MX Simulator
TrackAllamuchy Mountain
Format 5 laps
Date10/26/2012, 2:08:11 AM (4458 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1634THR JAMMER yz250f(2009)5 9:33.3982 1:47.7032079
2wis*RideEmHardRacing*monkey yz450f(2011)5 9:45.6172 1:46.8904288
3917MXNate917 yz1255 9:52.2964 1:55.0704859
4940Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team rm250(2008)5 10:30.6404 1:59.5786530
5153Whitton153 | Privateer yz250f(2009)5 10:40.1715 1:49.8987381
6YRAYaRdApe rm250(2008)5 10:53.6174 2:03.8673182
7411Aj Norris|Privateer #411 crf250(2009)5 10:57.7264 2:03.3987626
8310L.Taylor#310 need a team yz250f(2008)5 11:05.7104 2:06.2577089
9Tony Stephens #42 crf250(2009)4 9:56.4763 2:24.0937584
10817Craig Leake#817 / Privateer crf250(2009)4 11:05.1014 1:43.6645669
11139Morrison yz1253 8:12.2962 2:11.4687666
1254loren team racing(octavio54) yz1252 6:30.1402 4:06.8046322
13112Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing crf250(2009)1 2:36.5150 0:00.0006109
14557BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders crf450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0002935
15TwoSmoker Racing | DEWEY #24 rs50yz0 0:00.0000 0:00.0007512
16482LD crf450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004442

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 634 634 634 634 634
P2 YRA 917 917 917 wis
P3 917 940 940 wis 917
P4 153 wis wis 940 940
P5 411 YRA YRA YRA 153
P6 940 153 411 411 YRA
P7 wis 411 153 153 411
P8 54 310 310 310 310
P9 112 139
P10 310 139 817
P11 139 54 817
P12 817
P13 817

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:43.664 4 817 Craig Leake#817 / Privateer
1:44.289 3 817 Craig Leake#817 / Privateer
1:46.890 2 wis *RideEmHardRacing*monkey
1:47.578 5 wis *RideEmHardRacing*monkey
1:47.703 2 634 THR JAMMER
1:48.851 5 634 THR JAMMER
1:49.898 5 153 Whitton153 | Privateer
1:51.500 4 wis *RideEmHardRacing*monkey
1:55.070 4 917 MXNate917
1:56.023 3 917 MXNate917
1:56.093 2 917 MXNate917
1:56.820 3 wis *RideEmHardRacing*monkey
1:59.578 4 940 Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team
2:01.242 4 634 THR JAMMER
2:02.976 3 634 THR JAMMER
2:03.398 4 411 Aj Norris|Privateer #411
2:03.867 4 YRA YaRdApe
2:04.656 3 YRA YaRdApe
2:05.382 5 917 MXNate917
2:06.257 4 310 L.Taylor#310 need a team
2:06.679 5 310 L.Taylor#310 need a team
2:07.382 3 940 Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team
2:08.195 5 411 Aj Norris|Privateer #411
2:10.148 3 411 Aj Norris|Privateer #411
2:10.898 3 310 L.Taylor#310 need a team
2:11.468 2 139 Morrison
2:11.570 2 310 L.Taylor#310 need a team
2:13.601 3 153 Whitton153 | Privateer
2:17.687 5 YRA YaRdApe
2:24.093 3 Tony Stephens #42
2:29.890 2 YRA YaRdApe
2:33.937 2 411 Aj Norris|Privateer #411
2:52.062 2 Tony Stephens #42
4:06.804 2 54 loren team racing(octavio54)

Individual Worst Laps

1:56.820 3 wis *RideEmHardRacing*monkey
1:58.960 2 817 Craig Leake#817 / Privateer
2:02.976 3 634 THR JAMMER
2:05.382 5 917 MXNate917
2:11.570 2 310 L.Taylor#310 need a team
2:24.273 5 940 Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team
2:29.890 2 YRA YaRdApe
2:33.937 2 411 Aj Norris|Privateer #411
2:33.960 2 153 Whitton153 | Privateer
2:52.062 2 Tony Stephens #42
3:21.695 3 139 Morrison
4:06.804 2 54 loren team racing(octavio54)


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.399 310 L.Taylor#310 need a team
3.948 wis *RideEmHardRacing*monkey
4.200 917 MXNate917
6.955 634 THR JAMMER
7.068 817 Craig Leake#817 / Privateer
10.678 YRA YaRdApe
11.815 411 Aj Norris|Privateer #411
13.376 940 Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team
16.268 153 Whitton153 | Privateer
21.467 Tony Stephens #42
35.113 139 Morrison
- 557 BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders
- 54 loren team racing(octavio54)
- TwoSmoker Racing | DEWEY #24
- 112 Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing
- 482 LD

