 5 567 UGLYBETTY
1:06.617 4 151 Bryan Johnson| Privateer
1:06.656 3 140 Josh B/ Groovy Gang
1:06.750 3 567 UGLYBETTY
1:06.882 2 151 Bryan Johnson| Privateer
1:07.125 3 151 Bryan Johnson| Privateer
1:08.992 5 27 Tedward
1:09.664 5 151 Bryan Johnson| Privateer
1:09.851 2 27 Tedward
1:10.851 5 71 Christoffer Bergman
1:11.554 4 71 Christoffer Bergman
1:12.289 4 140 Josh B/ Groovy Gang
1:13.398 4 27 Tedward
1:14.171 2 140 Josh B/ Groovy Gang
1:14.234 3 222 Josh cowin
1:14.609 2 100 Corentin Bertrand
1:17.234 3 151 Luis F. #151
1:18.187 2 507 florian baratange
1:18.546 3 27 Tedward
1:25.734 4 151 Luis F. #151

Individual Worst Laps

1:05.015 2 34 Warnking
1:06.750 3 567 UGLYBETTY
1:09.664 5 151 Bryan Johnson| Privateer
1:13.187 2 71 Christoffer Bergman
1:14.171 2 140 Josh B/ Groovy Gang
1:14.609 2 100 Corentin Bertrand
1:18.546 3 27 Tedward
1:22.054 4 222 Josh cowin
1:23.945 3 507 florian baratange
1:25.734 4 151 Luis F. #151


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.241 567 UGLYBETTY
0.899 71 Christoffer Bergman
1.221 151 Bryan Johnson| Privateer
2.879 507 florian baratange
3.759 27 Tedward
3.794 140 Josh B/ Groovy Gang
7.431 222 Josh cowin
9.001 151 Luis F. #151
- 34 Warnking
- 115 KeesHasSwag#115| Privateer#DonkeySquad
- 100 Corentin Bertrand
- 220 CFX_RaceTeam_Wiltsy220
- 232 JGB|Groovy Gang|

Play by Play

Luis F. #151 takes the holeshot followed by UGLYBETTY, Warnking, Bryan Johnson| Privateer, CFX_RaceTeam_Wiltsy220, Tedward, Christoffer Bergman, florian baratange, Josh B/ Groovy Gang, Josh cowin and Corentin Bertrand

