MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date6/2/2012, 4:27:15 AM (4604 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1317Tony Spinelli | The Racers Edge yz450f(2011)5 6:02.3984 1:03.5152606
2951NGN78 yz1255 6:54.6714 1:17.2811600
3258Detroiit kx450f(2011)5 7:02.0625 1:03.4374315
476Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing crf250(2009)5 7:09.8982 1:14.8124610
526Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge yz450f(2011)5 7:11.4843 1:05.1012218
6727Factory Honda Motorsports 350sxf(2011)4 6:19.3982 1:08.6174964
7999Joe Motocross crf450(2011)3 4:24.7182 1:21.3982444
8269Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing crf250(2009)3 5:10.9603 1:27.9214862
9136MotographyFilms/ZACH yz1252 3:11.6560 0:00.0004072

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 317 317 317 317 317
P2 951 951 951 951 951
P3 999 999 76 26 26
P4 76 76 999 76 258
P5 26 258 26 258 76
P6 136 136 727 727
P7 258 727 258
P8 727 26 269
P9 269 269

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:03.437 5 258 Detroiit
1:03.515 4 317 Tony Spinelli | The Racers Edge
1:03.640 3 317 Tony Spinelli | The Racers Edge
1:05.101 3 26 Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge
1:06.695 2 258 Detroiit
1:08.617 2 727 Factory Honda Motorsports
1:10.234 4 258 Detroiit
1:14.242 4 26 Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge
1:14.812 2 76 Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing
1:16.625 2 317 Tony Spinelli | The Racers Edge
1:16.921 5 317 Tony Spinelli | The Racers Edge
1:17.281 4 951 NGN78
1:19.070 5 76 Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing
1:19.726 3 76 Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing
1:20.476 5 951 NGN78
1:21.398 2 999 Joe Motocross
1:22.640 2 951 NGN78
1:23.179 3 951 NGN78
1:27.921 3 269 Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing
1:29.539 3 999 Joe Motocross
1:31.523 4 76 Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing
1:38.453 2 269 Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing
1:45.695 2 26 Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge
1:48.375 3 258 Detroiit

Individual Worst Laps

1:16.921 5 317 Tony Spinelli | The Racers Edge
1:20.476 2 136 MotographyFilms/ZACH
1:23.179 3 951 NGN78
1:29.539 3 999 Joe Motocross
1:31.523 4 76 Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing
1:38.453 2 269 Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing
1:40.531 4 727 Factory Honda Motorsports
1:45.695 2 26 Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge
1:48.375 3 258 Detroiit


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.318 951 NGN78
4.070 999 Joe Motocross
5.266 269 Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing
6.206 76 Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing
6.599 317 Tony Spinelli | The Racers Edge
13.048 727 Factory Honda Motorsports
15.848 26 Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge
18.167 258 Detroiit
- 136 MotographyFilms/ZACH

Play by Play

Tony Spinelli | The Racers Edge takes the holeshot followed by MotographyFilms/ZACH, Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge, NGN78, Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing, Factory Honda Motorsports, Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing, Detroiit and Joe Motocross