Play by Play

MXNate917 takes the holeshot followed by Whitton153 | Privateer, Craig Leake#817 / Privateer, loren team racing(octavio54), Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team, Morrison, BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders, YaRdApe, Tony Stephens #42, Aj Norris|Privateer #411, THR JAMMER, Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing and *RideEmHardRacing*monkey

0:13.078 - 0:21.421: Whitton153 | Privateer passed MXNate917 for the lead
0:13.546 - 0:22.078: Craig Leake#817 / Privateer passed MXNate917 for 2nd
0:14.578 - 0:23.085: loren team racing(octavio54) passed MXNate917 for 3rd
0:18.765 - 0:26.476: BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders passed MXNate917, Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team and Morrison for 4th
0:19.656 - 0:28.695: YaRdApe passed Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team and Morrison for 6th
0:20.640 - 0:31.039: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 passed Tony Stephens #42, Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team and Morrison for 7th
0:23.531 - 0:31.937: Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing passed THR JAMMER, Tony Stephens #42 and Morrison for 9th
0:23.203 - 0:32.109: THR JAMMER passed Tony Stephens #42 and Morrison for 10th
0:25.429 - 0:33.937: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed Tony Stephens #42 and Morrison for 11th
0:19.914 - 0:34.859: Tony Stephens #42 passed Morrison for 12th
0:26.476 - 0:36.156: BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer and loren team racing(octavio54) for 2nd
0:28.554 - 0:38.148: MXNate917 passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer and loren team racing(octavio54) for 3rd
0:28.695 - 0:40.007: YaRdApe passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer and loren team racing(octavio54) for 4th
0:31.039 - 0:40.601: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer and loren team racing(octavio54) for 5th
0:32.109 - 0:43.429: THR JAMMER passed Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing and Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team for 8th
0:38.148 - 0:48.976: MXNate917 passed BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders for 2nd
0:31.937 - 0:49.023: Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing passed Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team for 9th
0:41.015 - 0:49.687: Craig Leake#817 / Privateer passed BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders, YaRdApe and Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 3rd
0:33.937 - 0:49.960: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team for 10th
0:40.007 - 0:50.070: YaRdApe passed BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders for 4th
0:40.601 - 0:50.070: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 passed BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders and YaRdApe for 4th
0:41.992 - 0:52.085: loren team racing(octavio54) passed BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders for 6th
0:43.429 - 0:52.742: THR JAMMER passed BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders for 7th
0:50.703 - 0:59.421: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team passed *RideEmHardRacing*monkey for 9th
0:53.640 - 1:03.585: Tony Stephens #42 passed *RideEmHardRacing*monkey for 10th
0:55.968 - 1:03.906: MXNate917 passed Whitton153 | Privateer for the lead
0:54.820 - 1:05.000: L.Taylor#310 need a team passed *RideEmHardRacing*monkey for 11th
0:49.023 - 1:05.851: Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing went off the track
0:59.421 - 1:06.500: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team passed BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders for 9th
0:59.468 - 1:06.898: loren team racing(octavio54) passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer, YaRdApe and Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 3rd
1:00.203 - 1:08.796: THR JAMMER passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer, YaRdApe and Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 4th
0:59.304 - 1:09.265: YaRdApe passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer and Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 5th
1:05.000 - 1:12.828: L.Taylor#310 need a team passed BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders and Tony Stephens #42 for 10th
1:05.851 - 1:13.492: Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer and Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 6th
1:06.500 - 1:13.937: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer and Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 7th
0:57.765 - 1:14.250: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer for 8th
1:08.796 - 1:18.156: THR JAMMER passed loren team racing(octavio54) for 3rd
1:09.265 - 1:20.234: YaRdApe passed loren team racing(octavio54) for 4th
1:13.937 - 1:23.078: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team passed loren team racing(octavio54) and Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing for 5th
1:14.250 - 1:23.367: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 passed loren team racing(octavio54) and Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing for 6th