0:11.585 - 0:13.687: Tedward passed CFX_RaceTeam_Wiltsy220 for 5th
0:15.234 - 0:20.265: florian baratange passed Christoffer Bergman and CFX_RaceTeam_Wiltsy220 for 6th
0:16.718 - 0:21.187: Josh B/ Groovy Gang passed Christoffer Bergman and CFX_RaceTeam_Wiltsy220 for 7th
0:19.656 - 0:24.078: Josh cowin passed Christoffer Bergman and CFX_RaceTeam_Wiltsy220 for 8th
0:29.492 - 0:34.226: Bryan Johnson| Privateer passed Warnking for 3rd
0:39.421 - 0:45.351: Christoffer Bergman passed CFX_RaceTeam_Wiltsy220 for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:00.710: Luis F. #151 finished lap 1 ( 1:00.710)
0:54.320 - 1:03.195: Warnking passed Bryan Johnson| Privateer for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:03.320: UGLYBETTY finished lap 1 ( 1:03.320)
0:00.000 - 1:06.367: Warnking finished lap 1 ( 1:06.367)
0:00.000 - 1:07.406: Bryan Johnson| Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:07.406)
0:00.000 - 1:09.625: Tedward finished lap 1 ( 1:09.625)
0:00.000 - 1:12.156: florian baratange finished lap 1 ( 1:12.156)
0:00.000 - 1:12.296: Josh B/ Groovy Gang finished lap 1 ( 1:12.296)
0:00.000 - 1:13.539: Josh cowin finished lap 1 ( 1:13.539)
0:00.000 - 1:18.515: Christoffer Bergman finished lap 1 ( 1:18.515)
1:14.492 - 1:19.398: Josh B/ Groovy Gang passed florian baratange for 6th
1:15.718 - 1:20.609: Josh cowin passed florian baratange for 7th
1:20.609 - 1:26.765: Josh cowin passed Josh B/ Groovy Gang for 6th
1:20.937 - 1:28.851: florian baratange passed Josh B/ Groovy Gang for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:29.476: Corentin Bertrand finished lap 1 ( 1:29.476)
1:25.421 - 1:31.085: Christoffer Bergman passed Josh B/ Groovy Gang for 8th
1:40.335 - 1:46.125: Josh B/ Groovy Gang passed Christoffer Bergman for 8th
1:46.125 - 1:52.156: Josh B/ Groovy Gang passed florian baratange for 7th
1:00.710 - 2:05.890: Luis F. #151 finished lap 2 ( 1:05.179)
1:58.171 - 2:07.382: Christoffer Bergman went off the track
1:03.320 - 2:09.585: UGLYBETTY finished lap 2 ( 1:06.265)
1:06.367 - 2:11.382: Warnking finished lap 2 ( 1:05.015)
1:07.406 - 2:14.289: Bryan Johnson| Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:06.882)
2:07.234 - 2:15.710: Josh cowin passed Tedward for 5th
1:13.539 - 2:18.820: Josh cowin finished lap 2 ( 1:05.281)
1:09.625 - 2:19.476: Tedward finished lap 2 ( 1:09.851)
1:12.296 - 2:26.468: Josh B/ Groovy Gang finished lap 2 ( 1:14.171)
2:21.726 - 2:27.000: Tedward passed Josh cowin for 5th
1:12.156 - 2:30.343: florian baratange finished lap 2 ( 1:18.187)
1:18.515 - 2:31.703: Christoffer Bergman finished lap 2 ( 1:13.187)
2:27.929 - 2:34.476: UGLYBETTY passed Luis F. #151 for the lead
2:30.343 - 2:38.007: florian baratange went off the track
2:31.703 - 2:39.140: Christoffer Bergman went off the track
2:33.210 - 2:39.562: Bryan Johnson| Privateer passed Warnking and Luis F. #151 for 2nd
1:29.476 - 2:44.085: Corentin Bertrand finished lap 2 ( 1:14.609)
2:09.585 - 3:16.335: UGLYBETTY finished lap 3 ( 1:06.750)
3:15.562 - 3:20.312: Christoffer Bergman passed florian baratange for 7th
2:14.289 - 3:21.414: Bryan Johnson| Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:07.125)
2:05.890 - 3:23.125: Luis F. #151 finished lap 3 ( 1:17.234)
2:18.820 - 3:33.054: Josh cowin finished lap 3 ( 1:14.234)
3:29.773 - 3:33.054: Josh cowin passed Tedward for 4th
2:26.468 - 3:33.125: Josh B/ Groovy Gang finished lap 3 ( 1:06.656)
3:30.218 - 3:33.125: Josh B/ Groovy Gang passed Tedward for 5th
2:19.476 - 3:38.023: Tedward finished lap 3 ( 1:18.546)
3:38.023 - 3:40.281: Tedward passed Josh B/ Groovy Gang for 4th
2:31.703 - 3:44.257: Christoffer Bergman finished lap 3 ( 1:12.554)
3:33.054 - 3:47.968: Josh cowin went off the track
3:44.601 - 3:49.609: Josh B/ Groovy Gang passed Tedward for 5th
2:30.343 - 3:54.289: florian baratange finished lap 3 ( 1:23.945)
3:56.632 - 4:01.367: Christoffer Bergman passed Tedward for 6th
4:07.734 - 4:14.085: Tedward passed Christoffer Bergman for 6th
4:10.984 - 4:15.976: Josh B/ Groovy Gang passed Josh cowin for 4th
4:15.976 - 4:20.429: Josh B/ Groovy Gang passed Luis F. #151 for 3rd
4:16.195 - 4:20.984: Josh cowin passed Luis F. #151 for 4th
3:16.335 - 4:22.429: UGLYBETTY finished lap 4 ( 1:06.093)
4:21.257 - 4:28.015: Luis F. #151 passed Josh cowin for 4th
3:21.414 - 4:28.031: Bryan Johnson| Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:06.617)
4:31.468 - 4:39.171: Tedward passed Josh cowin for 5th
3:33.125 - 4:45.414: Josh B/ Groovy Gang finished lap 4 ( 1:12.289)
3:23.125 - 4:48.859: Luis F. #151 finished lap 4 ( 1:25.734)
3:38.023 - 4:51.421: Tedward finished lap 4 ( 1:13.398)
3:33.054 - 4:55.109: Josh cowin finished lap 4 ( 1:22.054)
3:44.257 - 4:55.812: Christoffer Bergman finished lap 4 ( 1:11.554)
4:22.429 - 5:28.835: UGLYBETTY finished lap 5 ( 1:06.406)
5:24.554 - 5:28.882: Josh cowin passed Tedward for 5th
4:28.031 - 5:37.695: Bryan Johnson| Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:09.664)
4:45.414 - 5:50.453: Josh B/ Groovy Gang finished lap 5 ( 1:05.039)
4:48.859 - 5:52.757: Luis F. #151 finished lap 5 ( 1:03.898)
4:55.109 - 5:58.640: Josh cowin finished lap 5 ( 1:03.531)
4:51.421 - 6:00.414: Tedward finished lap 5 ( 1:08.992)
4:55.812 - 6:06.664: Christoffer Bergman finished lap 5 ( 1:10.851)