MX Simulator
TrackWaterloo Valley
Format 5 laps
Date4/10/2017, 9:36:21 PM (2830 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1567Adolf Weil rm250(2008)5 8:18.5235 1:30.7508630
2217Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing fc250(2017)5 9:50.4213 1:42.44522363
348Justin Zawyrucha yz250f(2017)4 8:44.9603 1:44.71815905
416Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers yz450f(2017)4 9:12.8594 1:49.87516560
5999Joe Motocross crf450(2013)3 8:31.5932 3:05.71022957
6168Riley Wager | Looking For A Team! kx1253 9:21.8753 2:17.3677006
7183John Tipton#183-Privateer rmz450(2016)2 3:56.6872 1:39.15612647
816DH_Racer 250sx(2012)1 2:17.1870 0:00.00019233
9712Mateo Nicholls 350sxf(2017)0 0:03.8510 0:00.0006023

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 217 217 567 567 567
P2 567 567 217 217 217
P3 16 183 48 48
P4 183 48 16 16
P5 999 16 999
P6 48 999 168
P7 16 168
P8 168

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:30.750 5 567 Adolf Weil
1:33.070 4 567 Adolf Weil
1:33.976 3 567 Adolf Weil
1:39.156 2 183 John Tipton#183-Privateer
1:42.445 3 217 Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing
1:44.718 3 48 Justin Zawyrucha
1:47.078 2 567 Adolf Weil
1:49.515 5 217 Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing
1:49.875 4 16 Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers
1:55.859 2 48 Justin Zawyrucha
1:56.789 2 217 Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing
2:07.359 3 16 Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers
2:17.367 3 168 Riley Wager | Looking For A Team!
2:25.375 4 48 Justin Zawyrucha
2:25.820 4 217 Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing
2:27.367 2 16 Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers
2:45.281 2 168 Riley Wager | Looking For A Team!
3:05.710 2 999 Joe Motocross

Individual Worst Laps

1:39.156 2 183 John Tipton#183-Privateer
1:47.078 2 567 Adolf Weil
2:25.375 4 48 Justin Zawyrucha
2:25.820 4 217 Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing
2:27.367 2 16 Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers
2:45.281 2 168 Riley Wager | Looking For A Team!
3:05.710 2 999 Joe Motocross


Std. Dev.NumberName
6.379 567 Adolf Weil
7.023 999 Joe Motocross
13.957 168 Riley Wager | Looking For A Team!
15.318 16 Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers
16.490 217 Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing
17.154 48 Justin Zawyrucha
- 712 Mateo Nicholls
- 16 DH_Racer
- 183 John Tipton#183-Privateer

Play by Play

Mateo Nicholls takes the holeshot followed by Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers, Riley Wager | Looking For A Team!, Justin Zawyrucha , Joe Motocross, Adolf Weil, DH_Racer and John Tipton#183-Privateer