1:23.367 - 1:30.757: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 passed Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team for 5th
1:27.007 - 1:34.187: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders and Tony Stephens #42 for 11th
1:33.828 - 1:36.296: Whitton153 | Privateer passed MXNate917 for the lead
1:34.632 - 1:37.460: THR JAMMER passed MXNate917 for 2nd
1:31.562 - 1:41.132: L.Taylor#310 need a team passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer for 9th
1:38.320 - 1:41.445: YaRdApe passed MXNate917 for 3rd
1:34.187 - 1:42.625: BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer for 10th
1:41.382 - 1:50.570: Tony Stephens #42 passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer and *RideEmHardRacing*monkey for 11th
1:34.187 - 1:52.078: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:52.625: THR JAMMER finished lap 1 ( 1:52.625)
1:36.859 - 1:52.812: Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing passed loren team racing(octavio54) for 7th
1:48.179 - 1:54.671: L.Taylor#310 need a team passed loren team racing(octavio54) for 8th
1:45.679 - 1:55.343: Morrison passed Craig Leake#817 / Privateer for 13th
1:50.570 - 1:55.914: Tony Stephens #42 passed BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders for 10th
1:52.078 - 1:56.656: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:57.515: YaRdApe finished lap 1 ( 1:57.515)
0:00.000 - 1:59.726: MXNate917 finished lap 1 ( 1:59.726)
1:55.343 - 2:00.406: Morrison passed BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders for 12th
1:36.296 - 2:00.929: Whitton153 | Privateer went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:00.929: Whitton153 | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:00.929)
0:00.000 - 2:02.046: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 finished lap 1 ( 2:02.046)
1:56.656 - 2:02.203: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed Tony Stephens #42 for 10th
1:59.726 - 2:04.421: MXNate917 passed YaRdApe for 2nd
2:00.929 - 2:06.281: Whitton153 | Privateer passed YaRdApe for 3rd
2:02.046 - 2:07.148: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 passed YaRdApe for 4th
2:05.703 - 2:08.390: loren team racing(octavio54) passed L.Taylor#310 need a team for 8th
2:06.421 - 2:09.046: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed L.Taylor#310 need a team for 9th
0:00.000 - 2:11.226: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team finished lap 1 ( 2:11.226)
2:00.406 - 2:13.492: Morrison went off the track
2:00.789 - 2:18.515: BrendanPhipps / DCCOMICS MX / Looking for riders went off the track
2:15.914 - 2:19.414: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team passed YaRdApe for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:22.828: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey finished lap 1 ( 2:22.828)
2:18.148 - 2:22.828: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed loren team racing(octavio54) and Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing for 7th
0:00.000 - 2:23.335: loren team racing(octavio54) finished lap 1 ( 2:23.335)
2:18.125 - 2:23.335: loren team racing(octavio54) passed Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing for 8th
0:00.000 - 2:30.281: Matty Smith | Decal Works Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:30.281)
0:00.000 - 2:30.304: L.Taylor#310 need a team finished lap 1 ( 2:30.304)
2:18.195 - 2:32.132: Tony Stephens #42 went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:34.804: Morrison finished lap 1 ( 2:34.804)
2:30.304 - 2:35.062: L.Taylor#310 need a team passed loren team racing(octavio54) for 8th
0:00.000 - 2:37.132: Tony Stephens #42 finished lap 1 ( 2:37.132)
2:30.726 - 2:40.023: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed YaRdApe for 6th
2:33.023 - 2:40.718: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team passed Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 4th
2:37.132 - 2:42.093: Tony Stephens #42 passed Morrison for 10th
2:40.718 - 2:50.187: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team passed Whitton153 | Privateer for 3rd
2:54.304 - 3:03.117: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 5th
2:58.445 - 3:09.085: YaRdApe passed Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 6th
3:03.546 - 3:14.328: L.Taylor#310 need a team passed Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 7th
3:08.820 - 3:19.226: Tony Stephens #42 passed loren team racing(octavio54) and Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 8th
3:11.195 - 3:21.281: Morrison passed loren team racing(octavio54) and Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 9th
3:18.492 - 3:25.546: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed Whitton153 | Privateer for 4th
1:52.625 - 3:40.328: THR JAMMER finished lap 2 ( 1:47.703)
1:59.726 - 3:55.820: MXNate917 finished lap 2 ( 1:56.093)
3:42.828 - 3:58.632: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team went off the track
2:11.226 - 3:58.632: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team finished lap 2 ( 1:47.406)
3:51.812 - 4:01.406: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 passed Tony Stephens #42 and Morrison for 8th
3:51.031 - 4:02.117: Morrison passed Tony Stephens #42 for 9th
2:22.828 - 4:09.718: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey finished lap 2 ( 1:46.890)
