MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date1/30/2012, 2:01:50 PM (4721 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1177corza177 kx1255 8:24.7264 1:38.8123772
22wesley wetzer#2 nederland rm1255 9:16.7180 0:00.0001916
3Erle Vaughan rmz450(2011)4 8:34.0462 2:05.0394533
4773Privateer-Phoenix #773 450sxf(2011)2 3:33.5932 1:32.0075079
598Cristiano 450sxf(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004851
6801Circuit Racing_Kevin crf450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0001925
714BENBIGS/aus. rmz450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0003490

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 2 177 177 2 2
P2 177 2 2 177 177
P3 773
P4 773

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:32.007 2 773 Privateer-Phoenix #773
1:38.812 4 177 corza177
1:41.109 3 177 corza177
1:43.414 2 177 corza177
1:46.390 5 177 corza177
2:05.039 2 Erle Vaughan
2:05.539 3 Erle Vaughan
2:22.945 4 Erle Vaughan

Individual Worst Laps

1:32.007 2 773 Privateer-Phoenix #773
1:46.390 5 177 corza177
1:52.656 2 2 wesley wetzer#2 nederland
2:22.945 4 Erle Vaughan


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.806 177 corza177
5.991 2 wesley wetzer#2 nederland
8.326 Erle Vaughan
- 98 Cristiano
- 801 Circuit Racing_Kevin
- 773 Privateer-Phoenix #773
- 14 BENBIGS/aus.

Play by Play

Cristiano takes the holeshot followed by Privateer-Phoenix #773, BENBIGS/aus., corza177 and Erle Vaughan

0:15.562 - 0:19.976: Privateer-Phoenix #773 passed Cristiano for the lead
0:16.531 - 0:20.890: BENBIGS/aus. passed Cristiano for 2nd
0:17.546 - 0:21.265: corza177 passed Cristiano for 3rd
0:18.281 - 0:22.132: wesley wetzer#2 nederland passed Cristiano for 4th
0:22.132 - 0:26.578: wesley wetzer#2 nederland passed corza177 for 3rd
0:29.640 - 0:37.984: wesley wetzer#2 nederland passed Privateer-Phoenix #773 and BENBIGS/aus. for the lead
0:37.523 - 0:45.203: Cristiano passed corza177 and BENBIGS/aus. for 3rd
0:45.203 - 0:47.140: Cristiano passed Privateer-Phoenix #773 for 2nd
0:32.820 - 0:48.156: corza177 passed BENBIGS/aus. for 4th
1:11.648 - 1:20.562: corza177 passed Privateer-Phoenix #773 for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:27.359: wesley wetzer#2 nederland finished lap 1 ( 1:27.359)
1:27.359 - 1:32.929: wesley wetzer#2 nederland went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:35.000: corza177 finished lap 1 ( 1:35.000)
0:00.000 - 2:00.523: Erle Vaughan finished lap 1 ( 2:00.523)
1:56.781 - 2:00.523: Erle Vaughan passed Privateer-Phoenix #773 for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:01.585: Privateer-Phoenix #773 finished lap 1 ( 2:01.585)
2:05.179 - 2:08.304: Privateer-Phoenix #773 passed Erle Vaughan for 3rd
2:13.132 - 2:15.453: corza177 passed wesley wetzer#2 nederland for the lead
2:15.593 - 2:36.195: wesley wetzer#2 nederland passed corza177 for the lead
2:41.046 - 2:56.226: wesley wetzer#2 nederland went off the track
2:57.906 - 3:03.507: corza177 passed wesley wetzer#2 nederland for the lead
1:35.000 - 3:18.414: corza177 finished lap 2 ( 1:43.414)
1:27.359 - 3:20.015: wesley wetzer#2 nederland finished lap 2 ( 1:52.656)
3:20.015 - 3:25.804: wesley wetzer#2 nederland went off the track
2:01.585 - 3:33.593: Privateer-Phoenix #773 finished lap 2 ( 1:32.007)
3:37.226 - 3:44.164: wesley wetzer#2 nederland passed corza177 for the lead
2:00.523 - 4:05.562: Erle Vaughan finished lap 2 ( 2:05.039)
4:47.781 - 4:55.710: corza177 passed wesley wetzer#2 nederland for the lead
3:18.414 - 4:59.523: corza177 finished lap 3 ( 1:41.109)
3:20.015 - 5:01.804: wesley wetzer#2 nederland finished lap 3 ( 1:41.789)
5:01.679 - 5:07.375: Erle Vaughan passed Privateer-Phoenix #773 for 3rd
5:13.234 - 5:22.132: wesley wetzer#2 nederland went off the track
5:29.132 - 5:38.242: wesley wetzer#2 nederland went off the track
5:52.085 - 6:01.437: wesley wetzer#2 nederland passed corza177 for the lead
4:05.562 - 6:11.101: Erle Vaughan finished lap 3 ( 2:05.539)
5:01.804 - 6:38.132: wesley wetzer#2 nederland finished lap 4 ( 1:36.328)
4:59.523 - 6:38.335: corza177 finished lap 4 ( 1:38.812)
7:05.945 - 7:10.468: corza177 passed wesley wetzer#2 nederland for the lead
7:13.312 - 7:22.515: wesley wetzer#2 nederland went off the track
7:22.515 - 7:31.851: wesley wetzer#2 nederland passed corza177 for the lead
7:39.085 - 7:49.765: corza177 passed wesley wetzer#2 nederland for the lead
8:04.585 - 8:15.468: wesley wetzer#2 nederland passed corza177 for the lead
6:38.132 - 8:19.046: wesley wetzer#2 nederland finished lap 5 ( 1:40.914)
6:38.335 - 8:24.726: corza177 finished lap 5 ( 1:46.390)
6:11.101 - 8:34.046: Erle Vaughan finished lap 4 ( 2:22.945)
9:08.015 - 14:01.859: Privateer-Phoenix #773 went off the track