MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date1/22/2012, 4:28:20 PM (4736 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1k12karlwb 450sxf(2011)5 6:36.2652 1:16.156153
2SEBSebcross rmz250(2009)5 6:40.5152 1:17.9762101
3494Crossfire #494 rmz450(2011)5 7:00.8905 1:16.156481
4juhFrenchi.JuJu crf250(2009)5 7:21.5853 1:20.9213349
599Zoolander99 yz250f(2009)5 7:23.2815 1:19.0311922
6161SanRocks161 yz450f(2011)5 8:11.4212 1:22.5704766
7rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] crf250(2009)4 6:42.6643 1:36.7814464
8466mxponta crf250(2009)4 7:14.9764 1:31.6484961
9138Lidman crf250(2009)4 7:40.1644 1:43.0624909
10921Sonnette kx450f(2011)4 8:12.4372 2:04.773996
11482Kevin Broman rmz250(2008)4 8:27.9142 1:56.9374974
12598dylan yz1253 5:13.1013 1:41.7732018
13999Keseru cr250(2007)3 8:09.9843 2:22.9924941
14103Max103 350sxf(2011)2 4:20.9210 0:00.0004673

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 SEB SEB SEB k12 k12
P2 juh k12 k12 SEB SEB
P3 k12 juh juh 494 494
P4 99 494 494 juh juh
P5 494 99 99 99 99
P6 161 161 161 161 161
P8 598 598 598 466
P9 466 921 466 138
P10 921 466 138 921
P11 138 138 921 482
P12 482 482 482
P13 103 103 999
P14 999 999

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:16.156 5 494 Crossfire #494
1:16.156 2 k12 karlwb
1:17.250 4 k12 karlwb
1:17.687 5 k12 karlwb
1:17.750 4 494 Crossfire #494
1:17.976 2 SEB Sebcross
1:18.343 3 k12 karlwb
1:19.031 5 99 Zoolander99
1:19.804 4 SEB Sebcross
1:20.921 3 juh Frenchi.JuJu
1:21.195 5 SEB Sebcross
1:21.500 2 juh Frenchi.JuJu
1:22.570 2 161 SanRocks161
1:26.617 2 494 Crossfire #494
1:27.132 3 SEB Sebcross
1:27.914 3 494 Crossfire #494
1:28.906 4 99 Zoolander99
1:29.640 2 99 Zoolander99
1:30.093 5 juh Frenchi.JuJu
1:31.648 4 466 mxponta
1:33.976 3 99 Zoolander99
1:36.781 3 rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP]
1:39.882 3 466 mxponta
1:41.109 4 rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP]
1:41.773 3 598 dylan
1:42.437 2 598 dylan
1:43.062 4 138 Lidman
1:46.007 4 juh Frenchi.JuJu
1:50.234 3 138 Lidman
1:56.937 2 482 Kevin Broman
1:58.054 2 138 Lidman
2:00.375 3 482 Kevin Broman
2:04.773 2 921 Sonnette
2:05.242 4 482 Kevin Broman
2:10.140 4 921 Sonnette
2:22.992 3 999 Keseru

Individual Worst Laps

1:18.343 3 k12 karlwb
1:27.132 3 SEB Sebcross
1:27.914 3 494 Crossfire #494
1:33.976 3 99 Zoolander99
1:41.109 4 rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP]
1:42.437 2 598 dylan
1:46.007 4 juh Frenchi.JuJu
1:53.742 4 161 SanRocks161
1:57.242 2 103 Max103
1:58.054 2 138 Lidman
2:05.242 4 482 Kevin Broman
2:07.570 2 466 mxponta
2:10.140 4 921 Sonnette
2:22.992 3 999 Keseru


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.332 598 dylan
0.796 k12 karlwb
2.841 rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP]
3.407 482 Kevin Broman
3.432 SEB Sebcross
3.811 921 Sonnette
5.207 494 Crossfire #494
5.469 99 Zoolander99
6.122 138 Lidman
6.391 999 Keseru
10.129 juh Frenchi.JuJu
11.501 161 SanRocks161
15.365 466 mxponta
- 103 Max103

