MX Simulator
TrackAllamuchy Mountain
Format 5 laps
Date10/19/2016, 3:40:10 AM (2998 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
125Tryston25| Archon Racing yz450f(2016)5 9:05.2102 1:41.78111764
275SILVIS75 yz1255 9:06.3593 1:42.0937068
3702Kent Keyser | Privateer rmz450(2011)5 9:09.7422 1:43.1874431
419xKeith Lawrence | 19x 350sxf(2013)5 9:15.3982 1:39.80411555
5JT Cox|Privateer| rm250(2008)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00024640

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 702 702 25 25 75
P2 19x 19x 75 75 25
P3 75 25 19x 702 702
P4 25 75 702 19x 19x

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:39.804 2 19x Keith Lawrence | 19x
1:41.781 2 25 Tryston25| Archon Racing
1:42.093 3 75 SILVIS75
1:43.187 2 702 Kent Keyser | Privateer
1:44.390 5 702 Kent Keyser | Privateer
1:44.406 3 25 Tryston25| Archon Racing
1:46.234 2 75 SILVIS75
1:46.851 4 25 Tryston25| Archon Racing
1:49.078 5 19x Keith Lawrence | 19x
1:50.453 4 702 Kent Keyser | Privateer
1:50.867 4 75 SILVIS75
1:56.421 4 19x Keith Lawrence | 19x
1:57.289 3 19x Keith Lawrence | 19x
1:58.765 5 25 Tryston25| Archon Racing
2:03.687 3 702 Kent Keyser | Privateer

Individual Worst Laps

1:51.664 5 75 SILVIS75
1:57.289 3 19x Keith Lawrence | 19x
1:58.765 5 25 Tryston25| Archon Racing
2:03.687 3 702 Kent Keyser | Privateer


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.851 75 SILVIS75
6.496 25 Tryston25| Archon Racing
7.026 19x Keith Lawrence | 19x
8.135 702 Kent Keyser | Privateer
- JT Cox|Privateer|

Play by Play

Tryston25| Archon Racing takes the holeshot followed by JT Cox|Privateer|, SILVIS75, Keith Lawrence | 19x and Kent Keyser | Privateer

0:11.320 - 0:20.382: SILVIS75 passed Tryston25| Archon Racing and JT Cox|Privateer| for the lead
0:28.507 - 0:38.375: Keith Lawrence | 19x passed JT Cox|Privateer| for 3rd
0:28.554 - 0:45.656: Kent Keyser | Privateer passed JT Cox|Privateer| for 4th
1:01.656 - 1:10.523: Keith Lawrence | 19x passed Tryston25| Archon Racing for 2nd
1:08.156 - 1:15.742: Kent Keyser | Privateer passed Tryston25| Archon Racing for 3rd
1:21.453 - 1:25.664: Keith Lawrence | 19x passed SILVIS75 for the lead
1:25.906 - 1:28.156: SILVIS75 passed Keith Lawrence | 19x for the lead
1:28.367 - 1:38.617: Keith Lawrence | 19x passed SILVIS75 for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:48.023: Kent Keyser | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:48.023)
1:42.921 - 1:48.023: Kent Keyser | Privateer passed Keith Lawrence | 19x and SILVIS75 for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:52.804: Keith Lawrence | 19x finished lap 1 ( 1:52.804)
0:00.000 - 1:53.335: SILVIS75 finished lap 1 ( 1:53.335)
0:00.000 - 1:53.406: Tryston25| Archon Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:53.406)
1:58.859 - 2:01.906: Tryston25| Archon Racing passed SILVIS75 for 3rd
2:02.039 - 2:07.523: SILVIS75 passed Tryston25| Archon Racing for 3rd
2:07.585 - 2:15.812: Tryston25| Archon Racing passed SILVIS75 for 3rd
1:48.023 - 3:31.210: Kent Keyser | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:43.187)
1:52.804 - 3:32.609: Keith Lawrence | 19x finished lap 2 ( 1:39.804)
1:53.406 - 3:35.187: Tryston25| Archon Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:41.781)
1:53.335 - 3:39.570: SILVIS75 finished lap 2 ( 1:46.234)
3:37.109 - 3:40.640: Keith Lawrence | 19x passed Kent Keyser | Privateer for the lead
3:39.734 - 3:43.734: Tryston25| Archon Racing passed Kent Keyser | Privateer for 2nd
3:43.898 - 3:47.257: SILVIS75 passed Kent Keyser | Privateer for 3rd
4:13.671 - 4:22.085: Tryston25| Archon Racing passed Keith Lawrence | 19x for the lead
4:17.218 - 4:25.101: SILVIS75 passed Keith Lawrence | 19x for 2nd
4:32.523 - 4:39.609: Keith Lawrence | 19x passed SILVIS75 for 2nd
4:34.203 - 4:41.390: Kent Keyser | Privateer passed SILVIS75 for 3rd
4:41.570 - 4:49.960: SILVIS75 passed Kent Keyser | Privateer for 3rd
4:49.960 - 4:55.148: SILVIS75 passed Keith Lawrence | 19x for 2nd
3:35.187 - 5:19.593: Tryston25| Archon Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:44.406)
3:39.570 - 5:21.664: SILVIS75 finished lap 3 ( 1:42.093)
3:32.609 - 5:29.898: Keith Lawrence | 19x finished lap 3 ( 1:57.289)
3:31.210 - 5:34.898: Kent Keyser | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 2:03.687)
5:39.695 - 5:42.820: Kent Keyser | Privateer passed Keith Lawrence | 19x for 3rd
6:25.679 - 6:32.781: Keith Lawrence | 19x passed Kent Keyser | Privateer for 3rd
5:19.593 - 7:06.445: Tryston25| Archon Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:46.851)
5:21.664 - 7:12.531: SILVIS75 finished lap 4 ( 1:50.867)
5:34.898 - 7:25.351: Kent Keyser | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:50.453)
7:20.546 - 7:25.351: Kent Keyser | Privateer passed Keith Lawrence | 19x for 3rd
5:29.898 - 7:26.320: Keith Lawrence | 19x finished lap 4 ( 1:56.421)
7:54.000 - 8:03.148: Keith Lawrence | 19x passed Kent Keyser | Privateer for 3rd
8:18.484 - 8:25.023: Kent Keyser | Privateer passed Keith Lawrence | 19x for 3rd
8:41.460 - 8:52.781: SILVIS75 went off the track
7:12.531 - 9:04.195: SILVIS75 finished lap 5 ( 1:51.664)
7:06.445 - 9:05.210: Tryston25| Archon Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:58.765)
7:25.351 - 9:09.742: Kent Keyser | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:44.390)
7:26.320 - 9:15.398: Keith Lawrence | 19x finished lap 5 ( 1:49.078)