0:17.906 - 0:23.601: Joe Motocross passed Justin Zawyrucha for 5th
0:28.679 - 0:36.703: Justin Zawyrucha passed Joe Motocross and Riley Wager | Looking For A Team! for 4th
0:28.414 - 0:36.929: Joe Motocross passed Riley Wager | Looking For A Team! for 5th
0:29.375 - 0:37.281: Adolf Weil passed Riley Wager | Looking For A Team! for 6th
0:36.703 - 0:41.773: Justin Zawyrucha passed Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers for 2nd
0:37.281 - 0:41.945: Adolf Weil passed Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers and Joe Motocross for 3rd
0:36.929 - 0:42.320: Joe Motocross passed Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers for 4th
0:36.351 - 0:43.140: John Tipton#183-Privateer passed Riley Wager | Looking For A Team! and DH_Racer for 7th
0:41.945 - 0:47.195: Adolf Weil passed Justin Zawyrucha for 2nd
0:47.539 - 0:51.632: Joe Motocross passed Justin Zawyrucha for 3rd
0:33.312 - 0:52.007: Mateo Nicholls went off the track
0:47.875 - 0:52.453: John Tipton#183-Privateer passed Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers for 6th
0:35.531 - 0:53.359: DH_Racer passed Riley Wager | Looking For A Team! for 8th
0:52.007 - 0:55.921: Mateo Nicholls passed Justin Zawyrucha for 4th
0:52.453 - 0:56.062: John Tipton#183-Privateer passed Justin Zawyrucha for 5th
0:56.062 - 0:59.039: John Tipton#183-Privateer passed Joe Motocross for 3rd
0:55.921 - 1:04.187: Mateo Nicholls went off the track
1:01.789 - 1:07.070: Joe Motocross passed John Tipton#183-Privateer for 4th
1:03.664 - 1:08.195: Justin Zawyrucha passed John Tipton#183-Privateer for 5th
1:07.445 - 1:11.062: DH_Racer passed Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers for 6th
1:13.601 - 1:20.648: John Tipton#183-Privateer passed Joe Motocross and Justin Zawyrucha for 3rd
1:12.117 - 1:23.789: Justin Zawyrucha passed Joe Motocross for 4th
1:10.093 - 1:23.875: Riley Wager | Looking For A Team! went off the track
1:19.304 - 1:26.898: DH_Racer passed Joe Motocross for 5th
1:26.898 - 1:30.703: DH_Racer passed John Tipton#183-Privateer and Justin Zawyrucha for 3rd
1:29.585 - 1:33.812: Joe Motocross passed Justin Zawyrucha for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:41.820: Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:41.820)
1:46.648 - 1:48.906: Justin Zawyrucha passed Joe Motocross for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:53.648: Adolf Weil finished lap 1 ( 1:53.648)
1:56.382 - 2:07.203: Joe Motocross passed Justin Zawyrucha for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:17.187: DH_Racer finished lap 1 ( 2:17.187)
0:00.000 - 2:17.531: John Tipton#183-Privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:17.531)
2:13.414 - 2:18.210: Justin Zawyrucha passed Joe Motocross for 5th
2:22.835 - 2:26.843: John Tipton#183-Privateer passed DH_Racer for 3rd
2:23.671 - 2:29.906: Joe Motocross passed Justin Zawyrucha for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:34.218: Joe Motocross finished lap 1 ( 2:34.218)
0:00.000 - 2:39.007: Justin Zawyrucha finished lap 1 ( 2:39.007)
0:00.000 - 2:48.257: Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers finished lap 1 ( 2:48.257)
2:58.609 - 3:03.617: Justin Zawyrucha passed Joe Motocross for 5th
2:55.984 - 3:05.078: Adolf Weil passed Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing for the lead
3:05.484 - 3:16.070: Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing passed Adolf Weil for the lead
1:41.820 - 3:38.609: Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:56.789)
1:53.648 - 3:40.726: Adolf Weil finished lap 2 ( 1:47.078)
3:37.351 - 3:41.960: Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers passed Joe Motocross for 6th
2:17.531 - 3:56.687: John Tipton#183-Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:39.156)
4:07.164 - 4:10.468: Adolf Weil passed Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing for the lead
0:00.000 - 4:19.226: Riley Wager | Looking For A Team! finished lap 1 ( 4:19.226)
4:15.585 - 4:19.804: Joe Motocross passed Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers for 5th
4:21.078 - 4:24.281: Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers passed Joe Motocross for 5th
4:28.898 - 4:31.500: Joe Motocross passed Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers for 5th
2:39.007 - 4:34.867: Justin Zawyrucha finished lap 2 ( 1:55.859)
4:36.101 - 4:39.648: Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers passed Joe Motocross for 5th
3:40.726 - 5:14.703: Adolf Weil finished lap 3 ( 1:33.976)
2:48.257 - 5:15.625: Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers finished lap 2 ( 2:27.367)
3:38.609 - 5:21.054: Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:42.445)
2:34.218 - 5:39.929: Joe Motocross finished lap 2 ( 3:05.710)
4:34.867 - 6:19.585: Justin Zawyrucha finished lap 3 ( 1:44.718)
5:14.703 - 6:47.773: Adolf Weil finished lap 4 ( 1:33.070)
4:19.226 - 7:04.507: Riley Wager | Looking For A Team! finished lap 2 ( 2:45.281)
5:15.625 - 7:22.984: Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers finished lap 3 ( 2:07.359)
7:01.328 - 7:41.210: Joe Motocross went off the track
5:21.054 - 7:46.875: Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing finished lap 4 ( 2:25.820)
6:47.773 - 8:18.523: Adolf Weil finished lap 5 ( 1:30.750)
5:39.929 - 8:31.593: Joe Motocross finished lap 3 ( 2:51.664)
6:19.585 - 8:44.960: Justin Zawyrucha finished lap 4 ( 2:25.375)
7:22.984 - 9:12.859: Cawston Tower|Squid Rippers finished lap 4 ( 1:49.875)
7:04.507 - 9:21.875: Riley Wager | Looking For A Team! finished lap 3 ( 2:17.367)
7:46.875 - 9:36.390: Kevin Rouanne | HSR Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:49.515)