Play by Play

Sebcross takes the holeshot followed by karlwb, rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP], Keseru, mxponta, SanRocks161, Zoolander99, Frenchi.JuJu, Kevin Broman, Crossfire #494 , dylan, Sonnette, Lidman and Max103

0:08.000 - 0:11.429: Keseru passed rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] and karlwb for 2nd
0:12.296 - 0:15.453: Frenchi.JuJu passed Zoolander99, SanRocks161, rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP], karlwb and mxponta for 3rd
0:09.531 - 0:16.976: Zoolander99 passed SanRocks161, rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP], karlwb and mxponta for 4th
0:08.218 - 0:17.062: mxponta passed rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] and karlwb for 5th
0:16.515 - 0:19.460: Sonnette passed Crossfire #494 , SanRocks161, rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP], karlwb and dylan for 6th
0:07.882 - 0:20.687: rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] passed karlwb for 7th
0:16.359 - 0:21.703: dylan passed Crossfire #494 , SanRocks161 and karlwb for 8th
0:14.273 - 0:22.859: Kevin Broman went off the track
0:16.593 - 0:23.703: Lidman passed Crossfire #494 for 11th
0:20.406 - 0:24.164: Max103 passed Crossfire #494 for 12th
0:21.046 - 0:25.281: Frenchi.JuJu passed Keseru for 2nd
0:22.093 - 0:26.476: Zoolander99 passed Keseru for 3rd
0:22.507 - 0:26.796: mxponta passed Keseru for 4th
0:22.859 - 0:27.390: Kevin Broman passed Keseru for 5th
0:22.390 - 0:28.046: karlwb passed dylan for 9th
0:25.570 - 0:30.312: Sonnette passed Keseru for 6th
0:28.046 - 0:32.125: karlwb passed rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] and Keseru for 7th
0:28.117 - 0:32.460: dylan passed rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] and Keseru for 8th
0:28.757 - 0:33.312: SanRocks161 passed rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] and Keseru for 9th
0:33.093 - 0:35.562: Sonnette passed Kevin Broman, Zoolander99 and mxponta for 3rd
0:30.546 - 0:36.046: Max103 passed rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP], Keseru and Lidman for 10th
0:33.312 - 0:36.437: SanRocks161 passed dylan for 8th
0:34.757 - 0:37.078: karlwb passed Kevin Broman, Zoolander99 and mxponta for 4th
0:29.132 - 0:37.304: Lidman passed rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] and Keseru for 11th
0:33.109 - 0:37.414: Crossfire #494 passed rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] and Keseru for 12th
0:37.414 - 0:40.148: Crossfire #494 passed Lidman, dylan and Max103 for 9th
0:36.046 - 0:40.546: Max103 passed dylan for 10th
0:26.195 - 0:40.882: rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] passed Keseru for 13th
0:37.304 - 0:41.257: Lidman passed dylan for 11th
0:40.148 - 0:42.234: Crossfire #494 passed Kevin Broman, SanRocks161 and mxponta for 6th
0:36.437 - 0:46.843: SanRocks161 passed Kevin Broman for 8th
0:41.679 - 0:47.242: dylan passed Kevin Broman, Lidman and Max103 for 9th
0:46.218 - 0:48.734: rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] passed Kevin Broman, Lidman and Max103 for 10th
0:48.429 - 0:51.085: Keseru passed Kevin Broman, Lidman and Max103 for 11th
0:40.546 - 0:51.085: Max103 passed Kevin Broman for 11th