4:18.023 - 4:21.117: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 passed L.Taylor#310 need a team for 7th
1:57.515 - 4:27.406: YaRdApe finished lap 2 ( 2:29.890)
4:08.460 - 4:34.890: Whitton153 | Privateer went off the track
2:00.929 - 4:34.890: Whitton153 | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 2:33.960)
2:02.046 - 4:35.984: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 finished lap 2 ( 2:33.937)
2:30.304 - 4:41.875: L.Taylor#310 need a team finished lap 2 ( 2:11.570)
2:34.804 - 4:46.273: Morrison finished lap 2 ( 2:11.468)
5:10.828 - 5:17.820: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team for 3rd
5:12.656 - 5:22.062: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 passed Whitton153 | Privateer for 6th
2:37.132 - 5:29.195: Tony Stephens #42 finished lap 2 ( 2:52.062)
5:17.851 - 5:35.281: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team passed *RideEmHardRacing*monkey for 3rd
0:00.000 - 5:38.187: Craig Leake#817 / Privateer finished lap 1 ( 5:38.187)
3:40.328 - 5:43.304: THR JAMMER finished lap 3 ( 2:02.976)
5:37.078 - 5:44.585: L.Taylor#310 need a team passed Whitton153 | Privateer and Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 6th
3:55.820 - 5:51.843: MXNate917 finished lap 3 ( 1:56.023)
5:47.476 - 5:55.789: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 passed L.Taylor#310 need a team for 6th
5:48.648 - 5:56.296: Whitton153 | Privateer passed L.Taylor#310 need a team for 7th
5:42.382 - 5:59.101: Craig Leake#817 / Privateer went off the track
3:58.632 - 6:06.015: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team finished lap 3 ( 2:07.382)
4:09.718 - 6:06.539: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey finished lap 3 ( 1:56.820)
6:11.125 - 6:13.937: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team for 3rd
2:23.335 - 6:30.140: loren team racing(octavio54) finished lap 2 ( 4:06.804)
4:27.406 - 6:32.062: YaRdApe finished lap 3 ( 2:04.656)
4:35.984 - 6:46.132: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 finished lap 3 ( 2:10.148)
4:34.890 - 6:48.492: Whitton153 | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 2:13.601)
4:41.875 - 6:52.773: L.Taylor#310 need a team finished lap 3 ( 2:10.898)
6:46.804 - 6:54.468: MXNate917 passed THR JAMMER for the lead
7:08.312 - 7:15.578: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team passed *RideEmHardRacing*monkey for 3rd
7:16.265 - 7:23.921: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team for 3rd
7:10.843 - 7:24.109: Tony Stephens #42 passed Morrison for 9th
5:38.187 - 7:37.148: Craig Leake#817 / Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:58.960)
7:29.156 - 7:38.164: Whitton153 | Privateer passed Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 6th
7:26.789 - 7:39.195: Morrison went off the track
7:29.796 - 7:39.898: THR JAMMER passed MXNate917 for the lead
5:43.304 - 7:44.546: THR JAMMER finished lap 4 ( 2:01.242)
5:51.843 - 7:46.914: MXNate917 finished lap 4 ( 1:55.070)
5:29.195 - 7:53.289: Tony Stephens #42 finished lap 3 ( 2:24.093)
6:06.539 - 7:58.039: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey finished lap 4 ( 1:51.500)
6:06.015 - 8:05.593: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team finished lap 4 ( 1:59.578)
7:42.875 - 8:07.968: Morrison went off the track
4:46.273 - 8:07.968: Morrison finished lap 3 ( 3:21.695)
7:46.500 - 8:14.820: Whitton153 | Privateer went off the track
8:26.250 - 8:33.992: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team passed *RideEmHardRacing*monkey for 3rd
6:32.062 - 8:35.929: YaRdApe finished lap 4 ( 2:03.867)
8:35.007 - 8:44.273: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team for 3rd
6:46.132 - 8:49.531: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 finished lap 4 ( 2:03.398)
6:48.492 - 8:50.273: Whitton153 | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 2:01.781)
6:52.773 - 8:59.031: L.Taylor#310 need a team finished lap 4 ( 2:06.257)
8:55.601 - 8:59.460: Whitton153 | Privateer passed Aj Norris|Privateer #411 for 6th
8:59.242 - 9:06.476: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey passed MXNate917 for 2nd
8:51.750 - 9:15.257: Tony Stephens #42 went off the track
7:37.148 - 9:21.437: Craig Leake#817 / Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:44.289)
7:44.546 - 9:33.398: THR JAMMER finished lap 5 ( 1:48.851)
9:31.468 - 9:40.312: Whitton153 | Privateer passed YaRdApe for 5th
7:58.039 - 9:45.617: *RideEmHardRacing*monkey finished lap 5 ( 1:47.578)
7:46.914 - 9:52.296: MXNate917 finished lap 5 ( 2:05.382)
7:53.289 - 9:52.804: Tony Stephens #42 finished lap 4 ( 1:59.515)
9:52.031 - 10:13.296: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team went off the track
8:05.593 - 10:29.867: Suzuki_Rider940 | looking for a freestyle team finished lap 5 ( 2:24.273)
6:34.601 - 10:31.796: loren team racing(octavio54) went off the track
8:50.273 - 10:40.171: Whitton153 | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:49.898)
8:35.929 - 10:53.617: YaRdApe finished lap 5 ( 2:17.687)
8:49.531 - 10:57.726: Aj Norris|Privateer #411 finished lap 5 ( 2:08.195)
9:21.437 - 11:05.101: Craig Leake#817 / Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:43.664)
8:59.031 - 11:05.710: L.Taylor#310 need a team finished lap 5 ( 2:06.679)