MX Simulator
TrackRidge Riders
Format 5 laps
Date2/2/2012, 11:44:16 PM (4719 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1115Jesse crf450(2011)5 9:33.4142 1:36.7894951
2838HESH838 crf450(2011)5 9:45.7265 1:46.0461098
336NHuiszoon crf250(2008)5 10:19.9372 1:47.1093968
4229Franklin kx1255 11:45.2812 2:02.0461201
511ite crf450(2011)4 9:52.8202 2:12.6711418
6989Viper yz250f(2009)4 10:45.3282 2:07.4683946
7491Tommo rmz250(2009)3 6:10.5152 1:59.3902217
8969RedRocketRacing crf250(2009)3 11:18.4843 3:39.2505134
9150MX ONLINE BOOSKULTRAS yz250f(2009)1 3:06.4450 0:00.0004917
105trand 5 rmz450(2011)1 4:28.4680 0:00.0004984
1118360 crf450(2011)1 5:52.5540 0:00.0004892
12173D173 Designs yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004255
1359TayProDesigns kx250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004368
14222SamJoe Motocross crf250(2008)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0005150
15103ZipTye 103 rmz250(2007)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004167

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 491 838 115 115 115
P2 838 491 491 838 838
P3 115 115 838 36 36
P4 36 36 36 229 229
P5 229 229 229 11
P6 11 11 11 989
P7 989 989 989
P8 150 969 969
P9 969
P10 5
P11 18

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:36.789 2 115 Jesse
1:46.046 5 838 HESH838
1:46.234 2 838 HESH838
1:47.109 2 36 NHuiszoon
1:47.382 4 115 Jesse
1:48.828 4 838 HESH838
1:48.984 5 115 Jesse
1:50.757 4 36 NHuiszoon
1:52.132 3 115 Jesse
1:59.390 2 491 Tommo
2:01.531 3 36 NHuiszoon
2:02.046 2 229 Franklin
2:04.351 3 229 Franklin
2:05.031 5 36 NHuiszoon
2:07.468 2 989 Viper
2:09.640 3 491 Tommo
2:11.718 3 838 HESH838
2:12.671 2 11 ite
2:18.585 3 11 ite
2:20.781 5 229 Franklin
2:22.906 4 229 Franklin
2:31.312 4 11 ite
2:32.109 3 989 Viper
3:06.156 4 989 Viper
3:39.250 3 969 RedRocketRacing
4:04.085 2 969 RedRocketRacing

Individual Worst Laps

1:52.132 3 115 Jesse
2:05.031 5 36 NHuiszoon
2:09.640 3 491 Tommo
2:11.718 3 838 HESH838
2:22.906 4 229 Franklin
2:31.312 4 11 ite
3:06.156 4 989 Viper
4:04.085 2 969 RedRocketRacing


Std. Dev.NumberName
5.125 491 Tommo
5.763 115 Jesse
7.393 36 NHuiszoon
7.778 11 ite
9.388 229 Franklin
10.744 838 HESH838
12.418 969 RedRocketRacing
24.061 989 Viper
- 5 trand 5
- 18 360
- 173 D173 Designs
- 59 TayProDesigns
- 222 SamJoe Motocross
- 103 ZipTye 103

Play by Play

HESH838 takes the holeshot followed by Tommo , Franklin, Viper, 360, trand 5, SamJoe Motocross, TayProDesigns , Jesse, NHuiszoon, ite, D173 Designs, RedRocketRacing and MX ONLINE BOOSKULTRAS