0:52.406 - 0:55.156: Lidman passed Kevin Broman and Keseru for 12th
0:53.320 - 0:56.046: karlwb passed Sonnette for 3rd
0:57.218 - 1:00.046: Zoolander99 passed Sonnette for 4th
0:51.539 - 1:03.289: Kevin Broman passed Keseru for 13th
1:02.812 - 1:06.328: SanRocks161 passed mxponta for 7th
1:04.195 - 1:07.265: Crossfire #494 passed Sonnette for 5th
1:04.562 - 1:08.625: dylan passed mxponta for 8th
1:09.421 - 1:12.570: SanRocks161 passed Sonnette for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:14.406: Sebcross finished lap 1 ( 1:14.406)
1:11.570 - 1:14.992: dylan passed Sonnette for 7th
1:12.093 - 1:15.250: rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] passed mxponta for 9th
0:55.156 - 1:18.328: Lidman went off the track
1:15.250 - 1:18.468: rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] passed Sonnette for 8th
1:15.523 - 1:19.171: mxponta passed Sonnette for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:23.062: Frenchi.JuJu finished lap 1 ( 1:23.062)
0:00.000 - 1:26.828: karlwb finished lap 1 ( 1:26.828)
0:00.000 - 1:31.726: Zoolander99 finished lap 1 ( 1:31.726)
0:00.000 - 1:32.453: Crossfire #494 finished lap 1 ( 1:32.453)
1:31.890 - 1:36.437: Lidman passed Max103 for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:39.320: SanRocks161 finished lap 1 ( 1:39.320)
0:00.000 - 1:47.671: rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] finished lap 1 ( 1:47.671)
1:43.875 - 1:47.671: rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] passed dylan for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:48.890: dylan finished lap 1 ( 1:48.890)
1:35.375 - 1:50.726: mxponta went off the track
1:48.593 - 1:53.531: Kevin Broman passed Max103 for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:55.289: mxponta finished lap 1 ( 1:55.289)
0:00.000 - 1:56.679: Sonnette finished lap 1 ( 1:56.679)
0:00.000 - 2:08.812: Lidman finished lap 1 ( 2:08.812)
2:09.070 - 2:12.046: karlwb passed Frenchi.JuJu for 2nd
0:00.000 - 2:19.539: Kevin Broman finished lap 1 ( 2:19.539)
0:00.000 - 2:23.492: Max103 finished lap 1 ( 2:23.492)
2:21.179 - 2:31.960: rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] went off the track
1:14.406 - 2:32.382: Sebcross finished lap 2 ( 1:17.976)
2:26.367 - 2:32.953: Lidman passed Sonnette for 10th
2:27.953 - 2:38.671: Max103 passed Kevin Broman for 12th
1:26.828 - 2:42.984: karlwb finished lap 2 ( 1:16.156)
1:23.062 - 2:44.562: Frenchi.JuJu finished lap 2 ( 1:21.500)
2:47.687 - 2:50.992: Crossfire #494 passed Zoolander99 for 4th
1:32.453 - 2:59.070: Crossfire #494 finished lap 2 ( 1:26.617)
1:31.726 - 3:01.367: Zoolander99 finished lap 2 ( 1:29.640)
1:39.320 - 3:01.890: SanRocks161 finished lap 2 ( 1:22.570)
3:00.328 - 3:02.750: Kevin Broman passed Max103 for 12th
2:52.226 - 3:09.070: mxponta went off the track
3:02.234 - 3:09.265: dylan passed rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] for 7th
3:09.875 - 3:13.414: rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] passed dylan for 7th
3:14.718 - 3:18.773: Sonnette passed Lidman for 10th
1:47.671 - 3:21.898: rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] finished lap 2 ( 1:34.226)
3:14.046 - 3:31.093: SanRocks161 went off the track
1:48.890 - 3:31.328: dylan finished lap 2 ( 1:42.437)
