MX Simulator
TrackBudds Creek
Format 5 laps
Date3/10/2012, 10:49:00 PM (4687 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1303TylaZ crf250(2009)5 12:09.9375 2:02.5075394
200Hunter Gosda rm250(2008)5 13:36.7654 2:26.9682953
3417Themotocrossracer crf250(2009)5 14:15.4142 2:26.9535456
4217Garrett Coutts crf450(2011)4 12:11.9374 2:56.0075536
5112BOOTH#112 kx250f(2009)3 6:48.9142 2:08.8204349
6007Kozdy[Cz] rm1251 3:11.4840 0:00.0004912
7849Forssten #578 (SWE) cr1250 0:00.0000 0:00.0005386
892Pieter#92 cr250(2007)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0005252
912772R|lance #127 rmz250(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004806
10127CrippinRippled127 crf450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0005597
11665Buck Nasty crf450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0003817

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 112 112 112 303 303
P2 00 303 00 00 00
P3 303 00 303 417 417
P4 007 417 417 217
P5 217 217 217
P6 417

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:02.507 5 303 TylaZ
2:08.820 2 112 BOOTH#112
2:10.281 2 303 TylaZ
2:13.929 3 112 BOOTH#112
2:18.375 4 303 TylaZ
2:26.953 2 417 Themotocrossracer
2:26.968 4 00 Hunter Gosda
2:28.664 3 00 Hunter Gosda
2:34.140 3 417 Themotocrossracer
2:34.656 3 303 TylaZ
2:56.007 4 217 Garrett Coutts
2:58.304 2 217 Garrett Coutts
3:16.187 5 00 Hunter Gosda

Individual Worst Laps

2:13.929 3 112 BOOTH#112
2:34.656 3 303 TylaZ
2:56.500 4 417 Themotocrossracer
2:59.195 3 217 Garrett Coutts
3:16.187 5 00 Hunter Gosda


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.343 217 Garrett Coutts
2.555 112 BOOTH#112
11.902 417 Themotocrossracer
11.912 303 TylaZ
20.626 00 Hunter Gosda
- 849 Forssten #578 (SWE)
- 92 Pieter#92
- 127 72R|lance #127
- 007 Kozdy[Cz]
- 127 CrippinRippled127
- 665 Buck Nasty

Play by Play

BOOTH#112 takes the holeshot followed by Kozdy[Cz], Hunter Gosda, Forssten #578 (SWE), Themotocrossracer, 72R|lance #127, CrippinRippled127, Buck Nasty and Garrett Coutts

