MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date2/26/2016, 1:54:25 PM (3239 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1112Corentin Mary | Biomix 250sxf(2016)5 12:24.4454 2:21.07019885
2152antony kx450f(2013)5 12:29.5004 2:21.94514184
3171Alexandre Nonnez 250sx(2012)5 13:06.8984 2:21.50020344
4243MAKKA #243 450sxf(2013)1 2:42.2180 0:00.0006660
552GAMING / JULEZA #52 crf450(2013)1 2:54.7730 0:00.00016732
646Cyril Gomes 450sxf(2016)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006270
77NAPOLI rm250(2008)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00017904
8272TrentBerry|PRIVATEER rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00017604
955Victor Thygesen #55 kx250f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00015462

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 171 171 171 171 112
P2 112 112 112 112 152
P3 152 152 152 152 171
P4 243
P5 52

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:21.070 4 112 Corentin Mary | Biomix
2:21.500 4 171 Alexandre Nonnez
2:21.945 4 152 antony
2:22.125 5 112 Corentin Mary | Biomix
2:23.304 5 152 antony
2:24.765 2 112 Corentin Mary | Biomix
2:36.500 2 171 Alexandre Nonnez
2:39.914 2 152 antony
2:40.328 3 171 Alexandre Nonnez

Individual Worst Laps

2:39.914 2 152 antony
2:44.906 3 112 Corentin Mary | Biomix
3:09.289 5 171 Alexandre Nonnez


Std. Dev.NumberName
7.661 152 antony
9.729 112 Corentin Mary | Biomix
17.306 171 Alexandre Nonnez
- 243 MAKKA #243
- 46 Cyril Gomes
- 52 GAMING / JULEZA #52
- 272 TrentBerry|PRIVATEER
- 55 Victor Thygesen #55

Play by Play

MAKKA #243 takes the holeshot followed by TrentBerry|PRIVATEER, GAMING / JULEZA #52, Alexandre Nonnez, Corentin Mary | Biomix and antony

0:28.992 - 0:33.835: Alexandre Nonnez passed GAMING / JULEZA #52 for 3rd
0:30.687 - 0:35.218: Corentin Mary | Biomix passed GAMING / JULEZA #52 for 4th
0:37.312 - 0:42.078: antony passed GAMING / JULEZA #52 for 5th
0:44.710 - 0:49.625: GAMING / JULEZA #52 passed antony for 5th
0:46.867 - 1:05.007: Victor Thygesen #55 went off the track
1:09.867 - 1:12.351: antony passed GAMING / JULEZA #52 for 5th
1:20.562 - 1:30.750: Alexandre Nonnez passed MAKKA #243 and TrentBerry|PRIVATEER for the lead
1:38.593 - 1:45.843: TrentBerry|PRIVATEER passed MAKKA #243 for 2nd
1:43.351 - 1:50.515: Corentin Mary | Biomix passed MAKKA #243 for 3rd
1:47.757 - 1:54.437: antony passed MAKKA #243 for 4th
1:50.515 - 1:58.125: Corentin Mary | Biomix passed TrentBerry|PRIVATEER for 2nd
1:55.476 - 2:03.578: Victor Thygesen #55 passed GAMING / JULEZA #52 for 6th
1:55.523 - 2:04.171: MAKKA #243 passed antony and TrentBerry|PRIVATEER for 3rd
2:07.664 - 2:15.648: TrentBerry|PRIVATEER passed MAKKA #243 for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:16.585: Alexandre Nonnez finished lap 1 ( 2:16.585)
2:13.945 - 2:20.617: antony passed MAKKA #243 for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:30.390: Corentin Mary | Biomix finished lap 1 ( 2:30.390)
0:00.000 - 2:41.765: antony finished lap 1 ( 2:41.765)
0:00.000 - 2:42.218: MAKKA #243 finished lap 1 ( 2:42.218)
2:42.218 - 2:46.148: MAKKA #243 passed antony for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:54.773: GAMING / JULEZA #52 finished lap 1 ( 2:54.773)
3:56.687 - 4:05.132: MAKKA #243 passed Corentin Mary | Biomix for 2nd
4:10.039 - 4:17.531: Corentin Mary | Biomix passed MAKKA #243 for 2nd
4:23.187 - 4:33.218: GAMING / JULEZA #52 passed antony for 4th
4:43.117 - 4:50.585: antony passed GAMING / JULEZA #52 for 4th
2:16.585 - 4:53.085: Alexandre Nonnez finished lap 2 ( 2:36.500)
2:30.390 - 4:55.156: Corentin Mary | Biomix finished lap 2 ( 2:24.765)
4:55.156 - 4:59.492: Corentin Mary | Biomix passed Alexandre Nonnez for the lead
2:41.765 - 5:21.679: antony finished lap 2 ( 2:39.914)
5:10.992 - 5:35.382: Corentin Mary | Biomix went off the track
5:56.968 - 6:06.976: Corentin Mary | Biomix went off the track
6:24.273 - 6:28.992: Corentin Mary | Biomix passed Alexandre Nonnez for the lead
7:04.335 - 7:15.125: Alexandre Nonnez passed Corentin Mary | Biomix for the lead
7:02.023 - 7:16.523: antony went off the track
4:53.085 - 7:33.414: Alexandre Nonnez finished lap 3 ( 2:40.328)
4:55.156 - 7:40.062: Corentin Mary | Biomix finished lap 3 ( 2:44.906)
5:21.679 - 7:43.281: antony finished lap 3 ( 2:21.601)
7:33.414 - 9:54.914: Alexandre Nonnez finished lap 4 ( 2:21.500)
9:54.914 - 10:00.539: Alexandre Nonnez went off the track
7:40.062 - 10:01.132: Corentin Mary | Biomix finished lap 4 ( 2:21.070)
7:43.281 - 10:05.226: antony finished lap 4 ( 2:21.945)
10:16.726 - 10:26.656: Corentin Mary | Biomix passed Alexandre Nonnez for the lead
10:48.898 - 10:54.367: antony passed Alexandre Nonnez for 2nd
10:01.132 - 12:23.257: Corentin Mary | Biomix finished lap 5 ( 2:22.125)
10:05.226 - 12:28.531: antony finished lap 5 ( 2:23.304)
9:54.914 - 13:04.203: Alexandre Nonnez finished lap 5 ( 3:09.289)