0:12.015 - 0:15.484: Franklin passed Tommo for 2nd
0:15.718 - 0:20.789: Tommo passed Franklin for 2nd
0:16.929 - 0:22.062: SamJoe Motocross passed trand 5 for 6th
0:18.328 - 0:22.484: Jesse passed trand 5 and TayProDesigns for 7th
0:17.664 - 0:23.039: TayProDesigns passed trand 5 for 8th
0:25.000 - 0:30.171: NHuiszoon passed trand 5, Jesse, TayProDesigns and SamJoe Motocross for 6th
0:20.789 - 0:30.523: Tommo passed HESH838 for the lead
0:23.039 - 0:31.054: TayProDesigns passed Jesse and SamJoe Motocross for 7th
0:25.617 - 0:31.250: ite passed trand 5, Jesse and SamJoe Motocross for 8th
0:24.414 - 0:32.093: trand 5 passed Jesse and SamJoe Motocross for 9th
0:22.484 - 0:35.250: Jesse passed SamJoe Motocross for 10th
0:27.257 - 0:39.148: 360 passed Franklin for 3rd
0:31.250 - 0:43.546: ite passed NHuiszoon, TayProDesigns and Franklin for 4th
0:35.250 - 0:45.742: Jesse passed trand 5, NHuiszoon and TayProDesigns for 6th
0:43.757 - 0:47.390: Franklin passed ite for 4th
0:38.304 - 0:48.726: D173 Designs passed trand 5, TayProDesigns and SamJoe Motocross for 8th
0:23.000 - 0:49.921: Viper went off the track
0:46.171 - 0:51.835: MX ONLINE BOOSKULTRAS passed RedRocketRacing for 13th
0:49.531 - 0:57.398: Jesse passed ite for 5th
0:52.093 - 1:01.117: D173 Designs passed NHuiszoon for 8th
0:51.835 - 1:02.656: MX ONLINE BOOSKULTRAS passed trand 5 and SamJoe Motocross for 10th
0:36.734 - 1:05.632: SamJoe Motocross passed trand 5 for 11th
1:04.218 - 1:10.882: Franklin passed 360 for 3rd
1:09.296 - 1:14.617: HESH838 passed Tommo for the lead
0:54.132 - 1:15.570: RedRocketRacing passed trand 5 for 12th
1:08.750 - 1:16.234: ite passed Jesse for 5th
1:06.054 - 1:16.898: MX ONLINE BOOSKULTRAS went off the track
1:12.437 - 1:21.617: 360 passed Franklin for 3rd
1:16.914 - 1:23.515: NHuiszoon passed Viper for 7th
1:22.609 - 1:29.835: MX ONLINE BOOSKULTRAS passed Viper for 8th
1:30.414 - 1:35.875: Jesse passed ite for 4th
1:31.289 - 1:36.640: NHuiszoon passed ite for 5th
1:32.765 - 1:39.000: RedRocketRacing passed SamJoe Motocross for 10th
1:35.875 - 1:44.585: Jesse passed 360 for 3rd
1:36.640 - 1:44.609: NHuiszoon passed 360 for 4th
1:38.304 - 1:45.648: Tommo passed HESH838 for the lead
1:37.679 - 1:46.203: Viper passed MX ONLINE BOOSKULTRAS for 8th
1:44.609 - 1:48.726: NHuiszoon passed Jesse for 3rd
1:27.359 - 1:54.570: Franklin went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:01.484: Tommo finished lap 1 ( 2:01.484)
1:44.960 - 2:03.164: ite passed 360 for 6th
1:55.632 - 2:04.234: MX ONLINE BOOSKULTRAS passed Viper and 360 for 7th
0:00.000 - 2:12.898: HESH838 finished lap 1 ( 2:12.898)
1:53.960 - 2:13.156: Jesse passed NHuiszoon for 3rd
1:52.671 - 2:15.570: Viper passed 360 for 8th