0:16.257 - 0:21.187: Hunter Gosda passed Kozdy[Cz] for 2nd
0:20.335 - 0:25.539: Forssten #578 (SWE) passed Kozdy[Cz] for 3rd
0:21.648 - 0:29.453: 72R|lance #127 passed Themotocrossracer and Kozdy[Cz] for 5th
0:28.546 - 0:33.187: Garrett Coutts passed Themotocrossracer, CrippinRippled127 and Buck Nasty for 7th
0:21.804 - 0:34.390: CrippinRippled127 passed Themotocrossracer for 8th
0:23.843 - 0:34.867: Buck Nasty passed Themotocrossracer for 9th
0:32.812 - 0:38.117: Kozdy[Cz] passed 72R|lance #127 for 5th
0:33.187 - 0:38.546: Garrett Coutts passed 72R|lance #127 for 6th
0:34.390 - 0:39.601: CrippinRippled127 passed 72R|lance #127 for 7th
0:34.867 - 0:41.398: Buck Nasty passed 72R|lance #127 for 8th
0:40.656 - 0:46.429: TylaZ passed Forssten #578 (SWE) for 3rd
0:49.632 - 0:53.460: Themotocrossracer passed 72R|lance #127 and Buck Nasty for 8th
0:54.171 - 1:00.132: Garrett Coutts passed Kozdy[Cz] for 5th
0:53.460 - 1:00.390: Themotocrossracer passed CrippinRippled127 for 7th
0:50.195 - 1:01.007: Hunter Gosda went off the track
1:00.640 - 1:07.109: 72R|lance #127 passed Buck Nasty for 9th
1:03.656 - 1:13.453: Garrett Coutts passed TylaZ for 3rd
1:09.015 - 1:21.218: Themotocrossracer went off the track
1:31.460 - 1:38.914: Themotocrossracer passed TylaZ for 4th
1:34.726 - 1:41.687: Kozdy[Cz] passed TylaZ for 5th
2:22.039 - 2:24.898: Themotocrossracer passed Garrett Coutts for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:26.164: BOOTH#112 finished lap 1 ( 2:26.164)
2:17.289 - 2:27.828: TylaZ passed Kozdy[Cz] for 5th
2:25.414 - 2:32.218: Garrett Coutts passed Themotocrossracer for 3rd
2:31.234 - 2:37.039: TylaZ passed Themotocrossracer for 4th
2:37.039 - 2:41.546: TylaZ passed Garrett Coutts for 3rd
2:38.898 - 2:45.085: Kozdy[Cz] passed Themotocrossracer for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:48.515: Hunter Gosda finished lap 1 ( 2:48.515)
0:00.000 - 3:02.906: TylaZ finished lap 1 ( 3:02.906)
3:02.523 - 3:06.687: Kozdy[Cz] passed Garrett Coutts for 4th
0:00.000 - 3:11.484: Kozdy[Cz] finished lap 1 ( 3:11.484)
0:00.000 - 3:18.429: Garrett Coutts finished lap 1 ( 3:18.429)
0:00.000 - 3:19.554: Themotocrossracer finished lap 1 ( 3:19.554)
4:15.468 - 4:23.445: Themotocrossracer passed Garrett Coutts for 5th
4:15.476 - 4:28.531: TylaZ passed Hunter Gosda for 2nd
2:26.164 - 4:34.984: BOOTH#112 finished lap 2 ( 2:08.820)
4:52.984 - 4:55.531: Garrett Coutts passed Themotocrossracer for 4th
4:32.812 - 4:57.437: Kozdy[Cz] went off the track
4:49.375 - 4:59.679: Hunter Gosda went off the track
4:55.820 - 5:06.539: Themotocrossracer passed Garrett Coutts for 5th
3:02.906 - 5:13.187: TylaZ finished lap 2 ( 2:10.281)
2:48.515 - 5:18.773: Hunter Gosda finished lap 2 ( 2:30.257)
3:19.554 - 5:46.507: Themotocrossracer finished lap 2 ( 2:26.953)
3:18.429 - 6:16.734: Garrett Coutts finished lap 2 ( 2:58.304)
6:18.414 - 6:33.015: Hunter Gosda passed TylaZ for 2nd
4:34.984 - 6:48.914: BOOTH#112 finished lap 3 ( 2:13.929)
7:02.156 - 7:05.421: TylaZ passed Hunter Gosda for 2nd
7:05.460 - 7:21.359: Hunter Gosda passed TylaZ for 2nd
5:18.773 - 7:47.437: Hunter Gosda finished lap 3 ( 2:28.664)
5:13.187 - 7:47.843: TylaZ finished lap 3 ( 2:34.656)
8:04.164 - 8:10.171: TylaZ passed Hunter Gosda for the lead
5:46.507 - 8:20.648: Themotocrossracer finished lap 3 ( 2:34.140)
8:00.156 - 8:30.765: Garrett Coutts went off the track
8:30.953 - 8:37.015: Hunter Gosda passed TylaZ for the lead
8:42.296 - 8:50.906: Themotocrossracer went off the track
6:16.734 - 9:15.929: Garrett Coutts finished lap 3 ( 2:59.195)
9:16.570 - 9:21.109: TylaZ passed Hunter Gosda for the lead
7:47.843 - 10:06.218: TylaZ finished lap 4 ( 2:18.375)
7:47.437 - 10:14.406: Hunter Gosda finished lap 4 ( 2:26.968)
8:20.648 - 11:17.148: Themotocrossracer finished lap 4 ( 2:56.500)
11:47.414 - 11:57.554: Themotocrossracer went off the track
10:06.218 - 12:08.726: TylaZ finished lap 5 ( 2:02.507)
9:15.929 - 12:11.937: Garrett Coutts finished lap 4 ( 2:56.007)
10:14.406 - 13:30.593: Hunter Gosda finished lap 5 ( 3:16.187)
13:39.226 - 13:48.796: Themotocrossracer went off the track
11:17.148 - 14:07.406: Themotocrossracer finished lap 5 ( 2:50.257)