0:19.132 - 0:23.476: Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing passed NGN78, MotographyFilms/ZACH and Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge for 2nd
0:18.671 - 0:24.523: NGN78 passed MotographyFilms/ZACH and Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge for 3rd
0:25.750 - 0:30.320: Factory Honda Motorsports passed MotographyFilms/ZACH and Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge for 4th
0:30.031 - 0:35.242: Joe Motocross passed Detroiit and Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing for 7th
0:43.570 - 0:47.242: Joe Motocross passed Factory Honda Motorsports, MotographyFilms/ZACH and Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge for 4th
0:35.257 - 0:51.203: Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge passed Factory Honda Motorsports and MotographyFilms/ZACH for 5th
0:35.054 - 0:52.593: MotographyFilms/ZACH passed Factory Honda Motorsports for 6th
0:52.593 - 0:58.093: MotographyFilms/ZACH passed Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge for 5th
0:59.984 - 1:03.882: Detroiit passed Factory Honda Motorsports and Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing for 7th
0:59.703 - 1:04.453: Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing passed Factory Honda Motorsports for 8th
1:04.453 - 1:08.882: Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing passed Detroiit and Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge for 6th
1:13.101 - 1:17.281: Factory Honda Motorsports passed Detroiit for 8th
1:15.476 - 1:19.656: Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge passed Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:21.695: Tony Spinelli | The Racers Edge finished lap 1 ( 1:21.695)
1:10.343 - 1:26.640: NGN78 passed Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing for 2nd
1:22.859 - 1:29.031: Joe Motocross passed Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:31.093: NGN78 finished lap 1 ( 1:31.093)
0:00.000 - 1:33.781: Joe Motocross finished lap 1 ( 1:33.781)
1:29.468 - 1:34.359: Detroiit passed Factory Honda Motorsports for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:44.765: Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:44.765)
0:00.000 - 1:45.320: Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge finished lap 1 ( 1:45.320)
1:41.320 - 1:45.320: Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge passed MotographyFilms/ZACH for 5th
1:43.093 - 1:49.171: Detroiit passed Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:50.398: MotographyFilms/ZACH finished lap 1 ( 1:50.398)
0:00.000 - 1:53.320: Detroiit finished lap 1 ( 1:53.320)
1:53.679 - 1:59.257: Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge passed Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing for 4th
1:54.468 - 1:59.687: MotographyFilms/ZACH passed Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing for 5th
1:53.414 - 1:59.859: Factory Honda Motorsports passed Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing for 8th
0:00.000 - 2:04.164: Factory Honda Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 2:04.164)
1:59.859 - 2:04.476: Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing passed MotographyFilms/ZACH and Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:04.585: Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:04.585)
1:59.687 - 2:04.804: MotographyFilms/ZACH passed Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge for 5th
2:06.703 - 2:10.335: Detroiit passed MotographyFilms/ZACH and Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge for 5th
2:25.765 - 2:30.523: Factory Honda Motorsports passed MotographyFilms/ZACH and Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge for 6th
2:31.000 - 2:34.835: MotographyFilms/ZACH passed Factory Honda Motorsports for 6th
1:21.695 - 2:38.320: Tony Spinelli | The Racers Edge finished lap 2 ( 1:16.625)
2:40.734 - 2:47.984: MotographyFilms/ZACH went off the track
1:31.093 - 2:53.734: NGN78 finished lap 2 ( 1:22.640)
1:33.781 - 2:55.179: Joe Motocross finished lap 2 ( 1:21.398)
1:44.765 - 2:59.578: Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:14.812)
1:53.320 - 3:00.015: Detroiit finished lap 2 ( 1:06.695)
1:50.398 - 3:10.875: MotographyFilms/ZACH finished lap 2 ( 1:20.476)
2:04.164 - 3:12.781: Factory Honda Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:08.617)
3:16.015 - 3:22.195: Factory Honda Motorsports passed MotographyFilms/ZACH for 6th
3:19.914 - 3:24.695: Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing passed Joe Motocross for 3rd
3:27.015 - 3:30.500: MotographyFilms/ZACH passed Factory Honda Motorsports for 6th
1:45.320 - 3:31.015: Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge finished lap 2 ( 1:45.695)
3:30.500 - 3:34.140: MotographyFilms/ZACH passed Detroiit for 5th
2:38.320 - 3:41.960: Tony Spinelli | The Racers Edge finished lap 3 ( 1:03.640)
2:04.585 - 3:43.039: Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:38.453)
3:51.687 - 3:55.375: Joe Motocross passed Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing for 3rd
3:40.367 - 3:57.820: Factory Honda Motorsports went off the track
4:02.031 - 4:15.312: Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing passed Joe Motocross for 3rd
2:53.734 - 4:16.914: NGN78 finished lap 3 ( 1:23.179)
2:59.578 - 4:19.304: Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:19.726)
2:55.179 - 4:24.718: Joe Motocross finished lap 3 ( 1:29.539)
4:21.960 - 4:25.523: Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge passed Detroiit for 5th
4:28.476 - 4:34.328: Factory Honda Motorsports passed Detroiit for 6th
3:31.015 - 4:36.117: Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge finished lap 3 ( 1:05.101)
3:12.781 - 4:38.867: Factory Honda Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:26.085)
3:41.960 - 4:45.476: Tony Spinelli | The Racers Edge finished lap 4 ( 1:03.515)
3:00.015 - 4:48.390: Detroiit finished lap 3 ( 1:48.375)
3:43.039 - 5:10.960: Austin269 | Muscle Milk Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:27.921)
5:23.304 - 5:31.109: Factory Honda Motorsports went off the track
4:16.914 - 5:34.195: NGN78 finished lap 4 ( 1:17.281)
5:30.093 - 5:36.039: Joe Motocross passed Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing for 3rd
5:35.781 - 5:40.054: Detroiit passed Factory Honda Motorsports for 6th
5:40.101 - 5:46.257: Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge passed Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing for 4th
4:36.117 - 5:50.359: Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge finished lap 4 ( 1:14.242)
4:19.304 - 5:50.828: Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:31.523)
4:48.390 - 5:58.625: Detroiit finished lap 4 ( 1:10.234)
4:45.476 - 6:02.398: Tony Spinelli | The Racers Edge finished lap 5 ( 1:16.921)
5:54.156 - 6:04.773: Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing passed Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge for 3rd
6:01.867 - 6:07.179: Detroiit passed Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge for 4th
4:38.867 - 6:19.398: Factory Honda Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:40.531)
6:42.804 - 6:46.328: Detroiit passed Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing for 3rd
6:46.257 - 6:49.734: Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge passed Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing for 4th
5:34.195 - 6:54.671: NGN78 finished lap 5 ( 1:20.476)
6:55.101 - 7:00.625: Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge went off the track
5:50.359 - 7:00.625: Colton Aeck | The Racers Edge finished lap 5 ( 1:10.265)
5:58.625 - 7:02.062: Detroiit finished lap 5 ( 1:03.437)
5:50.828 - 7:09.898: Jared 76|Muscle Milk Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:19.070)