MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date12/30/2019, 5:46:36 PM (1836 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
15Johan Larsson 450sxf(2018)5 6:44.0232 1:19.44514883
2218Matheo ganne fc450(2018)4 9:29.8674 2:42.61734144
3420Mille Blaze 250sxf(2018)3 7:24.2182 1:49.13234210
4119leo garofalo fc450(2017)2 3:40.6322 2:03.07836593
5113Anthony Boutillier fc450(2018)2 6:56.4450 0:00.00032650
6999Joe Motocross kx450f(2018)2 9:34.2810 0:00.00034268

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 113 5 5 5 5
P2 5 119 218 218
P3 218 218 420
P4 119 420
P5 999 113
P6 420 999

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:19.445 2 5 Johan Larsson
1:19.898 4 5 Johan Larsson
1:20.335 3 5 Johan Larsson
1:24.382 5 5 Johan Larsson
1:49.132 2 420 Mille Blaze
2:03.078 2 119 leo garofalo
2:07.828 3 420 Mille Blaze
2:42.617 4 218 Matheo ganne

Individual Worst Laps

1:24.382 5 5 Johan Larsson
2:03.078 2 119 leo garofalo
2:07.828 3 420 Mille Blaze
2:47.765 2 218 Matheo ganne
5:38.429 2 113 Anthony Boutillier
6:41.375 2 999 Joe Motocross


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.969 5 Johan Larsson
9.348 420 Mille Blaze
14.656 218 Matheo ganne
- 119 leo garofalo
- 999 Joe Motocross
- 113 Anthony Boutillier

Play by Play

Anthony Boutillier takes the holeshot followed by leo garofalo, Matheo ganne, Johan Larsson, Joe Motocross and Mille Blaze

0:06.773 - 0:09.476: Matheo ganne passed leo garofalo and Anthony Boutillier for the lead
0:07.859 - 0:10.046: Johan Larsson passed leo garofalo for 3rd
0:08.093 - 0:18.593: Joe Motocross went off the track
0:22.984 - 0:25.070: Anthony Boutillier passed Matheo ganne for the lead
0:24.867 - 0:28.703: Johan Larsson passed Matheo ganne for 2nd
0:19.914 - 0:31.140: leo garofalo passed Joe Motocross for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:18.015: Anthony Boutillier finished lap 1 ( 1:18.015)
0:00.000 - 1:19.960: Johan Larsson finished lap 1 ( 1:19.960)
0:00.000 - 1:33.062: Matheo ganne finished lap 1 ( 1:33.062)
0:00.000 - 1:37.554: leo garofalo finished lap 1 ( 1:37.554)
1:47.257 - 1:49.015: Johan Larsson passed Anthony Boutillier for the lead
1:52.000 - 1:57.726: leo garofalo passed Matheo ganne for 3rd
2:06.328 - 2:13.296: Matheo ganne went off the track
2:21.164 - 2:23.421: leo garofalo passed Anthony Boutillier for 3rd
1:19.960 - 2:39.406: Johan Larsson finished lap 2 ( 1:19.445)
0:00.000 - 2:46.570: Joe Motocross finished lap 1 ( 2:46.570)
0:00.000 - 3:27.257: Mille Blaze finished lap 1 ( 3:27.257)
3:23.125 - 3:27.390: leo garofalo passed Matheo ganne for 2nd
3:27.257 - 3:31.476: Mille Blaze passed Joe Motocross for 5th
1:37.554 - 3:40.632: leo garofalo finished lap 2 ( 2:03.078)
2:39.406 - 3:59.742: Johan Larsson finished lap 3 ( 1:20.335)
4:10.656 - 4:16.890: Mille Blaze passed Anthony Boutillier for 4th
1:33.062 - 4:20.828: Matheo ganne finished lap 2 ( 2:47.765)
4:36.007 - 4:52.414: Matheo ganne went off the track
3:27.257 - 5:16.390: Mille Blaze finished lap 2 ( 1:49.132)
3:59.742 - 5:19.640: Johan Larsson finished lap 4 ( 1:19.898)
5:23.679 - 5:37.070: Matheo ganne went off the track
5:33.523 - 5:46.593: Anthony Boutillier went off the track
4:20.828 - 6:35.250: Matheo ganne finished lap 3 ( 2:14.421)
5:19.640 - 6:44.023: Johan Larsson finished lap 5 ( 1:24.382)
1:18.015 - 6:56.445: Anthony Boutillier finished lap 2 ( 5:38.429)
5:16.390 - 7:24.218: Mille Blaze finished lap 3 ( 2:07.828)
7:25.484 - 7:38.218: Joe Motocross went off the track
6:35.250 - 9:17.867: Matheo ganne finished lap 4 ( 2:42.617)
2:46.570 - 9:27.945: Joe Motocross finished lap 2 ( 6:41.375)