2:14.531 - 2:22.750: ite passed Franklin for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:28.125: Jesse finished lap 1 ( 2:28.125)
2:24.015 - 2:30.828: Franklin passed ite for 5th
2:16.000 - 2:34.718: RedRocketRacing passed 360 for 9th
0:00.000 - 2:35.507: NHuiszoon finished lap 1 ( 2:35.507)
0:00.000 - 2:39.796: Franklin finished lap 1 ( 2:39.796)
2:26.335 - 2:42.210: Viper passed MX ONLINE BOOSKULTRAS for 7th
0:00.000 - 2:50.250: ite finished lap 1 ( 2:50.250)
0:00.000 - 2:59.593: Viper finished lap 1 ( 2:59.593)
0:00.000 - 3:03.703: MX ONLINE BOOSKULTRAS finished lap 1 ( 3:03.703)
3:17.359 - 3:28.093: trand 5 passed 360 for 10th
0:00.000 - 3:35.148: RedRocketRacing finished lap 1 ( 3:35.148)
3:45.296 - 3:51.468: HESH838 passed Tommo for the lead
2:12.898 - 3:59.132: HESH838 finished lap 2 ( 1:46.234)
2:01.484 - 4:00.875: Tommo finished lap 2 ( 1:59.390)
2:28.125 - 4:04.914: Jesse finished lap 2 ( 1:36.789)
4:07.656 - 4:11.843: Jesse passed Tommo for 2nd
2:35.507 - 4:22.617: NHuiszoon finished lap 2 ( 1:47.109)
0:00.000 - 4:28.468: trand 5 finished lap 1 ( 4:28.468)
4:25.960 - 4:29.304: Jesse passed HESH838 for the lead
2:39.796 - 4:41.843: Franklin finished lap 2 ( 2:02.046)
4:51.445 - 4:57.101: HESH838 passed Jesse for the lead
2:50.250 - 5:02.921: ite finished lap 2 ( 2:12.671)
2:59.593 - 5:07.062: Viper finished lap 2 ( 2:07.468)
5:03.023 - 5:10.507: Tommo passed Jesse for 2nd
5:12.648 - 5:17.851: Jesse passed Tommo for 2nd
5:34.890 - 5:43.023: Jesse passed HESH838 for the lead
0:00.000 - 5:52.554: 360 finished lap 1 ( 5:52.554)
5:47.328 - 5:54.710: Tommo passed HESH838 for 2nd
4:04.914 - 5:57.046: Jesse finished lap 3 ( 1:52.132)
4:00.875 - 6:10.515: Tommo finished lap 3 ( 2:09.640)
3:59.132 - 6:10.851: HESH838 finished lap 3 ( 2:11.718)
5:55.656 - 6:13.617: trand 5 went off the track
6:13.656 - 6:17.492: HESH838 passed Tommo for 2nd
4:22.617 - 6:24.148: NHuiszoon finished lap 3 ( 2:01.531)
4:41.843 - 6:46.195: Franklin finished lap 3 ( 2:04.351)
5:02.921 - 7:21.507: ite finished lap 3 ( 2:18.585)
5:07.062 - 7:39.171: Viper finished lap 3 ( 2:32.109)
3:35.148 - 7:39.234: RedRocketRacing finished lap 2 ( 4:04.085)
5:57.046 - 7:44.429: Jesse finished lap 4 ( 1:47.382)
6:10.851 - 7:59.679: HESH838 finished lap 4 ( 1:48.828)
6:24.148 - 8:14.906: NHuiszoon finished lap 4 ( 1:50.757)
6:46.195 - 9:09.101: Franklin finished lap 4 ( 2:22.906)
7:44.429 - 9:33.414: Jesse finished lap 5 ( 1:48.984)
7:59.679 - 9:45.726: HESH838 finished lap 5 ( 1:46.046)
7:21.507 - 9:52.820: ite finished lap 4 ( 2:31.312)
8:14.906 - 10:19.937: NHuiszoon finished lap 5 ( 2:05.031)
7:39.171 - 10:45.328: Viper finished lap 4 ( 3:06.156)
7:39.234 - 11:18.484: RedRocketRacing finished lap 3 ( 3:39.250)
9:09.101 - 11:29.882: Franklin finished lap 5 ( 2:20.781)