3:22.046 - 3:31.562: Max103 went off the track
3:31.093 - 3:35.070: SanRocks161 passed Zoolander99 for 5th
0:00.000 - 3:36.781: Keseru finished lap 1 ( 3:36.781)
3:37.664 - 3:44.273: Lidman passed mxponta and Sonnette for 9th
2:32.382 - 3:59.515: Sebcross finished lap 3 ( 1:27.132)
2:42.984 - 4:01.328: karlwb finished lap 3 ( 1:18.343)
1:56.679 - 4:01.453: Sonnette finished lap 2 ( 2:04.773)
3:57.273 - 4:01.453: Sonnette passed mxponta and Lidman for 9th
1:55.289 - 4:02.859: mxponta finished lap 2 ( 2:07.570)
3:54.210 - 4:02.859: mxponta passed Lidman for 10th
2:44.562 - 4:05.484: Frenchi.JuJu finished lap 3 ( 1:20.921)
3:54.132 - 4:06.640: Keseru went off the track
2:08.812 - 4:06.867: Lidman finished lap 2 ( 1:58.054)
4:06.476 - 4:15.320: mxponta passed Sonnette for 9th
2:19.539 - 4:16.476: Kevin Broman finished lap 2 ( 1:56.937)
4:12.921 - 4:17.882: Zoolander99 passed SanRocks161 for 5th
2:23.492 - 4:20.734: Max103 finished lap 2 ( 1:57.242)
4:19.820 - 4:26.726: Sonnette passed mxponta for 9th
2:59.070 - 4:26.984: Crossfire #494 finished lap 3 ( 1:27.914)
3:01.367 - 4:35.343: Zoolander99 finished lap 3 ( 1:33.976)
3:01.890 - 4:39.820: SanRocks161 finished lap 3 ( 1:37.929)
4:40.132 - 4:42.906: mxponta passed Sonnette for 9th
4:41.695 - 4:44.335: karlwb passed Sebcross for the lead
4:44.171 - 4:51.476: Lidman passed Sonnette for 10th
4:34.046 - 4:53.148: Max103 went off the track
4:37.148 - 4:55.539: Keseru went off the track
3:21.898 - 4:58.679: rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] finished lap 3 ( 1:36.781)
4:52.632 - 4:59.125: SanRocks161 went off the track
3:31.328 - 5:13.101: dylan finished lap 3 ( 1:41.773)
5:10.296 - 5:13.773: Crossfire #494 passed Frenchi.JuJu for 3rd
4:01.328 - 5:18.578: karlwb finished lap 4 ( 1:17.250)
3:59.515 - 5:19.320: Sebcross finished lap 4 ( 1:19.804)
5:10.164 - 5:26.976: Sonnette went off the track
5:33.898 - 5:38.703: Sonnette passed Max103 for 12th
4:02.859 - 5:42.742: mxponta finished lap 3 ( 1:39.882)
5:38.703 - 5:43.304: Sonnette passed Kevin Broman for 11th
4:26.984 - 5:44.734: Crossfire #494 finished lap 4 ( 1:17.750)
3:36.781 - 5:46.992: Keseru finished lap 2 ( 2:10.210)
4:05.484 - 5:51.492: Frenchi.JuJu finished lap 4 ( 1:46.007)
4:06.867 - 5:57.101: Lidman finished lap 3 ( 1:50.234)
4:01.453 - 6:02.296: Sonnette finished lap 3 ( 2:00.843)
4:35.343 - 6:04.250: Zoolander99 finished lap 4 ( 1:28.906)
4:16.476 - 6:16.851: Kevin Broman finished lap 3 ( 2:00.375)
4:39.820 - 6:33.562: SanRocks161 finished lap 4 ( 1:53.742)
5:18.578 - 6:36.265: karlwb finished lap 5 ( 1:17.687)
4:58.679 - 6:39.789: rrrrhhhhh7[Team HGP] finished lap 4 ( 1:41.109)
5:19.320 - 6:40.515: Sebcross finished lap 5 ( 1:21.195)
6:45.820 - 6:52.054: SanRocks161 went off the track
5:44.734 - 7:00.890: Crossfire #494 finished lap 5 ( 1:16.156)
5:42.742 - 7:14.390: mxponta finished lap 4 ( 1:31.648)
5:51.492 - 7:21.585: Frenchi.JuJu finished lap 5 ( 1:30.093)
6:04.250 - 7:23.281: Zoolander99 finished lap 5 ( 1:19.031)
5:57.101 - 7:40.164: Lidman finished lap 4 ( 1:43.062)
6:33.562 - 8:04.054: SanRocks161 finished lap 5 ( 1:30.492)
5:46.992 - 8:09.984: Keseru finished lap 3 ( 2:22.992)
6:02.296 - 8:12.437: Sonnette finished lap 4 ( 2:10.140)
6:16.851 - 8:22.093: Kevin Broman finished lap 4 ( 2:05.242)