Track | Glenside |
Format |
5 laps
Date | 8/19/2016, 6:05:54 PM (3065 days ago) |
Pos. | No. | Name | Bike | Laps |
Total Time | Best Lap | Best Time | ID |
1 | 118 | Michael Flores |
250sxf(2016) | 5 | 6:43.828 | 5 | 1:17.898 | 14966 |
2 | | Bodie |
yz250(2012) | 5 | 6:54.179 | 3 | 1:16.648 | 19604 |
3 | 280 | Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) |
rm250(2008) | 3 | 4:36.148 | 2 | 1:26.914 | 24361 |
4 | 414 | 414 | Chandler |
rmz450(2011) | 2 | 3:03.882 | 2 | 1:27.468 | 16726 |
5 | 51 | TERRAS |
kx450f(2013) | 1 | 1:54.460 | 0 | 0:00.000 | 10987 |
6 | 11 | matt |
125sx | 0 | 0:00.000 | 0 | 0:00.000 | 11062 |
Lap Chart
L1 |
L2 |
L3 |
L4 |
L5 |
P1 |
118 |
118 |
118 |
118 |
118 |
P2 |
P3 |
414 |
414 |
280 |
P4 |
280 |
280 |
P5 |
51 |
P6 |
History Chart
Sorted Lap Times
Time | Lap | Number | Name |
1:16.648 |
3 |
Bodie |
1:16.710 |
4 |
Bodie |
1:17.898 |
5 |
118 |
Michael Flores |
1:18.562 |
2 |
118 |
Michael Flores |
1:21.781 |
2 |
Bodie |
1:24.468 |
3 |
118 |
Michael Flores |
1:24.679 |
5 |
Bodie |
1:25.867 |
4 |
118 |
Michael Flores |
1:26.914 |
2 |
280 |
Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) |
1:27.468 |
2 |
414 |
414 | Chandler |
1:28.601 |
3 |
280 |
Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) |
Individual Worst Laps
Time | Lap | Number | Name |
1:24.679 |
5 |
Bodie |
1:25.867 |
4 |
118 |
Michael Flores |
1:27.468 |
2 |
414 |
414 | Chandler |
1:28.601 |
3 |
280 |
Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) |
Std. Dev. | Number | Name |
0.844 |
280 |
Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) |
3.432 |
Bodie |
3.512 |
118 |
Michael Flores |
- |
414 |
414 | Chandler |
- |
11 |
matt |
- |
51 |
Play by Play
414 | Chandler takes the holeshot followed by Michael Flores, Alex Weber | Acroste(FR), TERRAS and Bodie
0:07.953 - 0:10.437: Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) passed 414 | Chandler and Michael Flores for the lead
0:08.265 - 0:12.117: TERRAS passed 414 | Chandler and Michael Flores for 2nd
0:07.406 - 0:14.054: Michael Flores passed 414 | Chandler for 3rd
0:19.609 - 0:23.914: Michael Flores passed TERRAS for 2nd
0:22.210 - 0:26.234: 414 | Chandler passed TERRAS for 3rd
0:23.500 - 0:27.281: Bodie passed TERRAS for 4th
0:30.890 - 0:36.023: Michael Flores passed Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) for the lead
0:26.234 - 0:36.078: 414 | Chandler went off the track
0:59.453 - 1:02.554: 414 | Chandler passed Bodie for 3rd
1:07.375 - 1:12.976: 414 | Chandler passed Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:17.031: Michael Flores finished lap 1 ( 1:17.031)
1:20.773 - 1:24.140: Bodie passed 414 | Chandler and Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:34.359: Bodie finished lap 1 ( 1:34.359)
0:00.000 - 1:36.414: 414 | Chandler finished lap 1 ( 1:36.414)
0:00.000 - 1:37.335: Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) finished lap 1 ( 1:37.335)
0:00.000 - 1:54.460: TERRAS finished lap 1 ( 1:54.460)
1:50.710 - 1:55.664: 414 | Chandler passed Bodie for 2nd
1:51.554 - 1:57.031: Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) passed Bodie for 3rd
2:04.937 - 2:06.601: Bodie passed Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) for 3rd
1:17.031 - 2:35.593: Michael Flores finished lap 2 ( 1:18.562)
2:35.203 - 2:39.382: Bodie passed 414 | Chandler for 2nd
2:39.789 - 2:43.804: Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) passed 414 | Chandler for 3rd
1:34.359 - 2:56.140: Bodie finished lap 2 ( 1:21.781)
2:56.109 - 3:00.117: 414 | Chandler passed Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) for 3rd
1:36.414 - 3:03.882: 414 | Chandler finished lap 2 ( 1:27.468)
1:37.335 - 3:04.250: Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) finished lap 2 ( 1:26.914)
2:35.593 - 4:00.062: Michael Flores finished lap 3 ( 1:24.468)
2:56.140 - 4:12.789: Bodie finished lap 3 ( 1:16.648)
3:04.250 - 4:32.851: Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) finished lap 3 ( 1:28.601)
4:57.890 - 5:02.390: Alex Weber | Acroste(FR) went off the track
4:00.062 - 5:25.929: Michael Flores finished lap 4 ( 1:25.867)
4:12.789 - 5:29.500: Bodie finished lap 4 ( 1:16.710)
5:25.929 - 6:43.828: Michael Flores finished lap 5 ( 1:17.898)
5:29.500 - 6:54.179: Bodie finished lap 5 ( 1:24.679)